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Hi @tpr,

AOS has a stylesheet rule...

html.noFilenameTruncate i.fa-file-image-o, html.noFilenameTruncate .InputfieldFileInfo i {
    left: -21px !important;
    top: 3px;
    float: left;

...but this is too broad and affects the FontAwesome icon 'file-image-o' outside of the image inputfield when the noFilenameTruncate option is active (e.g. in the icon picker or in the module listing if that icon is used for a module).

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Thanks! Use the code you find there with caution, it doesn't always follow the best practices :)

Plus unfortunately your quote is also valid when changing a word in it:

When your site is doing something weird and you can't remember for the life of you how you did it, check AOS first  :) 

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When working with the NavItems submodule, which is incredibly useful, i have encountered some caveats, and not sure if these can be fixed/addressed...

1) The js that adds those items seems to only work on the first menu item, and if that has child items. Usually this is Pages, and has children;  but in my case, i have a dashboard module that takes the top position under the admin, and is the landing page for the admin. In this case, the nav items don't show, since there are no child items present under the dashboard process.

2) For custom nav items, i often will need to be able to place the menu items in specific places, like under a 'Content' or 'Company' menu, and i know that won't be possible currently in AOS,  so as a workaround, I used the technique of adding a menu item, using ProcessPageEdit as the selected process, and then doing the trick of of hooking in ready.php to specify the id of the edit page (courtesy @Jonathan Lahijani), but the issue with this is that the $input->get doesn't seem to be available to other modules (maybe the order in which they are loaded), and therefore any modules used in the admin that rely on $input->get->id don't work, since the URL that you are on is the url (name) of the process page.

if($page->template=="admin" && $page->name == "homepage-config") {
  $input->get->id = $pages->get("/settings/homepage-editor/")->id;

So anyway i have a somewhat hacky process module (ProcessMenuLink) that $session redirects to the edit page for the item; ultimately would be cool if there were some way to have the menu item itself link directly to the edit page w/o redirect, but for now this is the workaround i'm using...

thanks for listening!

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@tpr, I've been having a look at getting the field edit links working inside repeaters.

The solution is pretty simple. At line 2342...

if ($field = $inputfield->hasField) {

And because of the suffix added to the name of inputfields inside a repeater I think it would be good to make this change at line 2354...

$editFieldTooltip = '<em class="aos_EditField">' . $field->name . '<i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></em>';

...to use $field->name instead of $inputfield->name.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @tpr,

Could you please give some comment about where things stand with AOS with regard to AdminThemeUikit? Have you done much testing with the Uikit theme and would you say that AOS is officially supports the Uikit theme at the moment?

So far I have been holding off switching to the Uikit theme - for a few reasons, one of which is that AOS is a pretty important part of my custom profile and I want to be sure the module works well with the theme before I switch my clients over to it. I haven't tested AOS much with the Uikit theme but at a quick glance I noticed a few things that made me think that the theme might not be officially supported by AOS yet.

AOS toggle/config link doesn't align with the left edge of the content container:2018-01-10_114345.png.9f63eb45f34bcb101bcacb6ac30b3f6a.png

Module config icon position is a bit off and icon is fuzzy (wrong size?):

Also, the Escape key does not clear the notices.

No pressure if AOS is not ready for AdminThemeUikit yet - just wanted to check.

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No, I haven't dealt with every detail yet, mostly only with the issues you reported here and on github. I do not use pw nowadays too much and even if I do I use the Reno theme so I cannot spot all the issues. But I think the majority of them are easy to fix, apart from the fact that now 3 admin themes are there to check which slows down things. I plan to iron out the known issues in the following weeks. 

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No, things are not that obvious.  We are using other tools that allow separating admin and frontend to different servers,  so even if fronted gets hacked they can't get hold of sensitive data but only static html files. This is something pw can't do afaik,  perhaps with procache but I haven't tried that workaround so far. 

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  On 1/9/2018 at 11:06 PM, tpr said:

apart from the fact that now 3 admin themes are there to check which slows down things. I plan to iron out the known issues in the following weeks. 


I recommend dropping classic Default admin theme support. After all, AdminThemeUikit is becoming the new default in the near future.

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  On 1/10/2018 at 5:20 AM, tpr said:

No, things are not that obvious.  We are using other tools that allow separating admin and frontend to different servers,  so even if fronted gets hacked they can't get hold of sensitive data but only static html files. This is something pw can't do afaik,  perhaps with procache but I haven't tried that workaround so far. 


Can you elaborate on "other tools that allow separating admin and frontend to different servers". Do you mean tools like Gatsby and the likes ?

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Yesterday I've fixed a few things mentioned earlier. Some remarks:

  On 1/9/2018 at 10:49 PM, Robin S said:

Also, the Escape key does not clear the notices.


For me it works fine. Does it happen on other sites too? Others?

  On 12/19/2017 at 4:19 PM, Macrura said:

In this case, the nav items don't show, since there are no child items present under the dashboard process.


Yep, navItems are hacky because there is no hook to add menu items properly.

To add items only to specific pages would require to rewrite the whole thing, but my biggest concern is how to make the admin for it simple.

  On 12/15/2017 at 12:25 PM, adrian said:

AOS removes the 3px border radius on Page List Action buttons. Is there a particular reason for this?


I don't remember why it's there :) 

  On 1/10/2018 at 7:25 PM, szabesz said:

I recommend dropping classic Default admin theme support. After all, AdminThemeUikit is becoming the new default in the near future.


Sure, when the time comes.


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  On 1/10/2018 at 5:20 AM, tpr said:

We are using other tools that allow separating admin and frontend to different servers,  so even if fronted gets hacked they can't get hold of sensitive data but only static html files. This is something pw can't do afaik,  perhaps with procache but I haven't tried that workaround so far.


I opened a feature request topic about this in the ProCache sub-forum (not sure if you have access to that). Will be interesting to see if Ryan will consider adding such a feature.

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In the upcoming 1.7.4 version there will be a new tweak for the Logs page. The helpers field on top can be expanded by default, and the select box of Actions replaced with radios.

I don't really get why the actions are in a select, radios are easier to use. I've requested this change in the core on GitHub (and got a few likes there too) but so far there's no response.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello all. Does anyone experience an issue with the spacing between different fields in the admin while using AdminOnSteroids? I determined that the issue appears with the module prior to the fact that if I disable it, everything shows up correctly.

Presently I am using the latest PW 3.0.91 with the default Uikit theme and any place I go that shows fields in the admin is showing with a huge white space in between two. At first, I thought that I set some settings incorrectly, but even after a reset of the module I still see the issue appearing.

Any suggestions how to fix this as I was browsing through all the 40 pages in this topic, used search keywords to try to find the result, however so far I had no luck.

In case of a need, I am using a few other modules:

FieldTypeComments, MarkupSEO, ProcessWireUpgrade however if I disable AOS it all works fine.

P.S. The screenshot is a real one to one on 1396x768


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@gmclelland, @tpr   The issue appears if I enable tooltips for field description and field notes (even without having marked to use the overlay style). As soon as I turned off the Tooltips option completely, everything came back to normal.

Any suggestions to try to have the tooltips activated and avoid the spacing? At least for now I am OK to use the module even without the tooltips, so thank you both...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @tpr, I would like to have a little feature request here. I guess most of us feel pain when choosing fields and templates in dropdown select if the list grows large.  I think we could implement a search function to make us more efficient. I think AOS is the best place to implement this.

After some brief search, select2.js could be a good candidate. It hides the original select tag instead of using some div with hidden input field, so it , most likely, does not affect the inputfield like asm select. With option closeOnSelect: false could prevent the open and close behavior every time when we choose an item from asm. Also, it looks easy to implement. I hope you could consider adding this.:P


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