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Map Marker Map


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  On 6/18/2017 at 11:35 PM, Jozsef said:

The same issue. Running PW 3.0.61 and Map Marker 2.0.6 worked just fine. After upgrading to 2.0.9 and entering my API key I get the above error to any address I try.



  On 6/1/2017 at 9:45 PM, Arcturus said:

I'm having an issue in PW 3.0.62 where the module will only geocode an address when I manually click the checkmark between address and lat/lng off/on when editing the page within the admin. Based on what I've read here, it seems only the client-side geocoder is working?

Additional details:

  • I have both Google Maps and Google Places APIs working without issue on the front-end and have added my Maps key to the module's configuration
  • My MapMarker-based field, "map", has a MapMarker: Error geocoding address notification and I can't find any elaboration
  • Neither API has any issues with my address formatting/default address, with an example being 5 Bloor Street, Toronto, ON M4W 3T3
  • My addresses are mapping properly when I play with the checkbox (status goes from UNKNOWN to OK)
  • I can't trigger the geocoding via the API

Any ideas?




Hi @Arcturus and @Jozsef,


Did you find a solution for this issue? I am running  3.0.84 and am having the same problem.


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  On 9/24/2017 at 6:30 PM, PWaddict said:

To always display the map at the center even if the browser resized or the full screen button pressed just use the below function:

google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'resize', function() {
		var center = map.getCenter()
		google.maps.event.trigger(map, "resize")



The above function that I posted few months ago it's working perfect for Chrome, Firefox & Opera.

On IE11 it's partial working. If the map's full screen button pressed the map is no more centered. On the browser resize is working properly. Anyone knows how to fix this?

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I am really stuck here, the map was working fine a few weeks ago but now the address will not geocode automatically, this is a problem as I could have multiple users adding addresses through the api. I have tried adding $p->trackChange('map'); and similar but everytime I have to go in and click on the address field and then click out of it and it works. Any suggestions?

While I am here, how do I get the map markers to not link to a page when someone clicks them.

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  • 2 weeks later...


i have 2 different domains for one page. 
In one domain i can see the map markers in other it comes an error. 

Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#missing-key-map-error

I have generated an standart Api key 
dont understand why it doesnt works 

the same key also works for me on localhost skyscrapers profile too 


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  • 3 weeks later...

The Geocode is returning some results in local script - ie,  Japanese is like -  和歌山県.  Is there a way to have it return English?  I know if I search the same place in Google Maps it returns the English equivalent.  I tried adding language=en to the URL in MapMarker.Php but that didn't work.




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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm trying to display the title of a page on the map but I can get it.

Ideally I want to display both $page->lieu->title and page->map_lieu->adress.

I couldn't find the way to write it. The only one working is 'lieu' but it display only id page. Can I use a variable in the array?

        'markerTitleField' => 'lieu',   // $page->lieu->title  ??



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Not sure if anyone is interested, but I just extended this to support address component fields. Now you can enter the various address components individually and it will automatically populate the final combined address field and geocode the address to lat/long.


I wanted this so I could grab the individual components for displaying a business address in a specific format, rather than relying on what the site editor entered into the combined address field.

You can of course call the components like this:


These are in addition to the existing:

$page->address->address // the combined version

Is anyone interested in this version? Not sure if @ryan would accept a PR or not?


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  On 2/14/2018 at 2:13 AM, adrian said:

Not sure if anyone is interested, but I just extended this to support address component fields. Now you can enter the various address components individually and it will automatically populate the final combined address field and geocode the address to lat/long.


I wanted this so I could grab the individual components for displaying a business address in a specific format, rather than relying on what the site editor entered into the combined address field.

You can of course call the components like this:


These are in addition to the existing:

$page->address->address // the combined version

Is anyone interested in this version? Not sure if @ryan would accept a PR or not?



I would use it

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  On 2/14/2018 at 2:13 AM, adrian said:

Not sure if anyone is interested, but I just extended this to support address component fields. Now you can enter the various address components individually and it will automatically populate the final combined address field and geocode the address to lat/long.


I wanted this so I could grab the individual components for displaying a business address in a specific format, rather than relying on what the site editor entered into the combined address field.

You can of course call the components like this:


These are in addition to the existing:

$page->address->address // the combined version

Is anyone interested in this version? Not sure if @ryan would accept a PR or not?



Too late for me since I did that in my /ready.php. But would certainly use it in another project! ;-)

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  On 2/14/2018 at 4:02 AM, mel47 said:

Too late for me since I did that in my /ready.php.


I am curious how you handled it in ready.php - did you create the additional component inputs, or was it extracting the components from the single combined address field? I have done something similar before, but the problem is that you can't guarantee how site editors will enter the address that way.

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  On 9/24/2017 at 6:30 PM, PWaddict said:

To always display the map at the center even if the browser resized or the full screen button pressed just use the below function:

google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'resize', function() {
		var center = map.getCenter()
		google.maps.event.trigger(map, "resize")



The Google Maps API have just been updated and the "center" is now working on all browsers:

  • When the map is resized, the map center is fixed
    • The full-screen control now preserves center.
    • There is no longer any need to trigger the resize event manually.
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  On 2/14/2018 at 5:37 AM, adrian said:

I am curious how you handled it in ready.php - did you create the additional component inputs, or was it extracting the components from the single combined address field? I have done something similar before, but the problem is that you can't guarantee how site editors will enter the address that way.


Nothing special. Just a concatenate from values like this:

$page->map_lieu->address = "{$page->no_civique} {$page->rue}, {$page->ville}, {$page->codepostal} {$page->pays}";

Data were entered from FormBuilder, with fields similar to yours. I'm now at ~150 adresses collected and I just have a couple which didn't geolocalize (generally a typo).  Status varied to "rooftop to geometric center". My only concerns is if you get a "Zero results" status, on front-end, the square map appears but with nothing. I'm planning to display the map with a "if status>=1", just to be sure.

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Interesting discussion about extra address fields.

I created a fieldtype 'AddressGeoNames' that consists of separate text inputs for country, city, postcode, lat, lng etc. where field values are verified and partially auto populated through geonames.org API.

This is a standalone Inputfield that geocodes through the google maps api.

But it can also be connected to an InputfieldLeafletMapMarker field so that the given address will be rendered as pin on the map. The pin can also be manually repositioned and writes back lat/lng to the AddressGeonames field.

I am currently using this in one live project with about 1500 users and they seem to get along fine with data input and geocoding.

This is how it looks like when used next to a InputfieldLeafletMapMarker field:

Planning on adding support for GoogleMapsMarker, too and eventually releasing it on github. Not quite ready yet, though. But if anyone is interested in the concept, I could share what I have so far.


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Really nice work on the Map InputFields folks!

I need to do something similar next week for a travel company. They want to plot a route on a map and I have been wondering about the best way to go about this.

My thoughts so far would be to tie a repeater control to a map, let the user use the marker to plot the route, then add the coordinates into a repeater control. 

This approach using jQuery opens up all kinds of issues in terms of managing the UX design for removing steps in the route, adding individual steps into the repeater, synchronizing the plotted route with the repeater control entries from the marker etc....

Wondered if any one else has run into similar UX request and found a better way around it.



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Hi guys, 

Do you have the map marker module working in version 2.8 or version 3? In processwire admin, I can see the map, but then when I go to the page where the map should be showing, I'm getting an error: " MarkupGoogleMap Error: Please add the maps.google.com script in your document head. The map is not showing on the page. " 

I have fresh processwire installation

it seems that the module injects the google maps script before html tag, it seems to be causing the problem... I'm not sure how to solve this


<script type='text/javascript' src='/site/modules/FieldtypeMapMarker/MarkupGoogleMap.js'></script><div id='mgmap1' class='MarkupGoogleMap' style='width: 100%; height: 300px;'></div><script type='text/javascript'>if(typeof google === 'undefined' || typeof google.maps === 'undefined') { alert('MarkupGoogleMap Error: Please add the maps.google.com script in your document head.'); } else { var mgmap1 = new MarkupGoogleMap(); mgmap1.setOption('zoom', 12); mgmap1.setOption('mapTypeId', google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID); mgmap1.init('mgmap1', 40.712776, -74.005974); mgmap1.addMarker(40.712776, -74.005974, '/en/about/', 'About', ''); }</script><!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

when I paste the code inside <head> manually, then I can see the map on the page where it should be visible. 


Any suggestions?

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  On 2/14/2018 at 2:13 AM, adrian said:

Not sure if anyone is interested, but I just extended this to support address component fields. Now you can enter the various address components individually and it will automatically populate the final combined address field and geocode the address to lat/long.


I wanted this so I could grab the individual components for displaying a business address in a specific format, rather than relying on what the site editor entered into the combined address field.

You can of course call the components like this:


These are in addition to the existing:

$page->address->address // the combined version

Is anyone interested in this version? Not sure if @ryan would accept a PR or not?



I want tha ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 2/17/2018 at 3:37 PM, adrian said:

Thanks for this fork - a very useful enhancement. If you think you might submit a pull request I saw a few things that could be good to include.

1. The default address setting in the field config doesn't work in this fork. Maybe it needs separate fields for street, city, etc?

2. Perhaps you could integrate this fix for ajax-loaded inputfields: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/FieldtypeMapMarker/issues/19

3. Because the inputfield places the text inputs inside paragraph tags, there is an excessive amount of vertical space between rows of inputs (in the default admin theme at least - I didn't check the others). Solutions could be to change from <p> to <div> wrappers, or to add a rule to InputfieldMapMarker.css to reduce the margin on paragraphs.


4. Would it be possible to avoid the trailing commas in the Address field if some of the components aren't filled out?


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Hi @Robin S - glad you're finding the fork useful.

1. I can't see a difference in behavior from the main repo - it looks to me like the lat/lng get populated when creating a new page, but not the address field. I think this actually makes sense to me because I think it's really just designed to give the site editor a local starting view, rather than an exact address. Am I missing something?

2. Happy to incorporate the AJAX fix - thanks.

3. I honestly don't mind the spacing. It is applied differently in default and UiKit themes which makes it a bit of a pain. Probably changing the <p> to <div> as you suggested might make this a little cleaner. Perhaps you'd consider a PR to my repo so you can get it looking how you'd like it - better to have someone tweak this who has a definite opinion on it :) 

4. I am looking at this now - agreed that this should be fixed, but I noticed a bit of a dilemma - currently I trigger the geocode request like this:

            if($street.val() && $city.val() && $state.val() && $postcode.val() && $country.val()) {
                $addrComponent.blur(function() {

In other words, don't trigger it until all subfields are complete (except the additional_address which isn't added to the address which gets geocoded anyway). So if you're in a situation where not all subfields are filled out, it won't geocode. I don't really want to have a manual geocode button - would rather it was automatic - what do you think?


As for submitting a PR back to the main repo - I don't think there is really much point - I have a 4 year old PR there already which has been ignored :) Not that I want to have multiple forks of modules floating around either, but not sure what other option there is.

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Thanks @adrian, I'll have a think about those things.

I realise now that I have made a lot of changes myself to FieldtypeMapMarker for different projects - every time I use it I find something that doesn't really suit me or work too well. Maybe I should go through all of that and consolidate it into my own fork. Then we could possibly look at where it makes sense to combine our forks together.

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  On 3/5/2018 at 12:53 AM, Robin S said:

Then we could possibly look at where it makes sense to combine our forks together.


Yeah, I think that would be great - I think we need one feature-rich version going forward that has all these improvements. I don't expect Ryan will accept a PR, but I do remember sometime ago he suggested I could take over this module if I wanted - personally I don't really want to because I already have too many to support, but perhaps if we both had commit rights on the main repo we could share the load?

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  • 3 weeks later...


it would be great if there was an option to save the map (using static maps api?) to an image file locally and that local image would update should the map field values change. This would mean not needing to use an API key since the traffic would be to your hosted image and not making requests to google maps api each visit. So to the cms user they are seeing gmaps as usual but the cms saves a static version of their work to an image that is used on the output side.

Also it would be neat to have a checkbox that enabled to  use JS/CSS to provide artificial zoom/map moving function using the static map image assuming it was at a decent resolution/dimensions and perhaps marker placement as well. Otherwise if the checkbox is un-selected, it will show a map image of defined dimensions with no zoom or bells & whistles, etc.

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I have frequently error : "initMap is not a function"

But the map is generally displaying correctly. Sometimes I have to refresh the page to get it.

I have this in <head>:      <script async defer src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=MYKEY&callback=initMap"  type="text/javascript"></script>


Chrome inspector:
js?key=AIzaSyAXQ3WeU…callback=initMap:96 Uncaught 
Kb {message: "initMap is not a function", name: "InvalidValueError", stack: "Error↵    at new Kb (https://maps.googleapis.com/m…QnQ_ThTMb8XNFMZaOHo23Ya04&callback=initMap:146:49"}
message:"initMap is not a function"
"Error↵    at new Kb (https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=MYKEY&callback=initMap:42:72)↵    at Object._.Lb (https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=MYKEY&callback=initMap:42:182)↵    at ih (https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=MYKEY&callback=initMap:96:104)↵    at https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=MYKEY&callback=initMap:146:34↵    at Object.google.maps.Load (https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=MYKEY4&callback=initMap:21:5)↵    at https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=MYKEY&callback=initMap:145:20↵    at https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=MYKEY&callback=initMap:146:49"


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