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Everything posted by dragan

  1. I've read your post now 5 times and am still not sure I understand the whole scenario. Do you mean to import data from somewhere and create PW-pages via API? I also don't get the "301/302" problem. And what do you mean with "later when needed"?
  2. I'm not sure I understand this part. Can you elaborate? Do you fear that over time you'd end up with too many forms, and everything becomes chaotic? (endless variations)
  3. ahem... not sure if serious? OTOH, I just recently found out about the :empty pseudo-selector, which would have helped me to avoid some stupid workarounds or hacks in some situations... https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:empty
  4. A little search goes a long way... here's two similar threads https://processwire.com/talk/topic/14888-simple-calendar-module-with-reservation-and-confirmation/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/16757-booking-calendar-–-overview/ As far as GUI is concerned, there are better alternatives than Bootstrap datepickers. Out of the box, they are not truly accessible. Try something like this instead https://github.com/flatpickr/flatpickr
  5. yeah, I'm just doing research, honestly!
  6. hmm, some of these results are simply BS. One was a Shopify site, another MediaWiki. But lo and behold, I also found two adult sites built with PW (thank God I didn't open them in my office...) NSFW!
  7. Just found this nice collection of open-source PHP + JS projects: https://spatie.be/en/opensource One of them is used in a (very nicely written) PW tutorial http://blog.mauriziobonani.com/processwire-building-a-basic-reserved-area/
  8. This one seems to be a rather big PW site: https://www.surveysampling.com/ And then another gov site: http://catawbacountync.gov/ https://www.niagarafallstourism.com/ seems also nice http://www.livius.org/ The Livius.org website offers information on ancient history. Now there are 3883 pages. You will also find more than 9,100 original illustrations. https://albertina.at/ stunning museum site https://www.centarzdravlja.hr/ a Croatian health/lifestyle portal https://www.stromvergleich.de/ compare electricity prices across Germany https://www.iphm.co.uk/join-iphm/therapists/iphm-therapist-online-application/ big signup form built with FormBuilder https://www.valkevents.com/ Dutch event company http://www.cuafc.org/ Cambridge University Association Football Club http://fashion.si/ Slovenian fashion mag
  9. If you want syntax highlighting, you could maybe use this: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/inputfield-ace-extended/
  10. No idea. But you should check your browser JS console if you find any hints there. Also install Tracy Debugger and see if any errors or warnings appear. If it's a public site, you could also give us the URL.
  11. Check these threads with same warning msg: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/184
  12. perhaps specify the new page name as well? $copy->name .= '-copy';
  13. Perhaps set $recursion to true (shouldn't be necessary, since it's the default, according to the docs https://processwire.com/api/ref/pages/clone/) Or just remove this line? Maybe with cloning it's not necessary
  14. This doesn't make any sense. If you deleted it, it's gone. So why do you miss it? If you had files in that subdomain, you should have moved them to somewhere else first.
  15. Wow, da hätt glaubs öpper gschaffed... trotz de Früehligs-Polle From just a very quick first glance, this looks really nice. I'm sure I'll install this when I have some spare time and play around with it. I don't actually have a real use-case myself atm, but since we're experimenting with conversational interface stuff lately (chatbots etc.), Dialogflow Webhooks etc., this could come in very handy for REST/API-like scenarios.
  16. Yes and no. Don't delete the site/cache/ folder, but everything inside that folder. btw, I see your site is showing up fine now. It would be nice to tell us what you or your hosting company finally did to make it work (you know, for other users running into the same problem)
  17. Maybe have a look here: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/409 (1st reply - array_merge)
  18. I'm surprised this hasn't come up yet: https://tympanus.net/codrops/
  19. <distraction> Sonderforschungsbereich 923! Gotta love the German language! Sorry, but I just can't help myself. It sounds at the same time so bureaucratical and military, but also beautiful. I've heard many standup-comedians making fun of this simple fact, that in German it's easy (and allowed) to put words together to create a new one. For us, it's natural and normal, but for many other people it's like "what the heck"? </distraction>
  20. Congrats. That's really well-done. I only found a slight responsive glitch where original and translated text overlap each other somewhere ("letter from A to B"), but that should be easy enough to fix.
  21. I would like to take a look at all this, but I don't have a real site with thousands of pages. I know about all the various ways I could create + populate PW pages with some dummy data. But do you think you could provide us some sort of data set (site-profile?) that actually has so many entries it's even worth playing around with it? I can imagine having such a quick setup would greatly facilitate further improvements / tests.
  22. Well, the first time you have to handle such situations is always a bit rough. Lots of trial and error, and trying to stay in sync, but also trying to get the best possible speed performance etc. From what little I could see, the JSON you get is well-structured. There are unique IDs that you could use in your import/update process. There are time-stamps for performances. So, overall you should be fine (not every SaaS who claims it has its own API is actually usable). With projects like this, it's even more important to have a solid test/dev platform. If you have a live site, and add or change features, you don't wanna do it directly first on the production site. I'm sure we'll have suggestions and tips if you run into any problems. That's the most important thing.
  23. I would try to delete everything inside site/assets/cache/ I would also try to update to the latest version. See if you can use the new https config features described here in the 2nd chapter: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.99/
  24. https://inovtex.com/noticias/inovtex-vence-nomeacao-site-da-semana-pela-processwire/ nice one
  25. Do you have debug-mode on or off? And do you use Tracy Debugger? Chances are, if using Tracy, you will see some addtl. infos about this error.
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