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Everything posted by wbmnfktr

  1. That sounds great. Would it be the cloud-hosted version of TinyMCE then we would have in ProcessWire? If so GDPR could become a new issue and topic.
  2. Changing the order results in chaos as the markdown will be shownas unrendered HTML - which is actually correct behaviour here and makes sense. I just removed HTML Entity Encoder, disabled Safe Mode, and played more. The result stays the same: at some point the textarea field or it's rendering becomes unstable and lots of <p> tags were added. Then I looked into the dev tools and saw that being in frontend-edit mode it outputs actually HTML and not real markdown - like it does in the admin. With CKEditor or TinyMCE fields it's fine and expected as those are WYSIWYG editor but here in Markdown it's not. Tested further and found that it is the same with real plain text textarea fields. It makes the rendered HTML editable and doesn't render the textarea as InputField like in the admin. Frontend: Backend: So... not perfect for plain text/markdown fields. I might be totally wrong here but it's either: Output Formatting or the fact frontend-editing doesn't load the real InputFields It's curious that I only ran into this problem because I tried to run into it. I use this for quite some time now, 3 months at least, and never noticed an issue. Maybe I should look into each and every page now. ??
  3. Two things are different in our setups. HTML Entity Encoder is enabled Safe Mode in Markdown/Parsedown is enabled For both I can't tell why they are enabled. I guess it's the default setting. At least I can't remember changing that. Another thing is that I usually don't mix Markdown and HTML in my textareas. Just plain Markdown. This is important because the moment I try to fix the HTML in the code annotation that textarea starts become unstable. And only then. First it adds new lines to the code area, next it adds paragraphs everywhere - even in other list elements. Adding only Markdown without any HTML doesn't change the behaviour. And that's what I tried first. Something different but similar I noticed was that I can't set line-breaks/new lines from the frontend. Usually in the backend I add two spaces at the end of the line, hit enter and start a new line. That doesn't work in the frontend at all. It actually messes thinks up similar to your issue. Just an idea that came up: Could it be an issue with output formatting and that it is not working as expected in the frontend?
  4. Ok, so after more playing around with the frontend-editing I got it to throw up - kind of. I threw in a code comment: ```twig <li> asdads </li> ``` And I got a totally messed up textarea/markdown back. Everything in new lines/paragraphs. Totally unusable. Went back to the admin, pasted in the old content. Everything was fine again. Tried again and nothing happened. Besides the code block looked a bit off, went into edit-mode and saw this: ```twig asdads ``` the <li>s were missing, cleaned that up, and got it to throw up again. It takes some tries here but once in a while something goes wrong. Tried different HTML tags but those <li>s or code blocks seem to cause issues when added from the frontend. Tried the same in the admin and everything was fine.
  5. This doesn't look right. Maybe someone thought it would be a good idea but usually the other files (commented out) would be used here. However those _head and _foot are in /site/templates/includes/ therefore it's missing in your config. // should probably be this: $config->prependTemplateFile = 'includes/_head.php'; $config->appendTemplateFile = 'includes/_foot.php'; The new server throws errors that should be logged to /site/assets/logs/errors.txt. Do you have still access to the old version?
  6. I'm using a similar setup with markdown and frontend-edit. Copied your snippet, added demo content, wrote text... no new lines added here. I put some screenshots here to compare. If you want, drop me one of your .md files and I will test with that.
  7. Wouldn't this be an awesome demo of ProcessWire as well? Here is the original tweet from Lee Robinson (VP of Product @ Vercel) - links below: Lee/NextJS: https://x.com/leeerob/status/1822668486214140134 Josh/Laravel: https://x.com/joshcirre/status/1824227064184181150 Github: https://github.com/vercel-labs/book-inventory Demo: https://next-books-search.vercel.app/
  8. I have had this in the past or at least very similar with a custom Debian-based Apache, MySQL setup I tried to run and manage myself. I don't know what I did wrong, but everything seemed a bit off. Since using DDEV, moved away from Laragon (Win) and MAMP (Mac), never had this issue anymore. The question to ask here is: Which system is off or needs a better config? Where is your live server from or who is your hosting company? If I had to guess... A2*, Dream*, or Blue*host - or something similar.
  9. I'd support the "enterprisey" feel of Laravel and the whole ecosphere around it. Some of those big packages and starters aren't just a package with a README.md, they have full websites to explain what's happening - even those that are free (or not that expensive). I totally get that feeling, the vibe, the experience... yet it's way over everything I want to handle (aka my comfort zone). I did the 30-day-challenge to learn Laravel and I learned a lot. I learned to invest more time in ProcessWire as I am already familiar with it and could do way more with it, when investing more time to learn some new basics (modules, hooks, custom classes, and such). I love the simplicity of ProcessWire. From fields and templates, to selectors, to templating. You can learn all that in a weekend. While hooks and modules, custom forms, and more... may take a bit longer (weeks at least, for starters and non-PHP-Developers). Still... are there some things we could learn, should adopt, might take a look at from Laravel, or CraftCMS, or Symfony, or... I asked it myself, but I'm absolutely not the right person to ask those questions, so... here we are. ?
  10. As I look at Laravel, and quite often stumble across YouTube videos about it, these days I asked myself... is there something that Laravel does (way better) that ProcessWire should/could/has to do as well? Things I find super interesting are those Breeze, Intertia, Volt, Livewire starters. Amazing! Or the Laravel Queues, those various database adapters to use SQLite or Postgres just by changing a line in the config. The Tailwind/Vite workflows, and things like that. Not to mention all those on-demand services. It's impressive! But sure, those are big and heavy things you can't just copy, but there is a reason people love Laravel. I know some of us here are actively using tools like Laravel and CraftCMS. Why? Both are super complicated right from the start aka installation. (yeah, I love to move around files and use my ZIPs to extract them into other folders and go from there!).
  11. Don't tell anyone but 90% of my ProcessWire code consists only of if/else/foreach/echo statements - nothing more. You don't need more. That's all. My opinion. Ok, nowadays there is a bit more twig involved, and some hooks, and modules... yet not that necessary. Everything beyond that is some kind of voodoo-magic for me. On the other hand: this forum has almost all answers (for starters) already. If not, this community is the best and will help. So... We still have more options: exclusive (on Discord, in the newsletter, ...) short time only starter-price (+$50 every 100 sales) 30-day-money-back-guarantee
  12. I have a huge collection of "never posted in the forums"-posts somewhere. So I really understand, enjoy and love that idea. And yeah... the Drupal-forum is a bit weird, yet the CMS and people have big place in my heart. Most of them are good people, yet the... exterior (if this is even a word) is a bit off-putting sometimes. Count me in on a off-topic/sh*t-talking thread while being polite, and not that mean.
  13. Not a moderator at all, but I LOVE THAT IDEA... a full-fledged-off-topic thread. If I understand that right. And the later the day, the more interesting the topics (besides those excluded in the forum rules of course) become. My first off-topic just to crash this thread here already: ?
  14. Super smooth. It's an official app for Linux nowadays with the latest updates. Yet it feels better integrated than on Windows (at least - don't know how it feels on Mac). VSCodium (Free/Libre version of VS Code) feels a bit different. A bit off. Cursor uses it for example - therefore I'm not that happy with it for now. Unfortunately I can't assist with CapCut or any other video editing tools. But I know that there are a lot of tools available.
  15. Still working pretty fine here. You define icons and colors in the repeater matrix field > repeater matrix type > item headers.
  16. I set one myself, like so (from within a module): $this->wire('session')->set('cart', $cart);
  17. Well... processwire.recipes uses Astro as of right now, therefore not a great example but... I can offer processwire.pw as a demo platform and resource. Yet I'm open to move processwire.recipes over to ProcessWire and the community. That's why I re-booted it. It's for the community - not me. Btw - I was finally able to get the old domain / @marcus: As I mentioned Astro here... they have an awesome way to communicate their progress and they move pretty fast. Their versioning and communication, community talk and support on social media is on point. Maybe those points should be added to the ProcessWire 20XX agenda as well. more community work* more visibility in social media* more activity in social media* * yes, that's most of the time on us and not on @ryan more communication and posts on processwire.com/blog every weekly forum post should be a blog post, and the blog should be the leading source (my opinion) - right now it's in the forum, but... a new thread in the forum with a link to the blog post would work for me and would be even better for everyone. As mentioned before: it's about marketing, therefore the blog should be the leading source. (Change my mind!) blog posts should be posted on: X/Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord ... whereever we have an official home or community - and even in non-official homes. final solutions from the forums which involve PHP/API code should/could be posted to processwire.recipes (ping me to add that recipe if you like!) for ProcessWire, modules, hooks, hacks, ready.php, whatever it's easy to add a recipe Thoughts about Demos and Profiles each and every profile should be super close to the user, the user's needs and therefore a longliving and understable profile and concept. Examples should be timeless, therefore no need to update them once in a while: Skyscrapers ? American Diner Restaurant Classic Movies Collection Grand Mom's Recipes Antique Shop Inventory Billboard Charts History these examples alone would support everything we all ever faced and built - I guess. (Apps not included, but as starters) all these examples would build a solid foundation for all kinds of websites and projects we face nowadays (still apps and custom things not included) I repeat myself here but I can offer processwire.pw as a demo platform for that, all we need is long-term Hosting SSL CI/CD deployment and/or someone that maintains those installations
  18. One thing that just came into my mind... I need support for ImportPagesCSV. No matter if Combo, Mystique, or the upcoming new fieldtype. I import thousands of pages each month via CSV upload using ImportPagesCSV - fortunately older projects and real fields so for now no problems. (Yes, never tried to import into Combo fields, which I probably should.)
  19. From my perspective this is mostly spot-on @poljpocket. Yet there are a few things I'd like to add here: those of us that are active in the forum, read the weekly posts from Ryan, read weekly.pw from Teppo and follow every last bit... ProcessWire is evolving each day, each week, each month, all the time. YET... the last commit to master was 9-10 months ago, which is a century or two ago in the fast-living webdev-world - mostly due to the JS-sphere. I know a lot of people that look very close at this metric, but unfortunatelly on the wrong branch in this case. I'd love to see (and I personally keep it this way) the master branch as something like an LTS, while dev is more like a stable-rolling-release of some kind. I'd probably even use an unstable branch in some projects, even though there is no branch for it. BUT this isn't about naming, but MARKETING. And the last push on master is really bad marketing for ProcessWire right now. That's all I am saying. It doesn't look good. This needs to be changed. I don't care how, but it needs to be fixed. Fast! I don't care if we use SEMVER, ROMVER, WHATeVER, or any other way of versioning (besides the one from Ubuntu, which is really a bad look in the long run and introduces a lot of stress as there has to be a release no matter what at a specific date). All I need to know is if there are breaking changes or new requirements, like min. PHP 8.x and similar. I won't see (as in recognize) this in the version number and wouldn't even think about breaking changes the moment a ProcessWire 4.2 pops up in my upgrade module. Yeah, sorry... I just click UPGRADE as most of the users out there. Maybe the upgrading process/module needs a few upgrades, tricks, and markers to show and tell breaking changes, changed requirements, and what not. Sure more work for module developers but probably not really. Modules already have all these details like requirements. I'm not that deep into developing but as a user... that would be nice! One more thing... In this thread a lot of things were mentioned but mostly like "I'd like to have this feature and this, and that, and ..." which is fine. I'd support most of that. But I'd like to know and ask: Where do we want to see ProcessWire in 5-10 years? What can I do to support ProcessWire/Ryan more?
  20. Not really a solution but other things to keep in mind: Switzerland (CH) German (CH-DE) French (CH-FR) Italian (CH-IT) Canada (CA) English (CA-EN which is most often EN-EN like UK) French (CA-FR) USA (US) English (US-EN) ... maybe spanish as an option, depends of a lot of things UK (UK/EN) English (EN-EN) So... you might have a bigger challenge here as you have to separate the country and the languages and sometimes even have to be careful which english you use - American VS British English. Best example could be the Privacy page. It's different in every country due to legal differences, but needs to be available in 1-to-n languages in a worst-case scenario like Switzerland. I'd probably start with country-specific page trees for every country and go from there, like this: Home / Global as a gateway to select a country US / Homepage for the country ... CA / Homepage for the country ... DE / Homepage for the country ... Pages below those Country pages could have all languages you define in the backend, but you would only activate those necessary. You would have to mirror a lot of pages - but maybe this could be fixed with references or something. I remember a thread with a very similar challenge but couldn't find it. Maybe someone else has a link or more ideas.
  21. Ok, now I get it and that's what I was thinking about how it would work. @Kiwi Chris is right. There is some overlap here. At least it looks quite similar, yet RockMigration goes a different route and creates real fields, templates, and relationships between them aka adds to fields to templates. @BrendonKoz , I never thought about using Mystique that way and create such a big set of fields with it. Learned new things today. Again.
  22. So... this is Functional Fields Ultimate Advanced Pro Extended. Wow! But to fully understand this: It won't create any real field in the backend a client could change/configure. Correct? Have a great weekend @ryan!
  23. Check other pubs, restaurants and such. Sometimes you can find a badge or link of such a service, or look into the source of a page and check where the JS comes from.
  24. Welcome on board. So... as it seems your MariaDB isn't configured as it should be. What kind of setup are you using? DDEV, Laragon, local installation, or remote? You might want to get MariaDB fixed first. As far as I can tell, this isn't ProcessWire's fault. For the future tell us a bit more about everything. Setup, ProcessWire version, PHP version, and all these nice little details. For now I can only suggest that you look that error message up and check the solutions provided there.
  25. Might be time to move to SEOMaestro or a custom solution. Wanted to check the module but it's not listed anymore. Can you add a new option in the module settings? Or maybe it defaults to noindex when there is no other option selected. Just guessing.
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