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  1. I solved... I omitted one information, the inputfield image that doesn't work was insieme a combo field. I updated the module to the last version and now it works... but it's strange anyway ?
  2. Hello I'm experiencing a strange behaviour on uploading image. I create a new page (it's a common task, I have more than 2000 pages with this template) and when I try to upload an image, this is shown for the time of uploading then disappear. No error on console, no error on logs. I can upload the same image (but I don't think the problem is related to the image) in another image inputfield in the homepage. I atteched both homepage first and new page network details any idea? The only big change I did to this project is the activation of ProCache on the site
  3. Hi @kongondo i use happily your module. May I give you a suggestion? I work with a lot of items and instead of a simple select options would be useful a feature like Page Auto Complete (both for performance and also partial search). Could be in your roadmap?
  4. Thanks for spending time testing this. Unfortunately I have to use the render inside a module and it's fired after saving a page. Don't know if this could be consider a bug @ryan?
  5. Tried both 1) yes, no change 2) as you suppose, the problem is not related to the language ?
  6. Yes, I'm sure. I didn't post the complete example but there's a cycle that try to render page based on language sent. If I choose any language (only one) it works, if I a choose more than one, only the first works.
  7. Hello I have a problem with page render. I need to render the same page in more language but when I call the function, the content is correctly rendered only the first time. public function sendPost($post_id,$lang_current) { wire('languages')->setLanguage($lang_current); $post = wire('pages')->get($post_id); $content = $post->render(); } If I use something like this and log the content of "en" is null... $this->sendPost($page->id,"default"); $this->sendPost($page->id,"en"); any idea? ?
  8. Hi @kongondo and thanks for this module (I bought some days ago). I installed it and it worked perfectly since I switched to php 8. Now I've got 4 deprecated messages and the backend doesn't work anymore. Deprecated: Required parameter $mode follows optional parameter $value in /site/modules/DynamicSelects/DynamicSelectsRender.php on line 980 Deprecated: Required parameter $action follows optional parameter $items in /site/modules/DynamicSelects/DynamicSelectsActions.php on line 214 Deprecated: Required parameter $action follows optional parameter $items in /site/modules/DynamicSelects/DynamicSelectsActions.php on line 317 Deprecated: Required parameter $action follows optional parameter $items in /site/modules/DynamicSelects/DynamicSelectsActions.php on line 415
  9. Thanks for this module, it seems great, but if I try to install I got this error ? Error installing module - FieldtypePageGrid Modules: Unable to install module (FieldtypePageGrid): Can’t save page 0: /pg-items/: It has no parent assigned
  10. This is the problem! I can't check because the value for a given language (if the value is empty) is returned with default value.
  11. Yes, I know this feature but I can't change this setting for these fields ?
  12. Hello I manage a multi-language site. In very few case I would like to have a content in other language than default when the value is not set in current language. I try this way to check if the value is empty, but the value is printed with default language $cl = $languages->get($user->language->name); $blog_title = $page->getLanguageValue($cl, 'title'); Is there a way to check if a value is empty in some language?
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