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  1. http://artistblacksmith.org.uk/ Portfolio site for Blacksmith working in Gloucesterhire, UK. Design and build. http://stellardebating.nicegrp.com/ Not yet live site for school debating courses across UK. Custom payment system for booking and managing courses and teachers at multiple schools. Design, logo design, build. Illustrtion by http://torritaylored.com/ http://store.benbyford.com/ Not yet live store fo premium modules. Started working on this and got lots of client work so haven't got back to it yet to finish and release modules. Fingers crossed will have the time soon. Design and build.
    7 points
  2. » A more exhaustive version of this article is also available on Medium in English and German « First, we'd like to thank the very helpful community here for the excellent support. In many cases we found guidance or even finished solutions for our problems. So a big THANK YOU!!! We are pleased to introduce you to the new Ladies Lounge 18 website. The next ICF Women’s Conference will take place in Zurich and several satellite locations across Europe. We embarked on bold new directions for the development of the website — in line with the BRAVE theme. Ladies Lounge 18 — ICF Woman’s Conference website on Processwire ICF Church is a European Church Movement that started 20 years ago in Zurich and since experienced tremendous growth. There are already well over 60 ICF churches across Europe and Asia. ICF is a non-denominational church with a biblical foundation that was born out of the vision to build a dynamic, tangible church that is right at the heartbeat of time. With the growth of the Ladies Lounge from a single-site event to a multi-site event, the demands and challenges to the website have also increased. A simple HTML website no longer cuts it. Simplified frontend Our goal with the development of the new site was it to present the different locations — with different languages and partly different content — under once uniform umbrella — while at the same time minimising the administrative effort. In addition to the new bold look and feel, this year’s website is now simpler and easier and the information is accessible with fewer clicks. Some highlights of the new website Thanks to processwire, all contents are maintained in one place only, even if they are displayed several times on the website 100% customised data model for content creators Content can be edited directly inline with a double-click: Multi-language in the frontend and backend Dynamic Rights: Editors can edit their locations in all available languages and the other content only in their own language Easy login with Google account via OAuth2 Plugin Uikit Frontend with SCSS built using PW internal features (find of files…) Custom Frontend Setup with Layout, Components, Partials and Snippets Only about 3 weeks development time from 0 to 100 (never having published a PW before) Despite multi-location multi-language requirement, the site is easy to use for both visitors and editors: The search for a good CMS is over It’s hard to find a system that combines flexibility and scope with simplicity, both in maintainance and development. The search for such a system is difficult. By and large, the open source world offers you the following options: In most cases, the more powerful a CMS, the more complex the maintenance and development It is usually like that; The functionality of a system also increases the training and operating effort — or the system is easy to use, but is powerless, and must be reporposed for high demands beyond its limits. Quite different Processwire : You do not have to learn a new native language, you don’t have to fight plugin hell and mess around with the loop, you don’t have to torment yourself with system-generated front-end code or even learn an entierly new, old PHP framework . All our basic requirements are met: Custom Content Types Flexible and extensible rights-management Multilanguage Intuitive backend Well curated Plugin Directory Actually working front-end editing Simple templating with 100% frontend freedom In addition, Processwire has an exceptionally friendly and helpful community. As a rule of thumb, questions are answered constructively in a few hours . The development progresses in brisk steps , the code is extremely easy to understand and simple. Processwire has a supremely powerful yet simple API , and for important things there are (not 1000) but certainly one module which at least serves as a good starting point for further development. Last but not least, the documentation is easy to understand, extensive and clever . Our experience shows, that you can find a quick and simple solution with Processwire, even for things like extending the rights-management — most of the time a highly complex task with other systems. This is also reflected positively in the user interface. The otherwise so “simple” Wordpress crumbles when coping with more complex tasks. It sumbles over its apparent simplicity and suddenly becomes complex: Old vs. New — Simple and yet complicated vs. easy and hmmm … easy Our experience with Processwire as first-timers Before we found out about Processwire, we found CraftCMS on our hunt for a better CMS. We were frustrated by the likes of Typo3, WP or Drupal like many here. CraftCMS looked very promising but as we were digging deeper into it, we found it did not met our requirements for some big projects in our pipeline that require many different locations, languages and features. Initially we were sceptical about Processwire because; A. CraftCMS Website (and before UiKit also the admin interface) simply locked much nicer and B. because it is built on top of a Framework It was only later, that we found out, that NOT depending on a Framework is actually a very good thing in Processwire's case. Things tend to get big and cumbersome rather then lean and clean. But now we are convinced, that Processwire is far superior to any of the other CMS right now available in most cases. The good Processwire is the first CMS since time immemorial that is really fun to use (almost) from start to finish— whether API, documentation, community, modules or backend interface. Every few hours you will be pleasantly surprised and a sense of achievement is never far away. The learning curve is very flat and you’ll find your way quickly arround the system. Even modules can be created quickly without much experience. Processwire is not over-engineered and uses no-frills PHP code — and that’s where the power steams from: simplicity = easy to understand = less code = save = easy maintanance = faster development … Even complex modules in Processwire usually only consist of a few hundred lines of code — often much less. And if “hooks” cause wordpress-damaged developers a cold shiver, Hooks in Processwire are a powerful tool to expand the core. The main developer Ryan is a child prodigy — active, eloquent and helpful. Processwire modules are stable even across major releases as the code base is so clean, simple and small. There is a GraphQL Plugin — anyone said Headless-CMS?! Image and file handling is a pleasure: echo "<img src='{$speaker->image->size(400, 600)->url}' alt='{$speaker->fullname}' />"; I could go on all day … The not soooo good Separation of Stucture and Data The definition of the fields and templates is stored in the database, so the separation between content and system is not guaranteed. This complicates clean development with separate live- and development-environments. However, there is a migration module that looks promising — another module, which is expected to write these configurations into the file system, unfortunately nuked our system. I'm sure there will be (and maybe we will invest) some clever solutions for this in the future. Some inspiration could also be drawn here, one of the greatest Plugins for WP: https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-migrate-db-pro/ Access rights The Access-Rights where missing some critical features: Editors needed to be able to edit pages in all languages on their own location, and content on the rest of the page only in their respective language. We solved it by a custom field adding a relation between a page the user and a role that we dynamically add to the user to escalate access rights; /** * Initialize the module. * * ProcessWire calls this when the module is loaded. For 'autoload' modules, this will be called * when ProcessWire's API is ready. As a result, this is a good place to attach hooks. */ public function init() { $this->addHookBefore('ProcessPageEdit::execute', $this, 'addDynPermission'); $this->addHookBefore('ProcessPageAdd::execute', $this, 'addDynPermission'); } public function addDynPermission(HookEvent $event) { $message = false; $page = $event->object->getPage(); $root = $page->rootParent; $user = $this->user; if ($user->template->hasField('dynroles')) { if ($message) { $this->message('User has Dynroles: '.$user->dynroles->each('{name} ')); } // for page add hook… if ($page instanceof NullPage) { // click new and it's get, save it's post… $rootid = wire('input')->get->int('parent_id') ? wire('input')->get->int('parent_id') : wire('input')->post->parent_id; if ($message) { $this->message('Searching Root '.$rootid); } $root = wire('pages')->get($rootid)->rootParent; } elseif ($page->template->hasField('dynroles')) { if ($message) { $this->message('Page "'.$page->name.'" has Dynroles: '.$page->dynroles->each('{name} ')); } foreach ($page->get('dynroles') as $role) { if ($role->id && $user->dynroles->has($role)) { if ($message) { $this->message('Add dynamic role "'.$role->name.'" because of page "'.$page->name.'"'); } $user->addRole($role); } } } if (!($root instanceof NullPage) && $root->template->hasField('dynroles')) { if ($message) { $this->message('Root "'.$root->name.'" has dynamic roles: '.$root->dynroles->each('{name} ')); } foreach ($root->get('dynroles') as $role) { if ($role->id && $user->dynroles->has($role)) { if ($message) { $this->message('Add dynamic role "'.$role->name.'" because of root page "'.$root->name.'"'); } $user->addRole($role); } } } } } With the Droles and Access Groups Modules we were not able to find a solution. I thought it was hard to get absolute URLs out of the system — Ha! What a fool I was. So much for the topic of positive surprise. (Maybe you noticed, the point actually belongs to the top.) But while we’re at it — that I thought it would not work, was due to a somewhat incomplete documentation in a few instances. Although it is far better than many others, it still lacks useful hints at one point or another. As in the example above, however, the friendly community quickly helps here. processwire.com looks a bit old-fashioned and could use some marketing love. You notice the high level to moan with Processwire. There is no free Tesla here. Conclusion Processwire is for anyone who is upset about any Typo3, Wordpress and Drupal lunacy — a fresh breeze of air, clear water, a pure joy. It’s great as a CMF and Headless CMS, and we keep asking ourselves — why is it not more widely known? If you value simple but clean code, flexibility, stability, speed, fast development times and maximum freedom, you should definitely take a look at it. You have to like — or at least not hate PHP — and come to terms with the fact that the system is not over-engineerd to excess. If that’s okay with you, everything is possible — with GraphQL you can even build a completely decoupled frontend. We are convinced of the simplicity of Processwire and will implement future sites from now on using it as a foundation. Links & resources we found helpful API documentation and selectors API cheatsheet pretty handy, not quite complete for version 3.0 Captain Hook Overview of Hooks Weekly.PW newsletter a week, exciting Wireshell command line interface for Processwire Nice article about Processwire Plugins & Techniques that we used Custom Frontend Setup with Uikit 3 and SCSS, and Markup Regions Uikit Backend Theme ( github ) Oauth2 login modules In-house development Login with E-Mail Pro Fields for repeater matrix fields (infos, price tables, daily routines) Wire upgrade to update plugins and the core Wire Mail Mandrill to send mails FunctionalFields for translatable front-end texts that are not part of a content type (headings, button labels, etc.) Runtime markup for dynamic backend fields (combination of first and last name) Tracy debugger for fast debugging Textformatter OEmbed to convert Vimeo and Youtube links into embed codes HideUneditablePages thanks to @adrian
    4 points
  3. For those who find the Finder app quite limiting, I highly recommend this program. And it's free now to boot! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/forklift-file-manager-and-ftp-sftp-webdav-amazon-s3-client/id412448059?mt=12
    3 points
  4. Last night a documentary called "Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview" was broadcast on New Zealand television (on Maori Television, which is about the only free-to-air channel worth watching here). Now I am very far from being an Apple fanboy and I knew almost nothing about Steve Jobs going in. I haven't seen any of the biopics from recent years. I was tossing up whether to even turn on the TV but thought I would give it a few minutes. Well, I was glued to the screen throughout and now I completely get why this guy was exceptional. He's obviously very intelligent but you expect that. What blew me away was the clarity of his thinking and the general manner in which he communicates. Here he is answering questions off-the-cuff and the answers he gives are so concise and insightful and just go straight to the crux of the issue. And when he is asked a question about something he hasn't previously clarified his own thinking on he doesn't just blurt something out like normal people - he pauses and thinks and then answers. That is a rare quality. This is 70 minutes of unedited interview but it is fascinating stuff. There are goodies in there for people interested in computer science history, but also highly recommended for anyone with an interest in management or even general self-improvement.
    3 points
  5. Not yet, I'll update the post once I get the alpha version ready.
    3 points
  6. The hello world module probably isn't the best module to start if you want to learn Process Module. Take a look at the ProcessHello module or other Process modules like ProcessAccessOverview or ProcessLoginHistory.
    3 points
  7. A very simple textformatter that was inspired by Diogo's RemoveHeight textformatter. This one strips the height from any images and either adds a custom class or adds a max-width:100% as an embedded style. Github: https://github.com/netcarver/TextformatterFluidImages PW Repo: here.
    2 points
  8. @horst Thank you. I will give these a read. I appreciate the help. This forum and the PW users are one of PW's biggest assets.
    2 points
  9. If you are bootstrapping I am guessing this is an ajax call, or a site that is trying access PW data but without using PW template files? In this case, $input->urlSegments won't work, because it's not a PW template file. But in general, you can use any PW variable in a bootstrapped scenario normally, eg $page, $fields, $session - no need for $wire or wire()
    2 points
  10. Thanks @Robin S for the warm welcome! I have created a ticket at https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests/issues/130
    2 points
  11. Ryan made AdminThemeUikit::renderBreadcrumbs hookable in the last update, so it's time to try out different ideas.
    2 points
  12. This sounds like you are looking for something like Repeater fields? There is the standard Repeater field included in the core - you have to install it under modules > core > Repeater. Check out Repeaters here: https://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/repeaters/ And there is also RepeaterMatrix, but this is a pro module and costs some few $$. Don't know if you actually need it here ... But regarding where you put the code ... it doesn't really matter as long as you get along with it and it works for you. Processwire lets you do your own thing there. You will find out later if you could/should improve something.
    2 points
  13. https://github.com/apeisa/PaymentStripe https://github.com/apeisa/PaymentPaypal https://github.com/apeisa/PaymentModule https://github.com/apeisa/PaymentInvoice
    2 points
  14. Welcome to the forums @Johannes Weberhofer It looks like it isn't possible to increase the allowed length of a URL segment. This is because when a URL segment is set, the value is passed through $sanitizer->name() or $sanitizer->pageNameUTF8() depending on if $config->pageNameCharset = 'UTF8' is set. For $sanitizer->name() at least (I had some trouble debugging $sanitizer->pageNameUTF8) the maxLength option defaults to 128, and although that method allows a custom maxLength to be used there is no option to specify this for URL segments. I can't see why a URL segment needs to be limited to 128 characters and it would be nice to have the ability to set a higher max length. Maybe you could open a feature request at GitHub?
    2 points
  15. ProcessWire is even more, it has capabilities to be a conventional CMS with highly configurable Administration Interfaces, Templatesystem, Database Mangement/ Access and render tools for the output of dynamic markup headless CMS providing content data via API (JSON, GraphQL) and optionally static HTML + JavaScript (HUGO/ Jekyll) WAF (Web Application Framework) a platform to build a headless CMS or other App/ SaaS on top of fit Make your choice!
    2 points
  16. I'd say that technically ProcessWire probably isn't a headless CMS – but it can of course be used as one, and quite effectively for that matter ProcessWire is very much a border case, but my impression is that if you can build a front-end with(in) a CMS, it's no longer strictly speaking a headless CMS. And you can build a front-end with ProcessWire. Sure, you interact with an API, but it's a "local" or "in-app" API, not (only) an external one. Hope that makes sense. And, mind you, I'm not saying that ProcessWire is worse than a "real" headless CMS – in fact I'd argue that it's a better choice for many use cases, but that's obviously up to debate
    2 points
  17. You can do it just as shown here... But instead of hooking after Page::editable you hook after Page::addable.
    2 points
  18. These are the articles we need! So many thanks @noelboss! We need more articles like this. We have built a great application for an international corporate using ProcessWire with over a million (1.000.000) pages and counting and hundreds of concurring users all over Europe and the United States. We built it right in the back-end of ProcessWire using ListerPro and +/- 20 custom Process Modules. Unfortunately I can't write a showcase (I'm dying too ...) due to legal stuff. I could not agree more with one of the disadvantages: Thanks again! I clapped 50 times
    2 points
  19. Suppose you have an images field and you want editors to upload a specific number of images to that field. Using a hook in /site/ready.php you can display a field error in Page Edit if the number of images in the field does not match the required number. Just like the standard "required" behaviour, the requirement does not prevent the field being saved if the number of images is not correct so you would still want to check the image count in your template. $wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldImage::processInput', function(HookEvent $event) { $inputfield = $event->object; // Only for this field if($inputfield->hasField != 'images') return; // Only in ProcessPageEdit if($this->process != 'ProcessPageEdit') return; $page = $this->process->getPage(); // Only for this template if($page->template == 'home') { if(count($inputfield->value) !== 4) $inputfield->error("Please upload exactly 4 images to this field"); } });
    1 point
  20. On twitter @pwtuts I made this site to: a) help get beginners up and running with PW. b) give something back to a community that has been very helpful (and patient) to me. c) improve my own knowledge because writing about it really drills it home. Modules: AOS - lots of useful admin tools Connect page fields - made tagging and related posts very easy indeed Custom inputfield dependencies - used to hide fields (on child pages) in a multipage post because all blog posts use the same template ProFields: repeater matrix - used for all body content (image, RTE and code fields) Markup Sitemap XML - for submission to google search console ProFields: Auto links - I have a bunch of pre-determined strings in here (that I need to print out and stick on the wall...) Tracy Debugger - still can't use properly IMagick image sizer - very fast compared to GD, especially when some posts have 5+ images and the originals are 2500px wide Tools: NodeJS with the usual suspects: "devDependencies": { "autoprefixer": "^7.1.2", "cssnano": "^3.10.0", "gulp": "^3.9.1", "gulp-postcss": "^7.0.0", "gulp-rename": "^1.2.2", "gulp-sass": "^3.1.0", "gulp-sourcemaps": "^2.6.0", "gulp-uglify": "^3.0.0", "postcss-flexbugs-fixes": "^3.0.0" }, "dependencies": { "bootstrap": "^4.0.0-alpha.6" } Bootstrap 4 (npm) SCSS In short: had a bunch of fun making this, learned loads. and looking forward to updating with more tutorials.
    1 point
  21. @gmclelland, turns out it is a piece of cake with str_replace. Create a custom permission "rename-images" and give that to roles that you want to allow to rename images. Then add the following to /site/ready.php $wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldImage::renderItem', function(HookEvent $event) { if(!$this->user->hasPermission('rename-images')) { $event->return = str_replace(" contenteditable='true'", "", $event->return); } });
    1 point
  22. Sure, but I suspect that if you look at the code that creates the inputfield markup there will be nothing hookable that lets you change that attribute in isolation. And it might be a long time before such a thing gets implemented in the core given the number of existing feature requests. Often you just have to do what you can to solve this kind of thing yourself. Edit: if there's nothing else in the inputfield with the contenteditable attribute apart from the name fields you might be able to do a string replace on the markup returned from InputfieldImage::render to strip out that attribute. Pretty hacky but no more so than the JS approach I guess.
    1 point
  23. Hey! When I was building a little commercial Processwire website for a family member, I started looking into caching with WireCache and somehow had troubles to find a satisfying solution to organize the caches and their expirations. My site had a few parts that updated in a regular manner while other parts should be refreshed whenever the current page - or e.g. for the menu: any page - was saved. I wanted to create a cache of the whole page's html which should expire whenever any of its parts expired. This would be simple if you could set multiple expire values for one cache. Unfortunately, you can only set one. So I started to build a solution to my problem which uses the WireCache and creates a dependency tree for every cache. And since I haven't yet implemented a Processwire module and this little class might be useful for other websites, too, I thought I'd try to make a module out of it. This is it. Github: https://github.com/janKir/CacheNesting Please have a look, and feel free to leave a comment. This is my first module, so any suggestions are welcome. I am not even sure if my approach makes much sense for performance reasons. I'm happy to hear your opinions! Thanks a lot!
    1 point
  24. Nice sites! Very curious about your "next-to-come" modules
    1 point
  25. Ok, I just tested your complete script and it works fine here. I submitted the form, followed the account confirmation email and it instantly logged me into that new account. I don't know what's happening on your server to stop it from working as expected. Do you have debug mode on / Tracy installed?
    1 point
  26. Why don't you publish your signup.php code here? Maybe someone takes a look at it and finds the error. You could also post this in the jobs section.
    1 point
  27. Please be a little more specific. Which version of PW are you using? What are the settings for your field? You can export the field from the "fields" page and paste the code here.
    1 point
  28. Here is the final code the prevents the deletion of the last child: I restrict it that the child is type of one of the following templates: single-date, single-event, single-business-vacation or single-special-business-hours. //Prevent deletion of the the last child $wire->addHookBefore("Pages::trash", function($event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); if(!in_array($page->template->name, array('single-date', 'single-event', 'single-business-vacation', 'single-special-business-hours'))) return; $parent = $page->parent; $childrennumber = count($page->parent->children); if($childrennumber === 1) { $event->replace = true; // now original function won't be called $event->return = $this->message("Trashing not allowed! There must be at least 1 page."); } }); I put a complete description in the Tutorial section
    1 point
  29. Update : Early days and take it with a slight pinch of salt, but we've seen some positive uptick in our behavioural stats. Session duration up 5.3% vs previous month, Pages per session up 9.6%
    1 point
  30. I think it's simply a matter of the order of things. Without the pageNameCharset being set in config, the first call to the pageNameUTF8() sanitizer method is after init(), but when you set it, it must call that sanitizer method before Tracy has loaded. I did ask Ryan a long while back about the possibility of being able to load Tracy earlier - he said he might be amenable, but nothing ever came of it. I just did some experiments loading the Tracy core files in the root index.php and with that setup, your bd() call still works, even with: $config->pageNameCharset = 'UTF8'; I'd like to revisit this idea with Ryan - I have come across bd() undefined many times when trying to use them in the PW core files - it would be great to have Tracy loaded before anything else. I wonder if a request for this might be more powerful initiated by someone other than myself?
    1 point
  31. Where is the data from of which this list is made of? Basically „yes“ - put it into home.php if this is the home page. Maybe, depending on what the data is, you may want to check out the possibilities of the /fields/ folder and $page->render('field') (Check out this processwire blog post about that functionality) E.g.: In case these items are children of some page. Maybe like so: (assuming ) // assumed site structure -home [template: home] -portfolio [template: portfolio] -nice [template: project] -cool [template: project] -awesome [template: project] -... // templates/home.php <?php include('_top.php'); echo $pages->get('/portfolio/')->render('children'); include('_bottom.php'); ?> // templates/fields/children.portfolio.php <div class="portfolio"> <?php foreach($value as $item): ?> <div class="portfolio__item"> <h2><?= $item->title ?></h2> <img src="<?= $item->someImage->url ?>"> </div> <?php endforeach ?> </div> But there are many ways to do anything. See this as some inspiration. cheers Steffen
    1 point
  32. Mpdf has a pagebreak method and you can also add CSS avoid-pagebreak to prevent two blocks from being split into multiple pages. I'm using [pagebreak] tags in ckeditor to give my clients the possibility of adding breaks
    1 point
  33. Affinity Designer seems another good choice: https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/designer/
    1 point
  34. I hate Inkscape - if you don't have Illustrator, take a look at Gravit Designer: https://designer.io/ There are web-based and desktop versions available.
    1 point
  35. Are you sure the path is correct? What if you omit true (i.e. don't just search in include-path) and use an absolute path? PW doesn't disable this function. If you're in devmode and/or have Tracy Debugger installed, you should see some hint why it's failing.
    1 point
  36. This was tested and works... _func.php function toc( $heading, $content ) { $heading = str_replace( ',', ' ', $heading ); $heading = explode( ' ', $heading ); foreach ( $heading as $k => $v )$heading[ $k ] = trim( $v ); $heading = implode( '|', $heading ); $anchors = array(); if ( preg_match_all( '{<(' . $heading . ')[^>]*>(.+?)</\1>}i', $content, $matches ) ) { foreach ( $matches[ 1 ] as $key => $tag ) { $text = $matches[ 2 ][ $key ]; $anchor = wire('sanitizer')->pageName($text, true); $anchors[ $anchor ] = $text; $full = $matches[ 0 ][ $key ]; $content = str_replace( $full, "<a name='$anchor' href='#'></a>$full", $content ); } } if ( count( $anchors ) ) { $toc = "<ul class='article-toc'>"; $url= wire('page')->url; foreach ( $anchors as $anchor => $text ) { $toc .= "<li><a href='$url#$anchor'>$text</a></li>"; } $toc .= "</ul>"; return array( $toc, $content ); } else { return null; } } article.php (example template file) <?php $out = toc("h2 h3 h4",$page->body); ?> <div class="page"> <div class="main"> <?=$out[1]?> </div> <div class="sidebar"> <h3>Table of Contents</h3> <?=$out[0]?> </div> </div> the previous published function was updated because we need to use wire() in _func.php
    1 point
  37. Hi @noelboss, I've tried a few times, but I've found it really hard to describe the application without showing screenshots of the workflow. It is unfortunately not as easy as hiding the logo and branding. The customer has a lot of competitive advantage using this tool. I also moved jobs since. During the Christmas holidays I might have some spare time to work out a tutorial of a custom build application. Thanks again for your showcase.
    1 point
  38. Maybe I don't fully understand the term headless, but I would have thought that PW is ALWAYS headless, even with our typical way of using the API. Surely headless doesn't just mean delivery via JSON etc, but rather simply no forced output. I have used PW in the "regular" way for websites, but also as a JSON source for SPA web apps and mobile apps. In my mind, these are all headless, but maybe I I still don't get it, or maybe that is actually what you are saying anyway
    1 point
  39. @adrian Ah, git tags at last. Nice.
    1 point
  40. Beautiful work @SamC ! I look forward to reading through all the tuts sometime soon. For the lazy amongst us, here is the link: https://www.pwtuts.com I am glad you are using it, but sad that you don't think you are using it properly. Do you think there are some things I can do to make it easier to understand/use? Maybe we need a tut for it
    1 point
  41. Hi folks, I published "Simple file downloads with ProcessWire tutorial" today which explains how to make a simple download function with ProcessWire (tested with version 3.0+). Basically this is based on my post here in the forums
    1 point
  42. Hey everyone - don't forget to read the version of this excellent post on Medium: https://medium.com/icf-church-developers/our-first-processwire-website-fab741e09707 Create an account and "clap" for the article - you can clap up to 50 times - let's see if we can get @noelboss's article on the Medium homepage!
    1 point
  43. AFAIK you don't need to check $page->editable when using FEEL.
    1 point
  44. Tankä, as we say in Zurich Frontend editing comes bundeled with the Processwire core! In addition we use Front-End Edit Lightbox (FEEL) like this; echo $page->feel( [ 'text' => $page->template->get('label|name').' '.ukIcon('pencil'), 'class' => 'uk-button uk-button-small uk-button-default cp-editpage', 'fields' => null, ]);
    1 point
  45. Edit: I just realized there are 18 Pages in this thread and I am pretty sure someone else mentioned it, I will have a look I have just added the module to a new site I am creating and it seems like there are some issues. 1. The API key is not recognized when using the <script>-tag from module page (<script type='text/javascript' src='https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false'></script>) – I had to add <script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?libraries=places&key={{my API key}}"></script> in order to display the map. 2. The map in frontend does not look like the one in the backend. Instead of green areas for parks I get an all grey version, as you can see on the screenshots below. Has anyone else noticed this? PW Version is ProcessWire 3.0.62 from stable channel.
    1 point
  46. just add the "pw-panel" class to your link. if you want it to reload on every open add "pw-panel-reload". see here for details: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/master/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryUI/panel.js
    1 point
  47. nothing fancy here. you see it's not polished and some hardcoded values... the javascript to handle the clicks: $(document).on('click', '.ckesnippet', function() { // find correct ckeditor instance $field = $(this).closest('li.Inputfield'); var id = $field.attr('id'); var ckename = id.replace('wrap_',''); var cke = CKEDITOR.instances[ckename]; var data = cke.getData(); cke.setData(data + $(this).data('snippet')); return false; }); and the hook to modify the field: $this->addHookBefore('InputfieldTextarea::render', $this, function($event) { $field = $event->object; if($field->name == 'rockinvoice_suffix') { $del = ''; foreach($this->wire->pages->get(38967)->texttemplates as $item) { $field->entityEncodeText = false; $field->description .= $del . '<a href="#" class="ckesnippet" data-snippet="' . str_replace(PHP_EOL, '', $item->body) . '">' . $item->title . '</a>'; $del = ' | '; } } elseif($field->name == 'rockinvoice_prefix') { $del = ''; foreach($this->wire->pages->get(38967)->texttemplates_greeting as $item) { $field->entityEncodeText = false; $field->description .= $del . '<a href="#" class="ckesnippet" data-snippet="' . str_replace(PHP_EOL, '', $item->body) . '">' . $item->title . '</a>'; $del = ' | '; } } $this->wire->modules->get('RockTools')->loadAsset('ckesnippets.js', 'HrDiamonds'); }); and a repeater to setup the snippets:
    1 point
  48. i totally agree. i don't think it's necessary, but i think it would be nice to have a warning on the login site. a simple noscript tag could make things clear and save us from support-requests like "hey, my admin tree does not show up" where one's first thought could be a permission problem or the like...
    1 point
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