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Everything posted by WillyC

  1. template=airport|city, title|body%=air u donut need.Airport bcoz u got %=air template=airport|city, title|body%=air, title%=USA template=airport|city, title|body%=air, title%=USA, id!=[title%=nyc] or.in pw v3 u can do template=airport|city, title|body%=air, title%=USA, title!%=nyc
  2. sorte all.by price ? text=a|b, sort=price sorte.by text thens by price ? text=a|b, sort=text, sort=price
  3. it.not matter donut look.at tables just use.it ? work for me pw store utf8 like idn that need .only ascii
  4. thats.sound like hole diffrnt cms no ? WirePress why sholud pw main stream ? pw is seaworthy.vessel not canooe for stream
  5. i dunno.twig butt i try answer neway for.theis port echo $twig->render('promocoes/index.twig.html', array( 'promocoes' => $promocoes, )); where $promocoes comes.from ? can u.show code for thats ? try remove.this {% if promocoes %} and {% endif %} try removes "key," from {% for key, promocao in promocoes %} alsos look.u have unclose span tag <span> Nº {{promocao.getnumero}} </span <--need close! -=-=-edito-=-=- nm. > <!-- found.it
  6. lost koberoaki bcoz he ask how.to do w/pw i.ansor more for "cylng lots pages" then "sum lotso pages" uses.either for sum butt uses my codes if u.might needs more todo
  7. can u.better shloud poste code samplos ? when squegee local.systemos use no.outputs formoatting $page->of(false); u ca also checks ferst if value than.outputs if($page->description){ print $page->description;} else{ print "descriptions no";} with u uses.twig ? i dunno ifsos mabe uses outputs fomatting $page->of(true); can.check w if($page->of()){/*has foratting*/}else{/*not.does have*/} ok ? or : no
  8. $sum=0; $start=0; $limit=1000; do{ $mypages=wire('pages')->find("start=$start, limit=$limit, $myselector"); print "processng pages.frm $start<BR>"; foreach ($mypages as $mypage) $sum += $mypage->amount; wire('pages')->uncacheAll(); $start+=$limit; }while($mypages->count());
  9. include("/home/shutterblue/public_html/content/index.php"); $wire->pages->setOutputFormatting( true ); // u cansadd.this when boot trap $homepage = $wire->pages->get(1);
  10. ovis u post.here same thng 3 yrs same ,,bug,, nobodys ever else seen peoples helps u ands u.no replys if u needs help.go back und first reply to peoples.thet helpd u here https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3363-image-field-description-not-saving/ and.here (!) https://processwire.com/talk/topic/11102-image-fields-stop-saving-descriptions-after-a-while/page-2
  11. u.haves anee caches ? likes tamplate cache on ?
  12. edit u. index.php file + add 2 top on.line afters namespace $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']=str_replace('index.php','',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); when.u no needs index.html no more rember to deletex that ok
  13. Disturbing read Willy! but good idea - disposable Twitter account worked a treat - I've voted! sorrey for me.englich code. bettter for me
  14. out for this. Isn't there another way to upvote for processwire without spreading my private data around ? i alsos donut like.to spread my.privates a round withs tweetster u.can jus make throws away acct to uses.for this stuffs butt fecesbook tweetster and friendsters blocked in.my cuntry butt i stil haves myspaces butt no work w produt hunter butt at lest not blocked .i keep try to make work
  15. thises alos works for.me $page->removeStatus( 'locked' );
  16. jonithlnljani how ? wolud makes.infinite ploop no ? or how u.say in englich. circle jerkey or.recurses no ending.samasaras likes when trimmer beard in.bathroon w 2 mirror & u see millonions of willys
  17. try.turn offs tat soma helper.feld links modole ? thowse gears iconos u.see in theyre
  18. u.mite alsos check admin->modulos->site-> langoges tabs if u.see it.it is old modulo { cluck->uninstall->delete echo"thanksu willyc" ; }
  19. u can.do theis too function starwar() { extract(wire('all')->getArray()); echo "may.the be force.wit u $user->name and alsos.wit $page->path"; }
  20. WillyC

    Avatar for pwired

    I am little afraid of all the hidden meanings of that avatar... no.hidden meangins i speaks.yur name and.my mom say APE PIZZA ? i says no.u gross .mom say APE PISA ? i says.ok mom say STILL WANTS PIZZA i says ok.i put in pizzas mom says I DONUT WANT TO SEE BALLS ON MYS PIZZA i says ok i cover.balls w pizza mom say I WANT SUM grASS W THA PIZZA i says ok.and put sum grass at avoter buttock mom says OK.i says ok
  21. WillyC

    Avatar for pwired

    apeisa since.u not like other avoter.i make for u i makes. unew one
  22. alwayses.use $page->viewable() befour u starts outputtin datas from.it no matters where u.got it from. pw access checks page.hit by urls and u access checks.pages u get on yours own befores u starts throwing datas from.it.
  23. u cane do $session->removeNotices(); aftr u dipslay.notices
  24. https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/3q1b6g/why_i_chose_processwire_over_wordpress_drupal/
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