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Found 7 results

  1. Hi Guys im using Processwire 2.7.2 and still discovering the platfom. is it possible to store all the submitted email in a one page table instead of each page for each submitted email ? Looking forward to hear your thoughts
  2. <?php namespace ProcessWire; $form = $modules->get('FormTemplateProcessor');$form->template = $templates->get('book-now'); // required $form->requiredFields = array('title', 'email', 'number','body'); //$form->email = 'your@email.com'; // optional, sends form as email $form->parent = $page('template=book-now'); // optional, saves form as page //$form->render(); // draw form or process submitted form ?> <?php echo $form->render(); ?> using this to for a contact on new processwire version 3 and I am receiving this error Error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method stdClass::render() in C:\wamp64\www\mbs\site\templates\book-now.php:9 tried following but none of them works render(array('name','email','body',)) wireRender() Render() wire() anyone ?
  3. I created a template where I am rendering this php file where I am saving contact quires in a template and it is working fine in homepage. I used my same code in another page on a same project by creating another template and rendering another file but I am receiving this error again and again, I tried to figure out but it not working. <?php namespace ProcessWire; $form = $modules->get('FormTemplateProcessor');$form->template = $templates->get('contact'); // required $form->requiredFields = array('title', 'fullname','email_form', 'mobile', 'message'); //$form->email = 'your@email.com'; // optional, sends form as email $form->parent = $page('template=contact-form'); // optional, saves form as page $form->render(); // draw form or process submitted form ?> <?php echo $form->render(); ?> error I am receiving anyone can any solutions for it ?
  4. Hi. I have a contact page form that collects user queries in the usual manner and when validation is ok it does a method = post with action = contact-form.php to execute the sending of mail from the server. This is all fine and works well, but when the sending is done, I would like a landing page in my project to be displayed. How would i do that? I've tried adding PW code to the contact-form.php to invoke my landing page but I think this is not in scope as nothing happens. Many thanks for any guidance. Paul
  5. Hi everyone I would need help with my contact/order form. What I have so far: functioning contact form with name, email, adress, etc. When clicking send, another php site opens and says "thank you" and an email ist generated and sent off. What I want to have: Can I send the email off without having to direct to another php site? Is there a way to open a modal window instead? If yes, how? Thanks!
  6. Hey, I've a problem,witch i cant solve by myself so I hope you have any ideas what to do: I want to use FormTemplateProcessor here are my settings: A template called contact_form with two fields - contact_mail and contact_text - no template file associated. A template called contact with standard fields - title + body + images and so on - associated to contact.php <?php /** * Kontakt Seite * */ include("./head.inc"); ?> <div class="main wrapper clearfix"> <article class="clearfix"> <h2><?php echo $page->get("headline|title");?></h2> <?php echo $page->body; ?> </article> <?php $form = $modules->get('FormTemplateProcessor'); $form->template = $templates->get('contact_form'); $form->requiredFields = array('contact_email'); $form->email = 'mail@mail.com'; echo $form->render(); ?> </div> <!-- #main --> <?include("./foot.inc"); ?> This looks fine to me and if i try if it works on frontpage, everything seems to work. I got the message, that my submission has been sent. BUT I got no Mail. I've tested it with various e-mail addresses, checked my spambox, but I cant find a mail from my form. I've thought, that maybe there might be something wrong with my Server, but the log-file seems fine to me: - - [21/Jan/2013:10:07:48 +0100] "POST /kontakt-email/ HTTP/1.1" 200 4643 "http://www.mydomain.de/kontakt-email/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0" "www.mydomain.de" I don't know where to search for errors. Perhaps I have to mention that I'm using a various admin path... Would like to hear your advices. Many greets, Jens alias DV-JF
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