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Everything posted by gornycreative

  1. The only thing I might suggest is that the Location Role and Organization Role seems like two different classifications - The tricky part that I see in general is that some of the items you talk about would be at the hierarchical level - say, at the vertical level of granularity - while other items are on at a description attribute levels - the horizontal level of classification. Ultimately you will need to make some decisions with regard to what is considered an attribute and what is considered a degree of precision or size. I think the part that might mess with your head a bit is that there are likely going to be very common attributes of a variety of hierarchies. The advantage I can see from a PW perspective is that you could generate queries that pull selector values regardless of where they are in the hierarchy - but in terms of navigation structure I am not really sure how you would want to go about it without using URLSegments or something. I have not tried to model out something that complicated in terms of URL structure - hopefully someone with more experience in tweaking segments can offer input...
  2. I would consider how other systems work out the mapping of ragged hierarchies - where you store a hierarchy level in addition to the ancestors and children relationships. Having a two dimensional structures like this enables you to manage granularity level control as well as lineage control. It becomes trivial to isolate branch grouping based on a limit of the lineage and level - say less than three. Alternatively, you can also build queries that select peers across a given landscape. For example, if local heroes of a klan that is a subfaction of a race on a given world, you can list them alongside heroes that are also part of major clans without internal divisions, or even immortal heroes without lineage or clan that live on a mountaintop on a continent. Each 'level' number represents a granularity level, not necessarily a power, quality or quantity level. The nice thing about this method is that it allows you to 'skip' levels while still retaining lineage integrity if you so choose. Here's an example of building such a data structure for an unrelated BI tool, but I think you will understand the design pattern. Perhaps this is what you are looking for: https://www.dundas.com/support/learning/documentation/analyze-data/create-a-ragged-hierarchy
  3. So I thought I would try updating to 149 tonight, but I got very strange behavior. The backend loads, but all of the scripts (js/css) fail to load. I get no dropdowns, etc. The frontend loads without styles - the coffee svg actually doesn't load at all - throws a 404 even though the file is in the directory on the server. I am running a multi-site setup with a shared wire folder and separate site folders. Replacing the wire directory with v145 and everything returns to normal. Running PHP 7.3 The weird thing is that I can load the module list and upgrade modules (which I did - there is nothing left to update) - unless modules that exist but aren't installed somehow affect things anyway. Since I'm on A2 hosting which uses Litespeed I am going to try a plain vanilla 149 install on a fresh directory tomorrow and see if at least the basic single site install works, just to be sure it is not a litespeed vs actual apache issue. Has anyone else running a multisite install had any issues/success? EDIT: Never mind - doing a full refresh of wire with 150 dev resolved the issue.
  4. I know this sounds super easy, and for one provider it sortof is. The issue might be that updating and keeping track of freight APIs for everyone would become a costly development project in itself. Might make more sense to provide API hooks that can be used to push to services like IFTTT or Zapier and see if they already have connectors to postal service APIs. Same goes for accounting bits. I know Xero has Zapier integration: https://zapier.com/apps/xero/integrations This whole vertical integrations issue is something X-Cart and CS-Cart struggled with for a long time, most clients in the meantime ended up opting to work with ShipStation if they had complex freight calculation requirements - they passed the freight on to a piece of software dedicated to the task. I think they had a tax tool integration also to handle various tax jurisdictions, etc. which is also fun. https://www.shipstation.com/developer-api/#/introduction/shipstation-api-requirements/server-responses or (as we ended up doing) doing direct integration because we had simple vertical distribution (FBA) and Amazon controlled the rates - which got a little more complicated once we needed to have separate FBA accounts for different regions, different inventory counts for different FBA accounts, and different shopping locales. To make things nuttier, CS-Cart recently added in warehousing which is let's you balance inventory between multiple freight locations: https://blog.cs-cart.com/2019/11/07/meet-cs-cart-4-11-1-with-warehouses-and-other-improvements/ I haven't gone through the nuts and bolts to see how box count, product distribution per box per order, warehouse location for boxes and freight accounts for warehouse locations all work together in a multi-vendor e-commerce package. I imagine it is trying to run a synchronized swimming routine with farm animals.
  5. The guilty party is a rule in the middle of layout.less in the custom/theme/components folder.
  6. Please point me to some examples, thanks. Hi Kongondo... So I'm not sure if this is what B3ta is referring to - one solid piece that has gone through a bit of a wringer in terms of testing and configuration/transformation over the years is CS-Cart, which was originally in itself an offshoot of X-Cart. I believe both carts now have multishop setups. I am more familiar with the CS-Cart edition. Its a bit tricky, because on some level the owner needs to be able to decide if they want to have one unified database in the backend for various shops (the 'food court') model where you have multiple shops for different types of food but they all share one big common kitchen in the back and also share the credit card processing. Or the subcontract model where each store on the back end has its own unique instance in place with a universal dashboard that allows an admin to oversee everything. My advice, do not touch it with a 10-foot pole. As much as I love the idea, in practice the coding and debugging required has been a real nightmare/evolution for other products. How deep will admin go? Will customers be shared? Will customers use different logins for each storefront? Do cart contents carry over from one store to another? Do all storefronts have the same shipping and tax rules? Is there a shared pool of inventory that only the admin sees and that sub-storefront admins can pull from? Are products added by sub-storefront owners shareable? There are just a ton of variables laid on top of the shopping cart platform which already has a tendency to become super bloaty and confusing. CS-Cart made some serious errors during the evolution of their product, it has taken many years for them to iron own the kinks and hurt feelings that multi-vendor has created. I'd love to see a step up from padloper in terms of interface-in-place. Looking forward to the alphabetagamma.
  7. I get a namespace error when trying to warm up the OPCache - was the PW3 namespace issue not resolved?
  8. Deleting the dev.zip file seemed to work for me.
  9. I know this has been around awhile - just wanted to say thanks - its working well for me.
  10. Interestingly, this doesn't seem to work for AdminThemeUIKit. Never mind! I had already consolidated my modules under a base installation rather than a shared location.
  11. I'm currently having this problem on siteground. Running multisite pw the .well-known directory and files are not created, let alone accessible. If I create the directories in the pw/ directory and try accessing them directly I can browse to them, but if I use one of the multisite domains it will not find the directory in pw/ - should it be looking somewhere else? Do I need to alter the base directory for each multisite? They are currently all pointing at the pw/ directory. Thanks!
  12. Yeah so there needs to be better access to the support forum, which I believe there was a link to on the page when you first purchase the module but if you don't save it - poof it is gone. I've tried emailing but haven't gotten any response regarding the forum. A little frustrating. Even the invoice email doesn't include a link to the forum, which to me seems like a logical place to put it.
  13. Hi! I've been working over a number of sites into processwire, but I have come across a strange bug I cannot wrap my head around. I'm using method #1. Single wire directory, multiple site- directories with index.config.php and config.php set up properly. I've had no problem setting domains in the configs up until this point. www and root domains are loading perfectly. However I tried to add a subdomain value 'new.domain.com' and I have put the bits in all the right spots. I get a 500 Internal Server Error. If I change the subdomain to something else, same deal. Only domain.tdl and www.domain.tdl entries are working. Any thoughts? I'm using the latest stable 3.X branch.
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