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A normal registration process is similar to how you signed up on these forums, so let's start there You registered, and after registering you were immediately logged in, yet couldn't post anything until you clicked the activation link in your registration email. Because you were already logged in, when you clicked that link it was easier to check the code and activate the account (in your case set the field to 0). So the answer is to have them logged in after registering and restrict their options until they activate their account, displaying a clear message that until the account is activated they can't do anything. That way if they accidentally log out (close the browser for example) and come back to your site then they'll know where they were up to. Hope that helps!4 points
I would also recommend to reset the password. And here is an additional explanation: Depending on the host's PHP version processwire uses the strongest available blowfish algorithm. So all passwords become "invalid" if the password algorithm changes. For example if your remote PHP version is above 5.3.7 and your local version is below that, processwire generates different password hashes. There could be other conditions for differing password hashes, but basically it's that.3 points
Maybe edit your index.php and add these lines: echo 'Current PHP version: ' . phpversion(); echo '<br>'; if (function_exists('filter_var')) { echo "filter_var is available."; } else { echo "filter_var is not available"; } exit(); And tell us what you get when loading the site.3 points
Template Notes Adds a "Help" tab to pages for notes and instructions on the current template used. You can add content by simply putting a html or markdown file in /site/templates/notes/ the module will automatically load that file if it finds one and adds a "Help" tab to the page edit form. Name the files using the template name. You can use html or markdown to write the help text. - /site/templates/notes/[tplname].html - /site/templates/notes/[tplname].md To style the content you can specify a custom css file url you add to the module settings. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/template-notes/ https://github.com/somatonic/TemplateNotes This module was quickly written after seeing a wish-list request by Joss http://processwire.com/talk/topic/5016-help-tab-for-template/2 points
As Ryan states: "The info field (in the page editor settings tab) is currently specific to server time and not affected by timezone settings." https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2846-timezone/?p=387932 points
sorry! Have found it yesterday and managed 512, or a highscore of around 6800. But I swear, if I get a 1024, I stop playing.2 points
Try running this from a template file: $u = $users->get('admin'); // or whatever your username is $u->of(false); $u->pass = 'your-new-password'; $u->save(); to reset your password.2 points
Hey guys, first, ProcessWire is a great piece of software. Thanks for that and the great community behind that. So, i'm realy new to ProcessWire, but i will present you my first module for SEO- and performance optimizing: AIOM+ (All In One Minify). AIOM+ (All In One Minify) for CSS, LESS, JS and HTML AIOM+ (All In One Minify) is a module to easily improve the performance of your website. By a simple function call Stylesheets, LESS and Javascript files can be parsed, minimized and combined into one single file. This reduces the server requests, loading time and minimizes the traffic. In addition, the generated HTML source code can be minimized and all generated files can be loaded over a cookieless domain (domain sharding). Install AIOM+ Download current release (link below) Extract and copy the files for this module to /site/modules/AllInOneMinify/ Login to PW backend and go to Modules > Check for new modules Install Module > AIOM+ (All In One Minify) for CSS, LESS, JS and HTML Alternative in ProcessWire 2.4 Login to PW backend and go to Modules Click tab "new" and enter Module Class Name: "AllInOneMinify" Click "Download and Install" Features Combining stylesheets / LESS files or JavaScripts Minimize the combined files No change to the .htaccess necessary (except for the domain sharding) Server-side LESS parsing without plugins HTML source code minimization Cookieless domain / domain sharding Automatic cache management (With changes to the source file, the cache is rebuilt) Configurable via the backend Automatic rewriting the paths in the stylesheet and LESS files. No changes are needed Optional developer mode (combining, but no minimize and browser cache prevention) Clear the cache on the backend Conditional loading for CSS, LESS and JS (since Version 3.1.1) How to use Minimize multiple stylesheet or LESS files into one file. You can even mix stylesheet and LESS files in parsing and combining process! <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo AIOM::CSS(array('css/file-1.css', 'css/file-2.less', 'css/file-3.css', 'css/file-4.less')); ?>"> Minimize multiple javascript files into one file. <script src="<?php echo AIOM::JS(array('js/file-1.js', 'js/file-2.js', 'js/file-3.js', 'js/file-4.js')); ?>"></script> Conditional loading (same with Javascripts) <?php $stylesheets = array('css/reset.css', 'css/main.less', array('loadOn' => 'id|template=1002|1004|sitemap', // PW API selector 'files' => array('css/special.css', 'css/special-theme.less'))); ?> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo AIOM::CSS($stylesheets); ?>" /> More Information, Documentation and Download AIOM+ in ProcessWire repository AIOM+ on GitHub So, I hope you can do something with this module. Dave1 point
a real disease: https://github.com/gabrielecirulli/2048 http://gabrielecirulli.github.io/2048/1 point
Hi there, I just saw totoff's new doctor's site and thought, I add my dentist site here: http://zahnarztpraxis-wunschik.de/ Credits for design and concept go to http://www.gruenklee.de/grkl/ They did a great job on the design and photography. This is my first PW project where I learned my ways around. It is running on v2.3. I used the default site and married it with H5BP and added a sass framework for the styling part that I used in good old Joomla days. From the PW side of things, this wasn't a great challenge thanks to this great forum. I was very happy about the Gmaps field. Only had to tweak it a little to display the info bubble. And FormBuilder. Didn't want to spend too much time on the form coding in a new environment. Tricky part here was to get the datepicker to display in German. There are some Animation features. The three info boxes at the top are slidable. And there state (closed/open) is remebered across the site. That was tricky, too because I had never worked wit jQuery cookies before. Gave me some headache but finally worked out fine. There are also some image slideshow features in the header on the "Praxis&Philosophie" page and on the start page. I used cycle2 jQuery plugin which is absolutely great. And some slide-in effects on the team page. All in all I learned really a lot from setting this up. It gave me a good base to explore PW further and work on more challenging projects with even more Animations AJAX etc. that shall be presented here in the near future.1 point
Launched just a few days ago: http://yummimami.de - a presentational website for a German startup supplying healthy and kid-compatible presented food to schools. Some features Responsive Forms via FormBuilder Navigation via MarkupSimpleNavigation (which, at least in my use case, evolves into something super essential for PW - like Views for Drupal for example ) Widget handling via having a big pool with pages of template type "widget", then referencing (and hence, rendering) them on content pages Editorial influence on the homepage teasers main color via SVG + field + ColorPicker (not necessary to that extent since the customer doesn't need to change the color to any other that magenta, green or brown - but still: proof of concept)1 point
I have an ancient old intuos - A3 size, I think - that I bought about 13 years ago to do cartoons for a website. I had been using pen an ink, but I wanted a bit more speed. I still use it (it just about works on WIn 7) but I rarely use it for things like tracing stuff out - I am much more likely to use paths.1 point
Hi Pete, I've been using an Intuos5 medium-sized tabled for a couple of years and really like it. The Intuos is great for sketching, paired with Illustrator. I also use it along with ArtRage. After you use it for a while, it beccomes really natural. But at first using the tablet feels a bit funny (I kept reaching for my mouse for a few days as I was getting accustomed to it). Thanks, Matthew1 point
I've managed 1024 once I think, certainly 512. I had managed to forget about it until you reminded me just now1 point
Adrian, I think Andre wants the date when the field (not the page) was added or modified. So, when was 'headline' added, for instance . The page could change subsequent times before and after, but he wants the time for this one particular field. I don't think this is possible out of the box?1 point
Pageimage Naming Scheme I have created a module that extends the naming scheme for images. It reflects more options within the filename. An example is here: http://images.pw.nogajski.de/new-naming-convention/ The module is on github (zip)- additionally you need PW version 2.4.2 or newer (while writing this, the latest dev version from today) The module is in alpha state, so yet do not use in production sites. To install and start using it works very smooth: It doesn't force to recreate your already cached images, only uses the extended naming scheme when need to create new image variations. Also recognizes both naming schemes when collecting imageVariations. Recognizes PageImageManipulator-files too per update to 0.1.3. If you want to uninstall it, you can run a cleaning script from the configuration screen that removes imagevariations to avoid orphaned files when switching back to the core naming scheme. Running the cleaning script as simulation is supported too. --- There are a new thing to mention: You can send a new option together with your images $options array: "forcenew" => true! This results in recreating these single variation of the image, without dropping all other variations. Now that you can have a lot more variations per image, this should be the preffered way to drop / recreate cached image versions. Questions, suggestions are welcome.1 point
I constantly found, that cleaning the mess of WYSIWG-tools is more effort than starting from scratch with my own code. I would be surprised, if this would be much different ...1 point
I have managed to get imagick setup locally (after many hours!) - I will test and post results as soon as i have time (using wampserver php 5.3 on vista 32 bit, had to use image magick 6.7, as the latest 6.8.9 wouldn't play nice - not got time upgrade my wamp right now. I have a newer version (php and image magick, 64bit linux) on my server, so will be interesting to compare results. I am most interested in the imagick::INTERPOLATE_xxx functions, as GD2 is giving me horrible results for upscaling images more than 200% (looks to be nearest neighbour, not even bilinear). I think it is very good to be moving to an image-library agnostic approach to ImageSizer, so that one can just drop in gd2, Imagick, etc. Yes I did ask about the naming conventions, what you have written so far looks good - i will see if i can think of any other suggestions for it (add the interpolation method?) also, may be useful to set a different default method for upscaling vs downscaling.1 point
Martijn, no problem! Every one of us has max. 24 hours per day. And all of us need some time to sleep, some time for the family, some time for other things and some time for ProcessWire. I think - in this order.1 point
Hi JasonS, Hmm it looks like the wire method is missing. What version of ProcessWire are you using? With version 1.2.1 I used the wire method two times: https://github.com/wanze/ProcessGoogleAnalytics/commit/81cb793eb7870226389b3609ab78f6af27602344 Can you try to change the two lines where this method is called like this: Edit: In the file /site/modules/ProcessGoogleAnalytics/ProcessGoogleAnalytics.module // $this->wire('breadcrumbs')->append(new Breadcrumb($this->page->url, $this->page->title)); wire('breadcrumbs')->append(new Breadcrumb($this->page->url, $this->page->title)); // $this->wire('processHeadline', $startDate . " - " . $endDate); Wire::setFuel('processHeadline', $startDate . " - " . $endDate); Does this solve the issue?1 point
Nico - that'll be the age old problem with not being able to moderate these without knowing the language. Perhaps there should be a simple way to suggest language changes if you're using anything but the default? Not sure how you'd do it though (if everyone on the planet had a Github account you could click a button somewhere in the admin and open an issue on Github for that language pack right there) but I guess there should be some text along the lines of "this language pack was created by a third party author. If you have any change requests you can contact them <here>". Assuming it doesn't already say something like that of course - I've not needed to install one myself1 point
In your other related topic I've suggested making them log in first (extra security, and if they've just registered you can log them in automatically and just restrict what they can do until they activate the account). However, all you need to do if the activation code is truly unique and the user isn't logged in is something like $u = $users->get($input->get->activation_code); If that $u has an ID then the system found a user with that code and you can activate the account. The problem is if the user isn't logged in you don't want to activate and automatically log them in using this alone - what if I hacked someone's email account and found this email? I would then be able to click the link myself and activate the account and be automatically logged in myself. Better to force them to be logged in before the link will work for added security.1 point
IE8 in compatibility mode uses the ie7 engine. I still need to support that from time to time... But as Support for XP is dropped, brighter skies are on the horizon.1 point
Well that's not in my hands I guess. Probably it would be smart to curate the language pack section so the classname could be adjusted if it's not in the language. Another thing I noticed while making this is that for example the vietnamese language says "vietnamese language pack" instead of only "vietnamese".1 point
Only their webpage already gives me the creeps, but seeing their demo really freaks me out. I can't install it to try myself, but for what I've seen we are talking of two completely different products. I can't tell you if it's "better", only that one I feel like trying and giving it a chance and the other I feel like never looking at it again. Edit: how can a company that sells a software for building websites have this kind of quirks in their own website?1 point
Tom, great idea with layout picker, we have been thinking the same at Avoine! Let me know if I can help with that. PM me if interested in collaboration.1 point
Hey @teppo You are right, I am bringing more security risks with remember me ;-) . And thank you for the help. I will try those and get back on it in the coming days.1 point
First of all, I'll assume that you've read enough to know that there are more than a few gotchas to be taken into consideration. The tricky part, IMHO, isn't implementing this for ProcessWire -- getting it right and making it secure is way more complicated. Once you got that figured out, you could set the token or whatever method you're using right after successful Session::login. Other part, logging the user in, depends on how and where you prefer this to happen. ProcessLogin::execute is one option you might want to consider. Hope that helps a bit.1 point
WillyC's example above would be the way to do it. The core is specifically built to support that hook exactly the way that he used it, so this is not a hack, this is part of the API (combined with using urlSegments). But maybe somebody will come up with a module that enables it to be automated from the admin at some point. I'm of the opinion that you will see the greatest benefits by using a structure that is consistent with the navigation. So if one is having to redefine URLs outside of the structure, that's a good reason to reconsider whether the chosen structure is ideal. You've got an infinitely nest-able tree (in a manner of speaking). Every branch is its own tree if you want it to be. It's just a question of how you perceive and use it. Regarding labels, take a look at mindplay.dk's Template Badges module, which might have some of what you are talking about.1 point
Joshua, I am in no way 'expert' when it comes to PW, but one thing I've learned so far (and one to keep in mind, maybe I should make a nice print ) is that developers often apply traditional CMS thinking (for things like tags, categories, etc.), and that gets in the way of the flexibility of the PW Tree. You often need to step back, visualize the target outcome and try to create tree that gives you the outcome.1 point
WillyC's solution is a good way to go if you have this need. But want to mention that the whole idea of multiple routes to a page kind of goes against the grain of the ProcessWire philosophy. By design, there is only one URL to any given page. This is different from systems that disconnect their data from URLs (Drupal, EE, etc.). ProcessWire considers pages like files on a file system. We are trying to embrace the way that the web is addressed rather than counter it. I understand the desire to make a shorter URL for a given page, and that's a fine reason to implement a solution like this (and I've done it myself too). But the reason you don't see things like this outlined in the documentation is because I don't think it's a best practice, whether in ProcessWire or on the web in general. So if someone uses multiple routes, I would suggest it only to solve a specific need after a site is produced… not as something to build around from the start.1 point
I knew it, I was just keeping it to myself. Noooooooooooooooooot. (That was so terribly 1990's I know).1 point
i.am first you can puut this in your head.inc tamplate or some includeded file before.u are doing $page->url $pages->addHookAfter('Page::path', null, 'hookPagePath'); function hookPagePath(HookEvent $e) { $page = $e->object; if($page->template == 'article') $e->return = "/blog/$page->name/"; }1 point