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Everything posted by WillyC

  1. U sguold not uses.entity encodededer w ckeditor or any.html feld uses it.with feilds thet haves.no htmls
  2. https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/tree/devns
  3. google.com search.use wordprss now I herd and www.heavensgate.com finaly switch.too
  4. all.u need to asks is how many pooeple.switch from wordass to pw ? = many how.many poople switch from pw to wordprass ? = null
  5. i.need two triy forkleft but i like yummy.ftp
  6. this.look like a repleye to questiones here http://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.13-and-a-preview-of-prodrafts/#Comment11880 allso pw all ready having sweet versionings frm weekly.pw.teppo http://modules.processwire.com/modules/version-control/ i make draftas this like 1.installs processPageclone frm core 2.clicking copy.on page in.tree { page u want.draft of } 4.edit.edit.edit { keep unpublishas } 4.get mom to edit.fix.edit blahblahblah shutup mom 5.ready to publishas ? trash.originalas page 7.rename clones page and clicking publishas edit 8.ok mabe i will.try prodraft
  7. whut.r vers.sr pw u uses ? https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/site-default/templates/_main.php#L36
  8. u installs.pagetable modulos > installs > pagetable there.also page table.erecto http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-page-table-extended/
  9. u message cumes frm.sessions dir. but i delete /site/assets/sessions/ and ,it remake.it no error mabe u /site/assets no writtable ? i testted w/vershion 2.5.21 for.my grndmoms nudist marchingband.site mabe u need.upgrade ?
  10. try.dev branche it user.4.4.6 for.monthes
  11. u uses title 2 time like.this title%=red, title%=crap If.u no want crap buts do.want reddish crapapples do this title%=red, title%=crap, !title~=crap
  12. they declinded not.support wordpress universe model pw no good.for themeforest sales follow.the €
  13. What is taking so long between boot.load.fieldgroups and boot.load? ,,so long,, u funny u.answer live in rest of boot.load.* boot.load.modules 0.0313 boot.load.fields 0.0156 boot.load.pages 0.0143 boot.load.fieldgroups 0.0079 boot.load.templates 0.0044 boot.load.fieldtypes 0.0006 boot.load.users 0.0003 boot.load.roles 0.0002 boot.load.permissions 0.0002 ---------------------------------- boot.load all 0.0918 boot.modules.autoload.ready 0.0093 boot.modules.autoload.init 0.0264 ================================== boot all 0.1373 Is there room for further optimisation? mabe u install APC ?
  14. whats.u settings 4 artists_membersships_levl ? mabe posts screenshit ?
  15. 150 felds ¿ mabe u sholud try.profelds wat felds.types u use ¿ repetitors.or what can postes screenshit.of tamplate sceen w.felds ¿
  16. yule can.alsos do this new.stuffs pwire2.5 renders /site/templates/willyc.php echo wireRenderFile( 'willyc', array('headline' => $page->title) ); or.this wireIncludeFile( 'willyc', array('headline' => $page->title) );
  17. u.looks here /site/config.php see buttock whare $config->dbUser $config->dbPass
  18. WillyC

    Saying "hi"

    .hi stop and. enjoy trees two take.moment observed listens trees they listens.u 2
  19. u.shloud rlease u module soon.i release my astral datetime.menstrul cycle fieldtype and .inputfeld
  20. u.can removal this lines >>> Header always append X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
  21. project_categories defalt referer to ID mabe.u meandet project_categories.title=123 or project_categories.name ?
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