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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2015 in all areas

  1. I soft-launched this site a few weeks ago and it's still being refined, however most of it is complete: http://brakhax2.com/ Brakha X2 is a production company headquarted in Los Angeles. They handle many large ad campaigns for well known brands. The bulk of the site consists of the image galleries (/advertising/, /editorials/, /silent-pictures/, etc.). The images in these galleries are not coming in via a typical images field since the images are really more like artwork pieces with it's own set of data. Therefore, I decided to create a template called "image" and a field in it called "image" (max upload of 1) in with some other fields (title, tags [not being used yet], body, etc.). These images then get assigned to each image_gallery in a Page field I created called image_items. By allowing each image / artwork piece to have it's own page, it allows for: a specific URL for each artwork piece page (example: brakhax2.com/images/name-of-the-piece/) fine control when people share images via social media (OG tags) the ability to re-use the entry in Page fields There's some fancy stuff going on in the frontend. I didn't use a CSS framework since it wouldn't have been a good match. I ended up using the following packages: Packery: this takes care of the masonry-style layout on the gallery pages ImagesLoaded: this allows the gallery images to show only after all the images have been loaded. it will show the loading graphic until everything is loaded Featherlight: this is a simple lightbox which is being used for the bios on the contact page Slick.js (aka Slick Carousel): this is being used for the video galleries (/spots/, /inside/) Fresco: a great commercial plugin that powers the lightboxes for the images and videos Responsive-nav: this takes care of the mobile menu logic Animsition: this takes care of page-to-page fade animations There's a few other little techniques/approaches being utilized on the site, but that covers all the major stuff. Eventually I will work in a Gulp workflow so that the CSS and JS is packaged and minified. Jonathan
    10 points
  2. Hi, first of all I'd like to thank you all, and in particular Ryan, for this great project which is ProcessWire. I'm using ProcessWire for the first time and frankly I'm finding it quite good, despite my lack of experience. Anyway, I created this post to introduce you the following module, on which we are working, and I'd like to share it with the community which could benefit from it and maybe improve it. You can find the module here: https://bitbucket.org/mauro_mascia/processwire-social-login/ Basically, it adds the ability to allow a social login (using the HybridAuth library - https://github.com/hybridauth/hybridauth) as well as a standard login, user profile and registration. The module is clearly not complete and it is at its first stage of maturity and I hope you can forgive me if I have not fully complied with the PW best practices
    4 points
  3. Hey, as I often just copy someone else's (sometimes my own) modules structure as a starting point for a new module I thought there has to be a better way to archive that. That's why I created the "ProcessWire Module Generator": modules.pw If something missing? Or some more wishes for options or best practices? Let me know Here's a screenshot:
    4 points
  4. I've just started a new project and decided to test/use Wireshell. After I had successfully created a new project I missed the opportunity to download modules. You've received a new pull request. Maybe you have some time to test (and hopefully implement) it.
    4 points
  5. As it is your first appearence in the forums, bluerobsn (greetings, by the way ), I suggest you may be new to the way PW works in general and its terminology. So maybe you are asking about very different thing. If it is not the case, sorry. Just ignore everything below. In Processwire all data from all pages is accessible via api from each template file. So you can get content from any page from any other page and use it there. Just get your head around all this, go through a tutorial or two and it'll make sense.
    3 points
  6. OK, so this is still not 100% ready, but as my second PW-project I have completed a showcase site for a new product of ours with the help of skrollr-script. Of course, the PW-administration of this site is not the main focus since this site is not expected to change much (it is a temporary thing), but it is still nice to just be able to turn the whole presentation site on and off with a checkbox (when unchecked, everything goes back to a normal site like our regular business site). The presentation site (note that it should be viewed in a large window on a high res desktop or laptop system to have the full skrollr-functionality kick in, also it will be turned off in Safari since their rendering of fixed position objects is so poor): www. tend for .com/en Our regular PW business site: www. rele vo .se/en Omit the spaces. Any feedback or pointers as far as improvements would be much appreciated!
    3 points
  7. Update: version 0.1.0 Cleaned-up HTML output by MarkupMenuBuilder, thanks to @David Karich ( + added tab indentation for cleaner markup). Note that for included children things may not always align up properly with their parent/native MB menus Merged all latest changes in dev to master
    3 points
  8. My thoughts too. The site looks stunning, but 7MB+ for the home page without lazy loading is a lot, even for current connections.. and for my relatively slow (and very unstable) 4G it's way too much. Additionally this is going to cause some serious bandwidth usage on your side, though I'm sure you're already aware of that
    2 points
  9. Unfortunately, I am not able to reproduce that on my side. Is anyone else able to? Edit: My Apologies - I didn't notice the version you're running. I can confirm this on 2.5.3. Quite weird, because I don't recall this happening before. Will look into it shortly. Fixed: I have submitted a fix in the dev branch. The error is due to the fact that the field is an InputfieldURL, and the validation for that type of field has changed since 2.5.3. So, I have changed it to InputfieldText for now. A few months after PW 2.6 is released, I'm going to make this module compatible only with that version. However, I will leave a legacy version for those who, for whatever reason, need to stay on 2.5.3.
    2 points
  10. Nice one. Will check out scrollr - somehow it escaped my attention. 1) It seem like too much scrolling - my finger gets tired) Maybe it should change a bit faster. Especially the bearded businessman part. More dynamic. 2) The arrow in a circle on first screen looks like it has to be clickable, but it's not. 3) Do not know why, bit sometimes the site load as it should, but sometimes that icon jyst keeps on spinning. 4) It seems like you should check it on lowert screens. Not everything is perfect.
    2 points
  11. @horst: - I added a json info option - added the closing } again - removed permanent - PHP and PW requirements should be included properly now What code is missing in your external config file?
    2 points
  12. Also keep in mind that these functions are sometimes disabled for security reasons, depends on the hoster.
    1 point
  13. Yeah I think you should start with the tutorial and then you come back and will realize how easy it is to do this with processwire (and maybe that my post above isn't that wrong)
    1 point
  14. If your hoster allows it you can even use something like: <?php // fetch the json displayed on the service page $dataJson = file_get_contents('http://url.com/service-page/'); // transform it into a php array $data = json_decode(dataJson, true); ?> If this shouldn't work you can use file_get_contents_curl (not default PHP function but you can find it here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/8543512/4044167) instead of file_get_contents()
    1 point
  15. If you need to query this from the template file via php, I think you could use cURL library. You get you json output and decode it with json_decode. Then you build the desired output with regular php. Probably there is a way to make a temporary PageArray from the received data for the ability to use standard API calls, but I never done it (as never done other things suggested above, so please be critical and share you experience).
    1 point
  16. New commits to the dev branch synced. Fixed the select statements, as mentioned above (still working here). Also, if the import from ProcessRedirects gets botched somehow, you can now try again. It doesn't keep track of the state of ProcessRedirects, so if you uninstall and reinstall it, the importer will still offer you the opportunity. However, that isn't an issue in my eyes as such a process-flow is not practical. Hoping to merge into master as soon as possible. I'll give it another day (or just less, keeping in mind the severity of the issues encountered with the current 1.1.3) for more feedback until I merge.
    1 point
  17. Use Form Builder - it's really easy to use and offers a lot of after submit actions like sending a mail and saving the data. And it's really easy and fun to create forms with it. So if you really only need a form you should use it
    1 point
  18. In agreement with teppo here. My average speed HSPA connection took 31 seconds to load everything up, which is far too long. That aside, I like the design, and the choice of font. Great work
    1 point
  19. Okay, I hope I've fixed this (dev branch). Unfortunately not able to test as my tables are always lower case. An initial import run still works on my side. If you don't mind, please could you test it on yours? For reference, I've used the following to ensure the correct case is being used. If anyone thinks this can be optimised, please let me know. Thanks. // Get the correct table name for ProcessRedirects $redirectsTableNameQuery = $this->database->prepare("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = :db_name AND TABLE_NAME LIKE :table_name"); $redirectsTableNameQuery->execute(array( 'db_name' => $this->config->dbName, 'table_name' => $this->redirectsTableName, // defaults to ProcessRedirects; which we use to check )); $redirectsTableNameResult = $redirectsTableNameQuery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)->TABLE_NAME; if ($this->redirectsTableName == $redirectsTableNameResult || strtolower($this->redirectsTableName) == $redirectsTableNameResult) { $this->redirectsTableName = $redirectsTableNameResult; } Edit: My bad, didn't actually change the select statements. Shall commit that shortly, along with some other enhancements.
    1 point
  20. i think the selector redirect is working, wow that's so cool; and i'm seeing the debug log now.
    1 point
  21. looks really gut, but personally i was a little bit annoyed by so much scrolling. if you change the whole page on one scroll action its better (for me) than having to roll the wheel over and over to get the new teaser text + image. but others may experience this differently...
    1 point
  22. Although I generally use CSS frameworks, I decided not to use one for this project because most of the features they provide would not be used (especially the grid system). This site is very low on widget/component-like design, so to me it made sense to selectively bring in only the features that were needed (masonry-layout, lightbox, carousel, etc.). Bootstrap for example comes with a carousel but it's not as good as Slick.js. It also has a lightbox/modal, but it's not optimal for lightbox galleries which is why I used Fresco for images/videos and Featherlight for text. I wouldn't be able to fine-tune the responsive breakpoints Bootstrap provides with its grid system (or at least not without a lot of headache). The site didn't require 6 button styles, accordions, etc. Easy enough to accomplish these features without a framework. Bootstrap automatically makes a mobile optimized navigation from the navbar component, but using Bootstrap's navbar (combined with its grid framework) would have caused a lot of trouble with the masonry photo layout since that masonry photo layout has it's own breakpoints that would clash with Bootstrap. A big CSS framework could be utilized, but my approach is to use the best tools for the task at hand.
    1 point
  23. 3) I am testing on Firefox with ctrl+shift+m adaptive design check. It never stops loadind. It does load in chrome with mobile view. Have not tested on real mobile devices, so might be something with the browser. 4) On mobile the white background is do narrow it is hard to read the text. Maybe it is not so important.
    1 point
  24. @owzim It's in there by default "parent". See first option https://github.com/somatonic/MarkupSimpleNavigation#same-with-comments
    1 point
  25. I'm not sure with it anymore. The older or actually more common way is to implements ConfigurableModule, which has to lead into include a getModuleConfigInputfields() method. But with the newer way (external ModuleConfigfile) I'm unsure if we need to implement ConfigurableModule too? If not, the generator needs a little logic to allow only one way. And that with the default value types also is much better now! very nice Nico! static public function getDefaults() { return array( "string" => "ABC", "boolean" => true, "integer" => 1234 ); }
    1 point
  26. thanks cstevensjr matjazp you just solved my problem..... i'll just edit my php.ini and enable extension=php_fileinfo.dll.
    1 point
  27. Taking a quick look at your environment and totally unrelated to your current issue, I would suggest you find time to upgrade your OpenSSL
    1 point
  28. I had to add extension=php_fileinfo.dll to php.ini on windows environment...
    1 point
  29. The PW minimum for 2.5.x is 5.3.8
    1 point
  30. Are you sure you're using PHP 5.3? Because PHP 5.3+ should have finfo_open() included by default... http://php.net/manual/en/function.finfo-open.php
    1 point
  31. Ah. Okay, so Martijn's solution won't work for me. I suppose the implementation I imagine something like this would work is that under a page's "Settings" tab, there is the same configuration setting that we see on a template's "Family" tab that allows us to define what templates the children of this page can use. Given PW's core functionality, would adding something like this by using a module be possible - and if so, would clicking "Add New" be able to take into account the parent page's allowed templates for children?
    1 point
  32. Work process of my new website. 1.- Client area - Frontend login - View invoices - Submit a ticket - Change password - Domain Expiration - Hosting plan - Logout 2.- Frontend 3.- Backend
    1 point
  33. Thank you! It was obvious what I overlooked. Having picked a "Template for selectable pages", it works perfectly.
    1 point
  34. Since PW 2.5 it is also possible to use a MyModuleName.info.json file instead of the integrated getModuleInfo() method. With it, it is the same case as with the new module config possibilities. Both needs some logic, but worth to support it. (And now the logic can become an own function, because it will be used twice )
    1 point
  35. There is currently a dev branch available where I started a complete rewrite of the Module. This is needed because the 1.0.0 Version only handles animated GIFs with photos right, but fails with some sort of graphics: After a short and successful research (5 minutes in a support forum thread of László Zsidis GIFdecoder class) I found an enhanced class of GIFdecoder. With it, I was able to position the frames correct, but has many trouble with background colors and transparency (example). More can be read here at Github, where I asked xurei, the author of the GIFDecoder_optimized class for help. And with an upload of the corresponding GIFEncoder_optimized class, I was able to submit the manipulated frames with respect for transparency, what the old encoder couldn't handle. Sometimes you get lucky! So, a big big thanks to xurei from all future PW users that need support for animated GIFs with GD-lib. The results of the current dev branch, version 1.0.2 looks much better now: Only thing currently missing is cropping with tools like Thumbnails etc (cropExtra). This is on the ToDo.
    1 point
  36. Got it! You were right! I had to: Once the Language Support Page Names module is installed, go and edit your homepage and click on the settings tab. And I changed it to "en" and it solved the problem. I'm learning Processwire. So, forgive me if I'm bombarding this forum with too many questions. I feel like I've got all the answers I needed for the major part of my website. Thank you, everyone!
    1 point
  37. As multilangual support is not on by default, you have to turn it on by yourself: http://processwire.com/api/multi-language-support/multi-language-urls/. Probably the 1st time you installed PW with multilangual profile, where corresponding module is preinstalled.
    1 point
  38. @austin11 I see no value for ProcessWire in your post Next, you're linking to commercial websites in your footer.
    1 point
  39. I think you're looking for the settings here: mysite.com/processwire/module/edit?name=ProcessProfile
    1 point
  40. we would need to see the output, not only the php code - i don't think there is anything in your code that would cause the form to submit twice; it probably has to do with how you are using the hanna code; can you post the html output? this form posts to itself, so somewhere in there some variable is allowing it to process twice. this PHP file also needs to have access to the api since you are using api vars. http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/ so it can't be a file just sitting in the root, in case that's what you are doing - it needs to be a template file; you might want to test this not using a hanna code and see if that works; you could simply make a template for the contact page and then include that file there.
    1 point
  41. Hello there Yesterday we at update AG relaunched the new 1815.ch news portal of Mengis Medien AG. It's a big new portal of a local newspapers here in Wallis Switzerland. That's where the Matterhorn is also It was a thrill to work on this project using ProcessWire. We're still working out some details and adding more stuff in future. There's a lot going on and it has quite lot of traffic. 60k+ pages at the moment. Currently it serves 18k+ articles plus a lot of other data that are just pages. But will grow a lot. The portal has currently around 7k+ user registered. Lots of imports and exports are going on in the background. That mostly are XML feeds or data being uploaded to server. Some news are imported and automated. While they have different teams creating articles apart from the imports of their newspaper also via XML. http://www.1815.ch
    1 point
  42. Not hard at all - fun, as I'm dealing with amazing tools (ProcessWire, Symfony, Composer packages) and learn a lot on the way
    1 point
  43. Just caught up on this thread. I think you are all several steps ahead of me on this but I'd like to help. Documentation matters. I like what's been said about automated docs and streamlining that process (apigen, webhooks, etc.). I like that people are recognizing how useful different types of docs are.. Some observations: JQuery docs site is pretty good as a quick reference for syntax, methods, etc. and has good simple examples nearby. The PHP docs have always been a pretty good function reference (and there are so many!). How they handle comments is interesting. There are good and bad comments but it's great having them, especially for quirky version specific and environment specific stuff. Over they years they've tried various ways to organize and filter that content. Currently they have up/down voting but that has the effect of pulling posts responding to earlier posts out of their context, making them somewhat ambiguous. I'm particularly keen on using a PW web site to tie things together (eating our own dogfood). I'm just spewing coffee fueled ideas here, don't be too harsh, but somehow we should be able to use automatically managed tags, categories, etc to facilitate jumping around between tracing through code in apigen, seeing relevant "recipes", locating relevant posts (some curating and crowd sourced up/down voting here), Github issues and updates, etc. I'm imagining some kind of all-knowing sidebar navigation generated by PW and with AJAX, RSS and minimal intrusion could be be tacked on to things like the cheat sheet, apigen, this forum, etc.
    1 point
  44. Chances are high that if you find a more real bug, that broke something, it's often on Ryan's prio list and usually a matter of hours or 1 day to fix it. If it's something more complicated it can take longer but then it may was even in master undiscovered since some time. Also as other have mentioned dev is pretty darn stable, just make sure to report a bug if found. It's fun It's going on so fast, now 2.5.3 feels like an old hat. Go with the flow. http://processwire.com/blog/
    1 point
  45. PW Dev >= RC in anything else.
    1 point
  46. I think the message behind the new wording is that the you should stick with the stable version for existing sites because in some cases behaviors may have changed with the dev version and there might potentially be issues with 3rd party modules. The reason it is ok to use dev for new sites is that you are checking that everything is working as you are developing the site so you know that everything is working as expected. Personally I use dev on all my sites, but wait a little while to upgrade when Ryan has noted that there are some major changes - also I test these new changes for a bit on my dev sites so I understand the changes and help to debug any issues that may have arisen. Out of interest, check out the results of the poll on what versions people are using where: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/8946-dev-or-stable-branch/
    1 point
  47. I would try something like this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8432601/wamp-xampp-localhost-responding-very-slow
    1 point
  48. Awesome, horst. I want this in PW core! Dealing with the issue of resizing animated gifs was each time a pain in the ass. Actually I have a project coming up with an image grid that contains several animated gifs. So I will definitely give it a try.
    1 point
  49. @teppo, I've got to agree that animated gifs may be making a comeback. We wanted an (intentionally cheesy) animated banner for a site of ours and decided not to use Flash due to lack of support on mobile, so we went with a gif. (When our designer finishes it...) Now to see whether they can be made responsive...
    1 point
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