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Everything posted by arjen

  1. What's the difference between "home" == $page->template and $page->template == "home"?
  2. You're welcome. I will check this out. Might learn some new things along the way.
  3. n0sleeves, please send ryan a pm or an email and he will give you access to the formbuilder (placed below the other topics) part of this forum.
  4. Great modules apeisa! I've been playing with the shop the last couple of hours. I've noticed a small error. When going back in the browser (or requesting the url /checkout/confirmation/ in general) the following error is displayed: Error: Call to a member function getModuleInfo() on a non-object (line 221 of /processwire/site/modules/Shop-for-ProcessWire/ShoppingCheckout.module) The error seems to be linked to $paymentmethodInfo = $paymentmethod->getModuleInfo(). I think it would be nice if an error like "You've requested the confirmation page of the checkout process. There is nothing to confirm.". Any pointers on how to do this myself are also appreciated.
  5. Like 3fingers said, the article is heavily focussed on pricing a product. In my opinion you should focus on service pricing. This is really hard stuff (multiple links). You hopefully have some time to read through all kinds of articles and find out what works best for you. Pete has some really nice advices. You have to find these things out yourself. Not everything is on Google
  6. There are numerous books on pricing. Don't just look at web design pricing structures, but on the creative or broader service industry as well. It depends on how experienced you are and what kind of value your expertise can add to a website.
  7. $400 dollar is just an example. My point is a) hire a professional b) only hire someone you trust. Therefore just ask in your local situation. Get away from the computer and ask them. They probably won't want money for an intake conversation.
  8. I don't want to hold you back! I will explain myself further. Since you want to be a professional in the internetbusiness, let other people be professionals in their business. I've made some stupid mistakes not hiring professionals. A good accountant will pay itself back - trust me on that. My accountant does my administration and keeps my books in order. He knows that to do with the law and taxes. My expenses hiring a accountant went up, but on the other hand he also showed me what I was doing wrong with my taxes. Let's say the accountant costs me $400 (really simple administration) a year, but my wrong tax administration costs me $800 a year. The bottomline is that I've just earned $400 a year. And the best part of it is that I do not have to worry anymore. I've cleaned up more time to do what I love - and that's not finances I've never needed a laywer (lucky me), but I did recieve some advice using contracts. You can read some legal stuff on docracy.
  9. I really have three tips: 1) Find a good professional accountant who you can trust (preferably through a contact) 2) Find a good professional lawyer who you can trust (preferably through a contact) 3) Find someone in your network who already has set up a profiting business. If you ask you'll be surprised how open people are in general. These guys will save you money in the long run.
  10. Sorry to hear! Google for the query: onjegolders making money
  11. @horst, no worries @Ronnie, I haven't seen this behaviour before so can't really help.
  12. @Ronnie, first: welcome! Second: do you mean that the images don't resize proportional? Are you noticing this on the frond-end or the back-end? In case of the front-end you can change the size like this: $image->size(100,""); Notice that the image now gets resized to 100 pixels width and a variable height ("").
  13. Hover works too, but most of the time I'm fighting with the mouse to get a tooltip
  14. Look in the url of the browser while editting a page: /processwire/page/edit/?id=1007
  15. @antknight, Perhaps you could explain what you did to make it work? Might be nice for someone finding an answer when he/she searches the forum and runs into the same issues as you did.
  16. Great idea! If you need any help, please let me know!
  17. Thanks interrobang. Will try this out!
  18. Do you have a live example of how the images are being used? You can pull images from other pages, but if you have hundreds of images that would be unmanageable. There is a module called Site-wide File Manager which might accompany you and your client. I hardly ever need a WordPress like image manager and if I think I need one there is usually a better way to manage the content. That's why I haven't using the previously mentioned module, but you might like it.
  19. Thanks Ryan, didn't know that! My simple user signup form using Inputfields looks like: $form = $modules->get("InputfieldForm"); $form->action = "./"; $form->method = "post"; $form->attr("id+name",'member-form'); $form->attr("class",'member-form'); $field = $modules->get("InputfieldEmail"); $field->label = "E-mail"; $field->attr('id+name','email'); $field->required = 1; $form->append($field); $field = $modules->get("InputfieldPassword"); $field->label = "Password"; $field->attr("id+name","password"); $field->required = 1; $form->append($field); $submit = $modules->get("InputfieldSubmit"); $submit->attr("value","Join"); $submit->attr("id+name","submit"); $form->append($submit); This works great! An option to alter requirements besides the lenght would be great. I don't know how to implement this. Perhaps a regular expression?
  20. I'm using the password fieldtype heavily in the front-end of some testprojects. I would really appreciate it if you want to make it configurable.
  21. Wow, doublelike the inactive icon! Again, nice work.
  22. Outstandig work MadeMyDay! Great concept and super nice details! Would be totally cool if you could write a small case study.
  23. Did you empty them of did you delete them and recreated the directories? Another option would be to install a new version of PW and import the database and replace the files in /templates/. Shouldn't be much work.
  24. Thanks Soma and Ryan, really helpful stuff here. I've learned a lot. Posts like these once again proves why everyone loves this community.
  25. Thanks Teppo! Really value your work here. Will check it out tomorrow.
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