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Kuba Pawlak

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Newbie (2/6)



  1. Hello Martijn, you got one solution from Mats replay, but you can also use https://twitter.github.io/typeahead.js/
  2. Hello guys. As you did notice the search is extremely fast because I'm doing in background a ajex request to the search page when you start typing text in input field. Then all results are cached and displayed when typing. If you have any other question let me know.
  3. Hello! I like to share a project developed using ProcessWire. App-UNIVERSE.net is a modern online service with software database download. We provide access to a rich app database for desktop operating systems based on Windows and Mac OS. Within each category we present both free and commercial apps used by professionals in industries as movie creation, interior design, transportation, creating presentations, coding apps and games, etc. All available apps in App-UNIVERSE contain information like license, name of developer, date of app update, actual description of main features and direct links to files hosted on developers homepage. Site visitors can search for apps not only through the catalog, but also an advanced search engine. Applications can be searched by criteria such as category, developer, name of the application or alternative. Unlike many competing sites we do not offer download of files via download assistant that under the pretext of simplifying the process of installing apps are spying software and are installing in system toolbars and other unnecessary components. We focus primarily on all valuable apps that we can height recommend to our users.
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