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Everything posted by arjen

  1. I should've typed it in an editor, but instead I've been copying and pasting in the WYSINWYG editor.
  2. Been fighting the WYSIWYG editor. I usually do something like this: $index = 0; foreach($data as $value) { echo "Index: $index\n"; if ($index % 3 == 0) { // do stuff here } // Add 1 to the index variable $index++; } You get the picture
  3. Good to hear. Good luck with your project!
  4. Perhaps php mail isn't installed or doesn't work. Can you try to mail with the following code? $to = "your@email.address"; $header = "From: {$to}"; $subject = "Test"; $body = "Test body"; if (mail($to, $subject, $body, $header)) { echo("Success"); } else { echo("Failed"); }
  5. Perhaps really obvious: have you tried the backup of yesterday? Or the day before?
  6. I ment if it saves time. I should be more careful posting I agree that And often timesavers up front costs often costs more time afterwards. Therefore it really depends on the implemantation. Since I am not very techinal, I've read mindplay.dk's words as an automated deploy/sync tool. Which sounds like a timesaver to me. If it saves me time I have no problem buying this.
  7. This solves a particular pain and saves much time, so it's worth money.
  8. Does this conversation between nik and ryan has something to do with it?
  9. Another way to display all fields is to use the "MarkupPageArray plugin module, which is installed by default and adds a render() function to all fields that return a PageArray (as many functions in ProcessWire do)." # echo $page->render();
  10. I'm sorry Rob, setOutputFormatting should only be used when modifying data. When creating a new user following WillyC's method there is no need.
  11. Simple is good. I've thought about using the default 404 template, but a module seemed more logical. I use the 404 for markup purposes. Perhaps I have to rethink this.
  12. I believe you have to disable Output Formatting: $u->setOutputFormatting(false);
  13. I want to make a little module which logs all 404's and some more info like IP address, time, referrer, et cetera. Also it would be a nice addition if a developer generated 404 (i.e. using urlSegments and Throw Wire404Exception) could be included too. I think I can handle most stuff, but do have two questions: 1) How can I check if a Wire404Exception is being called? 2) When catching a Wire404Exception does that include all (both system and developer) generated 404's? Thanks!
  14. Looking great, adam! Seems like you are on a roll
  15. I like that there is almost no overlaps/duplication in functionality regarding modules.This seems to extend/combine two modules: FieldtypeConcat and PageListImageLabel. Although the three also have different functions, I think it's good to keep a sort of distance between the modules. I hope you understand what I mean. That said: GREAT WORK. Looking really nice and I can see a lot of use for me. So, thanks for creating this!
  16. I believe that's not possible. Soma and mcmorry created the great Language Localized URL module for those purposes.
  17. Does the front-end do work?
  18. I don't use MAMP, but what you have to basicly is this: 1) Install ProcessWire with for example the domain maindomain.localhost which points to /Arjen/Sites/maindomain.com/. 2) Make sure it's working fine and install the Multisite plugin. 3) Create an entry in your virtual host file and point that domain to the domain in step 1. For example point seconddomain.localhost to /Arjen/Sites/maindomain.com/ as well. 4) Now both maindomain.localhost and seconddomain.localhost will load the same website. 5) Follow instructions above.
  19. Ouch. Write a simple cronjob which dumps all databases to a Dropbox folder - or other online service. Saved me a couple of weeks work in 2012. My biggest fail had to be working on a very extensive design for 1.5 week locally before moving it on the network drive (which runs automated backups). Then I decided to delete it since I copied it. Then I realized I was working on the network drive. The backup were about to run. I almost fainted and actuallyactually felt sick. Luckily the projectmanager was able to postpone the deadline with client. Since then I started using Dropbox and (since PW also git) so I can recover most stuff.
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