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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/2018 in all areas

  1. New website design for HealthCARE Express. Used UIkit3 for the front end look. Jquery Store locator for the locations page. PW Modules used: Hanna code, google map marker, Inputfield Ace Extended, MarkInPageTree, Video embed for YouTube/Vimeo, and an in house asset minification module. Backend is pretty unique. Basically, I use the processwire templates for UIKit items instead of pages. ie. card.php, container.php, section.php. navbar.php, grid.php, slideshow.php. I also add some extra things like page.php, inner_page_heading.php, image.php, page_snippet.php, text.php. (Page snippet is if I want to run php.) Most of the root pages in the admin page tree use the page.php template. Their children are either detail pages or layout rows for that page. I also have a blog.php that uses the page.php file, just because that lets me force the children to be blog posts. The page and blog templates have fields like meta page title, meta page description, selected page layout, css, js, images, files. All markup is added through admin as well through things like the selected page layout. I have one page in my page tree for page layouts and I add children for the markup. ie. I can add a "Service" page layout to the backend, and add a "page heading" child, an intro "section" child, a service "grid" child, etc. You can check out screenshots. It basically gives me a page builder! The children of the grid page are forced to be cells, and have gui to select the columns and such. I have a css field and a js field attached to almost everything. On page save, if that page has one, it pulls them all and merges them all into one css file and saves it to the server with a timestamp as filename. That way all php, css, and js code is done through backend.
    5 points
  2. EDIT: See this blog-post for new PW core features for pagenames: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.111/ This autoload module adds two new methods to the $page object: $page->getRandomPageName() $page->setRandomPageName() You can define options for the random string via an array (see /core/Password.php for all options): $page->setRandomPageName([ 'minLength' => 5, 'maxLength' => 5, ]); You can also define the subset of pages where the new pagename should be unique: $page->setRandomPageName("has_parent={$page->parent}", [ 'minLength' => 3, 'maxLength' => 3, ]); https://gitlab.com/baumrock/RandomPageName (see readme for examples) Do you think this is useful? Any feedback or suggestions of a better approach are welcome.
    4 points
  3. Just to clarify my request to Adrian, it's not the icons that I'm finding ambiguous - there's nothing wrong with them IMO - it's what the colours are signalling in the current version of Tracy that I find a little confusing. This is what I'm trying to avoid - particularly the part between 24 and 43 seconds... Here's the current state of play... To me - with my now aging eyes - the colours of... 2, 5 & 7 seem to be signalling an error condition or something that needs my attention and that this icon could be another colour when the error is sorted out. 3, D & H are warning me of something and these icons could be another colour at other times. 4, 6, 8, 9, A, (all the green ones) have no error - but they could have warnings or errors at other times. All the grey ones are - well, I don't know - are they OK? Or Off? Or just buttons to press when I need them? 1 & F are signalling something else to me that's different to all the above. Whilst some of the above is correct, I don't think it's clear in the current incarnation. I also think that the decision to colour some icons green rather than grey when there are no warnings or errors, might, arguably, need revisiting. (For example - I think B (Mail interceptor) and C (Module switcher) would probably be better as Grey in the above if there is no interception or disabling going on.) Basically I'd like to have Tracy only use non-grey colour signalling to me if there is something that needs my attention or constant reminder. I think that would stop me feeling a little like Richmond from the IT Crowd. BTW - I'm not dishing Tracy or the work Adrian's put in. I think one of the top modules there are for PW and I'm very pleased that Adrian's produced it and for all the hard work he's put in on it. Hope that clarifies where I'm coming from, Steve
    4 points
  4. By the way, since we're talking about page builders, I assume that everyone here is already familiar with Gutenberg? If not, in a nutshell it's a flexible and extendable (new custom blocks can be registered by third party plugins) page builder developed by core devs as an official alternative (and perhaps at some point in the future as a full replacement) for the current WP editor interface (which is essentially a customized TinyMCE field). Gutenberg has caused a bit of turmoil among the WP folks, with some considering it the best thing that has happened to WP and others wishing that it would just go away. Personally I think that it's a brilliant move from the core devs, and fits the WP ecosystem like a glove – not to mention that it has already spawned an entirely new category of third party plugins (Advanced Gutenberg Blocks, Stackable, Atomic Blocks, and so on). In other words it seems that the WP core devs are taking the page builder approach very seriously, while other approaches – such as custom fields and content types – remain in the realm of third party plugins.
    3 points
  5. Hello for all, my opinion about integration of some popular "page builders" into PW is not a good option. All respect for developers, but "page builders" are like a "box" with "toys" inside of it. Problem is that every website is different and very soon you would noticed that you need to prepare some new element because you don't have it in a "box". Before few days I find some page builder with 170 predefined blocks, but noticed that there were not blocks what I needed for my last project (demo, slow host). Inside "box" with 170 content blocks were not any with "large text in the corner of the frame". I believe that right solution are tools for building "page builders" right on place, and that is why PW profields (Repeater Matrix Fields) are good option (or my custom what I had made before few years, part of it is here). I really like to hear new ideas to make things better but I am sure that integration of popular page builders are not a way to go. Regards.
    3 points
  6. Doesn't say much, but #3 on a list of the 6 best alternatives to Drumlapress: https://www.geckoandfly.com/27533/wordpress-drupal-joomla-alternatives/
    3 points
  7. You have to enable those fields in the settings of the ProcessProfile module: FYI, you can't use FieldsetTab in edit profile: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/552
    3 points
  8. Just the default icons to give you guys an idea, but how's this looking? Still not sure if Debug Mode icon on should be orange or red? Perhaps I should check if on local dev or live server and go with grey for the former and red for the latter where it really is important!
    2 points
  9. The HTML Snippet Targets idea I borrowed from the markup regions idea. I wanted to be able for any sitewide or page layout snippet to target any major html tag. One sitewide snippet may target inside bottom of head, and another after body/header/footer tag.
    2 points
  10. Sounds good - I don't think you need to go creating them - probably just need to spend some time looking around for better free ones, but whatever you think would be great. I think regardless of how you go about creating or finding them we should wait till you have them all ready before committing any changes.
    2 points
  11. I can do it on a one-by-one basis. Not too much free time these days but if we are not in a hurry... ?
    2 points
  12. I just wanted to clarify that the grey/green/orange/red color scheme is already in place and has been since the beginning of the module. As per my mockup above I am more than happy to make all the icons that don't need this scheme grey instead of PW pink or PHP purple, or blue (the System Info icon). Hopefully we're all good with that change. I think this approach of grey instead of green to indicate no attention needed will be fine - I can't currently see any reason not to make this change. I think there will always be some difficulties in determining what should be orange and what should be red, although I do think that if we get rid of green altogether it will actually be simpler, for example I always felt a bit weird about debug mode set to on resulting in red. I think a new grey / orange only combo is probably much nicer. Orange being a warning that you need to be aware of the fact that it's on and this is a security concern on a live site. No problem at all - as with most things, Tracy has evolved and wasn't really planned from the beginning, so more than happy to revisit this stuff now and I really appreciate everyone's input.
    2 points
  13. Dragane, odlicno, samo da je malo manje vruce ;) CompactView is html table view and idea for that type of layout was to use it in cases where are inputs closely related (eg. some contact details), and inside repeaters because don't take too much space (can open few repeater items, and at the same time, view fields in all of them). I missed to write in notes that PW Width value is not used inside CompactView layout. Sorry but it's possible that I skiped to write and some other notes, and feel free to ask me anything that is not clear or confusing. Fields what I used in almost 90% are: select, text, textarea, page and link. Radio and checkboxes very, very rarely (can't remeber), and in that case I prefer to use select. Please can you try to add to the end of module css file (module directory... site/modules/FieldtypeConfigForm/assets/css/admin.css) this few lines: .CompactView .InputfieldCheckboxesStacked, .CompactView .InputfieldRadiosStacked {list-style:none;padding-left:0;} .CompactView .InputfieldCheckboxesStacked input, .CompactView .InputfieldRadiosStacked input {margin-right:10px;} , and after it refresh browser page (CTRL+F5) and check if it will be better? Thanks and regards!
    2 points
  14. @PCuser not sure if it's related but I've often had similar errors when copy/pasting sample code from the PW docs/forums. Maybe it picks up some 'invisible' extra code or spaces? Now I copy/paste to a plain text editor first before adding to my template - same as I'd do for MS Word - and it seems to fix the problem
    2 points
  15. I agree that there are valid use cases for page builders. In fact some of the biggest projects I've built on top of ProcessWire have utilized some form of that. Not just for fast mockups, but also because these sites often have hundreds or thousands of pages with varying layouts, meaning that a predefined fields approach would become a hot mess of dozens or even hundreds of separate templates and fields. That's simply not feasible. Regarding the idea of porting one of those tools to ProcessWire... if you're talking about a direct port, so far I'm not convinced. Elementor advertises itself as the only fully free and open source editor, and if that's true, then it's the only one we could port, and even then we'd have to convert a lot of WP specific code over. Elementor consists roughly of some 20k lines of JS, 20 external JS libraries, and plenty of PHP on top of that. In short it would be a massive project, and maintaining such a fork would be a full-time job. That being said I haven't had a closer look at the Elementor JS part, so it may be more portable than I currently think – but considering that it probably wasn't designed with portability in mind, that seems unlikely ? If only there was some sort of a CMS agnostic page builder framework, that'd be awesome ?
    2 points
  16. Thank you! That was exactly what I needed to know.
    2 points
  17. Hi everyone - @netcarver has mentioned to me that he's not a fan of some of the ambiguity of the icon colors in the debug bar - mostly the blue for the System Info icon and the PW pink color used by the PW Info and Captain Hook panels, and the purple used by the PHP Info panel. I have quickly mocked up a version where these are all grey: He wanted me to poll you guys to get some input on this change and also any other changes you might like to see. In general the idea with icon colors is: grey - no significance green - everything ok - no attention needed orange - warning or attention to a new entry/item of interest red - warning, fail, or something else that you should be aware of So please post your thoughts - what do you think can be done to make it look cleaner and also more meaningful/useful? Thanks!
    2 points
  18. Check out the blog post about user-admin-[role] permissions: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/new-user-admin-permissions-automatic-version-change-detection-and-more-2.6.10/#new-user-admin-permissions
    2 points
  19. Here are more details and some news about this module. What's new (14. August 2018.): - fix small bug - search by subfields - different layouts per-template basis Examples: 1) 1 single field for configuration and setup instead 7 PW native fields On "Home" administration page want to have global config options (stylesheet, development or production mode), and SEO settings fields. On category pages need to have options to change number of children in list, provide option to select different layouts, and SEO settings fields. Conclusion, need to have 7 fields: stylesheet (select), development (select or check), SEO fields (eg. title, description and robots), limit, layout. Create field "setup" with all needed subfields: But also want to have different field layout inside Home and category pages. For that we use "Compact view" inside template setup. Result, same field but with different inputs and layouts. On site are dozen of categories and want to find where are used grid and where list layout. Or, website is in still development mode and want to find NOINDEX categories, etc... 2) Multiple different textareas on "basic-page" and "basic-page-2" templates using 1 single field Task: - textarea1, textarea2 and textarea3 on basic-page template - textarea1, textarea4, textarea5 on basic-page-2 template - all that with 1 PW field Create field "content" with 5 textarea field types (textarea1...textarea5) Set Visibility condition like this: basic-page=textarea1, textarea2, textarea3 basic-page-2=textarea1, textarea4, textarea5 Inside Action tab add field to templates basic-page and basic-page-2. Later in page administration are only desired textarea inputs. Search: find all pages where textarea1 contain word "Toronto" $items = $pages->find('content.textarea1*=Toronto'); Or in admin backend using lister: In front side: $selector = 'content.textarea1*=Toronto'; $items = $pages->find($selector); if($items->count){ echo "<h2>Find items: {$items->count}</h2>"; echo "Selector:<pre>$selector</pre>"; foreach($items as $item){ echo $item->title .', template: '. $item->template->name; echo '<br />'; } } Note: this example is only for demostrations and I didn't test this in case of few thousands pages.
    2 points
  20. Same reasons as CMS Critic probably... People don't like spending money on developers these days. You can just install a plugin... That's why the internet is full of Frankenstein websites.
    2 points
  21. Works great now - thanks!
    1 point
  22. @adrian, thanks for the report - should be fixed in v0.1.3.
    1 point
  23. While using it as page names that will never see the light of the day I will probably be fine with it.
    1 point
  24. Yes I have: https://github.com/LiveHelperChat
    1 point
  25. This sounds like something I could use in some projects and therefore replace my buildCustomUniquePageName() function in those projects. Will definitely give it a try.
    1 point
  26. Hey @Robin S - could you please take a look at this? I am seeing it if I try to edit a page that I don't have permission to edit. I am using AdminRestrictBranch, but I expect it might happen regardless of this. Let me know if you need any help reproducing. Thanks!
    1 point
  27. Bernhard, yes this is definitely useful! For instance, I'm redesigning a calendar page for a modelbuilding workshop where I want to add appointment slots for lasercutting. I'm using the Recurme calendar module, but I need a title and page name for every new page while the only things that matter - and need to show up in the calendar - are the student's name, the machine they want to book and the time slot. Student's and machine name are page reference fields and time slot a recurme field. With RandomPageName I don't need to bother to invent a new (original) page name all the time.
    1 point
  28. Thank you very much for the fix, Adrian. It works!
    1 point
  29. I have pushed a fix for this, but I have discovered that Ryan's recent changes to the admin live search functionality has broken restricting of search results. I am working on this now, but could be a bit painful.
    1 point
  30. +1 I don wanna reinvent the wheel ? but even free ones should be used as starting points only and most importantly they must look like one family, so that is where most efforts should be put into (besides pleasing the eye, of course...).
    1 point
  31. Woah... that's a stunning backend!
    1 point
  32. Thanks - I see the problem - it's to do with the way ARB blocks pages when viewed in Lister and because the Users page in PW uses Lister, it is causing the problem. I should have a fix shortly.
    1 point
  33. Foolproof way of doing it without any help module On the old Host: Always download a complete backup of your website (zipped or tar.gz) Download the database Download the site folder (zipped or tar.gz) ===================================================================== On the New Host: Reinstall Processwire with, if you can, the same processwire version on the new host After reinstalling processwire, Delete the site folder and Empty the database Upload the site folder from the old host and unzip on the new host Import the database from the old host Empty cache and sessions Adapt the config.php where necessary to the new host (database credentials, salt and hosts) Thats it Need any assistance ? PM me.
    1 point
  34. How the banner pages work: Add a slideshow to a page, its children are slides, and those can have layers. So I set the transition on the slideshow, the background and content animation type on the slide, and the content on a child layer. (Image, text, links etc.)
    1 point
  35. Hello, here is example from one of my projects and don't know if that can help you. That example show AVG of 4.6, and below is copy/paste how I get that. I believe that only what you need is to set "use stars", and this call: $page->comments->renderStars(true, array('schema'=>'microdata','partials'=>true)); Or more details, where I use that: <?php if($page->comments->count):?> <div class="star-rating"> <div class="rating-counter"> <a href="#listing-reviews"> <?php echo $page->comments->renderStars(true, array('schema'=>'microdata','partials'=>true));?> </a> </div> </div> <?php endif;?> If that is interesting, here is and Comments configuration to use Font Awesome icons. CommentStars::setDefault('star', '<i class="fa fa-star"></i>'); //<= star item using fontawesome icon Regards.
    1 point
  36. @Hajosch Looks like something wrong with CSS. Make sure that you load CSS file from comments module and it actually gets loaded and not conflicting with other styles.
    1 point
  37. Yes, it seems we have sadly lost the ability to manipulate the search results like that. I've used that approach a few times myself. Maybe you could make a GitHub request that Ryan make ProcessPageSearchLive::find() hookable? It looks like manipulating the $items array that the method returns could be a good solution. And maybe add some thumbs-up support to this existing request too: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests/issues/214 ?
    1 point
  38. I haven't found the icons ambiguous so far, but the colour scheme you're suggesting sounds like it would be a good enhancement.
    1 point
  39. I also see this on the FAQ page: So that is a pretty big chunk of money you could avoid missing out on by simply having a Stripe or PayPal button alone. And think about how much money 10% of all donations adds up to. I'm skeptical of these outfits that sound like they're all about altruism but really they are making stacks of money in the process. Here in NZ a lot of charities raise money via the Givealittle service that is run by one of the big telcos. When it launched all of the money donated was retained by the charities ("we're good corporate citizens"), so naturally it became very popular. Then in 2016 they stealthily started taking a 5% cut. They say that donations are at 22 million per year, so 5% of that is a big fat 1.1 million that goes into their pockets.
    1 point
  40. I get different results. Using the Sanitizer::translate constant in the second argument means the sanitizer will use the character replacements defined in the InputfieldPageName module settings. So if you only need to account for the German language you can edit the replacements for ü, etc, to achieve a result like that shown above.
    1 point
  41. Great work! Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, I didn't have time yet to try this out, but I'll give it a go in the next couple of days. I can imagine quite a few real-world usage scenarios for this.
    1 point
  42. It's not available from the flyout-menu. You have to go to setup > templates, and at the top you will see this:
    1 point
  43. Because there are many languages that uses those chars. Means: these are not only "german umlauts", this is used in multiple languages. And those languages all reduce the chars to a single char, (ä -> a, ö -> o, ü -> u). So, the usage in german language, changing it to a char with a trailing e, is in the minority here. ?
    1 point
  44. Thanks pwired. Of course, your right that Page Builders have several downsides. I know I'm not exactly an active member of these forums, but I think I have a perspective that could be useful to this discussion. I am not advocating for PW to go this route. Just trying to highlight that there is a valid use case—those in which loading time and future proofing is not your top priority (everything can't be number 1)—and show Builders that are doing it well.
    1 point
  45. All nice and I know there's ways to get around it, but the Site has no content to crawl, just empty html. And if JS is not enabled you see this: "This is your fallback content in case JavaScript fails to load."
    1 point
  46. Here's a document I've been working on https://docs.google.com/document/d/1peY-FUpevKgy87cKOxIVz8jwcv2-3c61zbiJr3QKO6c/edit?pli=1# Flexible Page Layouts in Processwire. It's still rough, but I've been using it to help collect all my thoughts/notes on all the ways to achieve flexible layouts in Processwire. I love hearing about other ways people are structuring their websites. Here is another document that helps me wrap my head around some of the different field types in Processwire. (all on one page) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VcSluQyjl9AhMBcJA3R4-uZb9IUYdKXGSh7Phclf34Y/edit?pli=1#heading=h.ysvx3k7ssuw7 Hope it helps someone.
    1 point
  47. as far as I know (never used it so far) it works on newly created files only (so after enabling pagefileSecure) and changes file urls, think by adding a hyphen or something which I guess .htaccess blocks already..have a look at wire/config.php excerpt: /** * Secure page files? * * When, true, prevents http access to file assets of access protected pages. * * Set to true if you want files on non-public or unpublished pages to be * protected from direct URL access. * * When used, such files will be delivered at a URL that is protected from public access. * * @var bool * */ $config->pagefileSecure = false; /** * Prefix for secure page files * * One or more characters prefixed to the pathname of secured file dirs. * * If use of this feature originated with a pre-2.3 install, this may need to be * specified as "." rather than "-". * */ $config->pagefileSecurePathPrefix = '-'; to get it working you need to block access by guest role for those templates, have a read at https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5292-proctecting-files-from-non-logged-in-users/ might be of interest: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/15622-pagefilesecure-and-pageispublic-hook-not-working/
    1 point
  48. If the template where the pdf's are stored is not viewable by the guest role, then you can set $config->pageFileSecure to true. Then only roles that have view permission to the template are able to access the files directly.
    1 point
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