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Everything posted by wbmnfktr

  1. Supermaven Joins Cursor 🤯 https://www.cursor.com/blog/supermaven https://supermaven.com/blog/cursor-announcement
  2. Is preload() already available in the DEV branch? I'm asking because the version is still 3.0.242. What would be the best way to really test the performance boost here? Need to try this in a recent project. Maybe we should create some kind of meetups in the US and maybe even in the EU next year. That would be fun.
  3. wbmnfktr

    PHP Hosting

    There are several hostings I use: webgo - for about 6 years now for medium traffic but important projects. You can access everything via SSH, have Cron/CronLight, and some domains included. You can add external domains without problem and use them there. A feature almost noone else offers for free nowadays anymore. In case a client doesn't have hosting, I send them to webgo most of the time. Hostinger - yeah, it's something similar to Dreamh*st and such, but the price for a 4 year contract was super cheap and I can test new projects there. They have CI/CD, SSL, SSH, and whatever. Features are plenty, performance is okay most of the time. Hetzner (new) - needed a bit more oomph for a recent project and went with the CX22 vserver, installed Coolify and some other things, and everything works absolutely fine. Nothing to worry about even in case the traffic spikes or multiplies again. I really enjoy webgo because everything just works, I can put a lot of projects into my Business Plan there and add external domains without problems. It's my go to choice for email hosting (not for sending newsletters and such!). Hostinger is cheap and you can easily put 20-30 projects/proof-of-concepts on there to see if they are viable and move later on. Hetzner involves more work but the moment you enable auto-updates and things like that it should be ok to let it run. Hetzner is also great for Campfire or other self-hosted chat/messenger instances.
  4. I know this now and some other tricks as well. Next time I'll use the tool from Chris Titus to get a custom ISO and go from there. It wasn't the fasted connection (50Mbit) but fast enough for tasks like that. I couldn't believe it took that long. Don't know why but to be honest I really don't wanna know. My best guess: Bloat. Tried it in a VM again and it took an hour or so to get up and running. That's life.
  5. Funny thing happened this weekend... I have had the great luck and opportunity to setup a brand new Windows 11 laptop this weekend. And I must say a lot of things I hated in the past have changed significantly. I never felt so un-welcomed, [redacted] and hated things even more than ever before. It was a nightmare right from the start. I had to create an account with Microsoft, which didn't work at all and took about an hour to finish. The 8th confirmation code worked and the session didn't expire in the meantime. Wow! Then the fun begun. It started to finish the basic installation, installed a ****load of updates and created shortcuts/symlinks on the desktop to almost each and every programm you could imagine - even weblinks to the online version of Office365 even though the full version was already pre-installed. Then there was a clash between McAfee, G-Data, and another system tool. What a mix of bloat. After downloading around 6GB of updates for Windows itself, there were even more updates for various apps, firmware, and whatnot. From start to finish: about 6 hours! I had to go for a walk in the forest afterwards so I wouldn't end up as the main topic in a Breaking News/Sondersendung that day. I really don't know and understand how people can live with this kind of p00h. Ok, it was a consumer laptop and nothing a company would buy, but still this was a horrendous experience. Do normal users/consumers don't see this or is this the reason people hate computers that much? And why do 16GB of RAM on a Windows 11 machine feel like 4GB on a Ubuntu Gnome setup? That was the last time I ever touched a Windows machine. Even for family and friends. 😭 Side note 1: the hardware of that laptop is actually great and I would use the device, but not with Windows - for sure. Side note 2: took this sunday to re-install all my laptops with Debian 12.7 (custom DE/i3) and it took less than 2 hours in total.
  6. I'm 99% sure there is no module or editor available that works like that - but a Markdown WYSIWYG would be a great addition. About how many pages are we talking here? In case the number is way lower than 100 pages, a large strong coffee and a nice playlist would be a great start to copy everything over manually. If that's not possible or if there are more pages, you could try to update a real HTML field (TinyMCE nowadays, and not CKEditor anymore). In general this could work like this in a loop: // this duplicates the content in fieldname1 into fieldname2 for all pages with // the template called: templatename $source = "fieldname1"; $destination = "fieldname2"; $template = "templatename"; foreach($pages->find("template=$template") as $p) { // set outputFormatting to 'false' so the plain value is copied $p->of(false); $p->$destination = $p->$source; $p->save($destination); } See: https://processwire.recipes/recipes/duplicate-content-between-fields/ In your case we would need to tweak it a bit more and get the generated HTML first, then drop it into the new $destination field and go from there. BUT... from that moment the client should only be using the CKEditor/TinyMCE field and no markdown anymore.
  7. In case you have no plans on the weekend: https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/ The tutorials are awesome and a great starting point. Let's say you know a bit about programming, the absolute foundation of if/else and echo/return, and a bit of HTML/CSS/JS... you could be up and running within a weekend. That's how I got into ProcessWire and started loving it.
  8. No, nothing of that. I was just a bit surprised you don't save currency values in cents (for Euro and Dollar and similar for other currencies) and had the need for this. As a drop-in solution, for already existing projects with tons of products/items, this seems perfect.
  9. Latest find (and heavily on repeat) - and foundation for my new found love for Vaporwave and LoFi: EP-133 KO II Vinyl Sample Hip Hop Beat (Nina Simone record) Another nice and chill mix: Kater Carlo - TechHouse 08.2024 KaterCarlo A bit (way) more expressive but great for late night sessions: CLOUDY F2F KUKO
  10. That's a great outlook and scope for this module I can wrap my head around. The ProcessWire way of doing things is great, yet the heavy lifting is done by the module already - see mollie and parts for cart and checkout pages. I will have to look into this again for sure.
  11. Ok, this already answers all my questions. And yes, that makes sense. Using mollie already seems to be everything necessary - as they provide access to/through all major credit cards, Apple and Google Pay, and PayPal as well. Big plus: they are from the Netherlands, therefore EU. I was worried I had to connect PayPal, Stripe, and/or similar on my own. But with mollie... 👍🏻 Just another question: At what point would you consider RockCommerce be useful for a project, at which amount of products or what sales volume per year? Asking for clients like small barber shops and similar, or a fitness coach with sport courses?
  12. How will payment work here in the module? Will payment providers already be available through the module itself?
  13. This just reminded me of the classic Volkswagen 2.4-liter diesel AAB engine they used in their Transporter vans. It was probably one of the few engines, like the one above, you could fix with a hammer, a few liters of thick oil, and loud swearing.
  14. Oh my... just had to try it. 😂 I'm even more confused now than usual.
  15. That's not how this works. You can use TailwindCSS and LESS at the same time, but pulling Tailwind into LESS... haven't seen this combo anywhere in the wild. BUT... you can use the Tailwind's base.css (or however it's called in RockFrontend) and write modern CSS in it. That will work. /*Tailwind base.css*/ @tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities; + modern CSS: /*Tailwind + CSS */ @tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities; header { --brand-clr-main: #111; --brand-clr-accent: #f33; h1 { color: (--brand-clr-main); @apply text-3xl; a { text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 2px var(--brand-clr-accent) dashed; @apply text-orange-500; } } } You would skip LESS and rewrite it with native/modern CSS. There are variables, nesting, ... and probably more that makes that switch a bit easier.
  16. The tableSalt belongs to each installation, so this is probably the reason you can't login. The absolute easiest way, in my opinion, is to just move all files from A to B (including all those hidden files, like .htaccess), import the database manually via either command line or PHPMyAdmin or whatever exists on the server, then fixing the connection details for the database in /site/config.php. It might be easier and faster to move ZIP files - you have to decide this for yourself. Step by Step Download all files from Server A (including .htaccess and other hidden files) Export the database with Database Backups Upload all files to Server B (including .htaccess and other hidden files) Import the database Edit /site/config.php and change database connection settings Check and update folder and file permissions - see guide here
  17. Did you change the database connection details to match the new (database) server? Did you install ProcessWire on the new server prior to moving all files or did you just move over the old files?
  18. Try this: check the returned value of your datefield check the strtotime value returned don't do anything with your datefield value and just try that convert it manually to a timestamp and try that - just to check try if any of these work: $today = strtotime("today"); $todayDate = date('d.m.Y', $today); $todayDateTime = date('d.m.Y H:i:s', $today); last but not least: check the page data if there is anything in them, make a page dump to Tracy or var_dump() That's how I narrow down issue like this.
  19. That video made me want to look more into that ProcessWire CMS he was talking about. Sounds great. 😬
  20. Can you give me a screenshot of your combo field, so I can re-create it and look in one of my setups? Do you use any hooks in your setup that might try to get the image in that combo field?
  21. You said that loud and clear, yet my point here is this: Installing a site profile is a very basic task. Well, it's actually just installing ProcessWire with one additional step. But you made it look very complicated. I'm fine with it, even though I had to watch it a few times to know what happening, because I know the "real" steps. A RockShell or DDEV video with that first 2.5 minutes as a demo - perfect! Another thing I noticed but didn't mention the last time was the sound. In some parts your voice shifts as if you have sped the video up. Not sure if this was intended or not.
  22. So... I just used this module in ProcessWire 3.0.241 and it works just perfect. Yet the above statement seems to be not correct anymore. Opened up some pages and I find a truck load of new empty directories in /site/assets/files/ again. Is it because the image field of those pages has a fallback image defined or did the default behaviour in ProcessWire change in those regards in the last 12 years? Wouldn't consider this as a bug. Just curious.
  23. Using those aliases for DDEV, Git, RockShell makes the first 2.5 minutes kind of... blurry or a blackbox or something. Even though I know how to install ProcessWire with a custom site profile I had to watch it a few times to understand whats happening. While I use DDEV, I use way different aliases, i don't use RockShell, and so on. It felt a bit like installing Laravel or CraftCMS to me - so many different moving bits and I don't know or can't really follow as I don't have or use the tools and can't see what really happens. As mentioned elsewhere: I love the fact ProcessWire has still ZIP files and don't relies on composer to install something. It would have been nice to see a slide with the full DDEV command, a screen with the Github page and URL to see where I can get the profile as ZIP. After that I would have preferred to see a full clean install with unzipping a site profile, dragging it into the docroot, and go from there. If I were new to ProcessWire this would have freaked me out in terms of: that's a lot of hoops I have to jump through.
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