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Everything posted by arjen

  1. Hi, Just launched a website with PW. Pretty cool work as usual. Followed the logic provided by Ryan in his Blog Profile and it seems to be a more logical and structural approach. Thanks for that. The problem is that the website is showing the folder name in it's paths. I did the following: I installed the site in a folder inside the public_html. So the path is: /user/public_html/annemieboer.nl/index.php. I added a rewrite in the /public_html/.htaccess with the following contents: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.annemieboer.nl$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/annemieboer.nl/ RewriteRule (.*) /annemieboer.nl/$1 [last] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^annemieboer.nl$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/annemieboer.nl/ RewriteRule (.*) /annemieboer.nl/$1 [last] But now the urls are like http://annemieboer.nl/annemieboer.nl/contact/. I've tried several stuff like editing the RewriteBase and FollowSymLinks. I don't really know what I'm doing there, so that didn't help me. I know I can fix this using vhosts but since this is shared hosting I can't touch those. The reason for me to put it in a folder is because it runs multiple sites. Any ideas using .htaccess to fix this?
  2. Great additions. I often also create the page Files in a seperate page called /downloads/files/. This way you can use the /downloads/ page to hold multiple stuff like /downloads/categories/ or /downloads/tags/. I then use the /downloads/ page as a passthrough if the files need to be non accessable from the outside. But this doesn't seem to be necessary in this case
  3. It the files differ per page you can create a repeater field with the fields you mentioned above. If you want the files to be 'selectable', so you can use the same file on multiple pages a seperate tree with it's own template would be my way to go. You can use the Page fieldtype to connect the page/sidebar to the download. Basicly you use a page as a download. This might seem strange, but it's a bit how ProcessWire works. Pages are not always pages in the context of the web, but more as objects or nodes.
  4. Apeisa, you might want to take a look at the Golden Grid System. It’s not really a framework. It’s more of a starting point and a couple of guidelines. It should save you a couple of lines of css
  5. Good to hear. We're working on a pretty big project with lots of forms so that may come useful!
  6. Great, thanks! Any suggestions to read? Apparantly, yesterday,
  7. Ryan, since users are basicly pages could we also use this to save to users? edit: like a sign up form...
  8. On Windows SE is second to none. Thanks for the link, some nice examples there.
  9. Isn't this handled in the config.php?
  10. arjen


    Thanks, great alternative to jqPlot.
  11. Thanks, Soma. Great module. Finally got a chance to use this in a new project.
  12. You could build one template with the current site and point all access to that page using the excellent plug-in by pete called Maintenance Mode.
  13. Didn't see this post before answering the other one. I am still going to finish this, but I don't have any time at the moment. I've been caught up by quite a lot of client work. In the month October I got some spare time. Perhaps ryan's new form builder could accompany you.
  14. I use the FormTemplateProcessor for this and wanted (even started a bit) to write a module, but I've got my past hours all taken by client work. I think ryan's new Formbuilder already has this kind of functionality. Really looking forward because it can post to other systems as well.
  15. You could apply a NOINDEX and NOARCHIVE to the page to tell search engines not to spider or store the page. If you definately (good advice above) want a link you could only show them if a user has a certain IP adress, but this won't work with dynamic IP's.
  16. Just stumbled upon Fresco. It features a responsive (even my mother is responsive these days) lightbox, fullscreen zoom, retina-ready skins (sweet), Youtube and Vimeo integration for HTML5 video and a powerful Javascript API (seems cool). Haven't used it, but looks really nice.
  17. I think that's not where Repeaters are ment for: Repeaters aren't infinitely scalable in quantity, so avoid repeaters for quantities of items that you think may need to be infinitely scalable. When you edit a repeater field in your page, you edit all items at once. As a result, you probably don't want to use a repeater if you expect hundreds of items, as that may slow your editing experience. It's better to use pages without repeaters when dealing with huge quantities of items. by Ryan Cramer
  18. This might be the endgame. The sole reason for me to use WordPress is Gravity Forms. Great work and I'm sure a lot of people will use (and therefore pay for) this.
  19. For offline use I like Keynote as well as Omingraffle too. For the last one there are some excellent stencils available.
  20. Looking great. The site really focusses on the photographs itself. Great photos too!
  21. I use Lucidchart for diagramming and wireframing. It's fast and in general a great tool. I also used mockingbird, but that was in an early beta phase so no real input there.
  22. The thumbnail module is admin purposes only I think, but I haven't really used it yet. What is the name of the template and fields (i.e. title or images field) you are using? I could set you up with an easy php example to show you how this works. Remember, PW isn't a ready to go CMS like installing NextGEN for WordPress and outputting some shortcodes to make this work. This might seem like a flaw, but in fact it's PW's strong point. You choose what you want to do. Your code and your lightbox.
  23. arjen


    Looking great! Nice products too!
  24. Welcome. The great thing about ProcessWire is that it makes no assumptions about it's output/html. You define what you want. Like SiNNuT it's not clear to me as to what exactly is not working. Have you created an images fieldtype yet? Read though these articles. In the beginning they made a lot of sense to me. If the thumbnail isn't working in the admin and you feel you've done everything right, you should post that in the thumbnail thread. Do you have a link we could look at?
  25. Thanks, I think if it's ready I will give it a shot. Hopefully I got some time next week to finished of the first part!
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