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A short update this week looking at ProcessWire 3.0.97 and a preview of coming attractions: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.97-core-updates/6 points
EDIT: Demo version download here: Hello I've been looking for a way to give "editors" a little bit more freedom regarding the layout, without having to care about CSS, Fields, Templates etc. After playing with PageTable(-Extended) and Bootstrap, this is the (intermediate) result: http://theowp.bplaced.net/upload/prev.html It is just a proof of concept atm. Does anything like this already exist for PW?3 points
Module for hiding pages for non-superusers. Download HidePages Requirements ProcessWire 3.x Changelog 1.0.1 (31 March 2018) Module renamed to prevent confusion 1.0.0 (30 March 2018) Initial release3 points
I use Redirect gone ... in .htaccess Redirect gone /wp-login.php for all that stuff. (First I log 404s for a period, than I add those candidates to the .htaccess, before ProcessWires entries!!) I think it is better to not invoke PW for this stuff, (lesser overhead on the server!), instead use apache custom error page(s). 47ms is fast! PS: 410 is better than 404, as I also use this for SearchEngineRequests that try to reach URLs that do not exist since 10 years or so. Normally the SEs should flush their cache on 410 returns.2 points
Just a thought: I think it would be nice to store the banned IPs also in a logfile, so you have them in one place with the other protocols. Fe: $log->save('blackhole', 'Banned IP') You can also add fe a checkbox in the module settings to offer enabling and disabling of this feature. What do you think? Might this be useful for others too?2 points
2 points
I moved $templateID inside "if" to prevent "Undefined offset" error on a module page. $this->addHookAfter('InputfieldPageTable::render', function(HookEvent $event) { $id = $this->input->get('id'); $page = wire('pages')->get('id='.$id); $table = $event->object; $content = $event->return; if($table->name == 'mypagetable' && $page->template->name == "mytemplate") { $fieldsarray = array ( 'myfield' => __('My New Header') ); $templateID = $page->template->childTemplates[0]; foreach($fieldsarray as $key=>$value) { $label = wire('templates')->get($templateID)->fields->getFieldContext($key)->label; $content = str_replace($label, $value, $content); } $event->return = $content; } });2 points
@adrian I've modified field edit links to appear on every page, for non-system fields only, please check.2 points
Awesome!!! Thanks!! Thought I've read the whole docs and examples and googled for an hour but found nothing... now it will be a lot more fun working on this tomorrow Maybe I should change the topic title to "everybody who can rtfm better than me, raise your hands" ??2 points
You're right. The module has been updated to 1.0.1. Changelog 1.0.1 (31 March 2018) Module renamed to prevent confusion2 points
@bernhard Have you seen this https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-grid-reference-overview/#listening-to-events?2 points
Visual Studio Code for PW Devs This thread is a place for ProcessWire developers who use Visual Studio Code (aka VSC or Code) to share their experience, tips, frustrations , solutions, code snippets and generally discuss all things VSC. From Wikipedia:1 point
Since all good things come in threes, here's another responsive blog profile for PW3: Editorial Travel Blog Template Like the previous two, it builds upon @kongondo's Blog module and uses @justb3a's Simple Contact Form. It also makes use of @Pete's XML Sitemap and @ukyo's Font Icon Picker. Features: Responsive Slide-in sidebar Homepage with picks and last posts, 3-column layout Selectable widgets, e.g.: Recent posts Recent comments Current month calendar with links to posts per day User-switchable sort order for lists (ascending/descending) Configurable list pagination An online demonstration can be found here. And again: all feedback is welcome!1 point
Great work @theo! I'm interested to see how this plays out. Will you be sharing the steps/code used to make this? I added your technique to my document "Techniques for flexible page layouts in Processwire" https://docs.google.com/document/d/1peY-FUpevKgy87cKOxIVz8jwcv2-3c61zbiJr3QKO6c/edit?usp=sharing. Will this also handle the case where you have full bleed rows with contained columns on the inside?1 point
Today's update: More "wysiywig" for the backend Visual resizing. "Snap to grid". http://theowp.bplaced.net/upload/prev1.html Thank you.1 point
Hello again guys! Czech Language Pack was updated for PW 3.0.96. All system files was translated (181 files). You can download it from Github. If you need older translation, just take a look at releases. Zdravím všechny, podařilo se mi přeložit kompletně všechny soubory processwire. Celkem 181 souborů. Nechal jsem si to až na oficiální vydání verze 3.0.96, takže toho byla opravdu kupa. Některé věci mi daly celkem zabrat. Musel jsem nové moduly otestovat a přeložit tak, aby to dávalo smysl. V některých částech se překlady trochu liší rodič/dítě versus nadřízená/podřízená stránka a tak podobně, ale nemám kapacitu na to, abych to sjednotil. Každopádně překlad je použitelný a pochopitelný, takže to snad nebude velký problém. Jinak postupně budu překládat i své oblíbené moduly, jenom jsem zatím nevymyslel to, jak to rozumně publikovat. Zatím mám přeložený pouze jeden modul. Obvykle se snažím používat opravdu minimum modulů, takže toho moc na překlad nemám Ale pokud by byl zájem o nějaký specifický modul, dejte vědět. Otestuju a přeložím a pošlu, případně nahraju na github.1 point
Thanks for the hint @PWaddict, I have updated the code on the first post !1 point
Hi @Juergen I completely agree. Even better, there will be a Process module to manage/view the blackhole data.1 point
1 point
Just an update to my code. After looking through the forum for a few hours I changed it to the following which I hope is more efficient. function permissionCheck($content, $type) { $user = wire('user'); $fields = wire('fields'); switch ($type) { case "view": $fieldName="content_view"; break; case "comment": $fieldName="content_comment"; break; case "post": $fieldName="content_post"; break; case "delete": $fieldName="content_delete"; break; case "pinned": $fieldName="content_pinned"; break; } // Find only the parent pages that have the $fieldName attached to their template $templateWithField = $fields->get($fieldName)->getFieldgroups()->implode('|', 'name'); $pagesWithField = $content->parents("template=$templateWithField"); // Check the current $content page also, if it has the $fieldName, append it to the $pagesWithField array. if($content->hasField($fieldName)) $pagesWithField = $pagesWithField->append($content); // If the $pagesWithField array contains pages, check for the $user roles within the $fieldName if($pagesWithField->count > 0) { $i = 0; foreach ($pagesWithField as $item) { if($item->hasField($fieldName)) { if($item->$fieldName->has('id=' . $user->roles)) { $i++; } } } // Only return true if the $user has a role for all the pages within the $pagesWithField array if($pagesWithField->count == $i) return true; } return false; }1 point
Haven't tested but from what I read from the core files, is that InputfieldAutocomplete uses ProcessPageSearch to look for the pages matching the fields options. You could hook into the executeFor() method on ProcessPageSearch and replace the returned output with another list rendering of your own mix of pages, the ones found by the module, and the ones you define as curated at the beginning of the rendered list. I'd even bet you could add some CSS classes to make them look different.1 point
Thanks for the heads up - I've fixed that. I don't think it's strange. The href property in getModuleInfo() is optional so getting any link is like a bonus - Ryan rarely uses it in his modules for example. If a developer does choose to use the href property then the guidelines are "URL to more information about the module" - I think the GitHub readme satisfies that guideline quite well. The online repository is the primary home of the module - the module directory listing just pulls the readme from the repo. Also, at the time I'm filling out getModuleInfo() the repo URL is the only one that exists. The module doesn't have a directory page or support thread at that point, and some modules never will, so using the repo URL keeps things consistent across all my modules.1 point
1 point
1 point
Hi @renobird I keep getting these since I've been using the module: 2× PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in .../modules/MarkupActivityLog/MarkupActivityLog.module:405 2× PHP Notice: Undefined variable: fieldID in .../modules/MarkupActivityLog/MarkupActivityLog.module:370 And because I use Tracy, they kept popping up in the debug bar but today I though it is just enough of them and applied these: if (!isset($fieldID) || $fieldID == null) continue; https://github.com/Renobird/MarkupActivityLog/blob/9d37de692b74185e6391828806c84b730ab07630/MarkupActivityLog.module#L370 also: $string = is_object($field) ? $field->className : $field; switch($string) { https://github.com/Renobird/MarkupActivityLog/blob/9d37de692b74185e6391828806c84b730ab07630/MarkupActivityLog.module#L404 I don't know if this is enough but the module seems to work as before but without the notices.1 point
1 point
Hi @szabesz - sorry I only have a minute at the moment, but I see that you are using an after hook, but in CustomUploadNames I use a before hook: https://github.com/adrianbj/CustomUploadNames/blob/master/ProcessCustomUploadNames.module#L98 Does that help?1 point
I'm afraid I'm not able to understand your scenario any better than the last time you raised it, but I think you might be asking about how to send data from PHP to Javascript. If your Javascript will run in the back-end then you can use the ProcessWire.config object via $config->js(). In your PHP... $config->js('my_data', [ 'noun' => 'dog', 'verb' => 'barking', ]); In your Javascript... alert('The ' + ProcessWire.config.my_data.noun + ' is ' + ProcessWire.config.my_data.verb); If your Javascript will run in the front-end then you can do this in your template file... <?php $my_data = [ 'noun' => 'dog', 'verb' => 'barking', ]; ?> <script> // Create Javascript object var my_data = <?= json_encode($my_data) ?>; </script> ...and later in your Javascript... alert('The ' + my_data.noun + ' is ' + my_data.verb);1 point
Try to make a pw module for it ? ? I read their login widget page and I like the idea behind the bots ? Could be something pretty cool, and a cool use-case could be re-transmitting the live logs of the LoginHistory module from @teppo trough a telegram bot. Really it's exciting! If you wanna start it, I will be glad to help you !1 point
Nice site, I like it! I think you have a couple of typos on the contact page though: 'Insginnia / Happiness Inside' and: 'Reach Insginnia' Might want to check the other pages just in case1 point
Hello, I've just updated my polish language package to version 1.0.4. In this update: - added missing translations for all new features - because there is a new master version of PW 3.0.96, in this version I've decided to removed all translations that were marked as "abandoned" since last release. Grab latest version from the official modules directory: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/polski/ or direrctly at github: https://github.com/sevenstudio/polish-wire/releases As always, bug reports/suggestions are welcome, Thanks1 point
More updates! Here is what was added since my last post: FieldtypeDatetime now supports format argument. Which allows you to pass PHP date format string and retrieve your datetime values formatted the way you want. Besides FieldtypeDatetime fields, the built-in fields created and modified are also support new format argument. FieldtypeOptions is now supported. first and last fields on PageArray types are now supported. As per @eelkenet's request. See above post for details on those. Finally, now there is a way to add support for any fieldtype you want via third-party module. What you need to do is create a module with the name exactly as the fieldtype you want to add support for with "GraphQL" prefix. So for FieldtypeMapMarker it would be GraphQLFieldtypeMapMarker. Then you need to add three required methods and install it. This will automatically add GraphQL support for your desired fieldtype and it will be available in your GraphQL api. Checkout the documentation and an example module for reference.1 point
Don't know if you heard about it: There's a great CKEditor plugin called Accessibility Checker: https://ckeditor.com/ckeditor-4/accessibility-checker/ I have started to include it in every new PW installation and tell clients about it. Perhaps there's a way to include this as well?1 point
This causes a problem in my case with Ajax update, so I removed it.1 point
You've been using MODX but now you've found ProcessWire. It’s totally amazed you and you can’t wait to get started. But…you are wondering where everything is. If this is you, read on… This guide is primarily aimed at those who are coming in from MODX and wish to know how to accomplish “MODX things” the “ProcessWire (PW) way”. This is not meant to be a full blown PW tutorial. It will focus on some key MODX concepts/tasks and how to accomplish those in PW. It will cover, whenever possible, both versions of MODX - Evolution and Revolution. The guide assumes that you’ve at least logged into a PW site and/or viewed a demo. The Table of Contents mostly reflects MODX terminology. Table of Contents 1. Manager 2. File System 3. Resources 4. Templates 5. Template Variables (TVs) 6. Template Files 7. Snippets 8. Modules 9. Plugins 10. Chunks 11. Miscellaneous 12. Examples - the PW way… a. Template Variables b. Snippets c. Modules d. Plugins e. Chunks 1. Manager In PW, the “manager” is referred to as the “Admin”. The default location of the Admin is www.yoursite.com/processwire. As of PW 2.3, you can rename the Admin to anything you wish during install. Just be careful to remember the name you use or you will be locked out! (If that happens, there are ways to get around it though). Logging into Admin, you will notice a tree just like in MODX. The Admin runs on jQuery UI and as you’ve seen, it is insanely fast! Don’t be fooled by its simple facade. PW is a really powerful CMS, highly extensible and very easy to use. Customising the PW admin is very easy. There are a number of custom themes available. It is also trivial to make yours. Custom Admin themes go into the folder site/templates-admin/. You can have only one theme at a time. On a related matter, if you wish to create a custom Admin page, it is easy to do so. See this thread for more info. 2. File System After installing PW, you will see two main folders; “site” and “wire” in your file system. Site is where all things related to your site reside. This is your playground and will survive an upgrade. Wire houses the Core. You will never have to go into that folder. 3. Resources In MODX, Resources can be many things (documents, etc.). There is no such term in PW. However, the most important “resources” you need to know about in PW are page and pages. Pages are a very powerful concept in PW. Page can refer to your website’s frontend pages, i.e. what can be viewable by your website users. I say can be for a reason. There are many uses for Pages in PW. This can be confusing to newbies but once you get the concept, you will appreciate the power of the system. Just because something is a Page does not mean it has to be viewable. It can have other uses such as a container that holds data for use by other Pages - in this case the Pages do not have to be displayed on the frontend. In fact, everything you see on the PW tree is a Page. That’s right; even the Admin and its components (Users, Roles, etc.) are all Pages! Still confused by Pages? Have a read here. Pages reside in the PW tree - you may have noticed . You can drag and drop pages to move them around. If drag and drop doesn’t work you probably have MySQL installed. Upgrade your MySQL and you are sorted. The root of your site is the uppermost Page in the tree. In the default PW install this is called Home. You can change the name to something else. The default PW install comes with a number of Pages pre-installed. Try editing a Page. All those Fields you see on that Page when under the “CONTENT” tab? They are not default Fields. They are all Custom Fields! Yes, not even the Title! The only required Field for a Page is “name”. You find this under the “SETTINGS” tab on the page edit screen. More about Fields below… Other related stuff: Menuindex: As an aside, if outputting something like a menu, unless you state otherwise, it will reflect the tree hierarchy. Show in Menu: This functionality is covered by the Page status, whether hidden or not. Hidden pages do not get output on menus (more about menus later) unless explicitly stated so using PW API selectors (see below). Menu Title: No such term in PW. You can name your menu items what you wish to name them. Very important: All Pages must be assigned a Template. 4. Templates In PW, Templates mean something slightly different compared to MODX and many other CMS. MODX describes templates as: That is not entirely true of PW Templates. In PW, the term Template is used in the sense of the English definition of the term: PW Templates serve as a pattern for the foundation of your Pages. By foundation, I do not mean the HTML or CSS. Rather, the Template servers as blueprint for your Pages. What is available to the Template is available to the Page that uses it. Templates establish a pattern for the Pages by the inclusion of Fields to the Template. A Template can have as many or as few Fields as you wish. You can create as many or as few Templates as you wish. You can easily change the Template a Page uses when editing the Page. See under SETTINGS. Note that if you have Fields on that Page that are not in the Template you are switching to, those Page Fields will be lost! PW will warn you about this when switching Templates though. OK, so how do you show “Resources to the world”? That will be the work of Template Files which we’ll look at in section 6. 5. Template Variables A powerful feature of MODX is Template Variables (TVs). If you loved MODX TVs you will absolutely adore the PW equivalent. In PW, TVs are known as Fields. You can define your own Custom Fields. In fact, you will need to create your own in most cases. This is because PW does not have any required Field except for “name”. It is perfectly reasonable to have a Page with only the name Field! Many people do add at least a Title Field for such Pages. In the default PW install, the reason you see the Title Field in all Templates is because it has been set as a “Global” Field under the ADVANCED settings of the Field (edit the Field to see this setting). There are many types of Fields to hold all sorts of data - images, texts, urls, passwords, reference to Pages, etc. You can call your Fields anything you wish. You can call the Field for your main content “body”, or “stuff”, or “content” or whatever you wish as long as you follow the naming convention, i.e. “[a-z], numbers [0-9], or underscores (no dashes or spaces)”. Fields are reusable across different Templates. The order in which they appear on your Page follows the order in which they are arranged on your Template. However, it is important to note that: The order in which Fields appear on your page and/or the inclusion of a Field on your Page does not mean that: The Field will be output on the Frontend. The inclusion of a Field on a Page does not automatically mean it will be output; PW does not make that decision for you. It only makes the Field available to you to use as you require. You can output all or none or few of the Fields on your Page. The order in which Fields appear on a Page does not mean the same order will be reflected when you output the Page. You make that decision. Also note that you are able to arrange Fields side-by-side on your Page (via settings on the Page’s Template) to mimic your site’s layout or for other visual/ease-of-use purposes as you edit the Page in the Admin. You can also give each Field a label and a description. These will appear above each Field when editing a Page. In most cases, the content of Fields will be saved directly to the database. In the case of file related Fields, the path to the file will be stored in the database. There are no direct equivalents of MODX TVs “@Bindings” (data sources). These are inherently built into the different types of Fields. Note that you cannot run PHP code within Fields (so no @Eval). This is by design. Fields are a very powerful and much loved concept in PW. Just Google "custom fields cms" and you’ll see what comes up tops. 6. Template Files So far, we've seen that you create Fields, add them to a Template you've created and edit a Page using that Template to input your content into that Page’s Fields. So far so good but how do you output the content to the world? You do this via Template Files. Template Files live in /site/templates/. You have to create your own Template Files. In MODX, a Template will have both system fields, e.g. body, title, etc. and custom fields (TVs). Rendering a Template is achieved by adding MODX tags to your Template. In PW, in order for the content of your Page to be seen by the world, its Template must have a Template File (or there must be some other Template File associated with a different Template that is dynamically pulling and outputting elsewhere the content of a Page whose Template does not have a Template File). This does not mean that all content within a Page will be automatically output by the Template File. No; in the Template File you can choose to render all or some Fields present in the Pages using that Template or none at all! You tell the Template about the associated Template File when you create/edit the Template. PW assumes that there is a Template File with the same name as the Template in /site/templates/ and will tell you if it does not find one. However, you have two other choices. You can either enter an alternative name for your Template File or tell PW you do not wish to have a Template File for that Template. This means that a Template does not require a Template File. Obviously, in such a case, you will not be able to directly output the content of the Pages using that Template. In some cases, that is exactly what you want . As you get to know more about the system, you will find out how powerful and flexible the PW Template system can be. For instance, you can use your Template as a controller. That’s beyond this guide but feel free to search the forums for more info. Template Files are typically PHP files with logic to dynamically output your content. In most cases, Template Files are HTML with PHP tags inserted to output your content. The PHP in the Template File will in most cases be PW API. Hence, you will see things like $page and $pages in Template Files. The former always refers to the current Page and the latter to any other Pages in the system. These are very powerful variables in PW and give you access to ALL information about ALL pages including their Fields and whether those are empty or not, etc. See below for more info about these variables and have a look the docs too. Note that Templates do not care about what’s in your Template Files. In fact, they won’t even check. All they want is for you to tell them if and how you wish your Pages' contents to be rendered. Your Template Files can even contain pure HTML (although that won’t be dynamic!)! Your Template Files can have references to other things related (or not related!) to the Page using that Template File. For instance, within your Template File, you can pull in the 10 latest “posts” from your Blog or the Children Pages of that Page. There are just too many possibilities to list them all here. Don’t let the PHP in Template Files scare you if you are no coder. I am no coder but I am able to use PW. You will only need to know at least some very basic PHP to use PW. The most important are: echo; foreach; and if… Anything else is a bonus in most cases. In addition, you will need to know how to use the two most important PW variables - $page and $pages. With these two, most of what you would have done in vanilla PHP is covered. They are easy to use and to understand and very much follow the jQuery concept. Check out the docs to learn more. 7. Snippets In MODX, Snippets are the method by which MODX allows you to run dynamic PHP code in any of your pages. In PW, the term Snippets does not exist. What!?! Not to worry; in PW MODX-like Snippet functionality can be achieved in two ways: Template Files: Most PW Template Files are essentially dynamic PHP code. That’s Snippets for you right there. PW Modules: PW Modules do what MODX Snippets do and more (see below). It’s just an issue of terminology. For instance, the popular MODX Snippet WayFinder has a Module counterpart in PW. This is the Module Markup Simple Navigation. However, you do not need to use the Module to create a menu in PW. You can do the same thing using PHP in your Template File. See the default PW install for a simple example. Check out section 12 of this guide for example “popular-MODX-Snippets-to-PW-how-tos”. 8. Modules MODX Evolution defines Modules as “a program that can only be executed from within the manager.” There are PW Modules that fit this definition, for instance, the Module Batcher which is equivalent to the MODX Revolution add-on Batcher. However, there are other PW Modules that are executed in the frontend, e.g. Markup Simple Navigation previously mentioned. In fact, in PW, a Module is PHP that extends the functionality of PW. Modules contain PHP classes that adhere to PW’s Module interface. 9. Plugins In MODX Plugins are PHP code that are set to execute during certain system events. In PW, although the term Plugin does not exist (except maybe in reference to Modules), MODX Plugin functionality is easily doable in PW. This is achieved via Hooks. There is one difference though. In MODX, Plugins are standalone code you can download and install. You cannot download and install PW Hooks. Instead, PW contains many methods that you may hook into in order to modify the behaviour of the method. In other words, PW offers the ability to hook into its processes/events and manipulate them before or after the event or even replace them, etc. Hooks are usually invoked inside Modules. However, Hooks may be attached from anywhere that you use PW's API, for instance in Template Files. The average PW user will not need to use Hooks. For more info about Hooks check the documentation. 10. Chunks MODX defines Chunks as “bits of static text which you can reuse across your site”. There is no equivalent term in PW. You can, however, easily create Chunks in PW. You can create Chunks as a Page that contains various Fields each of which can act as a Chunk. This means you can have Chunks of all sorts of data. You can then set the Page you create to hold your Chunks as hidden (not available to searches). The Page can also be assigned a Template without a Template File to further limit frontend access. It can also be created as a child/grandchild of the page Admin. That will limit access by User (e.g. login required to view it in Admin). Accessing the Fields of that Page as your Chunks using PW API is quite trivial really. Since you can use labels and descriptions to further define each of your Pages’ Fields, this makes it quite easy to describe what each Chunk is for and/or give instructions on how to use the Chunks. See this example for more info. You can also simply use text files to pull into your content as Chunks. Personally I prefer using Pages as Chunks when I need to. In MODX, it is usual for many Snippets to use Chunks (HTML + placeholders) to structure their output (i.e. tpl Chunks). You do not need to do this in PW. Code output can be wrapped in HTML right within the Template File. The important thing to remember is that any Field in any PW Page is available to any other Page and any Template File. Cross-referencing Fields and Pages is child’s play. Seriously; it is that easy. 11. Miscellaneous Tag Syntax: PW does not use a templating language (tagging syntax) like MODX does. See this article why this decision was taken. I agree 100% with the approach and have come to realise its many benefits over using a templating language. However, there are two Modules that allow you to use template language tags in PW. I have never used them so cannot comment further. They are here and here. Settings Page: PW has no settings page like MODX. Many settings are set in the /site/config.php. Other MODX settings equivalents are interspersed in various places including caching content on a Template by Template basis and in Modules. You can also store custom settings needed for your site in the /site/config.php. You can even use Pages to store your settings as mentioned in section 10 (Chunks). Modularity: PW is a very modular system. The whole of PW is made up of Modules (Core Modules) that accomplish different tasks. 12. Examples - the PW way… In this section I will show you equivalent MODX versus PW add-ons as well as how to accomplish various task using PW “Snippets” equivalent. a. Template Variables As previously mentioned, MODX TVs are PW Fields (although PW Fields are more versatile). Outputting the contents of your Fields is very simple. echo $page->name_of_your_field; This gives you the contents of the Field in the current page. Works slightly different for image fields though. For other pages echo: One page $pages->get(ID or PATH or NAME, etc.)->name_of_your_field; //note replace ID with ID of the Page you want, etc. Many pages $pages->find("selectors"); //this will return an array. You can then go through the array using foreach as shown in the examples below to output the field(s) contents MODX - output main content of Page //MODX Evolution[*content*] //MODX Revolution[[*content]] ProcessWire - output main content of Page //ProcessWire echo $page->content;//note; this assumes you have a Field called content in the Template of the current page. In ProcessWire you can find Fields of other pages like so $fruits = $pages->find("template=yumyum, limit=10"); foreach($fruits as $fruit) { echo "<li><a href='{$fruit->url}'>{$fruit->title}</a></li>"; } //find 10 Pages that use the Template yumyum and echo their url and titles in a list. From these examples, you can see the elegance and flexibility of TVs done the PW way. Since there is separation between a Template and a Template File, you can conditionally echo out the contents of Fields found in Pages. b. Snippets Common MODX Snippets and PW equivalent Modules 1. WayFinder: Markup Simple Navigation or code in Template File (see head.inc in default PW installation for a simple menu). 2. Ditto (Evolution) and getResources (Revolution): Functionality inbuilt in PW. Use $page and $pages variables + selectors to find anything, anywhere. 3. Jot (Evolution) and Quip (Revolution): Comments Module is part of the PW Core. It is not enabled by default. You will have to enable it in the Admin. See also the related Comments Manager Module. 4. eForm (Evolution) and FormIt and FormItBuilder (Revolution): There are various Form parser codes in the Forums. There is also a commercial Form Builder Module. It’s not expensive, is developed by PW’s lead developer and proceeds support the PW project. 5. MaxiGallery (Evolution) and Gallery (Revolution): Presently, there is no equivalent. However, it is quite easy to build a photo album. See this tutorial in the wiki. There is also an Images Manager Module (still in alpha though). 6. AjaxSearch: Ajax Page Search Module. 7. Breadcrumbs: Quite easy to accomplish using PW API. See default PW install for an example. 8. FirstChildRedirect: Very easy to do using PW API like this: $session->redirect($page->children->first()->url); in a Template File. 9. getField (Evolution) and getResourceField (Revolution): Inbuilt in PW $page and $pages variables as shown above. 10. GetParent: Inbuilt in PW $page and $pages variables. E.g. $page->parent. 11. getPage: PW has inbuilt pagination as part of the Core (Pagination Markup Module). See this article for a quick tutorial. 12. UltimateParent: Inbuilt in PW API as rootParent. 13. if (Revolution): Use vanilla PHP with PW variable and selectors in Template Files. 14. VersionX (Revolution): Versioning for text-based fields is coming in PW 2.4 (release date summer 2013). Support for maintaining separate draft and live versions coming in PW 2.5 (Winter 2013/2014). Currently, there is also the Module Version Control for Text Fields. 15. getRelated (Revolution): No out-of-the-box Module for this. Has been previously accomplished using PW API in various ways. Have a look in the forums. 16. importX (Revolution): Import Pages CSV Module. 17. phpThumbOf: Thumbnail functionality is inbuilt in PW. There is also the Module Thumbnails that further extends this functionality. 18. getValue and getValues (Revolution): Inbuilt in PW. You can get the value of any Page using PW API - $page and $pages. 19. getFeed (Revolution): RSS Feed Loader Module. 20. MIGX (Revolution): Repeater Module which is part of the PW Core. It is not installed by default. You will need to do that yourself. For more info see this tutorial. 21. Articles (Revolution): See the Blog Profile Module. 22. NewsPublisher (Revolution): See below under Plugins. Examples MODX Ditto [!Ditto? &parents=`5`&extenders=`summary` &tpl=`tplBlog` &orderBy=`createdon ASC`&display=`6` &truncText=`Continue Reading This Article` !] PW equivalent $items = $pages->get(5)->children("sort=date,limit=6"); foreach ($items as $item) { echo $item->title; echo $item->summary;//etc. } //this assumes you have a Field called summary on that Page The first line in the above gives you all information about the 6 child Pages of the Page with ID #5. It returns an array. In other words, a basket of various documents containing all the info about those documents. Next, you traverse the array using foreach. In layman terms, you rummage through the basket picking goodies! In order to wrap HTML around the code output, we do it like this instead (there’s other ways to do it as well!) echo "<ul class='articles'>"; foreach($pages->get(5)->children("sort=date,limit=6") as $item) { echo "<li><p><a href='{$item->url}'>{$item->title}</a><br /> <span class='summary'>{$item->summary}</span></p></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; In this example, we have asked PW to grab the child Pages directly within the foreach rather than creating a variable $items first. MODX getResources // Output a list of child Resources of the current Resource, using the 'myRowTpl' chunk: [[!getResources? &parents=`[[*id]]` &tpl=`myRowTpl`]] PW equivalent echo "<ul>"; foreach ($page->children as $child) { echo "<li><a href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; //You might want to limit the number of child Pages you are getting if they are many! MODX getResources // Output the top 5 latest published Resources beneath the Resource with ID '5', with tpl 'blogPost': [[!getResources? &parents=`5` &limit=`5` &tpl=`blogPost` &includeContent=`1`]] PW equivalent echo "<h3>Latest Posts</h3>"; $posts = $pages->get(5)->children("limit=5"); foreach ($posts as $post) { echo $post->body; } c. Modules 1. Batcher and Docmanager (Revolution): Batcher Module (covers most equivalent functions). 2. DocFinder (Evolution): Inbuilt in PW default install. d. Plugins 1. QuickManager (Evolution): Several Modules can do this, i.e., Fredi, Page Frontend Edit and Inline Editor Modules. 2. ManagerManager (Evolution): Same functionality can be achieved using Templates, Access Control and the Modules Page Edit Field Permission, Page Edit Per User and Page Edit Per Role. e. Chunks See this example. Btw, the PW Cheat Sheet is you best friend... Hope this has been helpful! /kongondo1 point