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This module lets you restrict users to a certain branch of the page tree - it can limit editing permissions, as well as the page list view to this branch. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/admin-restrict-branch/ https://github.com/adrianbj/AdminRestrictBranch Restricted View Non-restricted View Note that this module does not add permissions (unlike how PageEditPerUser and PageEditPerRole work), so the user must have template level permissions to edit the pages in the restricted branch. What this does allow though is giving all users/roles editing access for the home template and allowing that to inherit all the way through the page tree and let this module restrict to specific branches. As you can see from the screenshots you can specify how to determine the branch to restrict the user to - either via a matched role name, or via a dedicated page select field on the user's profile. The match role name works like this - if you have a series of branches called: Branch One, Branch Two, etc, users with a role named: branch-one will only have access to Branch One. You can also decide whether to restrict page tree viewing as well and editing privileges (default) or just editing privileges. The Branch Exclusions option is important for things like external PageTable parent branches etc. Main module config settings User specific branch setting on user profile page This module came out of my personal needs as well as this discussion: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/11428-project-design-main-shop-hundreds-of-affiliates/ As always, feedback is very welcome.8 points
I recently launched Greenform llc's new website: http://green-form.com/ Designed by Durre Design. Similar techniques and approach on the frontend to the other websites I developed (Gulp-based workflow based off of Sage, Bootstrap, Animsition, MatchHeight, Slick Carousel, etc.). The main part of this website is the products section. ProcessWire really excels for for these heavy catalog type sites, among many others. It's the perfect choice. The search/filter feature was a little tricky, but I was able to pull it off Here is a screenshot of how the 'product' template looks in the admin: As you can see, I'm using the Profields Table fieldtype for the product variations. The end client and designer love the ease at which they can update the website. Training beyond how to log in wasn't even necessary since ProcessWire's default interface is straightforward. More details on my personal website: https://jonathanlahijani.com/projects/greenform/5 points
It's been more than 9 months since I wrote in this thread about our intranet. Well, things happened that had me away for a good while, and when I got back to it, the wishlist exploded. Finally, though, the migrated intranet is up and running, and based on the feedback I'm getting, I can already call it a success. Here's a short feature list: Running on Windows Server 2012R2 / IIS 8.5 A little over 8000 pages, two languages, 600+ frontend users in 15 countries, 45 editors About 20 templates 15 custom modules Reduced custom CRM module code to less than one-eighth (counted in bytes, not lines) Integrated web server authentication and detailed Group permissions using Apeisa's UserGroups module (big thanks there! Keeping our group-based permissions was one of the main requirements for the new CMS) Live user + groups synchronization from Active Directory Granular search via OpenSearchServer (including permissions handling and indexing linked PageFiles) Tag based in-text translation system through custom Textformatter module linked to our ERP database, with own CKEdtior plugin (think detailed technical data sheets where you don't want to edit every language version separately) About 400 dynamic pages that range from simple database-driven lists to rich single page apps Persistent page links using page IDs that get replaced on save + render Versioning for textareas Custom links in the style of "article:CUSTOM_UNIQUE_FIELD" used to fetch recurring content into pages in our in-house manuals Booking system for our inhouse training center using just pages, standard fields and a bit (well, a good bit) of frontend-editing glue, with graphical interactive calendar Pages can be published per language through a multilanguage checkbox, with corresponding indicator icons and actions in ProcessPageList Notice board system (title, short body, optional attachment, expiry date) for main and department pages, with frontend adding/editing and admin interface Detailed permissions reports in backend and through command line for compliance audits Not yet implemented, but a working prototype is already on the test system: a simple question/linear response forum system with rating, tagging, answer accepting and highlighting options, primarily targeted towards international knowledge exchange Big thanks to Ryan, PW is really an outstanding system in terms of flexibility, scaling and ease of integration, and also to everyone who contributed in any way to PW itself or its huge module repository. As a funny side node, I talked to a colleague from manufacturing when migration was still under way, and he was initially a bit miffed that I'd swap the system he already knows (hey, it's only been 7 1/2 years!) - but only until I told him I'd use PW. At the mention of the word "Process" he immediately determined that his workflow to add content would get a lot smoother, something I could confirm without thinking. (The old system had a separation between categories and articles, so you had to create both in different backend screens to get a navigation entry for a simple page that shows just some text - in PW he only needs to tick the "Show in Navigation" checkbox for his new page.) Shows that the right naming choice already gets you halfway to the goal Now that "The Big Project" is done, I'll only have to weather the usual end-of-year-craziness, then I'll get my custom modules into a shape where I can share them (meaning: polish documentation, add reasonable defaults and switch to module config fields instead of config files).5 points
PHP version is the issue. If the server is < 5.5 you will need to set $session->get("uploaded_documents") to a variable first, then call empty on that variable. $uploaded_documents = $session->get("uploaded_documents"); if(empty($uploaded_documents)) { Read more about the 5.5 change here: http://php.net/manual/en/function.empty.php4 points
Hello! Just started a meetup.com group called South West Futurists: http://www.meetup.com/South-West-Futurists/ If you happen to be in England and living in the west country, drop by.3 points
You'll need to load up the ProcessChangelog.css file to make it styled correctly (or style yourself), but this does the trick otherwise: $changelog = $modules->get("ProcessChangelog"); echo $changelog->execute();3 points
1,5 month later, after I did most of the project and be sure that I understand PW system, I finally finished that part. It's not perfect of course but it's working fine. Here is how I did it: Templates And Fields: I created 2 templates: grid and grid_item and 1 pagetableextended field grid_items. In grids page I can enter grid_items like below: Title, summary, featured_image for content on the grid items, external url for obvious reasons, grid_ratio is to determine size of item. Design is limited with ratios from 1x1 to 3x3, so I made it selectable page items from options use_border : for images with white bg, so they don't look like they are floating Modules I have created 3 modules. InputfieldGridBuilder,FieldtypeGridBuilder and GridBuilder. Whenever I save the page, new items from grid_items pagetable are available to use like below. I can order items, add new rows, delete row etc. Whenever I change something, there is a method that works to serialize data to the hidden input field,InputfieldGridBuilder. Also, just in case I call the function it every 5 seconds. I make a small fixed grid that is very similar to the one used in the frontend. So anything that you can do here with jQueryui sortables, it's available for using in the frontend. Last module GridBuilder is used for mostly utility purposes for both frontend and backend. It has methods like getItemSize, getItemImage, build etc. Frontend Normally these will be used in homepage but I made the view of page available to users with editing roles, so before using them they can see that it look like. For example this one in the gif above looks like this. So even with the empty rows, it works. And for using in the homepage, I added a multiple selection page field. So they can use more than one grid, or with the location options we already added they can select to have a different view for different countries. (I added Location settings is globally for every page) Questions, critics, feedbacks or "hi,there buddy"'s are highly welcomed.3 points
Thanks to @Horst, I am using HeidiSQL to connect and CRUD my remote databases. It works well and is very fast, can set up users, etc. It allows to connect via various network types including SSH Tunnel, named pipe, TCP/IP, etc. You really want to use SSH though. I recently needed to import a sql dump with > 10K pages into a remote database and it warned me memory could be exhausted so gave me the option to read in the values instead. Worked a treat and quite fast! The documentation is also brilliant. Server side, I have set up a traditional MySQL install.2 points
There's Pages::saved, which is called on every $pages->save() execution and there's Pages::savedField, which is called on every $pages->saveField() execution. You probably need to hook both, to cover all posibilities.2 points
Has anyone heard of gridmanager.js? http://neokoenig.github.io/jQuery-gridmanager/ I think this could be a good plugin to build a fieldtype around.2 points
I like it so far, well i´ve been working here since 6 years Ok guys, if anyone would like to manage the suite on GitHub I will gift the source to the community.2 points
hi, there buddy ;-) it would be nice if you post your nice modules for all.2 points
Update: For the curious minds, the site is published at: http://www.ecocarb.com.br/ ( but only pt-br version for now) --- I'm creating a small project for a company owned by a cousin of mine and I'm using it to try new things, most on the front-end side but I decided to try jade with php. What I'm using: gulp to run all tasks – compile all sass and jade files and copy processwire files to the public folder bourbon + neat – nice mixins and grid system with a small footprint (project total css if less than 8kb - gzipped) jade + jade-php – I'm loving jade and with the jade-php npm package I can run ProcessWire code just fine. It's not the perfect world, sometimes I have to mix <?php ?> tags but I'm fine with it for such small project. Here's my basic-page.jade file: The rendered html: And here's the homepage so far (please ignore the translation, it is not done yet): And homepage's code: extends _main block header link(rel='stylesheet', href!='<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>css/home.css') block main-content include partials/_hero.jade .cta section h6 - echo __('O que dizem nossos clientes') include partials/_comments.jade a.button(href!="<?php echo $pages->get('/contact/')->url ?>") - echo __('Teste grátis por 30 dias') br small - echo __('Agende uma apresentação') section.desc h2 - echo $page->summary .services .line-behind-text h6.section-title - $services = $pages->get('/services/')->get("headline|title") - echo $services include partials/_cards.jade2 points
Hello there! I'd love to publish my first ProcessWire module. Please let me know if you have any thoughts regarding the quality, documentation or new features you would like to see. See Github page: https://github.com/MartinMuzatko/TextformatterAutoAnchor/ ProcessWire Module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/textformatter-auto-anchor/ TextformatterAutoAnchor Automatically add anchors and IDs to Headings What is it doing? This Textformatter adds an id attribute to every heading with a slug of the text. Intended for easily creating linkable sections. Demo Currently it is used at http://www.happy-css.com AutoAnchor in action: http://happy-css.com/lessons/riotjs/reusable-components/ Preview can be seen on Github Configurable Variables Heading Selector Determine which headings you want to have the ID + anchor Use a regex-like range or list, e.g.: 2-6 or 346. Anchor Class Your css classes that are attached to the anchor link. Anchor Content The text for your anchor. If you prefer an icon, you could also use HTML for example. What are the Alternatives? There are existing tools like Anchorific JS but its dependency is jQuery. I love to have an alternative that is PHP only. Known issues Anchors are placed in front of the text. This could be a future configurable setting. The slug is also not configurable yet, currently it is lowercased and space is replaced with hyphens/dashes1 point
Just checked in a first beta version of a new module I'm working on. Feel free to test out and see what's up with it. Pollino (beta) A simple poll module for ProcessWire This module makes it simple to setup polls for your website. It is based on a simple page setup to create the polls. So each poll is a page, and its children are the answers. Pollino will create the templates and a PollinoPolls page in the root to start with. You can add fields to the templates as you wish and later use hooks to modify the output of the poll. This can be useful, for example, to use images as options or just some custom markup etc. It provides some API to render the poll form and the result. These methods are hookable and it's easy to customize the output if needed. It can be rendered on any page and even multiple on the same page. Pollino takes care of saving the votes and preventing multiple votes. It comes with some configuration settings to choose what method to use to prevent from multiple votings: using cookie and an expire time or by IP and optionally also the UserAgent with and expire time or by logged in User Pollino isn't 100% plug'n'play but it provides a solid foundation and comes with some premade theme and output for you to start. It takes care of the boring stuff and lets you concentrate on the front-end stuff and styling. That's what matters after all. It does support multilanguage, as all strings are translatable in the module. Also since it's using simple pages and templates you're free to add or change fields to make its output multilanguage without much hassle. ----- Read more and download https://github.com/somatonic/Pollino Online Demo I setup a little demo here to see using https://lightning.pw http://titanium-x77.lightningpw.com/ Have fun.1 point
TemplateEnginePug (formally TemplateEngineJade) This module adds Pug templates to the TemplateEngineFactory. It uses https://github.com/pug-php/pug to render templates. doctype html html(lang='en') head meta(http-equiv='content-type', content='text/html; charset=utf-8') title= $page->title link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href=$config->urls->templates . 'styles/main.css') body include header.pug h1= $page->title if $page->editable() p: a(href=$page->editURL) Edit Project on GitHub: github.com/dreerr/TemplateEnginePug Project in modules directory: modules.processwire.com/modules/template-engine-pug/ For common problems/features/questions about the Factory, use the TemplateEngineFactory thread.1 point
I've created a Slack Channel under the roof of the webDevs Slack Team. At the moment there are mostly germans. But everyone is welcome. Get an invite at http://webdevs.xyz/1 point
Thanks, works fine! It's because of this I guess: http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.object-comparison.php#716231 point
There are no alternatives afaik. Fingerprint is sometimes too much security and creates more problems than it solves.1 point
I wish I could say AdminRestrictBranch works great but... IT WORKS F***** GREAT! Unfortunately that's not entirely true for FEEL. I found a mistake that haven't show up so far because I was mainly testing with superuser rights. I was checking if the actual page was editable and added FEEL js/css if yes. Now on pages that included edit links targeting other pages and the "hosting" page itself was not editable, assets weren't added. Obviously with superadmin the current page was always editable. Now I modified my module and it uses only Page hooks, so perhaps it was working with your previous module version too. Thanks for the other FEEL reports, will check them.1 point
If you only want to prevent saving the current field, you probably could modify the code above to be hooked before FieldtypeMulti::savePageField and add something like this in the end: if($page->your-field == "now-value" && $pageBeforeChange->your-field == "before-value") { $event->replace = true; } This should replace the whole FieldtypeMulti::savePageField and prevent the field from being saved. Not tested. No guarantees .1 point
@LostKobrakai: But Pages::savedField does have different arguments to Pages::saved. So you would probably have to write different code for the hook functions? @valan: I managed to solve similar task hooking FieldtypeMulti::savePageField. This works for something derived from FieldtypeMulti. To hook fieldtypes extending Fieldtype class you can hook Fieldtype::savePageField. Here is the code: public function init() { $this->addHookBefore('FieldtypeMulti::savePageField', $this, 'saveFieldtypeMulti'); } public function saveFieldtypeMulti($event) { // Get current page and field $page = $event->arguments[0]; $field = $event->arguments[1]; // Perform all the check to execute only when needed if ($page->template != 'your-template') return; if ($field->name != 'your-field') return; // Get the instance of the page from db as it was before the edit session. $pageBeforeChange = $this->wire('pages')->getById($page->id, array( 'cache' => false, 'getFromCache' => false, 'getOne' => true, )); if($page->your-field == "now-value" && $pageBeforeChange->your-field == "before-value") { /* send email */ } } This should work whether you save the page or just the field.1 point
1 point
Wow! Your real face is as pixelated as the avatar (judging by the photo). But it will only provide more trust to someone speaking 'bout our more-and-more-digital future . I would come if I had any futuristic means to transport my presence over 2500 km cheap enough.1 point
Maybe we should continue this conversation over on that Github issue - we are getting way off track with what AdminRestrictBranch actually does - it's purpose is actually fairly simple in scope and it turns out quite easy to implement. It's way simpler to restrict a user to view and edit one branch than it is to deal with all the child count and pagination issues of removing selected pages/branches.1 point
Additional note: Ryan did mention this issue in GitHub, and he did also mention one potential solution: modifying the find query directly. In my opinion that doesn't change the fact that listable doesn't behave in a manner that one would expect, but it's definitely something to look into.1 point
As far as I can tell, we're talking about the same thing, but from different points of view. In my use case I need to hide specific pages, which can result in all pages being hidden, in which case the issues I've mentioned before come up. You're hiding all children at once, which is a different thing.. unless I've misunderstood something about your code On the other hand, if I could do what you do there *in case that all child pages are hidden one-by-one*, that would be a potential solution. I don't think it would work that way though, because of the order things happen in.. unless I actually pre-populated the "hide children" info during page save, or perhaps iterated children on for each page in addition to targeting the pages that should get hidden directly (which might add a lot of overhead). Looks like I really need to revisit this sometime soon1 point
not familiar with module building myself but gridmanager type thing looks like some of the higher end drupal plugins some of my clients are used too and one of the reasons they dont go with processwire (to my annoyance). Think your right though @teppo most of what I was thinking can be done with ProField Table, but maybe grid manager and table field should get together sometime for a drink1 point
Most prominent issues, I believe, are pagination and the case where all children of specific page are hidden and a weird half-functional opening animation is left in place. While I agree that most editors won't notice the off-sync child count, some still will, which will lead to more work for me and others managing the site. Sure, it's not much, but little things like that pile up and turn into noticeable overhead in the long run. I may have to revisit this at some point too, can't remember exact details anymore. While I get that adding performance overhead for a rarely used feature like this is a bad idea, at the moment I also find it very hard to consider this "working as expected". I even thought about altering the tree with JavaScript after it has been rendered, but that's kind of a volatile solution1 point
Hey teppo - I am actually using "listable" in BatchChildEditor for hiding the children of a specific page - it actually seems to work very well for that scenario. It's more complicated when trying to hide the specific page itself, which is why I haven't used it in AdminPageHider yet. Making numChildren hookable would solve that, but I PM'd with Ryan about this and because it is called so often he doesn't think it is a good idea performance-wise. I may revisit the child count issue in AdminPageHider at some point to see if there is an alternate solution - I tried once but I was trying to reduce the numChildren incrementally, but it seems it is only possible to set it to zero - I asked Ryan, but haven't heard back yet - if it worked, this could be a solution. To be honest when I have used AdminPageHider I haven't worried too much about the incorrect child count - for me it has only ever been on Home and even though it stands out to me, I doubt most site editors would even notice It only becomes a real issue if pagination is involved, but I find that rarely happens at the level of pages directly under Home and that is usually the level I am hiding anyways, so it's not an issue. This new module is suiting my needs very well for one of my current projects as separate clients are responsible for certain branches of the sites - so much easier to restrict viewing and editing rights by parent than messing around with other solutions. Obviously not always appropriate though.1 point
Yup, thanks Adrian! Had completely missed this one, but glad it (apparently) got solved1 point
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I think this example by Ryan looks quite similar to what you're describing. Check it out.1 point
Better to use an open protocol like IRC. We hang out at #processwire. If you are new to IRC and want to get going fast: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/processwire For convincing yourself to avoid closed proprietary platforms you can read this article by the Mattermost guys: http://www.mattermost.org/why-we-made-mattermost-an-open-source-slack-alternative/1 point
Hello Martijn, you got one solution from Mats replay, but you can also use https://twitter.github.io/typeahead.js/1 point
That's the exact thing I try to avoid @Marvin: Here goes: https://github.com/sforsman/SessionLdapAuth I even added an example for the group mapper and did a modification to the code (well, I fixed a spelling error in the description of the module)! If you have any questions about some parts of it, just ask away. I've published it as a Proof of Concept. (see Nico, I'm learning!) No but really, the main point here is to give you something to think against regarding your own implementation. The group mapper configuration string for an example is parsed in a very quick and dirty (=error prone) way and shouldn't be given directly to clients.1 point
The instructions for this module say to use the path relative to your templates directory, eg: styles/mystyles.css or scripts/myscript.js There is a setting in the module config: "Allow Directory Traversal: Enable the directory traversal option to make it possible to add files from outside of the template folders. (../)" which you can use if you need to access css and js files above the templates directory, but otherwise they should all be in subfolders of "templates" and linked to with a path relative to templates. Make sense? EDIT: not relevant to this module, but path vs url - depends on what is being done with the file being linked to. If it's a css or js file, typically you are going to want the url option. The path option is the full server path to the file which is useful for php operations on files, but no good for front-end display/calling of files.1 point