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The Background In April 2015, we were asked by CSDC Systems, to revamp their website. CSDC Systems is a Toronto-based company selling cloud-powered, process improvement technology to local governments, regulatory institutions, courts, universities, and granting agencies all over the world. CSDC Systems had a website that was built on Drupal 7.x, was difficult to update internally by their staff, had maintenance issues apart from being a very design dated website. The Objectives >> Create a modern, world-class website that sells CSDC's Solutions >> Highlight the benefits and advantages of the solutions and the company >> Make the site responsive and browsable across devices >> Give them a system that could be updated by non-technical users in their company. The Challenges >> Re-architect the entire website to make it usable by b2b clients >> Rewrite the copy with pain/gain/ benefits orientation >> Redesign to make it more visually appealing despite long copy >> Get results Re-imagining the CSDC Systems Website >> The old site had 350 pages of information with the bulk of it being blogs/ news. Blogs and News were ported and reformatted to make it visually appealing. >> 120 pages of copy to do with Solutions, Services, Platform, Case Studies and Whitepapers were rewritten and visualized ground up >> The persuasion structure with social proof - testimonials, Case Studies, Why CSDC was re-imagined and then reconstructed The Technology >> This was more a fairly large, prestigious, communications-driven website without any major technology challenges. >> The site uses Processwire CMS with Foundation 5 CSS framework >> The front-end page structure and design were mirrored using repeaters and fields at the backend. >> Forms, Profields, Autolinks, Tags, SEO are some of the plugins used >> The site uses ProCache. The Result The tutorial for the client over Skype lasted one hour and the happy part is that they are up and way confidently after that. The client's response: I was surprised that the site administration could be so intuitive and manageable by anyone with little technical knowledge. Coming from an old Drupal website, we shall take that as a true compliment for Processwire. The site is blazing fast. Records A: 94% on Google Page Speed and A: 92% on YSlow at GTMetrix. A nifty 1.6s load time with proCache turned on. You can view the new site at: http://www.csdcsystems.com/13 points
I actually registered back in January but then proceeded to bounce around CMSs, then went back to wp because it's just so easy to find and activate a plugin. Now I have a multisite with ummm, 40+ plugins and a highly functional theme. I cringe on every update. I even have a couple I can't update because I had to tweak them. Lucky for me, there's a plugin to prevent other plugins from being updated accidently. Time for some sanity and some learning. I know html/css pretty well. Last year's versions at least. php or programming in general? Not so much. Took the UK Kent Univ programming aptitude test and didn't do too bad, considering I've never taken an algebra class. I've been blue collar all my life. Electric sign fabricator for 25+ years. Large projects that took weeks. Did many high profile jobs but towards the end, no matter how fancy it was, it was boring. Time for something new. Getting too old for all the climbing, stooping, lifting and breathing toxic fumes typical of a sign shop. Inks, paint, welding etc. Likewise, getting into another blue collar field is not much of an option at 50 so I've decided web dev as my new career. Jumping into a tech career at 50. Did I say sanity? Nevermind. Winter's coming on here and I've set this winter aside for learning php and a CMS thouroughly. Or as thouroughly as I can in one season. It was going to be wp but I just can't stand the UPGRADE TO PRO atmosphere and worry it might be contagious. (there are exceptions of course as I have come across some stand up guys and gals there) I've got a lead on building a site for a small nearby city and the thought of using wp brought feelings of panic and nausea. Depending on their time frame, I may have to use a responsive html/css/js site and upgrade them to a cms later. I don't have the job yet so I'm not going to stress about it. However, I still want to get into something a little more structured yet flexible and it really comes down to ss or pw. I think they're pretty similar but pw looks to have a less steep learning curve. So here I am. I am the type of person that likes to figure things out or find things on my own but I'm sure I'll have plenty of ignorant questions. Thanks for your patience in advance, John8 points
I know the topic regarding a forum solution has popped up a few times, and I understand that existing solutions are often better suited. However, I just love PW and wanted to have a go at creating a forum module, as I'm becoming more familiar with how PW works. My plan was never to create a forum like this one, but rather a forum that could utilise the power of PW to handle membership, permissions, which in turn would save a lot of time. Basically a functional forum that isn't bloated and doesn't get in the way of the front-end design. Nothing too fancy, but something that has the expected features. I also wanted it to use the same principle so that it can be used to add comments to other pages etc. At present, the forum has potential, but obviously one of the main issues is the amount of installed fields, but custom Fieldtypes are beyond me at the moment. I like the idea that everything is a page as it makes it easy to deal with, but I'm always open to criticism and suggestions. I'd love others to get involved with this as I can see it as a useful addition, but I understand that people don't always have the time. So maybe I will keep tinkering with it and keep the updates coming here, but if others are interested in joining in, we can take it from there. Again thanks for your comments and encouragement as it means a lot. Yeah, I've been watching Flarum since it was announced and it's looking great. I'd just prefer a PW alternative though, just to keep everything feeling the same.3 points
I know the feeling . ...If you haven't worked with Fieldtypes before, there is some learning curve..Onto the main question, given the task involved in developing a forum (depending on whether it is basic or has advanced features, is modular, etc.. [have a read here btw]), I think we have about 3 options: Given the time constraints we (most of us) face, proceed as you originally intended. A basic forum is better than none Ask guys who has some time to spare if we shared the work, e.g. somebody to deal with the model (data), another to deal with permissions and security, another with membership + login, another with...etc... If there is enough demand for a more than basic, scalable modular forum, and the community is willing to raise some funds to support its development, get a couple of heads (and hands!) together to work on this thing. The sponsorship really would be about compensation for time taken away from client work. #3 is probably the most difficult to organise but if it works, would probably bear most fruit. These are just my thoughts. Don't feel pressured by any of them . Even if we ended up taking option #1, I'd welcome it. You've made a good start and yours is probably the attempt that has come farthest to date (IIRC). So unless something shifts soon, I'd go ahead and release your module as is. It's not the end of the world if it doesn't have native Fieldtypes . It is a working solution. We appreciate your efforts and thank you for giving it to us gratis3 points
3 points
also new this week, http://www.shortandsweet.agency/ I have been busy of recent2 points
First of all, fieldtype modules are not inputfields, so your posted code does not work no matter which field you actually want to add. Additionally some inputfields depend on their corresponding fieldtype, which makes them unusable in plain inputfield mode, which the module settings are using. Fieldtypes are only used in context of templates, as they handle things like persisting data to the db, which is only needed for pages. This module does not even have an inputfield, because it's using the core one, so to get the same functionality in the modules settings you can copy the code from the getInputfield() function of the module into your code.2 points
I actually really like ImageExtra (http://modules.processwire.com/modules/image-extra/) for Slider details - you can easily specify all sorts of "subfields" to contain info for each image in the slider.2 points
<silliness>I've been meaning to do a video demo of a list of silly thinks/pranks you can do with RunTimeMarkup...you know, a countdown to lunch break, a thing that shouts "peekaboo" every time you type a certain letter on your keyboard, a (not-so-silly) live spell-checker, etc....But then again, I have been meaning a lot of things... </silliness>2 points
Hola Hanna, actually I dont't know _x() probably this function but __("string to translate") (two underscores) translates strings in template files, or better to say let's you translate via /processwire/setup/languages/ So in your case you would either change the line from <html lang="<?php echo _x('en', 'HTML language code'); ?>"> to <html lang="<?php echo _x('de', 'HTML language code'); ?>"> or you in admin you go to /setup/languages/ select your default (german) language and click on_main.php to translate, somehwere there should be written "HTML language code" and there you enter "de" I used a different approach in _init.php I defined the following // define var $lang for use in tpl files if($user->language->name == 'default') $lang = 'de'; else $lang = $user->language->name; then you can just put this in _main.php <html lang="<?= $lang; ?>"> and of course re-use wherever you like. Or, you could use the languages title field or add another custom field to language template and name it for example "language_short_code" or maybe you got an already created textfiel which you could re-use here. then you don't need to override the default languages name but just output your shortcode field like <html lang="<?= $user->language->language_short_code; ?>"> Hope it helps, enjoy Processwire2 points
Ye, that + more .. Have a read here + Ryan's comment here More stuff about Fieldtypes here (see the links I posted there...am too lazy to copy them here all over again): Let us know how you get on. If this will be a full fledged forum, then be prepared for a whole lot of work. If it is a simpler forum, I can try to commit some very limited time (away from client work) to help you with the Fieldtypes but can't promise how much time, unfortunately....2 points
Edit: The title of this post has been renamed to use the word "processor" instead of "builder" - this is not a form-building module. I'm currently putting together a simple developer-centric form processor for one of my projects, and have decided that I'd like to release it as a module as soon as it's stable enough. The idea is to separate it from the backend, and use per-form configuration files and templates instead. I could well implement a backend solution for this, but my preference is for it to be developer-centric. For me, this makes it easier to use and, of course, develop. Here's how it currently works: developer specifies forms and their particulars in a JSON file stored in the module's directory. The file includes dictations such as the name of the form, the fields it uses (along with their sanitization/validation rules), template information, and a set of emails to send when the form is being processed. An example of such configuration is: { "contact": { "name": "Contact Form", "fields": { "name": { "sanitize": "text", "rules": { "required": "Please enter your name." } }, "email": { "sanitize": "email", "rules": { "required": "We need to know your email address so we can get back to you.", "email": "That doesn't look like a valid email address." } }, "company": { "sanitize": "text", "rules": { "min(4)": "That's a tad short for a company name." } }, "contact": { "sanitize": "text", "rules": { "int": "Please enter only the digits of your phone number (no spaces or other punctuation)." } }, "message": { "sanitize": "entities1|textarea", "textField": true, "rules": { "required": "Please enter your enquiry/message.", "min(250)": "Please enter at least {$0} (but no more than 2000) characters.", "max(2000)": "You have reached the {$0} character limit. Please shorten your message." } } }, "info": { "fromName": "The ABC Accounting Team", "tel": "(011) 100 1234", "altTel": "(011) 100 5678" }, "emails": { "autoReply": { "template": "auto-reply", "to": "{input.name} <{input.email}>", "from": "ABC Accounting <noreply@abc.accounting>", "subject": "Enquiry/Message Submitted - Thanks!" } } } } As seen in the 'emails' key, templates can be defined for each email. These templates can be plain/HTML/both, and accept information regarding form input, the 'info' key, and a custom stylesheet, which is created as a file, but imported directly into the HTML version of the template. The module will also come with a jQuery module to assist in processing the form. Frontend is up to the developer/designer. Currently, the directory structure of the module is: root - forms.config.json / templates / form-name - template-name.html - template-name.css - template-name.txt I'm now thinking that it would be better to change the structure to this: root / form-name / templates - template-name.html - template-name.css - template-name.txt - config.json That is: each form will have its own folder containing configuration and templates. So I'm starting this thread to ask the following: Firstly, what do you think of this idea, and do you think you would make use of this module? Of the two structures above, which one would you prefer? Would you want the ability to make use of attachments in your emails (such as a logo)? (If I'm not mistaken, we'd then need to require WireMailSmtp or WireMailSwiftMailer...) As a side note, it's worth mentioning that this module is really intended to be used on small- to medium-sized sites that require multiple forms where developers are not in a position to obtain Ryan's excellent FormBuilder. Any input here is most welcome. (And yes, as gathered by my signature, the module is called SimpleForms. If you have a name suggestion, please feel free...)1 point
Reading this line again, if we are not CREATING new rows per se (i.e. not creating new row/column pages) but appending starting from the first AVAILABLE BLANK row, that is doable and is how I was thinking originally, before I managed to confuse myself trying to figure out what exactly you meant by append . In that case, the users will have to ensure that a blank row exists before attempting an 'append import'. If at least one blank row exists, that row will be populated and any other subsequent blank rows as well as long as there are still other rows of data in the imported CSV. As usual, any extraneous rows and columns will be discarded (nothing to import to). Hmm, need to see which is easier; using PHP to find the first blank row or using jQuery/JavaScript to read the matrix client-side and get the first blank row and send that with the submitted form . Happy days. As for your users creating new blank rows every year, am sure you can work that out .1 point
Thanks Adrian! Modal: CSS: Let me start with this one. I hate CSS...there I said it! . OK, I don't hate it that much...But this drove me nuts for hours! OK, so PHP has its quirkiness too but goodness, CSS! OK, maybe am not just good at it and debugging it is a pain. The modal is a jQuery UI thing and overriding its defaults caused me more pain than I want to go through again ...So, if anyone can send me a PR, please do. Am serious, LoL. It's either this or I go back to browser default alert box (FF's is nice btw, but Chrome, urggh!). New Rows: Maybe there's two ways around this. In an earlier post I was wondering whether we need to use pages for Row and Column headers/labels (e.g. the Nitrogen, 1987 in your screenshot). In this option, we would let the first column and first row be the row and column headers respectively. That would mean, instead of using those columns (in the db) to store references to page IDs, we would use them to store Row and Column Labels. Alternatively, we could let the user choose whether they want labels to be existing pages or if they want to import custom strings as Row/Column headers. That would make for easier appending new rows since it wouldn't need the existence of a page. The second option here is to automatically create new row and column pages on import by reading the row/label titles (or checking if that page exists and add it to the matrix if it does). The problem here is if auto-creating new pages, what templates will they use and what page(s) will be their parents. Ignore first column/row: Makes sense, will look into it - if you can please submit a separate GitHub feature request, thanks Checking rows means they will be exported: Good idea, will look into it - if you can please submit a separate GitHub feature request, thanks Shift+Click: - ditto, thanks Natural/Normal way of structuring CSV data: I think you misunderstood me/I wasn't clear. This is what I meant. Consider the following data, including the row and column headers as it would appear in Excel: A B C D E F G 1 Peter 35 2 Peter 80Kg 3 Peter $50,000 4 Peter Married 5 Peter Volvo 6 Mary etc as above As you can see, the first 5 rows are all about Peter. If you get data like that, normally you would change it so that all of Peter's data is on one row, with the columns each storing one property like so: A B C D E F G 1 Age Weight Salary Marital Status Vehicle 2 Peter 35 80 kg $50,000 Married Volvo 3 Mary etc.... 4 5 So, whilst example 1 would have better worked for finding out what was 'null', it is not the normal way of organising data. Anyway, it's not important now, since you meant something totally different by 'append'.1 point
I would like to see a native forum. So I'll take a look at your module1 point
Thanks Mike for all the lovely suggestions for improvement. Will heed. I managed to exit the code block:-). Thanks.1 point
I also started with "discuss" a simple, extendable forum module based on PW pages few month ago, but stopped work in favor of Flarum (Demo). I like the EsoTalk successor and maybe start an integration for my small forum site instead of a native PW forum...1 point
good evening gentlemen, so I have recently set up a Vagrant LAMP stack with the your Blog Module to, well, develop a blog. Unfortunately though, I seem to be unable to reach your website on which you so beautifully used to explain the ins and outs of the API to the module. Apparently the domain got deleted according to the notification on the site. So, is this a permanent state, did you stop the further development of the module or can we expect to see your site up and running again in a few days? I really liked the tutorials you offered there, since I don't know that much about web development and it offered a great starting point to get stuff going. Best wishes, DeM1 point
Quite nice indeed, though I have a few suggestions/recommendations: Fonts are inconsistent. Some areas use Open Sans, others use Droid (which defaults to serif and has no @font-face). (Though, at a second glance, I see that there are references to "Droid, serif" where it should be "Droid Serif, serif" - I take it "Droid" is not a font, which is why its defaulting back to serif (in my case, Times New Roman, which is a terrible font)). The shadow under the main menu (nav bar and drop-down) is at a 45-degree angle, leaving an area of whitespace to the left of the shadow - doesn't look natural. I recommend changing that shadow to: box-shadow: 2px 0px 14px rgba(0,0,0,0.2) The submit button in the footer needs extra styling - specifically, a border is needed there. The two rows of white blocks with the learn more buttons should have a transparent border applied. Why? Because when you hover over them, a new border is applied, and the text moves down. Applying a transparent or white border should resolve that. I think that the search box could do with some more work... It's quite small, and doesn't seem to fit nicely in the navigation/header bar. On content pages, I think the breadcrumbs bar could do with a light grey background. The sitemap list could do with some styling - perhaps some custom bullets or block elements would help on that front. That's all I can think of at the moment. Well, that's all that is prominent to me at the moment. Otherwise, nice site, and congrats on the release. Quick tip: Your post content is in a code block, which means I have to scroll left and right to read the content...1 point
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Which does have a clause in it's terms of service, that streamed content needs to be gaming, or at least somewhat related to games or gaming, if I remember things correctly. So probably no coding sessions there.1 point
Great to see FEEL as a module, thank you. - FrontEndEditLightbox.css.min is missing. - Maybe you should add the checkbox (unchecked by default) in the module config to add JqueryCore.js in case someone is not yet using it? - This is not working (should be name instead of text): echo $page->feel("text" => "Edit page"); - I would like to have popup opened 100% width. How can I override: .mfp-feel .mfp-content { background: #fff; max-width: 90%; max-height: 90%; } - How can I style edit button other than using positional classes? Ok, I can use exesting css and ad my styling, but would be nice if you could provide a simple textarea in config, where I could enter css? - Idea: how about automatically adding feel button to pages?1 point
That would surely convert many users from other CMSes - so please don't go that cinematic1 point
I always find that the majority of a webdev work with PW is about front-end stuff and backend work with PW is a minor issue, at least compared to the systems. Of course this probably won't be the case on your first project but it will be soon. So if you know html and CSS (Js?) well, your learning curve won't be that steep.1 point
Just a quick FYI - thanks to a tip from Ryan I have been able to remove the need for making the numChildren method hookable, so if you are interested in the new features on the dev version for hiding the children from the page list view, go take a look now - no need for the core modifications.1 point
Now that makes sense. So it's basically (for newbies like me) about grouping related data together to make it more efficient and scalable, and this in turn will cut down on the number of custom fields I need to install? I'll be sure to download that module and have a good read. Thanks!1 point
Feedback like that is always appreciated. Custom Fieldtypes certainly make sense and you're certainly not raining on my parade, as I would want the module to be done correctly. I will admit that I know nothing about creating custom Fieldtypes, and my PHP coding level isn't on par with most people on here. So I'm not sure where to start with that as I can't seem to find any documentation on it? Thanks for the comments.1 point
If you don't mind getting your hands dirty -> PicoFeed is all you need. It's pretty easy to get and parse multiple RSS feeds. You can then get the stuff you want from the individual feeds and show them as one gallery. Checkout their GitHub account for documentation and examples.1 point
Expounding on the above...in 'append mode' there's two possible ways to determine when a value should be appended or a db value left alone (i.e. it is not being updated). This is as I describe above, If there is a BLANK/EMPTY value coming in, we assume we want to keep the db value, so we don't change it; OR If a corresponding value DOES NOT EXIST in the new values coming in (sort of like null), then we keep the db value. In this approach, it means if an EMPTY corresponding value is coming in, we empty the existing db value. The problem with #1 is that it won't account for scenarios where you actually want an incoming blank value to wipe out a corresponding db value. Of course this can be accomplished by manually deleting said values in the table itself rather than the CSV import but it could get tedious. Maybe #2 is the more natural way to do it. However, it is the more difficult way (currently) since it would require new CSV values coming in differently. Consider a matrix like this: Small Medium Large Red 12 11 13 Green 15 9 8 Blue 7 14 6 Currently, data import does not allow Row (Red, Green, Blue) and Column (Small, Medium, Large) labels/headers in the imported CSV data. As you know, data comes in like this (considering the above table): 12,11,13 15,9,8 7,14,6 This won't work for #2 since there is no way of telling what a null value is. If data came in like this Red Small 12 Red Large 13 Green Small 15 Green Medium 9 Green Large 13 Blue Medium 14 ...then, we would be able to tell that Red Medium, Blue Small and Blue Large were null because they are not part of the incoming dataset. In that case, we wouldn't touch the corresponding db values. However, I don't think this is the natural/normal way of structuring CSV data (verbosity). So, for now, unless I find another way or am nissing something obvious, I am sticking with #1 for append mode.1 point
you can use the new slider module that was recently released, it has a whole admin interface. other than that you would use PW fields to hold the various options and settings for each slide; this will be totally dependent on which slider you are using, as well as how often you think the site managers will be needing to change stuff; Here are some ways it has been accomplished on my end: 1.) Using Profields Table to hold settings for each slide; custom module populates default settings (rows) and then the values are adjustable in the 2nd col of the table 2.) Using textarea to hold the code for each slide (or Ace Extended inputfield); slide code can be edited directly; 3.) Same as #2, but allowing for use of placeholders, like Slide image, link, button text, so that that the editors can use regular fields for some of the slide settings - such as selecting an internal page to link the silde to 4.) YAML field - captions, animation settings, etc 5.) Pagetable and PW fields to hold all custom settings, Slider inputfield for some numerical settings1 point
1 point
A quick look at your source code shows that it is Royal Slider: http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/royal-slider/1 point
You can, but it need some additional scripting. The below could be inside the init() of an autoload module. That would hide the pages you wish for the role my-role. Ps, the code here is not tested. $this->addHookAfter('Page::viewable', function($event) { if (!$this->user->hasRole('my-role')) return; $exclude_ids = array( 1234, 2345, 2323, ); if (in_array($event->object->id, $exclude_ids)) { $event->return = false; } });1 point
Hello benbyf, I have tried the demo at http://bbstarter.nicegrp.com/ If you use the search it leads to an error. Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Error has been logged. Best regards1 point
Update version 1.0.2 (Dev only for now) Note: Haven't had time to update README Change Added method getValue() to get the value at the given coordinates(row, column). This is an extended syntactic alias for $page->matrix->get('row=1045, column=1098'). It is more versatile, taking two parameters (row, column), allowing you to get a value by specifying its row and column ID (integer), path, title or Page object. Examples: getValue() (matrix field called 'results' with student names for rows and subjects for columns) //get by path #$result = $page->results->getValue('/students/ishak/', '/subjects/physics/'); //get by title #$result = $page->results->getValue('Ishak', 'Physics');//note title is case sensitive //get by ID #$result = $page->results->getValue(1062, 1082); //### get by Page #$r = $pages->get(1064);//results row #$c = $pages->get(1083);//results column //pass Page object #$result = $page->results->getValue($r, $c); //pass Page title #$result = $page->results->getValue($r->title, $c->title); //pass Page ID #$result = $page->results->getValue($r->id, $c->id); //pass Page path #$result = $page->results->getValue($r->path, $c->path); ############### //get by mixed parameters #$result = $page->results->getValue('Ishak', '/subjects/history/'); #$result = $page->results->getValue('/students/sarah/', 'French');//note title is case sensitive #$result = $page->results->getValue($r, 'Music'); #$result = $page->results->getValue('Amani', $c->path); $result = $page->results->getValue('James', $c->id); if($result) echo '<strong>' . $result->rowLabel . ' </strong>scored ' . $result->value . ' in ' . $result->columnLabel; else echo 'No result found'; Please test and let me know how it goes, thanks.1 point
I recommend the following steps: make a new clean install of PW put your templates, assets, modules in the site folder download Ryans Module Database Backups here: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-database-backups/ go to Setup > Database Backups > Upload upload your sql If necessary reset admin password with the following code in your home template $users->get("admin")->setOutputFormatting(false)->set('pass', 'newpassword')->save(); look what happens. If needed switch on debug mode to clean-up your templates $config->debug = true; // in config.php Add your IP adress to HTTP hosts whitelist $config->httpHosts = array('xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'); // in config.php1 point
Hi all, I'm so sorry but I'm not getting out of the wood with my static page navigation in a multilingual site. - Language switcher is working fine on single pages. - In a normal single language site to refer to a single page in the menu, I use for example: <li><a href="<?php echo $config->urls->root; ?>bestuur-kfc-heist">Bestuur</a></li> Now, what must I do so that the links reflect the /fr/ /en/ once I navigate between menu items in a certain language? Am I missing a statement in the head so that $config->urls->root; would include the /fr/ /en/ /nl/ ? For hours I've been searching but I'm simply not getting it right. The live site sits in a subdir 'rubens' and I changed in my htaccess to: RewriteBase /rubens/ I'd greatly appreciate your advice .. Bernard EDIT PW is far too simple for silly nooby's like me looking far too far for things which are yet soo obvious I solved my own stupid problem and indeed it works -right out of the box- If anyone nooby like me would try to walk with his head in the sand, here's the code which works for me: <a href="<? echo $pages->get("/")->url; ?>"><? echo $pages->get("/")->title; ?></a> //home page <a href="<? echo $pages->get("/inlijstingen/")->url; ?>"><? echo $pages->get("/inlijstingen/")->title; ?></a> //some page And for the children of a page: <ul class="someclass"><?php $articles = $pages->get("/inlijstingen/")->children; foreach ($articles as $child) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $child->url; ?>"><?php echo $child->get("headline|title"); ?></a></li> <? } ?> </ul> Compared to Joomla, setting up a multilingual site is as simple as Bonjour!1 point