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Really nice work by Ryan and all the involved people. I am very happy to see more adaption of PR's from the community and more effort of the community to work on ProcessWire, because @ryandecided to make PW more community-driven. So I have a goodie for all german speaking ProcessWire users: Guess what will be released later today (if nothing happens), or at least tomorrow? YEAH, right, the german language pack!8 points
This week we have a new master/main version released after a full year in the making. With nearly 40 pull requests, hundreds of new additions and more than 100 issue reports resolved, this new version has a ton of great new stuff and we’ll cover most of the new stuff here— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.184-master/5 points
New Release! Added support for latest stable ProcessWire version 3.0.1844 points
Apologies for the delay folks. Here you go: Demo code for Using htmx to Refresh ProcessWire Frontend Content.3 points
@kongondo - it sounds like @Rudy is on the right track: https://stackoverflow.com/a/27046133/1524576 This comment on the same thread: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28478146/1524576 is also worth a read. The question I have though is which script is being load synchronously (and shouldn't). Is it perhaps fixable by putting async in the script tag on this line: https://github.com/nette/tracy/blob/da8677c87e4ed645523ea91e0b6cf1d595e60fe1/src/Tracy/Bar/assets/loader.phtml#L22 Maybe you could test that to see if it fixes things for you?2 points
If I am not mistaken, you need to set async: true.2 points
Congratulations Ryan and everyone involved! It's always amazing to see these blog posts that gather all changes from longer timeline.2 points
Congratulations to all of us it the community! And the biggest possible thanks to Ryan for making this step to actively communicate with everyone interested on PRs, issues and wishes! Many of the latter came true ???2 points
Correction. This actually seems to be the issue, sorry. I am calling alpine.js in an inline script. All that code lives inside a pw-panel. When I use the code outside a pw-panel, I get no warnings. When used inside a pw-panel, I get the warning, unless I don't refer alpine.js. So, it seems alpine js and jQuery are clashing somehow. I'll try set up a test environment, but it might take a couple of days. Thanks for looking into the matter.1 point
Hi! Does anyone know if there is a hook to filter out custom fields of image/file fields under certain conditions? For example, if the 'images' field is on certain template, I want to exclude the rendering of a 'url_address' field that would normally show within the custom fields. I would have hoped somewhere like here would have been enable for hooks. EDIT: As always, some writing makes the brain work, going to try the already famous hook before the InputfieldWrapper::render method lol1 point
Or maybe the async needs to be in that XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function() https://github.com/nette/tracy/blob/a386d3810439f4a72950ed96983b890409c32660/src/Tracy/Bar/assets/bar.js#L4751 point
This is an 360 x 600 px image and its file size is above 10 Megabyte ! Besides the question for what should this be useful, I would check the available memory usage on your online host. Only for creating the admin thumb when uploading that image it may need multiple 100 MB memory, depending on the number of slides in that image.1 point
1 point
@jds43 That would probably be indicative of your server side code running more than just your ajax section. It's probably not what you are outputting in the rendered htmx you just posted. In the example kongondo posted above, the ajax route ends by calling $this->halt() to finish off PWs processing after echoing out the html. Is your code doing this? NB it is only possible to use halt() in some situations (like template files, IIRC) so you'll need to do that or just call exit(); if in a different context.1 point
Just throwing in htmx as an alternative here. If you are interested, I could put together a rough example.1 point
More fun (can't upload animated gif) with style switcher... style-switcher.mp41 point
Hey Adrian, I like the idea! But I'm not sure what would really be the best way to achieve something like this. I've created a module for my style to make it easy for me to maintain it and also it has lots of helpful background information about admin themes/styles: https://github.com/baumrock/AdminStyleRock The main reason for putting everything into a module is my git submodule based setup. So I can simply add my theme as submodule and pull and push changes to any of my projects. My module can also serve as an example for others that want to provide a style for AdminThemeUikit. It could be simplified even more, but maybe it's good to wait a little to see how and if the community will come up with other styles at all? I think what we have now is only a first step. But I'm really not sure what would be a good next step as there are many good options... ?1 point
I have added a new field type to the FieldtypeColor package. It is still in beta, but is already working quite well. The module is an extension of the Core FieldtypeOptions module and offers colors as predefined selectable options via 4 different input field types (Select, SelectMultiple, Checkboxes and Radios). Please try it out and if you like it, recommend it in the modules directory ? 2 Screenshots1 point
Image Animated GIF v 2.0.2 Module for PW 2.5 stable or newer, but is obsolete for PW Versions greater then 3.0.89 (... read more ...) This module helps with resizing and cropping of animated GIFs when using the GD-Library. The GD-Library does not support this. This module is completely based upon the fantastic work of László Zsidi (http://www.gifs.hu/, builts the initial classes) xurei (https://github.com/xurei/GIFDecoder_optimized, enhanced the classes) I have ported it to a PW module and it works with core imagefields, together with Pia and with CropImagefields that uses the new naming scheme since PW 2.5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ read more in this post about the rewrite from version 1.0.0 to version 2.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can find it in the modules directory: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/image-animated-gif/ and on Github: https://github.com/horst-n/ImageAnimatedGif ------ A preview can be found here1 point
When creating the field, set is as not required. Then after adding it to your Events template, edit it to Required on the template. That will make it a required field for only that template.1 point
Since today, 31-01-2018, we have support for this in the PW Core. Therefore I updated this module to version 2.0.2 This version handles the detection of the core support and dismiss its installation then. If the core module is available but not installed, it get installed instead of this third party module. If you have this third party module already installed since a previous PW version and upgrade your wire folder, this module will detect the core module and install it. Its own hook isn't registered then and you get a notification about the changes.1 point
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1 point
This is awesome Ryan! I actually used your snippet below and modified it to do what I needed and it worked perfectly, Just took me longer to create the temp field .. foreach($mypages as $p) { $p->of(false); $p->image->description = $p->temp; $p->save(); } Your above snippet is definitely a time saver and has been added to my library. It works perfectly when I tested it. I just had to modify it slightly to meet my needs. I would just like to say your willingness to bend over backwards to assist others in this forum is a true judgement of your character. You and several others go above and beyond to help others learn with examples. One in particular I would like to mention who helped me way beyond my expectations was Nik. Just like you, he took the time to break things down with examples and even explanations. How you both manage to find the time, I do not know. To you, Nik and all the others who help us learn everyday, I thank you sincerely for helping us. I am confident I am speaking for others as well and say that ya'll truly make a difference to those of us following in your paths.1 point