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Everything posted by wbmnfktr

  1. Nice as in... creative, impressive, stunning, unexpected. I really like how creative those bad guys are sometimes. These people would earn good money in QA - ok, probably even better when doing their bad stuff. Still I am more often impressed by how some people can think and how simple some things are. Similar to dark patterns and deceptive design. Not that nice to use those, but still clever. Oh... I probably should. Will look it up. Could be totally my thing.
  2. In addition to my comment, this might be a nice addition: https://openalternative.co/categories/cms And yes... ProcessWire is not listed yet anywhere. We should add it there, shouldn't we? Or maybe @ryan himself. Just asking. https://openalternative.co/submit
  3. Customized templates and fields Each and every content type only has the fields it really needs. Books, companies, recipes - it doesn't matter what kind of data my clients or I have to deal with. The templates and fields will reflect that. Therefore clients don't even have to learn anything in regards to creating or editing data. Super easy. It's typesafe (by my definition) We can discuss the meaning of 'typesafe' here but... I think ProcessWire is somewhat typesafe because I define each field, template, relationship, and almost everything else. I know where to expect what kind of data and know what data is allowed in which field. No guessing, no errors. (Sure this depends on your setup and your will to invest some time.) Works perfectly fine for non-developers I won't call myself a coder or programmer - I just tinker around with code and have fun. When I started using ProcessWire, getting around was super easy, and learning the fundamentals took only a day or two. From there on, it was easy-going. It's impressive what you can achieve with only some if/foreach/echo in PHP/ProcessWire. I said it a few years back and still stand behind it: ProcessWire seems to be the easiest way to learn and work with PHP. Low maintenance There are ProcessWire projects of mine that haven't been updated in the last 5+ years and still work without any PHP or security issues. The moment a project is finished and works without flaws it will do so for a very long time. There is no real need to update a project. Small footprint, high performance A ProcessWire website doesn't need that much of a big hosting package. The moment you start using Core cache functionalities or even ProCache most websites are fine and ready for an average amount of traffic. Maybe not ready for a slashdot/reddit/ProductHunt-peak but that's a totally different story. I can get so much out of ProcessWire compared to WordPress (and others I used/tested in the past). ZIP downloads and no real need for a package manager What I really love and enjoy is that you can get everything as a ZIP file, unpack those, move them around and do whatever you want or need with them. Not needing NPM or composer to get started - like in the good old days - is just perfect. In the last 1-2 years I did a lot with NPM due to 11ty and Astro, yet an old-school ZIP file has its very own charme. For comparison: Installing CraftCMS feels good and really nice, yet I absolute don't know what's happening, what is needed, and so on. It's like a blackbox. It works but I don't know why. I hate that.
  4. What's in your access/role settings set for that template and behaviour? In case option A is set, the behaviour is correct.
  5. Ran into the exact same problem a few minutes ago. Verified the [home] of composer with this: composer config --list --global And finally added it to my $PATH in .bashrc export PATH="$PATH:~/.config/composer/vendor/bin"
  6. Why is it that the bad guys are always so creative? They have the nicest hacks and ideas.
  7. Woah... that site is fast... it may not show the speed in Page Speed Metrics but it feels faster than most sites I've built. 2,6MB feel like 260kb and maybe faster. It's almost instant. Great job! One downside or issue... mobile view and the gallery aren't friends as of right now.
  8. From the newsletter: RockFrontend ❤️ HTMX And all I can say so far: YES!!!
  9. Not sure if this helps in this case here but when it came to glyphs and subsets I played with: https://wakamaifondue.com/ You drop a file into it, can see what the font is capable of and go from there. Another tool I found in my bookmarks is this: https://github.com/zachleat/glyphhanger To create subsets and such. Don't know if this stil works.
  10. Have a great weekend and Happy Easter, @ryan.
  11. PHP is slow... well, maybe not that slow at all. Interesting read. https://dev.to/realflowcontrol/processing-one-billion-rows-in-php-3eg0
  12. Maybe for some or most a bit too electro/EDM, yet... I really enjoy these tracks YT: https://www.youtube.com/@alfred-heinrichs/videos YT Music: https://music.youtube.com/channel/UC071eIN3po_BZ4OSK8Ha7Eg
  13. This exact module helped me to build and maintain all my starters for clients and sideprojects for a very long time now. So this update is highly appreciated! ?
  14. Do you have a page with that name/URL? Or maybe just the /in-use/ part? Maybe you find more details in the logs - errors or messages. I feels a bit like an error CKEditor would throw in case a linked page is missing but that's just a feeling.
  15. I would use sort=sort in the selector string here - as you already do. It should work without issues unless you have some sort settings applied in individual templates. Maybe in some other part of your code you mix things up again. That $view->top_categories can't be the whole code. Is that Twig you are using? Are there additional checks or queries?
  16. I use htmx polling for that in a monitoring widget. It's only visible for superusers so that was the easiest way. Don't know if this would actually fit your use case at all.
  17. You did an absolutely amazing job here, @bernhard. Holy... lots and lots of small details and things to consider. Love the write-up/case-study for this project.
  18. I can only agree with that 100%. Right from the start, the Skyscraper profile helped me a lot to understand the basics - from fields to templates, queries, and so on. With the Invoice profile, I'm really starting to realize how much I don't know or use at all. It's so much fun to play with the profile and take it apart. It's absolutely impressive what can be done with just the core. It's insane and genius at the same time. Thank you, Ryan!
  19. They did and I asked for it. For whatever reason. ?
  20. There is a difference between: field does NOT exist in template field does exist but has NO value You can check a lot with is defined - see here: https://twig.symfony.com/doc/3.x/tests/defined.html {% if page.field is defined %} ... {% endif %} Another thing in TemplateEngineFactory / Twig you can uncheck Strict variables to make life a bit easier. Yet another thing could be your include is out of scope and you might need to include with instead - see here: https://twig.symfony.com/doc/3.x/tags/include.html {% set vars = {'foo': 'bar'} %} {% include 'template.html' with vars %}
  21. This is aweseome news. Great new site, great new collab. I wish you all the best. Congrats, guys! ? Honestly can't wait to see your future projects and the case study for your site.
  22. So... I am everything but a gamer (ok, maybe Sonic on the Raspberry or something like that) but still... I always thought about buying TVs or Presentation Displays (64" 8K+ while super low prices) yet... I always remember something that's telling me: DONT DO IT! But I can't remember THAT THING. Something of refresh rates from input to output and combined with colors. Just asked our new friends from the AI section and I got this: So... I actually guess, based on that, it was the refresh rate. Most TVs only run 30/60hz and back then only a few 120hz. I don't know if this helps but... who knows.
  23. like: {% set noindex = 'via twig' %} or in a noindex field in your template? So... {{ page.noindex }} would look for a field called noindex in your page template and would output it's value. I use TemplateEngineFactory / Twig and it would throw this kind of error message in case the field/value does NOT exist - either in page context or via $view. So the questions is: What kind of field/fieldtype is noindex or is it a value you get from somewhere else? If it was a select/option you might have to look for {{ page.noindex.value }} or maybe {{ page.noindex.label }}. If it was a boolean you would work with your kind of of setup and would just output the value you need. My best guess actually is, that the field/value doesn't exist in page context because either the field is not in that template or you try to render a component/include, which might be out of scope. Can you please tell me a bit more about your setup of fields and templates.
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