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Everything posted by elabx

  1. You'd need to add name to your checkboxes like (example only with offers): <input name="offers[]" value="<?=$m->name?>" class="w3-checkreq" type="checkbox" id="a<?php echo $a;?>" /> Then on form processing you'd need to do sth like this: // sanitize array input $offers = $input->post->array('offers', 'pageName') foreach($offers as $offer){ // do your saving or whatever; }
  2. Hi @Ade! I think your next step is elaborating on the output strategy! Have you taken a look at this section? https://processwire.com/docs/front-end/output/ I think it should answer all of your questions. An also popular and more complete/opinionated output solution is RockFrontend.
  3. Maybe you can do? $page->optionField->find("value=foo|bar|buzz") Not sure what's the property that actually holds the value ? Let me know if it actually works! lol
  4. Nowadays, I might not be a huge fan of how ProcessWire evolved outside the "composer ecosystem", I also feel it might drive people away too. To put an example, popular http clients. Those seem to be very prevalent in its use along a plethora of projects (Guzzle/Symfony HTTP) and their "ergonomy" sometimes is almost like a standard ( i mean some part of it is with PSR haha), I feel PHP devs in general might get turned off very much a project with their own implementation of HTTP client, where they have to figure out how to use it or implement their own modules outside of the PSR-18 scope. Talking about PSR compliance, that could be another topic in itself. Personally, none of this matters to me much. I was kind of "raised by ProcessWire" and it always felt very empowering to be able to read the ProcessWire source code, this is the main thing I've always personally liked about ProcessWire's cohesive (?) and self contained core . Maybe a more experience dev would call me naive? Maybe the lack of experience working on larger teams/codebases, biases my opinion to not care (THAT much) about being more "embedded into the php ecosystem". All these issues probably fall beyond my expertise , I just have a lot of fun building things with ProcessWire ?, need no more than that. Edit: Also let's put in perspective that ProcessWire is older than composer. Would love to hear the opinions of others as well!
  5. I guess static really takes you long ways don't you think?? Kind of the same reason why ProCache is so successful and clouflare is a go-to solution to make any site faster. Regular PHP can get resource intensive, I've experienced this a bit when having to do this 404 optimization , being hit by some bot still crawling wp-content/whatever.jpg it can choke a small server with relatively few concurrent requests. I'm nowhere close an expert at server optimization and leave this all to a 3rd parties like ploi when I can, so there's that too to consider along my experiences. Maybe I'm just cheap on servers ? How to make PW more compatible with JS Frontend Frameworks? Seems like similar CMSs with data-first approach like ProcessWire are using GraphQL for this purpose, and the modules in the ecosystem implement GraphQL queries too. In general the whole static js sites, api first approach seems way out of the league of the things I do, small to mid size corporate sites. Just thinking of adding a whole static project, with it's own dependencies, etc, it starts adding to the maintenance list lol.
  6. We gotta pin all of these somewhere! Maybe here: https://github.com/jlahijani/awesome-processwire ??
  7. Not an exact answer, but this excellent post might give you some direction on how you can approach this conversation with your boss and collueagues in terms of business.
  8. I think ProcessWire's opinions are very worth it. The ones that I feel are right at hand are the selector API and the concepts associated with a Page. This allows you to reduce the amount of decisions you have to take and later execute, letting you go straight into making that real estate/portfolio/etc you want to build. I'd say that with very little backend experience you can build something nice and fast in ProcessWire, with a very advanced and minimalistic and powerful admin backend out of the box. I'd encourage you to give it a try, at least a couple days of work. Give ddev a try to setup your development environment. If you find yourself at trouble don't hesitate to write back, it's an awesome community!
  9. My personal policy is to assume those will only be executable through shell, and save them in site/templates/cli or something like that, but always inside templates so that they are blocked by default by the default htaccess config.
  10. Me too! This is now default in all my installations for all the reasons you mention. But I feel this sort of update would be a PW4 thing?
  11. Thought this might be interesting for the UIkit/Tailwind users, maybe best of both worlds?? https://www.franken-ui.dev/docs/introduction
  12. I haven't really digged into the admin customizations of PW-like CMSs I've used like Statmic/CraftCMS but the way you can modify view/behaviour of Inputfield and it's derived classes in ProcessWire is really nice imho.
  13. Will post repo asap next week!
  14. Pumping this up to see if anybody knows of a newer tool for this?
  15. Unfortunately it's not a public repo but tbh it's a very simple module, I'll try to convince my customer to get it open sourced lol
  16. With ChatGPTs API I've built a small module that renders a small button sitting next to image's description field that when clicked does image recognition of the image, and spits out a small text for alt purposes. The irony? The real value of this would be the actual automation which I haven't had time to do hahaha. Also I have to mention it works fairly well, but would like to make it more "on brand" when doing the prompts, so I gotta work on an interface to kinda make this presets?? So that the final description is based on something related not just purely descriptive (in come cases). I haven't had time to do some trial/error. But for now it kinda works like the site you pasted!
  17. Are you triple sure sectionfield_fa_membership doesn't have any typo? (Doesn't look like it!) Are you accessing $page in the right context? Seems you want to do this in a regular template file? You might be within a field rendered through wireRenderFile?
  18. Hi! I've made an experiment to support nested repeaters updating a little bit the previous update. Not sure how common this is, but I have a lot of scenarios where I have at least one extra level of repeaters, and I'd benefit from this dependency update to change the fields of nested repeaters. https://github.com/elabx/processwire/pull/1/commits/bdf7e4fc21961712abf7ee3e1e6910de32683725 Not sure if you are in the possibility of testing this @adrian? Thanks!
  19. Hi everyone! I built this module trying to solve the following issue. Most of the time I use Repeater Matrix types with a few fields wrapped in a fieldset that are for configuring the behaviour/rendering of a specific repeater type, and are not really content related so I had always wanted to have them kind of hidden, but with a small preview of that the options are set (which I've yet to do). https://github.com/elabx/FieldtypeFieldsetPanel
  20. I think you might have it backwards? The "new image fields" actually use the filedata column to save the individual fields value, the older modules used to alter the schema of the image field. Someone correct me if I'm wrong ?
  21. Sorry for the offtopic, but will second vote for this ? Do you happen to use docker in production?
  22. Rather this looks a lot like Migrations module! Take a look you might be interested! Which btw I've been using for quite a few years along RockMigrations even if it shows it's deprecated, works just fine at least on PHP 7.4 which is where I'm stuck.
  23. Maybe somewhere you have a <?= $something = "whatever" ?> that might be returning a value as bool, hence showing 1. At least this has happened to me when random number 1 appears haha
  24. I use OrbStack but unfortunately it's the only thing I've ever used as a Docker provider so I can't draw a comparison with regular Docker lol. All I can say it's been fast and hassle free.
  25. I think this is what you are looking for: https://github.com/somatonic/Multisite/ But as you can see, it's not a very maintained module. I'd suggest you take a look at the forum thread of this module, it seems people are using this fork of the project.
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