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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2019 in all areas

  1. UPDATE 2019-11-15 In the last 3 weeks I (nearly) finished the complete order handling for store merchants (ProcessWire backend). This includes the following features: search for orders filter orders extensive overview of all order details download of invoices resend invoices to customers refund amounts to customers ... all right from within your ProcessWire backend! That doesn't sound like much, but it was a good piece of work. ? Here is a short clip to demonstrate the new features:
    11 points
  2. There is this the fieldtype Color module and the ColorPicker module. You could get you a copy of those, dig through the code to see how they have done it. That's the way I would go in this case. Afterwards I'd take an existing 3rd-party tool or library (GPL oder MIT license) and implement it somehow.
    5 points
  3. Try: // Set filename manually $filename = $config->paths->templates . 'lvl04-post.php'; // Or get filename from one of the templates that uses it // $filename = $templates->get('lvl04-post')->filename; // Find templates that use this template file $tpls = $templates->find("filename=$filename"); // Find pages using those templates $posts = $pages->find("template=$tpls, limit=5");
    5 points
  4. Here are a couple more PW-related calendar options, courtesy of my secret project.
    5 points
  5. @verdeandrea Sounds like a cool project! If I had to do this, I guess I would go a similar route like @wbmnfktr suggests. However, gradient generators are a lot more work than just (single) color-pickers. I'm not sure it's worth re-creating all that stuff just so your authors can finally insert some CSS for a given section. I would perhaps rather use a markup inputfield*, and just open a gradient generator in a (pw-) modal, and instruct the editors to copy and paste the generated CSS into a regular textarea. Would certainly not look as polished and streamlined as a native PW inputfield, but it would get the job done way faster. * https://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-runtime-markup/ or https://processwire.com/talk/topic/21982-rockmarkup2-inputfield-to-easily-include-any-phphtmljscss-in-the-pw-admin/
    3 points
  6. ProcessWire / Fullcalendar solution including comfortable planning app in the backend: https://vdt-icsa.de/program/ https://2018.tonmeistertagung.com/en/program/
    3 points
  7. @digitex Try to use $hp->video->httpUrl.
    2 points
  8. "Why is a simple calendar so hard to find?" Why the assumption that someone else will have created a plug-and-play solution for you? Web software exists if a web developer codes it. You are a web developer. Do you see where I'm going with this... ?
    2 points
  9. Ive been using signaturepad.js for this, its a js library that allows you to put an input field where users can sign (works really well on mobile), it outputs a png/jpg file that then you can upload to any image field you want (what i do for this on the front end is to upload the signature to a temp folder via ajax and then retreive the url and put it in a text field and then input that url to a $p->image->add($url); on server side, this works for a frontend implementation, i dont know if you require to do this using a processwire form
    2 points
  10. Hello everybody! I am working on a project that should allow the user to generate a gradient from the admin panel. Something similar to the Photoshop gradient panel, or to this https://www.colorzilla.com/gradient-editor/ Is anyone aware of an existing module that is already doing that? The alternative is that I try to write my first (!) module! Do you have any advice or suggestion on how I should approach this? Thanks
    1 point
  11. Thanks @wbmnfktr and @dragan! I was looking into it and it is acually way more complex than a single color picker. It is challenging and I would like to give it a try but I think I would initially go with dragan suggestion. It sounds like a smart and fast solution! Thanks!
    1 point
  12. A weird way to protect against DDoS but ok... Fingers crossed they will find a fix soon.
    1 point
  13. You may read in this thread about it, but the last post had the best solution for me:
    1 point
  14. That code seems correct. Are any of the post pages in-fact published, because if not, you'll need to add 'include=all' to your selector: $pages->find('template=lvl04-post, limit=5, include=all');
    1 point
  15. Looks promising. And when you've sussed it out you could add a little write-up in the tutorials section for the next person needing tips for a calendar. ?
    1 point
  16. I was literally suggesting FullCalendar as you replied. It's a great option. You just need to provide it with the JSON it needs and it works quite well.
    1 point
  17. While you're at it, do yourself (and your client) a favor and try to upgrade to PHP 7.2 or higher - official PHP 5.6 support ended a year ago.
    1 point
  18. You could also try this: https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor4/latest/examples/timestamp.html
    1 point
  19. Update 2019-11 I'm learning Angular nowadays and this project seemed to be a perfect one for a rewrite. I planned to do that beforehands mainly because of the design and slowliness (frontend issues) anyways. I kept PW as the API source, so I could use the current admin as before. The major change was to remove all template files except for "admin", and added a new "api" template. Of course a bunch of frontend modules were also removed, eg. TemplateLatteReplace. Things are determined in ready.php. There's also a saveMeta() function that creates a meta.json file on the server, that is to be able to dynamically update the Open Graph meta (and page title) in the Angular entry point "index.php" (renamed from "index.php"). See more about this here. There was some unforeseen issues during the development but mostly on the Angular/.htaccess side. ProcessWire itself was easy to handle, my biggest concern was to design the JSON response in an easy-to-process way. Although the initial load may take slightly more time, the speed and responsibility is almost instant afterwards. Images and video thumbs need additional requests but otherwise everything is very snappy. You can read some more about the site on my blog.
    1 point
  20. Just a brief update today. I’m going to give it another week before bumping the core version, as I don’t think there’s enough changes yet to warrant a version bump. For whatever reason, several of my clients have needed integration with Stripe (payments) over the last few weeks. I’d not worked with it before the last month or so, but now all of the sudden am working with it a lot, because that's what my clients have asked for. I’ve found myself working on four different Stripe integrations on existing PW sites, both Stripe Elements and Stripe Checkout. None of these are for sites that have an actual “store” where they would need a cart, but rather just “pay for your reservation”, “buy this book”, “buy this song”, and “make a donation of $10”, “make a recurring donation”, type things. After doing a few of these, I thought it would make a lot of sense to have this built into FormBuilder, which would save us time on this stuff. So this week I built Stripe support into FormBuilder (using the Stripe Elements API). It’s already fully functional, so I will be releasing a new version of FormBuilder with this capability quite soon. To add a Stripe payment input to your form you just add a new field of type “Stripe payment for FormBuilder”, and then it asks you for some info about it (like amount to charge) and then your form works as a payment processor. Stripe has a clever way of making this all work, so that the user never leaves your site, but your site (and FormBuilder) never sees credit card numbers or anything like that, so it’s secure and you don’t have to consider things like PCI compliance. I've also got some other unrelated updates for FormBuilder that I'll be covering soon as well. Have a great weekend!
    1 point
  21. Version Update 1.0.3 The current version 1.0.3 has some minor improvements. Items are inserted at the last position on the target page and set to the status unpublished. Furthermore, the clipboard is synchronized live, so you can jump between browser tabs without reloading the target page, for direct pasting. And the module runs only in the backend in the autoload. > Grap a copy: https://github.com/FlipZoomMedia/InputfieldRepeaterMatrixDublicate
    1 point
  22. Do you mean this? (ProcessPageEditImageSelect)
    1 point
  23. Several options. Admin custom files module. AdminOnSteroids has this option too I think. And finally my favourite way: via hook (several possibilities here again)
    1 point
  24. Put this in your site/ready.php file: $this->addHookAfter('Session::loginSuccess', null, function($event) { if($this->wire('user')->hasRole("target-role")) $this->wire('session')->redirect("other-url"); });
    1 point
  25. Available also from the modules directory: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/textformatter-multi-value/
    1 point
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