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  1. That sounds like a really interesting project Some measures you can consider: Session inactivity timeouts. Force regular password changes and/or use 2-factor authentication. Use SSL. Ensure users can only access the data they are allowed to. Not just through interface options, but URLs as well. Look at the hosting infrastructure. Credentials to access it. Who has access? What about your provider? Where is your database is stored? (Shared hosting? Easy to guess credentials?) Look at how data is imported and exported within the system. Is it possible to bypass any validation or auth checks? Forms. They should definitely be using CSRF protection. Can user input be overloaded? That is, can I submit additional form values that the system doesn't check or expect, but still get saved to the DB. Logging. Log as much as you can in order to provide an audit trail. It is guaranteed that somewhere down the line, someone will ask the question "When did this record change to this value and who made the changed?" Backups. Hopefully the data will be backed up. How easy and quick can this be restored? What granularity? User education. Some users may need it explaining to them that sharing usernames and passwords, or writing them down, is not good practise. There are probably some additional things - that could start getting into the realms of penetration testing - but that's a summary things I can think of in a short time
    8 points
  2. @Craig A Rodway, you covered the essentials very good. The client/company should have in existence a written, well documented and enforceable Data Access Policy. This covers what are the approved or disapproved uses of the system. The policy would also state explicitly most of what Craig A Rodway has already written. A good system would have initial training on Data Access (Policy manual, Video Review, Classroom training) where the main points are gone over. You would have a signature of acceptance and provide either semi-annual or annual recertification of the user's acknowledgement of understanding the Data Access Policy. Where logging is concerned, there needs to be a policy where someone actually reviews the logs (to include a written certification of review). The same goes for testing the backup/restore process. It must be a valid and frequently tested system (to include a written certification of acceptable testing results). Make sure that users who use the system but also have backend administrative responsibilities, have separate accounts for each function. Setup alerts/alarms for certain critical administrative actions that report the action being taken. These alerts/alarms would go to the system administrator and other trusted individuals who are outside of the normal system administration realm. The system administrator needs to know the alert/alarm system is working, Someone other than the system administrator(s) needs to be aware of what critical changes are being made to the system This alleviates anyone gaming or deliberately sabotaging the system. Basically a good system is based on trust and adequate verification techniques. Good luck on your project because the human factor is the achilles heel of any information system.
    5 points
  3. Also if used only from company network, you could use IP restriction: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-render-iprestriction/
    4 points
  4. Hello @Vineet, I'd like to advocate against forcing frequent password changes if I may. IMHO it encourages poor password choice by users as the frequency of changes either causes them to repeat a simple pattern of passwords (like 'password1' one week, then 'password2' the following week and back to 'password1' after that) or it forces them to write down the password on a post-it note on their desk if your policy only allows diverse or strong passwords. I would definitely suggest going down the 2-factor authentication route (and yes, I published a 2-factor authentication module for PW) as this significantly mitigates poor password choice on the part of users anyway. Also, I don't think your client should be running a service with any sensitive data on a shared host. VPSs are pretty cheap these days.
    4 points
  5. just ignore the buggy php version for the moment. Replace the ImageSizer.php from your current local pw installation, (you find it under wire/core/), with the attached one and PW will work fine and do no harm to your images. After that, you need to read on under the link others have provided here already. This is essential for you! BTW: My personal opinion is, that the default settings in site/config.php for $config->imageSizerOptions are very well set for the rest of the world, but not for photographers or photography sites. I leave the default settings unchanged for all other sites, but for photography sites I use: $config->imageSizerOptions = array( 'upscaling' => false, // upscale if necessary to reach target size? 'cropping' => false, // crop if necessary to reach target size? 'autoRotation' => true, // automatically correct orientation? 'sharpening' => 'soft', // sharpening: none | soft | medium | strong 'quality' => 94, // quality: 1-100 where higher is better but bigger ); And than in the templates have to pass an individual options array to size() if I need cropped images. PS: on your site under about you are showing a really nice collection of toys On the third tripod from left, is it a Bronica? With films I have used 4x5 and 13x18 cm large formats or 6x6 all the times. Now mostly using a phaseone digital back together with large format arcaswiss or adapted to a modified Bronica SQAi.
    4 points
  6. @Vineet I've never used Amazon's AWS offerings (only Amazon MWS - which is quite different.) I recently posted about my VPS experiences here. You do need server admin skills if you are going to go down the VPS route unless the client can provide those or self-host their service. You might also look at something like turnkey linux's hosted services or even bitnami's new PW bundle (though I've never used these myself.) A quick note on learning server admin skills: there are some great documentation resources (like how-tos) over on the slicehost and linode websites for learning these sort of things but don't buy their services just to learn how to admin your system - simply install virtualbox on your desktop machine and install something like a Ubuntu server 12.04 LTS client and learn how to do the things you need locally first. Once you know how to setup the server and keep it ticking then you can progress to a paid-for-VPS. Forgot to say, that I've heard really good things about Linode and Slicehost when it comes to more up-market hosting. Never needed them myself.
    3 points
  7. I think a discussion such as this one (I don't mean this topic but this posts) requires its own thread. Like Pete said, If this is an issue of what you want to hide and/or show in the Admin, PW, in various places and available API, already has various ways of limiting views. For example, the other day, Wanze showed us how the page tree can be hidden from view depending on 'role'. So, if we want this simplified in some module probably, we already have all the necessary tools. The main work (I say this naively) would be to unify these in some module. If we are interested in this, let's start a new thread and provide a list of the things we would like such a module to do in the one unified interface. I am writing this quickly - not sure I make sense
    3 points
  8. Hello! This is a website for another local group/hobby I'm involved with. I've been responsible for managing their website for about 10 years now, and it's seen a few revisions over that time - from a simple static site, through several other CMSs, and now ProcessWire. There's only really me who manages the content, but when I do I need it to be quick and easy to do - and of course that is now possible For the past 2 years or so it's been powered by WolfCMS. This version is a fairly responsive design (might need some minor adjustments here and there!) that has only had some small tweaks since the last version, as it works quite well. The only modules used are All-in-One Minify and TextformatterVideoEmbed. Visit: Bishop Auckland Radio Amateur Club. There's another website I manage for the club too (Railways on the Air), which will also get the ProcessWire treatment when I get round to it
    3 points
  9. If you are new to PHP then you might find the resources at php.net really useful. There's documentation for the entire language including every function.
    3 points
  10. There's no OR for multiple field=value selectors. Only for fields and or values. Like field1|field2|field3=value or field1|field2|field3=value1|value2 So maybe this can work for you. $selects = $pages->find("template=child-template, branche|contract=$branche|$contract");
    3 points
  11. The image name gets changed because PW makes a cached version of your image that gets the dimensions appended to the name. Why is the different name of the thumb image a problem? Do you want to use it on the page as a caption? Is the PW version of the example image a resized output, like bathroom.1000.0.jpg? This is because you are using $photo->size(1000,$options) As adrian said, with size() you will have to use width and height (sorry for giving you wrong example code above). If you change this to $photo->width(1000,$options) and your options array to $options = array( 'quality' => 100, 'upscaling' => false ); Then you get the desired effect. Please have a read through: https://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/images/ It's all in there. It can't be responsible because it's code is not executed if you don't call the photoSwipe plugin in your template. You most likely get a JS error in your console.
    3 points
  12. @Macrura, Off the top of my head: could you try making a small change to the ProcessFieldChangeNotifier.module file? After making the change shown there, you should be able to access the page context using 'page.subfield' from your templates but I haven't verified this yet. YMMV
    3 points
  13. Hey PhotoWebMax, here are some photography sites build with pw: http://processwire.com/about/sites/categories/photography/ According to some points here in the posts it sounds to me that it would be the best way for you to upload your photoshop images in the size you want to show them in your gallery. This way you can call the original images and resizing isn't needed. The other thing is, if you use Thumbnails module together with PageImage Manipulator, you have visual control over the quality and sharpening of the thumbnails.
    3 points
  14. Just bumped to v1.5.0 adding new transformations... "nospaces" - Removes all spaces from a field. "nl2br" - converts newlines to HTML breaks. "nl2spaces" - converts newlines to ASCII spaces.
    2 points
  15. I feel like that all the time.. Seriously speaking, what I've been missing most is automated checking, logging and reporting for broken links. This is partially solved by Page Link Abstractor, but I don't really like it's approach that much.. and it only works for local links. Manually running something like the W3C link checker helps a bit, but doesn't really solve the issue yet. Another thing I'd love to see is proper Active Directory / LDAP integration. At least around here that's pretty much a requirement in order to build intranets etc. for larger organisations, as they all seem to use AD for managing their local users. I know that there's some code floating around for this and Antti has apparently already used it in at least one project, but last time I checked it didn't really look like a finished product -- more like something that could probably be used to build on. That's all I can think of right now.
    2 points
  16. Well a 500 error simply means there was something broken in your code. Returning "nothing at all" (I'll assume it returned no results is what you mean) means you were closer to getting it right but the selector probably needed tweaking. You can change the last bit of your code above to simply be: // Search pages $selects = $pages->find( "template=child-template, $selector" ) ); There's no need to import into an empty PageArray unless you were merging multiple PageArrays, so just doing the above results ina single PAgeArray anyway. Your code looks like it should be fine but will always result in a trailing comma in your selector (both the $selector.= lines end in a comma) so you should put the comma before the branche= and contract= lines and change your final selector to look like this (no comma): // Search pages $selects = $pages->find( "template=child-template $selector" ) ); Whole thing then looks like this: $selector = ''; if($input->get->branche) { // Get the criteria and sanitize them $branche = $pages->get("/branche/" . $sanitizer->pageName($input->get->branche)); if($branche->id) { $selector .= ", branche=$branche";//CHANGE YOUR SELECTOR AS SHOWN HERE $input->whitelist('branche', $branche->name); } } if($input->get->contract) { // Get the criteria and sanitize them $contract = $pages->get("/contract/" . $sanitizer->pageName($input->get->contract)); if($contract->id) { $selector .= ", contract=$contract";//CHANGE YOUR SELECTOR AS SHOWN HERE $input->whitelist('contract', $contract->name); } } // Search pages $selects = $pages->find( "template=child-template $selector" ) );
    2 points
  17. These three are a must read in order to use PW $page: http://processwire.com/api/variables/page/ $pages: http://processwire.com/api/variables/pages/ Selectors: http://processwire.com/api/selectors/ Btw (sorry to be pedantic!) ProcessWire really does not have a syntax (in the sense of MODx syntax, for example). It's all PHP
    2 points
  18. So, I accepted Nico's pull request, and his changes are now in the master branch. If someone wants the previous versions, they are in the "pre-nico" and "pre-nico-dev" branches
    2 points
  19. I think that's a little different with WP (or almost any other blog system) compared to PW. Some people may know that I'm involved in the development of the blog system Serendipity. One of the goals for the upcoming version 2.0 there is a new admin backend, which is also supposed to be responsive. Because given the fact that Serendipity only has very few developers, chances are more than slim that anyone will ever make an app, albeit one for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. So I've spent the past couple of months redesigning the “frontend of the backend” there. Man, designing a backend is hard. I have sworn multiple times that I will never ever do that again. It is especially hard because there's lots of features to think about anyway as well as plugins adding functionality to the backend etc. Add the responsive stuff on top of that and you've got a shitload of work on your hands. An app can make this easier. Designing a responsive admin theme means you have to account for any backend feature in all resolutions. With a seperate app, it's … “quite okay”, I guess, to leave out stuff which doesn't make sense on mobile devices anyway and focus on the stuff that people are in fact going to want to do with their blog system on a mobile device. The beauty of the PW backend is that it's very … hm, “simple” sounds wrong. It very … streamlined, I guess. My point is, I think it is much easier to “get away” with a responsive backend theme in PW that in e.g. WP, just because of the overall structure and organization of the backend. (I hope that makes sense.)
    2 points
  20. Here some good gallery tuto's / examples : Brought to you by Joss directly from Processwire: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3046-simple-gallery-tutorial-for-processwire/ http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Simple_Gallery_System Owl https://github.com/OwlFonk/OwlCarousel http://www.owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/#how-to http://www.owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/#faq Steven http://bxslider.com/ http://bxslider.com/faqs Martin: http://tutorialzine.com/2009/09/cool-jquery-gallery/ http://tutorialzine.com/2009/11/hovering-gallery-css3-jquery/ With processwire's template system and fields html, css and js will just fall in place.
    2 points
  21. Requirements: * jQuery script like Fancybox or Colorbox, etc PW won't get into your way. It doesn't care what you use. You could use Mootools if you wanted to (does that still exist, btw?). So, yes, use whatever you wish. But you need to include the script yourself * Image file uploader from the PW admin system (front end) would be nice, but I am ok with uploading the images to the server via FTP if I have to. You can do both. For frontend, there's loads of examples on the forums about (see also Soma's Gists..). With frontend, the more important thing is security.... * Must have control over the generated thumbnail size. This is critical. The full-size images will be set by hand using Photoshop. Yep. Right out of the box. See here... * Access to the grid presentation of gallery thumbnails via a CSS file. Like I have said (previously)...PW doesn't generate or output markup. So, you can output whatever you wish with whatever CSS you wish. PW doesn't know or care so to speak * Pagination: ability to have a single page presenting one gallery of images or a page presenting multiple galleries on a single page. Pagination...right out the box...See here * Fast load times. Excuse me? Oh, OK, what Macrura said * Ability to include image title names and captions OR the ability to not include titles and captions. See here. echo $page->image->url; echo $page->image->description, etc, etc for what you want to show. If you don't what to show them, don't echo them. There are other techniques (yes, the dreaded PHP!) - e.g. echo description only when it is not empty...We can show you how to do that....Also, there's no image title per se, but there's ways round that... Note: In the above "image" examples, this is just echoing out a custom image field called image. There is no field in ProcessWire called image (or anything else actually). Like any other field, you give your image field whatever name you wish (within acceptable fields' naming conventions, of course). So, this could well have been echo $page->photo, etc. Final thing, you can have either a single image field or a multiple images field. For the latter, that's an array...As with all arrays..you need to foreach (loop) through it to output stuff. There are other stuff like echo $page->photo->first() but that's for later
    2 points
  22. Here's a video of a module we're working on that I thought you guys might like. The module, Lister, provides a different type of Page List than the tree that you usually interact with in ProcessWire. It gives you a table of pages with customizable columns, filters and actions. Rather than try to explain what it does, I figured I'd show you. This module also uses a new (soon to be released) Inputfield invented by Apeisa, developed by me, and sponsored by Avoine, called InputfieldSelector – it's what you see on the configuration screen as well as the Filters tab. I recommend bumping up the size/quality to 720p so that you can properly see everything. The video has no sound... I tried to do one with narration, but that didn't work out.
    1 point
  23. Hey, I guess we all used another CMS before switching to ProcessWire. And I guess everyone probably liked some bigger or smaller features of their old CMS. To close this gap or to replace this loss as good as possible it would be nice to collect a list of this features here. Probably there are things that can't be realized with ProcessWire the way you liked it in your other CMS. But always remember: Impossible is Nothing. #processwire My personal list is/was: Textpattern: - how to install a language (but I fixed that today https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6154-changes-in-how-to-add-a-language/#entry60210) WordPress: - it has a app (Tumblr got one, too) - preview function - switch themes (and the new browsing themes stuff: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/wordpress-themes-experience.png) (and live preview of themes) - theme / admin settings (page title, subtitle) in a special place - shortlinks - automatic updates Ghost: - splitscreen markdown editor Tumblr: - Video/Media player --- What are your favorite features? / Nico
    1 point
  24. One way....if calling PHP within HTML... Note: there is no slash before 'scripts'. ProcessWire will add that <script src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates;?>scripts/fancybox/helpers/jquery.fancybox-thumbs.js"></script> Read about urls and paths here: http://processwire.com/api/variables/config/
    1 point
  25. Hi Pete... I did something similar a while ago to sync active directory users with a mail server, using adLDAP. The unique ID was derived from the objectguid. Like this: // Define the fields we want to get $fields = array('sn', 'givenname', 'objectguid', 'description', 'displayname', 'useraccountcontrol', 'lastlogon', 'profilepath'); // Retrieve user info from AD $userinfo = $adldap->user_info($username, $fields); $id = bin2hex($userinfo[0]['objectguid'][0]);
    1 point
  26. Tell me about it! I don't know what's happened to me but the last few days I have found CSS more difficult than even PHP! OK, I exaggerate, but maybe I am becoming more comfortable with PHP. Maybe PHP is more predictable and 'relatively easier' to debug. Maybe my CSS skills are just lousy. No matter, CSS has been driving me nuts the last few days....currently it tops my list of least favourite 'web languages' (if we can call it that)! I know it produces the beautiful web....but beauty comes at a cost <!-- Sorry to hijack your thread Nico.... -->
    1 point
  27. @Charles....I see some MODx code left in there: [[~12]]. Won't output anything in PW . You need something like echo $page->url;
    1 point
  28. Horst, Thanks for the input! I will try your suggestions. Well spotted: that is a Bronica. The 6x7 GS1 to be exact. I really do not shoot much film any more. I did build a nice Polaroid 180 recently though. As soon as I finished the project I heard the sad news that Fuji is discontinuing the black and white instant film that everyone uses, namely FB3000. My main addiction is lenses. I think I have over 20 lenses for my Canon DSL systems. For a while there I was adapting the best of the old Minolta, Pentax and Olympus lenses to the Canon EOS mount. I was also one of the main moderators at cinema5d.com, a film making site that focussed on DSLR systems. I helped champion their use and promoted interest in adapting 50-year-old lens technology with modern cameras. Generally speaking I am suspicious of any script that changes image pixels from a server. I cant tell you how many times I have handed client images over only to then see how mangled and blurry they become after being "served" by some script that I have no control over...
    1 point
  29. Seems that only an echo is missing, <?php echo $user->name; ?>
    1 point
  30. Nice, clean and clear - I like it! Knowing that it's build in PW I shortly stumbled upon the main navigation item "Repeaters"
    1 point
  31. Hey cstevensjr, thanks for your reply. Having Data Access Policy as well as disaster recovery plan is something I should be giving added attention to. Right now there's no written document of how the data should accessed or handled and a very basic disaster recovery plan as I've just implemented the system and it's being used by just the main branch, others will start using it once main branch gives it green signal, but that's going to happen very soon. I've set up Text & mail alerts for errors, system failures and invalid data entry cases where the forms are well validated. More will be set up once I collect more information as well as understanding about system and it's possible use as well as abuse. Both of these statements are very true, completely agree with you! Thanks again and have a great day!
    1 point
  32. @all I've updated the module to allow parsing of page subfields, fix xdebug notices, move DB queries out of the init method and make the strings translatable.
    1 point
  33. If they're hours as in 24 hours in a day, could you not just do something like this: for ($i=0; $i <=23; $i++) { // Regular PHP - see http://www.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.for.php echo '<a href="' . $page->url . $i . '/">' . $i . '</a>'; // which will output as <a href='/your-page/4/'>4</a> - well, it will output 0 - 23 in this way so you'll have 24 hourly links for example } Not quite sure what you mean by "link" in this case, but you could use something like the above with a selector that uses the urlsegment and searches for pages with 4 in the rangeslider field - see this example adapted from the rangeslider instructions for the selector if you wanted to match any page with a range that encompassed "4": $pages->find("range.min<=4, range.max>=4"); // So if minimum is less than or equal to 4 and maximum is greater than or equal to 4, get those pages. You'll probably want to specify a template as well but you get the idea
    1 point
  34. that works perfectly.. i was able to have the page title in the email as well as create direct links to the page editor... Many thanks!
    1 point
  35. This is the site I am attempting to replicate in ProcessWire: http://www.seattlerealestatephotography.com I would like to refresh this site and add new content. The gallery system is a major component to this site. It took me quite some time to get it working like I wanted. This site is built with MODx Revo. One of the snippets (MODx term for module) is called Gallery. I could never get Gallery to present and paginate my galleries like I wanted. I found a guy who had the same issue and he added a Colorbox and a jQuery Asynchronous Image Loader (JAIL) system which seems to work well. This gets added on top of the MODx Gallery snippet. I am also using a custom TV (template variable) to add the gallery id number to the page that aggregates the different galleries. I adopted all this and it works. Some extra steps involved though. I built my own CSS for the presentation. 2013 was a rocky year for MODx it seems. One of the principal developers, Shaun McCormick, has left MODx completely. He built and maintained many of the most popular snippets in the MODx system, including Gallery. As my whole image gallery system has several moving parts in MODx I now find that some pieces get updated while others do not. Upgrading MODx itself seems to give me grief as some of the new code impacts stuff I am left hanging onto. I also feel a little uncertain as to where MODx is going as a project? The developers are desperate for money and are struggling to figure out what is needed to get the project into the same size arena as Wordpress and Drupal, etc. Growing pains I guess. The other issue is with sites I hand over to people. Some do their content management only intermittently and they forget the steps involved. I then have to repeat the lessons. The MODx Manager (admin) interface has way more complexity than what I am seeing with PW. PW seems cleaner and more intuitive. This alone is why I am thinking I would like to make the switch...
    1 point
  36. Regarding the issue of images getting sized larger than original, go back to that documentation page and read about setting upscaling to false. As far as the blurry images goes, check out this post: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6077-reduced-image-quality-of-images-added-to-image-fields/ and any of the links/advice from horst. It may be due to a bug in your version of PHP.
    1 point
  37. if you need some more examples,i posted 2 gists from a site i made: https://gist.github.com/outflux3/5690429 https://gist.github.com/outflux3/5690423 these should be pretty obvious and provide enough different examples to get you going with setting up the search form, search processor, and search results;
    1 point
  38. André, with the new module themes it's already easy to do it but for users and not roles (would be nice to be able to define it by role, though).
    1 point
  39. Christian Heilmann's thoughts on where we are going with web components: http://christianheilmann.com/2014/04/18/web-components-and-you-dangers-to-avoid/
    1 point
  40. something like Media Sources in MODX would be a nice feature.
    1 point
  41. frankensteining - hahaha - hope you won't need too much power to bring it to live ;-) It took me a while, too, to get my head around the setup. What helped me to finally find the right setup was the section "Working with Existing projects" in the Foundation 3 docs here.
    1 point
  42. I love it. Not at the position to test this (on holidays), but languages are not always natural languages. We have used pw language support for client specific manuals for example. Does this module also allow own languages?
    1 point
  43. So I spent the last couple of hours in creating a module which imitates the Textpattern thing. Take a look. LanguageInstantInstall.module (You have to go to Setup -> Languages and add a new language). It's not completely finished (a function to update, etc. will follow) but it does what it has to do What do you think? / nico
    1 point
  44. Hi reno, I think it is doable with two hooks. One hook would return false for Page::viewable() for the ProcessPageList page. Another Hook can be used to redirect your users to a custom admin page after login. I've only used the second one in a project, but I think something like this should work: // This needs to be an autoload module public function init() { $this->addHookBefore('ProcessHome::execute', $this, 'rootPage'); $this->addHookAfter('Page::viewable', $this, 'viewable'); } /** * Redirect users with custom-role to another page after login */ public function rootPage(HookEvent $event) { if ($this->user->hasRole('custom-role')) { $this->session->redirect('custom-admin-page/'); } } /** * Don't give users with custom-role access to Pages page */ public function viewable(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->object; $user = $this->user; if ($page->id == 3 && $user->hasRole('custom-role') { $event->return = false; } }
    1 point
  45. For our client Continental - a german based (but international selling) tire manufacturer we were asked to develop a campaign featuring their sponsorhip for the "FIFA World Cup 2014". We came up with the idea to connect a positive and fun "soccer like offline experience" with Continental as a brand and social media elements plus user generated content as a multiplicator. To encourage people sharing their experiences with others there also are pretty nice prices to be won (tickets to the World Cup in Rio including flight and accommodation). In a glance we've developed everything related to this campaign: Idea, concept, logo, text, artwork, videos, content- and seeding strategy, a lot of print-materials, apps [...]. There even is a "real" stadium which can be either obtained at one of over 6000 partner stores in Germany or they may be downloaded and handcrafted by the players themselves. The campaign has ads in some of the biggest german print magazines (i.e. Stern Magazine). The Campaigns Microsite www.paper-shot.de features: it's own blog with some external authors a retailer locator for finding participating partners (yup, that's >6k partner-pages in pw ) each having a custom set of assets which are shown to people coming from their banners or entering their partner-code custom user registration video/image uploads with a preceding approval process (the videos are first processed by a seperate media-server to serve the right formats to all devices, then reviewed and published by a team of editors afterwards) user-voting twitter & facebook integration for voting and login (not live atm due to some server problems with oauth & our reverse proxy) an unified api that makes it possible to use all of the microsites features in our apps for iOS and Android (for those interested: they are built with PhoneGap/Cordova upon the great ionicframework using HTML5 & angularjs). This was by far the biggest PW-Project we've done yet and we (again) were always happy we've chosen processwire because we definitely needed something flexible for realizing all of this features in quite a small timeframe (about 2.5 months "production" time for the microsite + the apps). Modules used: FieldtypeCropImage - for obvious reasons FieldtypeMapMarker - for generating and fetching the lat/lng for all retailers and storing the adresses ImportPagesCSV - for importing the retailers as pages InputfieldCKEditor - because it's better (and better looking) than TinyMCE ModulesManager - PageEditPerRole - for managing external authors access ProcessBatcher - bulk actions for retailers (saved us HOURS of work!) SchedulePages - show/hide blogposts by date TemplateDataProviders - MVC structure for our templates TemplateNotes - help pages for external editors TemplateTwigReplace - MVC structure & "better" templating TextformatterHannaCode - custom tags for including external services like storify in blogposts TextformatterVideoEmbed - for blog articles VersionControlForTextFields - for "security" and backup reasons + some we've written for the project (they aren't very interesting ones to release to the public)
    1 point
  46. I remember a post where somebody had successfully installed processwire on nginx Unfortunately I haven't saved the link. Did you try a search with google ? Enter in the search bar for example processwire nginx Apart from that I have seen articles on the web on how to configure nginx your self. Processwire is already fast but running on nginx it will launch webpages blazing fast
    1 point
  47. This config option should disable the POI for you: [ { featureType: "poi", elementType: "labels", stylers: [ { visibility: "off" } ] } ] Obviously this is not a module setting, but rather a setting you need to add to the javascript that loads the map on the frontend. Hope that helps.
    1 point
  48. Am I missing something here? I've never had a problem with this working img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; } I've never needed to remove either the height or width attributes, or are you trying to accomplish something different than what I am thinking?
    1 point
  49. I just edited the TinyMCE settings and removed width and height from valid elements (input tab). I left img like this: img[src|id|class|alt] EDIT: There is much better solution than this. Just leave width and height intact and use max-width: 100%, height: auto on your css. More info here:
    1 point
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