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Everything posted by wbmnfktr

  1. Could it be that you acutally use a multi-image field aka an image field that allows multiple images? If so that image part needs to be in a foreach() or you need to use $image->first() and go from there. // probably easier to use first() here as you only want to show one picture $image = $content->$block->cover_img; // Access the block property dynamically if ($image) { $cover_image = $image->first()->size(0, 2000); echo "<a href='{$content->url}'><img src='{$cover_image->first()->url}' alt='{$cover_image->first()->description}'></a>"; }
  2. Sure, of course. https://drive.google.com/file/d/13hkrLH-SGI4zLxVDIjlHVHPAiFZPU0iI/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n__9Fsj14CO_l8EyapjvzftqKl-mR8gU/view?usp=drivesdk
  3. I have read this 10 or more times now and I am still not sure if my understanding is correct, so therefore the following is a bit of a deep-dive here: You have pages around in your site, that are somewhat special beneath/below other pages or at least need to be treated like they are special/or somewhat. I imagine it like something like this: Spain ... France Eiffel Tower (this is the special one) Germany ... And now you need to know if this... referring page (France) is referring to Eiffel Tower or/and the referring page (France) was accessed and you need to know this in the referred page. see below... Case 1: When you are in need to know if a page or any page uses a reference (PageReference field) to point to a specific page (Paris -> Eiffel Tower), there is a selector for that. <?php namespace ProcessWire; // find pages that reference to a POI by POI-field // field: this_is_a_poi = page reference field to select POI pages // used in that template of target page (Eiffel Tower in this case) $who_links_to_me = $pages->findMany("this_is_a_poi=$page, parent=$page->parent") You could put that into place for your POI pages to see what other pages reference it. Case 2: Oh... and there is this $page->links() method in which you can find out which (HTML) field links to that one specific page. Case 3: In case you want to track access to referring pages we first of all need to know what kind of tracking you use, but at least PageHitCounter could be triggered via JS in case a referring page was accessed. Sure there is a bit more needed for this, but I don't know if this is the case, and won't look for a solution that deep. Sorry. ? My understanding for this: poi = POI = Point of Interest And yes... every snippet is untested. Oh... and btw. ... Welcome to the ProcessWire Forums with your first post.
  4. There must be something in either the error or exception log of ProcessWire itself.
  5. It's been a while since I installed your module and just kept it in place. Looking into the Most viewed tab today I got confused again. The 24-hour tab is way too empty for my taste and is off compared to my analytics, which already only receives a small part of user views/impressions. The 48-hour tab looks better but I still don't trust those numbers. What part am I missing here? Is it still my understanding of those numbers or could there be something wrong in my setup for your module? Your module runs in two projects which are almost similar to identical in terms of setup and modules. Perfect for testing and to play around with. So it's not critical at all and more kind of a feedback here. ProcessWire 3.0.240 PHP 8.2 ProCache (latest) NO URL Hooks in place On one instance: TemplateEngineTwig by @Wanze for templating and rendering pages
  6. First of all do a backup to keep at least what's still saved. Then check where the HannaCode Textformatter is still set (Textareas). Have you cleared compiled files? Are there any errors in the browser console or ProcessWire log? Anything? Can you tell us a bit more about the Combo field, its fields and settings. Screenshots would be a great to help to understand the structure. What does the HannaCode do? Are there any hooks in ready.php or custom modules?
  7. Not sure if anyone of you ever ran into the issue that your .htaccess file redirects to a forced www-version. I use this in most of my setups way more lately. There is the option to add additional hostnames to your DDEV config right away or later on from the CLI. ddev config --additional-hostnames www.pwseo You can update your .ddev/config.yaml manually as well - restart is needed in both cases. name: pwseo type: php docroot: "" php_version: "8.2" webserver_type: apache-fpm xdebug_enabled: false additional_hostnames: - www.pwseo additional_fqdns: [] database: type: mariadb version: "10.4" use_dns_when_possible: true composer_version: "2" web_environment: [] This setup saves me headaches in terms of keeping different .htaccess files around for DEV/STAGE/PROD.
  8. Don't remember the exact packages but some weren't available at all, some broken... it was a disaster. Stayed on Manjaro for a few weeks on, even a big update didn't fix it. So I moved on. Right now the latest minimal i3 .iso is loading and Gnome Boxes is ready for test-drive. Perfect sunday evening. ? Update: Maybe I'm sold on Manjaro again. Installed the i3 and Gnome version in Boxes and even the Gnome version was way faster there than the native/bare-metal Ubuntu-version of Gnome. Installing DDEV on Manjaro is even easier than on Ubuntu now: sudo pacman -Syyu sudo pacman -S docker yay -Syyu ddev-bin sudo usermod -aG docker $USER sudo systemctl start docker.service sudo systemctl enable docker.service reboot AND... everything looks way more polished in Gnome now. Will keep the VM for a while and work on some projects there. That's insane how good Manjaro became (compared to Ubuntu and Fedora).
  9. Wow... Penpot is awesome. Maybe it's time to ditch Figma and move over all my files. Manjaro was really an awesome experience but I moved when there was no way to install a working DDEV environment with it. Are there now all moving parts available? Didn't plan to move back, but maybe... the AUR, minimal footprint, and recent versions were great.
  10. Absolutely, yes. Makes totally more sense now to me now. The lists fill up nicely now. Forgot to delete my cache (ProCache) in-between but now everything looks good. The log is much cleaner now and ScreamingFrog gets detected. Nice! And finally found the overview. Awesome!
  11. Imagine we could clone @ryan. (super villain laughing in the background)
  12. Ok, not sure who to ask here but PageHitCounter access to its counter is logged here as 404 - which could be and maybe is correct. Yet I don't know how or if this will mess up MostViewed counts. Ping @David Karich. In addition to this. You might want to add ScreamingFrog as a bot/crawler if possible.
  13. So... I just installed it on a quite crowded site. Is there a way to see in the backend when there is enough data collected to show somewhere? Or should I just wait for a week or two? Maybe it's me but I'm not sure what this means. Sure 1 day, 2 days, 3 days... but at the end? Can't wait to see what's happening on my site and to show it. Oh... what I already love is that I can put in different sections with different options like /blog/, /tutorials/, and /such/. You guys worked on this for quite some time, right?
  14. To be frank... I absolutely don't know what's happening here when it's not that repeater-pages were trashed somehow by someone. Would there be a way to get a copy of or access to that instance? This is one of those problems you (at least I) have to play around with. But I bet @ryan could throw in some guidance for sure. He must have seen everything by now.
  15. That really works. I didn't know that. Not at all. TIL: something new, again. Have a great weekend @ryan and everyone that is reading this.
  16. They are always better. Especially in weird cases like this one. I understand your issue, what you write, and everything, yet it doesn't make sense at all. Those files in the trash somehow have to be the repeater items themself. They are deep down in the backend. See here: That's for now the only explanation I have. Everything in your screens looks normal - as it would look in my setups. One thing is different though. The repeater with the issues is indented. Do you work with depth there or what is it? Or is this a repeater in a repeater of some kind? But there is one thing you mentioned that I can't check: the custom module What does it do? Who wrote it? Can you check if that's deleting or managing any pages or something?
  17. I'd put the images to the entity they belong to. In case I'd need to show the match a player participated in I'd create a reference field to add matches to players and whereever needed. This way I can list all the matches at one point and grab all matching images as well if needed. There might be more logic needed to check if and where to show these details but overall this would probably my way to go. On the other hand a collection of images, like a media gallery (see media manager), could be an option as well - if you like that workflow. I personally don't.
  18. It sounds like someone however found those repeater item pages, that are usually hidden under admin somewhere, and deleted those. But on the other that doesn't make any sense at all. Look into those deleted pages, restore a few of them, and check their names, parents, templates. Can you provide more details about those fields that are affected by it?
  19. For me it was like this: It's hard for a week or two. Another 2 weeks to feel more at home. After that it was fun. Noone forces you. In ranger (CLI file manager) you might be better of using them but you always can change them or add arrow keys. For me arrow keys win most of the time. I didn't feel the need to learn HJKL. I know about it, that's enough. The real fun, especially in Neovim, will be the keycombos like ciw (change in word) or diw (delete in word). These are game changers.
  20. Missed it, too. Just installed it and giving it a try.
  21. That's correct. I would look for all pages and after that check for their templates and take those to modify. Different route and probably not the best way to do it - compared to @Robin S solution.
  22. What about excluding all pages that have the parent with ID 2 - as that would be the admin? pages->find('!hasParent=2, template=all|my|templates')
  23. Wow... that's what I had all the time using Windows. The moment you clone a repo and it tries to index the files, it went crazy and didn't stop for hours. Disabling all indexing and search features helped a lot but still more fan noise on Windows than nowadays on Linux - at least for me. The last time I heard a fan was when moving the old Thinkpad X260 from Ubuntu 23.10 to 24.04. And passive cooling... there are some MS Surface Laptops out there that don't have a fan at all. My Surface (from 2018 or so) is one of those. Sure it's an i5 but that machine did a great job on Windows and even Linux. Really miss it. Count me in on this. I'm tempted to get a Framework laptop right now but with those new processors... I sure get one. (And yes, it's DHH's fault.)
  24. Awesome. Ok. He is convincing quite a few right now. It's quite interesting to follow the situation. Didn't know about Pinta. Might give it a try. Another thing in regards to Gimp and Inkscape (an Illustrator alternative) - great tutorials here: https://www.youtube.com/c/LogosByNick He offers courses to master both for very little money. Might help to keep things moving in that space.
  25. Here! Moved away from Mac over a decade ago and went with Windows for quite some time. Then about 6+ years ago I made the switch to full-time Linux. Never looked back. Enjoyed distro-hopping between Ubuntu, Fedora, Manjaro, Debian, Arch, Zorin and finally settled with Ubuntu because of the broad support even for tools like ScreamingFrog (.deb and .rpm). Moved away from Gnome to i3wm to have a super minimal environment. Everything works just by pressing keys - from moving windows around workspaces, opening or starting apps, to window tiling. I am a happy camper now. ? As you are on Ubuntu as well I suggest looking at deb-get - a little helper to install most common apps without hunting down the .deb files: https://github.com/wimpysworld/deb-get/blob/main/01-main/README.md You may have seen over on X/Twitter the journey of DHH He released his very own setup as a script to make tons of changes, installing software, fonts, and all kinds of stuff. See here: https://x.com/dhh/status/1798466733222838758 His journey explained here: https://x.com/dhh/status/1799185008378171885
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