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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2019 in all areas
Hi everyone, Just released v4.18 this morning which comes with the new Tracy core v2.6 I have managed to retain PHP 5.4.4+ support for now. If you are running PHP 7.1+ you will get the new Tracy core, otherwise you'll be using the old 2.5 branch. I decided not to ditch < 7.1 just yet because Debian stable still ships with 7.0. Here's the list of changes: 1) New multiple AJAX debug bars This allows you to see more than one consecutive AJAX call. There is a new module setting that controls the number of AJAX bars (default 3). Adjust this if you need, but keep in mind that you don't want lots of bars stacking up as you navigate around the PW admin where opening menu items / pages are all AJAX calls. This new feature also means that the AJAX dumps panel no longer needs to store consecutive dumps, but if you still want that, then the Dumps Recorder panel will do that. 2) BarDump (bd) and barDumpBig (bdb) calls now use LIVE This feature was always not quite right in the Tracy core, but it has been rebuilt and is now the default for these calls. This makes the dumping of large / multiple objects 10x faster. It also means that we can probably increase the default maxDepth setting and increase the value for the barDumpBig even further. I haven't made these changes yet, but I am going to start testing here and see how it goes. This means that there is no longer a need for the barDumpLive (bdl) method, so this has been removed. 3) Lots of other minor/rare bug fixes and improvements Nothing worth mentioning specifically, but definitely worth having ? There will likely be more improvements to these new core features coming pretty soon, so I'll make sure we stay up to date with those also. Let me know if you notice any problems. Cheers!4 points
The following text is only available in german, because I need a german developer. Thank you for your understanding. Hallo Zusammen, könnte mich jemand mit insgesamt zunächst etwa 50 Stunden in den kommenden 5 Wochen bei einem Kundenprojekt unterstützen? Bis Anfang April würden wir gerne eine überschaubare Webanwendung aus Frontend (HTML, CSS und JavaScript) und Headless-Backend (ProcessWire und GraphQL) aufbauen. Die Anwendung soll branchenspezifische Qualitätsmanagement-Dokumente durchsuch- und navigierbar machen. Zudem sollen die Dokumente via Login automatisiert personalisiert (Kopf- und Fußzeile) bereitgestellt werden. Die Dokumente, Inhalte und Website sind schon vorhanden, sollen aber von OctoberCMS zu ProcessWire migriert werden. In dem Zuge soll auch das Design zeitgemäßer gestaltet werden. Das Frontend soll natürlich auf Smartphones, Tablets, Notebooks und großen Bildschirmen nutzbar sein. Als Technologie möchten wir dafür auf CSS Grid und Flexbox setzen, und so weit wie möglich auf unnötigen Ballast verzichten. Das Backend soll als Headless-CMS via ProcessWire einem spezifischen Konzept folgen. Sofern machbar, würden wir die Anwendung gerne so bauen, dass es keinen separaten Admin braucht, sondern die AnwenderInnen nach dem Login alles direkt via WYSIWYG im Frontend machen. Unser Partner (die "Admins") ist aber durchaus fähig, den ProcessWire-Admin zu bedienen, da wir schon in anderen Bereichen mit ProcessWire arbeiten. Wer uns unterstützen mag, muss noch nicht alles können. Teamfähigkeit und Verständnis für Front- und Backend-Technologien reichen vollkommen aus. Wir sind agil organisiert und lernen alle jeden Sprint etwas neues dazu. Wenn die Zusammenarbeit gut funktioniert, wovon ich ausgehen, ist geplant, weitere Dinge aufzubauen. Die angesprochene Webanwendung ist Teil eines größeren Konzepts, mit dem wir die digitale Transformation einer bisher noch unterversorgten Branche voranbringen wollen. Den organisatorischen und rechtlichen Rahmen bildet eine Kooperation mit dem niedersächsischen Landesverband dieser Branche. Auf das übliche Angebots- und Bewerbungsprozedere verzichte ich gerne. Wenn sich jemand zutraut, uns zu unterstützen, reicht mir das zunächst. Alles weitere wird die Praxis zeigen. Im Moment bitte ich nur um Meldung von EntwicklerInnen, die deutsch sprechen, um die Kommunikation zu vereinfachen. Auch deshalb ist diese Anfrage in deutscher Sprache gehalten. Wer sich mit mir über das Projekt unterhalten mag, sende mir bitte eine WhatsApp, iMessage oder SMS an meine Mobilnummer. Ich melde mich dann zwecks Terminfindung zurück. Danke für eure Aufmerksamkeit und Zeit. Christian Wantia +49 176 57473001 www.Proojekte.de3 points
@mrkhan please refer to https://support.office.com/en-us/article/POP-IMAP-and-SMTP-settings-for-Outlook-com-d088b986-291d-42b8-9564-9c414e2aa040 Specifically: SMTP server name smtp-mail.outlook.com SMTP port 587 SMTP encryption method STARTTLS3 points
I'm not sure though if that's a good idea. Usually I wouldn't touch the /wire folder at all. All site-specific things would go into the /site folder. I think it should also work to include your modules in /site/modules3 points
Several more Tracy core updates just committed that improve live dump performance among other things. I have also changed the default editor protocol handler from Sublime Text to VSCode - I feel like this will be a more useful default as it seems VSCode is gaining lots of users around here.3 points
PW is built to scale and there are some reports of projects with millions of pages: Though there might be situations where YOU need to know what you are doing. For example if you add some custom hooks that run on each pagesave and do not work efficiently you might run into problems. But you can also use PW with custom DB tables and custom SQL queries, so you can do anything that PHP/Mysql can handle ?2 points
Boy, I love our community. So helpful and friendly. Never experienced anything like this. Spread the love.2 points
Yes. You can easily check that with tracy debugger: // ready.php $wire->addHook("Page::foo", function(Hookevent $event) { bd("foo was fired!"); }); You will not see any dumps of "foo was fired!" unless you explicitly call it somewhere else, eg $page->foo() in one of your templates.2 points
Sorry, perhaps those should not be disabled by default - generally I find it a bit obtrusive having the debug bar on in a modal and in general we are talking about the PW admin for these, so usually you don't need to debug them. Occasionally I enable them for a particular need.2 points
@flydev and @LostKobrakai Thank you both for your help gents. For future searches & seekers that might stumble upon here... For those of you gents, ladies ( and any others ) that are wanting to be able to , from the admin side, create custom queries to select specific sets of pages, such that you can easily determine what pages are listed via a specific "listing" page, then the Selector fieldtype is definitely your friend! Rough Installation Guide Go to admin > modules > core. Scroll to the Fieldtype section. Locate and install "Selector" fieldtype. Create a new Selector field. I named mine 'selector'. Upon creating it, it suggests that you give it a starting value like template=product. In my case... I ended up not giving it any value. Leaving that initial suggested template value out means we have the option of subsequently selecting our template later, which gives us more flexibility in use. Go to your template in admin and add the selector field. Go to your template file and do something like below. Thus, we can, as LostKobrakai suggests, start building a selector that ultimately creates the required variable string and safely feeds this into our $pages->find() selector... $posts = $pages->find("$page->selector"); Go to a page that has this field and using the selector field's UI, start building your selector! I have tried attaching a screen shot of what it looks like. What I was trying to do earlier can be seen in my Query text field as mentioned in my original question. I have now removed this Query text field and just use the Selector field. As an aside, I am using a Page Reference field called opts_article displayed in the form of multiple checkboxes. What I am doing here is using these checkboxes as a means of preventing certain pages from being listed. For example, you can see here that my Selector is listing all pages that has the article-page template. You can also see the limit of 10 pages. But one of my favourite blog posts from Ryan talked about efficient use of PW fields,see here: Efficient Use of Fields. And so by creatively using a single Page Reference field, we can create, on the fly many checkboxes easily. I mention this because using this Selector field, it enables one to effortlessly select and factor in the desired logical purpose of your checkbox when building your selector. I'm sure this is all basic stuff for many of you here, but I'm also sure it can help dummies like me too ?2 points
2 points
This is an english speaking forum, so please add at least a short english introduction to your entry post.2 points
@Steve_Stifler Just before going to tutorials, have a look at those discussions, for sure it will interest you / make you enthousiast / make you ?2 points
Hello psy Maybe it's a personal thing, but a hi or hello goes a long way when a total stranger addresses you directly... some might possibly consider it rude and confrontational I shall be happy to honor your request and no longer assume that ProcessWire devs are gents. If there are any other non males here that may have taken offence, my apologies to you all too.2 points
Welcome to the forums @Steve_Stifler I'm sorry for not being clear, I did not mean to "indoctrinate" you, I just did not have time to write a longer post yesterday. Sure, it takes time for newcomers to memorize forum "rules", that's quite ok. BTW, if you feel like becoming more like a frontend developer, then ProcessWire is probably the best way to go that route. Just check out our tutorials and beginner guides to get a bette picture of how ProcessWire site are built. You are quite right regarding this. Also, besides "freedom", it is quite easy to get started and there is a relatively easy learning curve ahead too.2 points
Got it Bernhard...now it's starting to make sense. Clearly I have been raised on WP, so that was my understanding of CMSs until now and the catalyst was the need to have more control over the website, mainly in the areas of field manipulation than anything else as what I am building requires some heavy hitting formulas coming from all different directions and this was the platform that I could see provided the most "Freedom" over what can be done with data. I'd imagine that it's blaringly obvious that I'm no IT guy, and to be honest, this is the first forum that I have had a question answered...or not moved or cancelled or whatever, and I have been on MANY, so I find you guys and girls have been very tolerant. Szabesz, I'm sure there is a clear distinction between module developers supporting their own modules and general module discussions but when a newcomer has a question about module and there is one section for modules, the odds would be that they would choose that one to post...and so that the newcomer wouldn't post anything else module related that shouldn't go into the module section, it would be prudent to mention to the newcomer "Why" the module related question goes into the "Getting Started" as opposed to the "Module" section...else they just end up being a 4 year olds bowling ball...with the gutter guards down the sides of the alley...or a pinball in one of the newer machines! Bernhard, thanks for clearing that up, I get it now so off to the tutorials I go. Thanks guys and girls JA.2 points
I'm not sure but perhaps it's a cross-domain issue, perhaps caused by a Firefox addon, I got the idea from here:2 points
Module was created to track date/time based messages between one or more users. That said it might be I could use it to create a new module that has an admin page that acts as a conversation between the logged in user and the admin or any other users. If you're looking for a less structured, freeform notes sort of collaboration thing then let me know and ill have a think.2 points
I think it is best to add a photo to the head element as below: ( I've added a simple if statement that will check in which template to display the pictures ) <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> <title><?php echo $page->title; ?></title> <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $page->summary; ?>" /> <link href='//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lusitana:400,700|Quattrocento:400,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>styles/main.css" /> <?php // Get Images ( https://processwire.com/docs/fields/images/ ) $image = $page->images; // Show only in these templates $check_templates = ['home', 'basic-page']; if ( in_array($page->template->name, $check_templates) ): ?> <style> /* https://css-tricks.com/perfect-full-page-background-image/ */ body { /* background: url(<?php // if($image) echo $image->first()->url;?>) no-repeat center center fixed; */ background: linear-gradient( rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.91), rgba(2, 35, 50, 0.82) ), url("<?php if($image) echo $image->first()->url;?>") no-repeat center center fixed; background-size: cover; height: 100%; } p, h1, h2, h3 { color: aliceblue; } a { color: tomato; } .summary { color: aliceblue; } </style> <?php endif; ?> </head> <body> <main id='main'> Remember to download images correctly if you use the images field, for example: https://processwire.com/docs/fields/images/ <?php $image = $page->images; if($image) echo $image->first()->url; ?> You can also check the selected page where you want to display the picture: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> <title><?php echo $page->title; ?></title> <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $page->summary; ?>" /> <link href='//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lusitana:400,700|Quattrocento:400,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>styles/main.css" /> <?php // Get Images ( https://processwire.com/docs/fields/images/ ) $image = $page->images; // Show only in these pages $check_page_name = ['home', 'about']; if ( in_array($page->name, $check_page_name) ): ?> <style> /* https://css-tricks.com/perfect-full-page-background-image/ */ body { /* background: url(<?php // if($image) echo $image->first()->url;?>) no-repeat center center fixed; */ background: linear-gradient( rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.91), rgba(2, 35, 50, 0.82) ), url("<?php if($image) echo $image->first()->url;?>") no-repeat center center fixed; background-size: cover; height: 100%; } p, h1, h2, h3 { color: aliceblue; } a { color: tomato; } .summary { color: aliceblue; } </style> <?php endif; ?> </head> <body> <main id='main'> If you use a REGULAR profile wchich using new template file strategy, it's very simple to add styles in the selected template like home <?php namespace ProcessWire; /* home.php */ // get most recent blog post $blog = pages()->get('/blog/'); $blogPost = $blog->child(); // Get Images ( https://processwire.com/docs/fields/images/ ) $image = $page->images; ?> <head id='html-head' pw-append> <style> /* https://css-tricks.com/perfect-full-page-background-image/ */ body { /* background: url(<?php // if($image) echo $image->first()->url;?>) no-repeat center center fixed; */ background: linear-gradient( rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.91), rgba(2, 35, 50, 0.82) ), url("<?php if($image) echo $image->first()->url;?>") no-repeat center center fixed; background-size: cover; height: 100%; } p, h1, h2, h3 { color: aliceblue; } a { color: tomato; } .summary { color: aliceblue; } .uk-card h3 { color: black; } .uk-card p { color: black; } </style> </head> <h1 id='content-head'> <?=page()->headline?> </h1> <div class='uk-margin-top' id='content-body'> <?=page()->body?> <hr> <p class='uk-margin-small'> <a class='uk-button uk-button-link uk-link-muted' href='<?=$blog->url?>'> In the blog </a> </p> <?=ukBlogPost($blogPost)?> <p class='uk-margin-small'> <a href='<?=$blog->url?>'>More blog posts <?=ukIcon('arrow-right')?></a> </p> </div> <aside id='sidebar'> <?=ukNav(pages()->get('/categories/')->children)?> <div class='uk-card uk-card-default uk-card-hover uk-card-body uk-margin-medium-top'> <?=page()->sidebar?> </div> </aside>2 points
A module helping you to manage SEO related tasks like a boss! Automatically generates and maintains a XML sitemap from your pages. Includes a Fieldtype and Inputfield to manage sitemap settings and meta data for pages (Title, Description, Canonical URL, Opengraph, Twitter, Structured Data etc.) Multi language support for the sitemap and meta data. Configure default values for meta data on template level and let pages inherit or overwrite them individually. Map existing fields to meta data, reducing the need to duplicate content. Live preview for content editors how the entered meta data appears on Google. Live preview for content editors how the entered Opengraph data looks like when sharing a page with Facebook. Check out the README on GitHub for more details, including usage instructions. The module is currently released as beta and needs testing! Please report any issues on GitHub or in this forum thread, if you find time to give it a try ? Examples Here is an example of rendered meta data you will get from a single SeoMaestro field: <title>Sed dictum eros quis massa semper rutrum. | acme.com</title> <meta name="description" content="Si lobortis singularis genitus ibidem saluto. Dolore ad nunc, mos accumsan paratus duis suscipit luptatum facilisis macto uxor iaceo quadrum. Demoveo, appellatio elit neque ad commodo ea. Wisi, iaceo, tincidunt at commoveo rusticus et, ludus."> <meta name="keywords" content="Foo,Bar"> <link rel="canonical" href="https://acme.com/en/about/"> <meta property="og:title" content="Sed dictum eros quis massa semper rutrum."> <meta property="og:description" content="Si lobortis singularis genitus ibidem saluto. Dolore ad nunc, mos accumsan paratus duis suscipit luptatum facilisis macto uxor iaceo quadrum. Demoveo, appellatio elit neque ad commodo ea. Wisi, iaceo, tincidunt at commoveo rusticus et, ludus."> <meta property="og:image" content="https://acme.com/site/assets/files/1001/og-image.jpg"> <meta property="og:image:type" content="image/jpg"> <meta property="og:image:width" content="1600"> <meta property="og:image:height" content="1200"> <meta property="og:image:alt" content="Lorem Ipsum"> <meta property="og:type" content="website"> <meta property="og:url" content="https://acme.com/en/about/"> <meta property="og:locale" content="en_EN"> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary"> <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@schtifu"> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@schtifu"> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "name": "About", "item": "https://acme.com/en/about/" } ] } </script> <meta name="generator" content="ProcessWire"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://acme.com/en/about/" hreflang="en"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://acme.com/en/about/" hreflang="x-default"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://acme.com/de/ueber/" hreflang="de"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://acme.com/fi/tietoja/" hreflang="fi"> And some screenshots of the UI:1 point
1 point
BTW, if you are hitting limits with that service, maybe try https://ip.nf/ or https://api.ip.sb/geoip - the former guys are very supportive of PW.1 point
Adding the hook like you did is perfectly fine. The problem must be in your head.inc that most likely calls the ipapiGetUserLocation() on every page load +11 point
Sorry, yes it should - I didn't read the code in your head.inc - I assumed an session setting and checking would have been in the hook. Are you sure it is being called on every ready load? I think you need to do some simple debugging and log or do a bd('called') type check inside the hook and load pages on your site and see what happens.1 point
I'll have a look, cheers! Btw, for some reason I still thought Tracy does not support debugging in a modal?! I only noticed the setting yesterday when we were trying to help @JoshoB with the asmSelect problem! How this could have helped me recently, with VPS (lots of modal interaction)! I feel foolish ?. Thanks for Tracy again, @adrian!1 point
Also, have you read this: https://tracy.nette.org/en/open-files-in-ide - not actually sure whether you need this or not. I don't think I ever heard from the Windows folks whether this was needed or not.1 point
1 point
While ProcessWire is capable of doing this right out of the box, you might find that without additional extra coding, the built in "free" modules will not perfectly fit your particular needs. If you do not want to spend time on learning how to code for the admin, you might want to consider purchasing these two modules from the main developer of PW, namely Ryan: https://processwire.com/talk/store/category/9-listerpro/ https://processwire.com/talk/store/category/7-profields/ With these two modules you can add easy to use and configure (meaning click-and-play) extra GUI possibilities to the backend which will surely enhance CRM like usage. Side-note: while these modules can be very useful, you might still need to add some extra code to support your needs, but this forum will be here to help, because it is full of sample code snippets and helpful fellow developers ? Note that these modules can be used for years without paying for upgrades becuase in the case of ProcessWire the need to keep things updated is mainly because of PHP moving forward, not because of anything else. So there is no need to pay yearly which is the case in the WordPress world, for example. In the case of Ryan's modules, you are allowed to pay upgrade price any time in the future. You can read more about this here: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.80/#pro-module-renewals Also, as ProcessWire is secure, there is no driving force to upgrade the core either.1 point
@Zahari M. @LostKobrakai is very knowledgeable about ProcessWire and, I've found, always willing to help. Maybe it's a language thing but please do not assume all ProcessWire devs are 'gents'1 point
Thanks for the response guys. I'm not sure if what I want to do with the website is classified as front end or back end. In essence it will become an "App" so to say. I want it to become my Database that will run my CRM, my Poject Management Tool, Client Reporting tool and Website all in one. I just envisaged creating the fields and relationships, then applying the formulas. The clients would be able to log in and see their financials that would be data that had come straight from the database and the Project Management tool. I have created it before using Zoho Creator but needed to self host as there are a few high profile individuals whose financials I have records of so security was paramount....I couldnt stand Creator anyway so I am wanting to reporoduce the same system but having to learn a new language again for the data manipulation. From what all you guys have said, I think I should go back to the tutorials and get a good grasp of this API before I do anything else....my "Band Aid" idea of learning this is not going to work I feel! Thanks again all....and no need to apologise Szabesz...it's OK mate.1 point
Hi, we are looking for an PHP / Processwire Developer, located in Graz, Austria: https://www.karriere.at/jobs/5456711 ?1 point
We are online! PageAccessReleasetime is now available in the ProcessWire modules directory! ? I think about building some more access-modules for different use cases: userrole- and user-fields - limits a page to be accessable only for given userroles or users password protection - a password-field (+activate-field), password-validation-functionality, maybe a render function for the login-form in the frontend What do you think about it?1 point
Thanks for the answer ... It seems that the LastPass plugin generate error ... After turning off the add-on LastPass everything has returned to normal ...1 point
Perfect - solved. I didn't think of using the sub-selectors in the sort param for some reason.1 point
Is hosting provided by 1&1 as well? If so... you could ask their support if you have to use another server/port or whatever in that case. Have you tried another mail service like Gmail? Does that work? If so... 1&1 might have the right answer. if not... there is another problem. What's the complete error message WireMailSmtp shows?1 point
There have been several threads regarding rewriting page URLs but most of them went towards different directions. You could probably hook into several things and rewrite URLs. I don't have a proper solution for this right now but I'm quite curious about the WHY. Why do you want a URL structure like that? It feels kind of outdated or Contao-like nowadays. If it's because of OLD vs. NEW setup and URLs you could go different ways and redirect the old structure to the new structure.1 point
Something cool I just noticed: I can create a folder in my /opt/ with all my personal modules I use on every site and just symlink that folder into the "cores" module folder. BAM. I've got all my modules everywhere ready to install ? I just love processwire1 point
I wonder if it's to do with the htaccess symlink. I just symlink the wire directory and nothing else. Maybe your host doesn't support following symlinks in htaccess? I guess I would start by just doing the wire directory and see if that works.1 point
1 point
Hi @thomas, no problem. And yes, definitely! I think that would be much better. Anything that comes from inside the regular page rendering can be cached with ProCache.1 point
@Steve_Stifler It would help much if you post the complete code of your home.php or even provide an URL where the error can be seen. Then people can help you better. Your errors seems to come from a not encoded entity. The failing character is the apostrophe ' Some chars in PHP have to be encoded to work. But without seeing your actual code, we can not provide much help.1 point
@gottberg @flydev I created a small helper class for dealing with responsive images: <?php namespace ProcessWire; class Image { public static function get ($image, $widths = [400, 800, 1200]) { $response = new \StdClass(); $response->focus = ["x" => $image->focus['left'], "y" => $image->focus['top']]; $response->urls = []; $response->description = $image->description; $response->name = $image->basename; $response->width = $image->width; $response->height = $image->height; foreach ($widths as $width) { $croppedImage = $image->width($width); $url = new \StdClass(); $url->url = $croppedImage->httpUrl; $url->width = $croppedImage->width; $url->height = $croppedImage->height; $url->ratio = $croppedImage->height / $croppedImage->width; array_push($response->urls, $url); } return $response; } } Usage: // $image is your ProcessWire PageImage return Image::get($image, [400, 800, 1200, 2000, 2500]);1 point
@eelkenet I'm sorry, somehow I missed your post. Do you think there is any way I can support ProCache with the module itself? I could also use a page in the pagetree to deliver the endpoint instead of doing it with a Hook1 point
Just a idea: build a textformatter module, attach it to all desired fields, plaintext and ckeditor fields. In the textformatter method, check what type the calling field is of, (HTML or plaintext). If plaintext, use the php function strip_tags() on your replacement content, otherwise leave as is.1 point
Just wanted to share the simplest language switcher possible if you only have two languages: <a href="<?= $page->localUrl($languages->findOther()->first()) ?>">DE/EN</a> ??1 point
Just had a small world experience. I have been emailing with Ueli at https://www.whatwedo.ch/ who are the folks who operate the https://ip.nf/ IP to country API service. He just mentioned that they are partners with https://novu.ch/ (built with PW) and that they use ProcessWire a lot. So anyway, he is keen to support this module and to make sure their service will be able to keep up with any requests made by it to their service ?1 point
In recent PW3 versions you can prepend "http" and get absolute urls like this: $config->urls->httpTemplates1 point
Hi, I should be able to help with this, email me at victor.cisin20@gmail.com So add me over Skype: cis.victor1 Regards, Victor0 points