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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/2015 in all areas

  1. Visual Page Selector Released 31 March 2016 https://processwireshop.pw/plugins/visual-page-selector/ As of 04 January 2018 ProcessWire versions earlier than 3.x are not supported ******************************************************* ORIGINAL POST ******************************************************* Introducing VPS, a commercial visual page field selector. This is a pre-sale closed-beta version. This post is WIP and will be updated now and then. ############################ Many ProcessWire users use the 'one image per page' principle to manage and reuse images across their sites. This works fine. However, for site editors who mainly work with images, especially for larger sites, it is sometimes difficult to remember the pages where particular images reside. This module helps to solve this challenge. Harnessing the awesomeness that is ProcessWire, VPS provides a rich editing experience, enabling editors to search for, view, select, add, remove and delete page-images easily, in an easy to use and friendly interface. ProcessWire Lister is the workhorse behind the lightning-fast searches. Editors will be able to search for images by their descriptions, names, partial names, page names, templates, etc. Current Features Single-image mode Full search Batch add/Remove/Delete Image/Delete Page in page fields Image Browser Selectable pages as per page field settings + Lister filters Grid and List View Draggable sorting Responsive (almost fully ..iframes!) Planned Features Multi-image mode (there are times you want to group similar images in multi-image field in one page; e.g. the back, front and side of a car photo) Configurable CSS on the fly resizing vs real image resizing (image resizing can quickly hog memory) Other as per feedback from beta testing FAQs When will this be available? Soon. How much will it cost? Reasonably priced. Announcement soon. Where will I be able to buy this from? At all fine stores that stock quality ProcessWire products Do we really need another page field/inputfield select? See links below. What type of licenses will be available? Soon to be announced. Can I beta test this? Thanks for the interest but all available slots have been taken. Video (excuse the video quality please - too many takes....) Screens Previous Discussions https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10927-wishlist-select-pages-by-thumbnail/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4330-get-image-from-other-pages-via-images-field/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/417-extending-image-field/?p=6982 https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7073-profield-table-and-gallery/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3200-image-management-concerns-is-processwire-suitable-for-me/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/425-file-manager/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10763-asset-manager-asset-selector/
    14 points
  2. But that is the market that Wordpress caters for, I disagree strongly that every CMS should be geared towards the non-developer. Is Processwire easy to use for a non-developer once it is setup, oh yes, easiest thing ever. Question; what does a non-developer do when they cannot progress their Wordpress site any further? They have installed so many plugins trying to do what they wanted to do, its crawled to a halt and made it vulnerable turning the agency they hand it over to into a Wordpress maintainer. What does somebody who is using Shopify do when they grow too big for it? Point being there are tools which are great for starting something, and there are tools that are great for starting something and finishing the job properly. I like where I am going with tools. Wordpress is a screwdriver, Processwire is a power drill . Processwire will go wherever your imagination takes you, quicker and easier, right here, right now [citation needed]. What the future holds nobody really knows. What if some great developers left Wordpress and screwed it up, that could happen, there is no crystal ball. Lets not forget that Wordpress is a blog, and will always be developed as a blog. Even in the activity link you posted, they comment heavily on blogging. I would love to see how many Wordpress installs are actually active and not just sitting on a server getting auto updated. Wordpress with the ACF plugin kind of turns it into a CMS, but ACF is a hog. I go back to my previous post and extend it. Long-term, my personal choice right now is to use Processwire, it seems perfect for my business model. Once setup I can let most of my clients run away with it with no manual, telephone calls or handover meetings. Not really sure on the Windows, Unix, iOS comparison, or how iOS took over?
    9 points
  3. Represents the instagram feed of a user. Instructions: Register a new instagram Client: at instagram. It's really important to add the current url as redirect url. (For example "http://page.dev/processwire/module/edit?name=InstagramFeed/"). Complete module settings (Client ID and Secret), leaving the access input token field empty. This value will be generated. Click the "get Access Token" link to generate code and access token in module settings. Configure username to output feed from (default setting is "self": to get the most recent media published by the owner of the access token) ... and use it! > detailed instructions at github
    8 points
  4. There are arguments both for and against have many contributors on a project - I have been involved with OS projects at both ends of the spectrum and while it may appear to be a limitation on the surface to have less contributors, the advantage is that with all code changes going through Ryan we can be sure that the high standard he has set is being maintained. There are many more than 4 contributors to the core - most of those with the STAFF badge have made contributions (and probably many more without) and you will likely see their name/handle mentioned in the core code on the features they have contributed to. If you are worried that only one core developer will mean slower progress with adding of new features, I think the weekly blog posts and GH commits show that this is not an issue! - what other CMS is getting as many cool new features as PW on a weekly basis? Who knows whether this will change in the future for PW, and certainly no software will live forever, but for the relevant future timeframe there are plenty of users around here who will want to keep this project progressing should anything happen to Ryan (either physically or with changes to his priorities), but I know that somewhere in these forums he committed to working on PW for the rest of his career.
    8 points
  5. I got talked out of using Wordpress for doing a site for our startup by one of our partners. He had used PW before on a personal project of his. I come from a Enterprise Dev background, so learning all the nuances about Web Development as a "beginner" plus having to learn a CMS that required more work than other CMS seemed like a tall order. Tight Deadlines did no favours. Looking back, I'm glad I got talked out of it One thing that worried me in the beginning was the apparent lack of plug-ins for Processwire as compared to WP. But realised now quality > quantity. And a great dev community to boot.
    7 points
  6. @cssabc123 There are more bananas sold with paper stickers then without. Are bananas with stickers better then bananas without?
    6 points
  7. Too busy building one more PW website to answer to this question...
    6 points
  8. I can certainly see that that's a pain for advertising and everyone who's benefiting from it, but I see it like this article states it (in longer form: http://idlewords.com/talks/what_happens_next_will_amaze_you.htm). Advertising has turned their own industry to somethings really weird, that's just invading privacy to an extend which is just not bearable. Also in traditional media the one printing the advertising had to pay for the space/paper/ink, now it's the other way around and you could still "block" it with an "no advertising" label at your mailbox. If advertisers want to continue to be seen then they have to deliver something worth seeing. It's as easy as that.
    5 points
  9. Why not ? Seriously though - the fact that PW is targeted more to developers than many other systems was one of the key reasons I got interested in it. I didn't want something that was fully automated, drag 'n' drop - they can only take you so far before you end up screaming and just wanting to punch out a few lines of code to get done what you want. There are CMSs that fit along the entire spectrum from fully automated to very code centric, and that is a good thing - we can find the position along that continuum that suits us best - for me, that spot is PW. I know that it will probably never be the sexiest option out there, but it gets the job done in a way more efficient manner for how I like to work! Also, as others have pointed out, PW doesn't really require much initial coding knowledge - just a little willingness to learn. Sure, you won't be creating the next social network with it unless you have some serious coding skills, but you can certainly churn out a website for your cat without too much effort so long as you are not initially scared off. There has been some discussion here about making PW more non-dev friendly and it would certainly be possible to build something on top of it, but personally I think that would just lower the bar of the people using it - btw, this is not meant to sound snobbish - I just like the current user base
    4 points
  10. Greetings, I actually laughed a bit when I saw this! Sorry... I spent 4 years developing with Joomla, and having all those contributors didn't make the system better than ProcessWire. Just the opposite. That's why I went through the painful steps of converting all of my projects from Joomla to PW. In the long-term, I have more confidence in ProcessWire than in other more "popular" frameworks. Although ProcessWire appears to be newer, its roots actually trace back over a decade, so it already has a solid long-term life! But more important than how old a system is, I look to how carefully and intelligently it progresses. Because of his experience, Ryan makes wise decisions about where PW needs to change (or not), and that kind of careful decision-making builds the system's long-term viability. Sure, other frameworks are more flashy, but I have less confident in their intelligent life because of the way they chase trendy ideas. Ryan does not do this, so I ultimately have more confidence in ProcessWire. Let's be honest: it would be just as easy for me (or any other developer here) to jump over to Laravel, because right now it is the shiny new PHP toy. But I don't, because I have much more confidence in PW. And I agree that we could ask the question about long-term viability about PHP itself. Thanks, Matthew
    4 points
  11. Those numbers to me prove 1 thing, less is more. I have tried and tested many CMS platforms. I was guided in the direction of PW and started using it about 6 months ago. My search for an extremely feature rich, easy to use CMS seems complete. It only took 16 years.
    4 points
  12. https://blog.documentfoundation.org/2015/10/01/tender-for-design-and-implementation-of-all-about-libreoffice-community-and-developer-dashboard-201510-01/ Thought some of you might be interested in this gig. This is a bit silly, but I think it will be negotiable:
    3 points
  13. Greetings, This has come up before, and you can find some answers in various places on the forum. You get deep design/development freedom with ProcessWire. That freedom requires a certain level of coding knowledge. WP and other "drag-and-drop" systems may be easier for people who never want to deal with code, and who just want to check boxes and install plugins. But those systems either don't allow the kinds of customized work you can do with PW. Or those "easier" systems are actually a lot harder in the long run when you need to do custom work. Run a quick Google search on developer attitudes about working with WordPress code! In my mind, WordPress is driven in large part by misinformation from clients about what's "easier." The audience for ProcessWire is people who are more comfortable with code. I think it's a good idea to be clear about this. Generally, with development systems/frameworks, you can either have something that's "easier" or you can have something that's "more capable." ProcessWire comes as close as any system out there to bringing the two together. Thanks, Matthew
    3 points
  14. That article is way too long to read right now, sorry for that. Anyway, I'm going to agree with much of what LostKobrakai said there Advertising per se is not evil, and a lot of media outlets currently depend on advertising for their livelihood. I'm not happy about the fact that this movement is driving hard-working content producers out of business, and my fear is that over the time it might actually affect the amount of freely available information floating around the net. Even more likely (and quite unpleasant) result is an increase in so-called "sponsored articles" . On the other hand this is an obvious reaction to many advertisers going way over the top. Not only do ads invade your privacy, ad networks take no real responsibility for malvertising – neither of which is acceptable anymore. While advertising is here to stay, the revenue stream it generates will slowly diminish, and advertisers will need to find either smarter ways to advertise or other, hopefully less obtrusive, ways to earn. The worst case scenario right now is that ad blockers getting more common will result in even more ads (and even more intrusive ads) which in turn will result in even more aggressive ad blockers – in other words an arms race between advertisers and ad blockers. That would be a bad situation for everyone
    3 points
  15. Wordpress is number 1 because so many people install it, add a theme/plugins and call themselves a web developer. Remember that is number 1 for the amount of websites it is running, not number 1 voted for by every developer in the world, it would no doubt be a different story then. Does Wordpress have a place running websites, sure, but I like to think of myself as a web developer, not a Wordpress maintainer, which is what so many people become when they take on Wordpress sites, and why I steer clear of it (if I can). This conversation comes up a lot, but stick to what works best for you for a project at the end of the day. I know what my projects will run off for the foreseeable future.
    3 points
  16. Even objectively is the (current) community of processwire neither smaller nor larger just by the number of contributors that's shown at GitHub. It may not attract new people as much and it may downturn people who are – instead of taking a look at the cms itself – looking at the raw numbers, but so be it. It's Ryan's decision to not use the pull-request feature, which would increase this number a bit. The focal point of this community is either way this forum and the people here.
    3 points
  17. Very different philosophies for how the core is developed and maintained. As Adrian mentioned, the quality of the core is very high, and Ryan's review process has insured it stays that way. Looking at those numbers is apples to oranges.
    3 points
  18. You can simply double-click on the first one and it will mark all images for deletion.
    3 points
  19. If you are actually having a problem, could you please be more specific and detail what your issues are? Thanks.
    3 points
  20. Hi everyone, This is an early (but mostly functional) version of a module that I am experimenting with for automatically populating all empty fields on a page. It is designed for use during site development and should be uninstalled once the site is live. https://github.com/adrianbj/AutoContent (anyone have an idea for a better name?) It currently supports the following field types: Text - outputs "This is an example Field Label", where "Field Label" is the label for the field Textarea (RTE and plain) - configurable content from http://loripsum.net/ and embedded images from http://lorempixel.com Datetime - honors output formatting and returns random date/time with configurable min/max datetime Integer - honors min and max settings Float - honors min, max, precision settings URL - returns a random URL Email - returns a random email address Image - you can specify image category (people, nature, business, etc), and the range for min/max number of images to generate. Page - creates runtime selected child page content for output - not well tested yet. MapMarker - not well tested yet! I will be adding support for Profields and other selected 3rd party fieldtypes shortly. Highly configurable content is provided by: http://loripsum.net/ http://lorempixel.com/ https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker Generated content can be localized to your region - very handy for addresses, people's names, phone numbers etc: Many fieldtypes are configurable via the Input tab on the field's config settings, eg: Textarea: Text: Images: Datetime: In general I am designing this to work with minimal/no configuration so you can install and have all fields on all pages on your site immediately populated for testing layout and styling without the need for manually adding dummy content. There is also a dummy page batch creator and deletor (automatically tracks and deletes just the dummy pages) available from the module config settings page. Please let me know if you think you will find this useful - trying to get an idea of how much time to put into support for additional field types.
    2 points
  21. I am glad that you appreciate my answers and I am happy to help, but as diogo pointed out, all this info is already available in the forums. One thing that might really help you to learn is to use google to search these forums - the built-in search for IP.Board forums is pretty useless. On the overhead of using pages - that really isn't true in most situations. And Profields is a multifaceted product, but the Table field component definitely reduces the number of pages - everything for a field instance is stored in one database table. Can you point us to any CMS that could run Facebook? They have created there own version of PHP to handle their needs!
    2 points
  22. Which sadly does compare to how we got to today's situation. It began with advertisers, which wanted to identify click bots and in the process our privacy got wrecked. @teppo That's also in the article But it's long I've read it in two times.
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. Greetings, In the US, there is no legal barrier to ad blockers. However, I have read a couple of reports that state that advertisers may choose to take legal action against Apple for ad blockers if it is deemed that Apple is becoming the one who decides who "gets in" and who does not. My sense is, although advertisers might win legally, they would lose the bigger public relations battle, as consumers would be even more annoyed with advertisers who force us to see their ads. I'm not generally a big fan of Apple, but I do think they have stirred up a good debate with their ad blocker decision. Thanks, Matthew
    2 points
  25. Im glad that the German court several times now ruled Adblock and Adblock Plus legal to use. The German court has essentially declared that users are legally allowed to control what happens on their screens and on their computers while they browse the Web. I hope other countries will follow.
    2 points
  26. I needed this right now for a client project. Here is a little module to handle instagram feed output. (Forum | Github) Maybe someone wants to test or extend it
    2 points
  27. Github issue is here for those interested, along with a suggestion for an alternative approach to making the input form pretty.
    2 points
  28. It should be created automatically, so seems to be because of not being able to write.
    2 points
  29. Perhaps you should ask about PHP's future instead. ProcessWire is only a tool that helps you utilizing its features. There might come other similarly handy tools in the future but currently it's among the bests. So I guess PHP will stay with us for a while and I'm sure PW too
    2 points
  30. I have a lot of faith in Processwire's future. I´m a graphic designer who happens to do web development, and I could not be happier with how easy it is to grasp Processwire's foundations and even more complex coding like making modules. So I think in the near future we will see a lot of non-technical background people having "AHA" moments when finding out about Processwire. I mean, the API is just pants dropper!
    2 points
  31. It depends how you define "longterm". We (Avoine) started using ProcessWire 2011 for inhouse projects and 2012 for clients. 6 years soon, and I feel we are just getting started. PW 2.0 was released 2010, but it's roots are in 2003: https://processwire.com/about/background/ So I would say PW is longterm.
    2 points
  32. You should tell Mark Z. about this - he could have saved himself a fortune on hiring expensive developers - he could have gone with the local Mom and Pop web designers. PS I assume you are kidding
    1 point
  33. From time to time someone appears from nowhere and starts the same discussion that we had already over and over, without even taking the time, or having interest to read a bit of what was said before here in the forum. I quickly found an example of a discussion that you could/should have read before https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7565-making-pw-more-userfriendly/ I'm sorry if I sound rude, but after having answered and seen many others answering to some of your multiple questions from last week —which clearly show that you didn't get anything of how PW works—, I can't take these sudden very profound questions seriously.
    1 point
  34. Actually the pages approach of PW scales incredibly well and is actually one of its most useful models allowing so much flexibility. BUT, in some cases if you don't need the flexibility of the pages approach you can make use of FieldtypeOptions to categorize things. You could also use Profields Table if it better suits your needs. For quickly populating pages for use as categories, here are some helpful modules: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-page-field-select-creator/ http://modules.processwire.com/modules/batch-child-editor/ http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-batcher/
    1 point
  35. https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-core-updates-2.6.1-and-more/#process-modules-now-support-external-view-files
    1 point
  36. Ok here you get a example menu from PURE CSS: in my template depending on what setup you've choosen (main.php or head.php) <?php echo $mainMenuNav; ?> and i've a _func.php with my navigation and some other stuff //mainMenuNav $mainMenu = $modules->get("MarkupSimpleNavigation"); // load the module $options = array( 'parent_class' => 'parent', // overwrite class name for current parent levels 'current_class' => 'current', // overwrite current class 'has_children_class' => 'has_children', // overwrite class name for entries with children 'levels' => true, // wether to output "level-1, level-2, ..." as css class in links 'levels_prefix' => 'level-', // prefix string that will be used for level class 'max_levels' => 1, // set the max level rendered 'firstlast' => false, // puts last,first class to link items 'collapsed' => false, // if you want to auto-collapse the tree you set this to true 'show_root' => true, // set this to true if you want to rootPage to get prepended to the menu 'selector' => '', // define custom PW selector, you may sanitize values from user input 'selector_field' => 'nav_selector', // string (default 'nav_selector') define custom PW selector by using a property or field on a page. Use this setting if you want to overwrite the default nav_selector 'outer_tpl' => '<nav><ul class="nav-list">||</ul></nav>', // template string for the outer most wrapper. || will contain entries 'inner_tpl' => '<ul>||</ul>', // template string for inner wrappers. || will contain entries 'list_tpl' => '', // template string for the items. || will contain entries, %s will replaced with class="..." string 'list_field_class' => '', // string (default '') add custom classes to each list_tpl using tags like {field} i.e. {template} p_{id} 'item_tpl' => '<li><a class="pure-button" href="{url}">{title}</a></li>', // template string for the inner items. Use {anyfield} and {url}, i.e. {headline|title}, if field is of type image it will return url to image (first image if multiple) 'item_current_tpl' => '<li class="selected"><a class="pure-button" href="{url}">{title}</a></li>', // template string for the active inner items. 'xtemplates' => '', // specify one or more templates separated with a pipe | to use the xitem_tpl and xitem_current_tpl markup 'xitem_tpl' => '<a href="{url}">{title}</a>', // same as 'item_tpl' but for xtemplates pages, can be used to define placholders 'xitem_current_tpl' => '<span>{title}</span>', // same as 'item_current_tpl' but for xtemplates pages 'date_format' => 'Y/m/d', // default date formatting for Datetime fields and native created/modified 'code_formatting' => false, // enable or disable code indentations and newslines in markup output 'debug' => false, // show some inline information about rendertime and selectors used as html comments ); $mainMenuNav = $mainMenu->render($options); this is the whole simple call to fit PURE CSS classes and all that stuff...is running on this simple website. best regards PW don't have an effect on your frontend - if you get two menues you create or output theme somewhere....
    1 point
  37. Good answer, I'm taking notes and learning.
    1 point
  38. Still interested in the reason that was on cssabc123's mind.
    1 point
  39. If ProCache is still stripping out the head I would consider that a bug. An element with attribute should never be stripped, if it's content is not the default content (e.g. <input type="text"> == <input>).
    1 point
  40. Just committed a new version which supports Page fields. Like all other field types (except textArea which has other options), check the Faker property under the Auto Content Options for the page field. If there is no automatic match, or no manually entered property, it will fallback to 1 to 3 word lorem ipsum titles. This became pretty complex pretty quickly because I wanted to support output of all fields from the faked page fields, so please test and let me know if you have any problems.
    1 point
  41. You could in theory set sublime text up in a way that it does highlight html in quotes.
    1 point
  42. Are you asking how to do that? Is the directory not writable?
    1 point
  43. Repeaters may seems like a good fit if you're new to pw, but they aren't. Use pages and create a page for each file. This way you've the full freedom of choice about which data is associated to a file and which access roles you need. For categorization and/or frontend-display use pagefields. I also suggest you to read this topic before beginning: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3579-tutorial-approaches-to-categorising-site-content/
    1 point
  44. But keep in mind that this will only solve the issue of people hitting refresh after an successful submission (and redirect). I doesn't help if someone is hitting refresh while submitting the form, which will still send two requests.
    1 point
  45. The faker api is also really nice to generate dummy data. See the "hosted microservice" section in the readme: https://github.com/marak/faker.js
    1 point
  46. Ok. But sort via Drag&Drop implies more than a storage of files. A small setting tab with order->[selector] would be nice. or even just a sort->name at the first upload, because most people have this as their default setting at their operation system. they input the images, accurately sorted by numbers and name, and keep asking why the field »randomize« the input. but the module solution is fine aswell... as it is easy to set up.
    1 point
  47. The Google Trends analysis IMO isn't of much help, it doesn't show the inherent "value" of PW as a CMS/CMF, it just throws hard to analyze numbers at the wall. In sheer numbers, WordPress should be the "B357 3V4R" solution out there. WP also benefits from having a LOT of marketing and PR involved, which the PW community doesn't really have (yet?). Look at the ecosystem around Laravel.. Laracasts, dedicated podcasts and blogs, training sessions and communities all over. It didn't get to be known with no effort, there has been a lot of time (and money?) put into it, the creator and his team have explained this numerous times. On another note, I actually have a two-pager to introduce PW to clients, unfortunately it's in French and heavily branded and I don't have much time to translate it right now. But it might be of interest. The main selling points I see and discuss in it — and I'd be very interested to know what's your opinion on this and what has worked well or not so well for you — go like this: Ease of use (for users and devs alike) — self documentation, data validation, fast development cycle Extremely fast — w/o caching, it's fast. With caching, it's fast as hell. Still need moar speed?! Throw ProCache at it and bingo! Static websites with all the benefits of a dynamic system and none of the pain of static generators. And fast websites mean better SEO, better visibility and better conversion rates! Win-win-win! Scalability — Does small and large scale sites really well. Hierarchical structure, when necessary, make it easy to manage content (plus it's built-in search system). Stability and security — Costs less to maintain and isn't very prone to attacks due to its inherent architecture. You don't need to update it every other day. Efficient development — Up to date development paradigms, easy to maintain and develop with growth in mind, content "agnostic" (i.e. it not targeted at one kind of use/market). Most things are already in core, no need to extend the core to do things I consider basic in this day and age, and pay annual fees for them on top of that.. I prefer to invest that time and money helping PW the best I can, that's how open source is best IMO. Relational content — It's hard to explain to clients, but it's seriously what generally cuts in when I need to select a platform for a client and really, PW wins hands down on this. Everything is a page and a page can be related to any other page in the way that pleases you. This enables really powerful contextual information, advanced "member" sections and such. I think that sums it up, then I usually add one or two paragraphs at the end that describes further why PW is a good choice for this project. Most of these arguments have been working well so far.
    1 point
  48. there are always countless arguments for/against any product. i often hear from clients: "one says this, the other one says that" then i show them what google says and they get big eyes: I've also a setup of a simple former joomla site converted to PW and show them the difference in direct comparison. that's the arguments they will understand - at least in my experience. most of them don't understand what we are talking about when we go in detail, so the trust a name they know, because they are afraid of making a mistake. that's psychology use this thinking for your (and PW's) benefit! make them aware that they can make a mistake by backing the wrong horse: good luck! PS: also make them aware that they don't only have to trust the product but also YOU as a developer/agency! the product is only one part - the other part is your work and what you make of it.
    1 point
  49. Not an easy task. The bigger they are the dumber they get... Because it's late and I'm sleepy, I will answer directly to those points: This won't be an easy one. If I look at the developers directory there are only two PW Devs in Porto <- On the left it's me, and on the right it's you. You can state that PW is growing fast, supported in factual statistics preferably (you would need them, of course). You can also argue that ProcessWire has a lower learning curve than other CMSs for an experimented developer. And, of course, they're not forced to hire someone in Portugal in case something happens to your company (make sure you keep the comments on your code and all namings in English, which is good practice anyway). If you think it can help, point them here http://www.cmscritic.com/dir/products/processwire/ and tell that even their website is built with PW. That's an easy one! You don't have to look for a long time to find recent examples of security holes in WP. As for Drupal, a quick googling brought this up http://brightlemon.com/blog/community-pulls-together-drupal-highly-critical-security-announcement. As for PW, you have tis http://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/2zzo0t/any_reason_i_cant_find_anything_about_processwire/ Can't look for it now, But there are one or two posts where Ryan talk about this subject. Anyway. Processwire is Open Source and was forked hundreds of times. There are already a lots of great devs depending on it to earn their living to be sure that, whatever happens, PW won't go anywhere. Show them how active PW's development on github is.
    1 point
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