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Everything posted by Christophe

  1. For http://artistblacksmith.org.uk/, there is something that I see on the homepage with Chromium and Opera, but not with Firefox and Vivaldi: the 3 columns of (linked) images appear starting from the left but then the second one disappears, and just after the third one. They only appear again for +- 1 second when the mouse is over one of the 3 columns, then only the image's gray/grey background and title stay when the mouse is over them - if it's on the second or third column. I haven't looked at the other pages yet. Edit: on the Linux platform at least.
  2. @SamC And if Gravit Designer doesn't suit your needs, you can always acquire Affinity Designer (no Linux or web-based version) - during the Black Friday period. Edit: you also currently have a special offer until the 16th for the launch of the 1.6 version. It's possible (some of) the free gifts will still be offered during the Black Friday period.
  3. Google Chrome/Chromium -> Ctrl+Shift+I (or Ctrl+Shift+J) -> Sources. (Or with another browser's developer tools.) Please see the attached image. [ Keyboard Shortcuts Reference: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/shortcuts ]
  4. Hi, In site/external/style/style.css, just add: .template-phone a { color: #999; } between .contact-details li::before { ... } and /* --- social icons --- */ (currently line 2209). Edit: do you want to keep the color that is currently orange for the phone number on the contact page?
  5. Hi, I see it on my (very) large screen (full height window) but only if the zoom is, for instance, 150% and with the development tools' panel opened - on chromium. Same on Firefox, Opera, and Vivaldi. All Linux. So apparently it depends on the height of the window, on the top space taken vertically by each browser, on the zoom %, and on the development tool or Firebug panel's height. Edit: adding max-height: 100%; to header .logo img {} could be a solution (works for different window widths). But the Palácio Santa Catarina part will still appear (very small).
  6. Just so that others than Margie can also see this information. I/we could all find more of them. WIth inurl: (and more), for example. I've removed 3 websites that had between 2500 and 3000 results. inurl:http://arts.ufl.edu/ -> about 5 400 results inurl:http://www.kidsportcanada.ca/ -> around 5 610 results inurl:http://visionsource.com/ -> around 5 670 results inurl:https://www.clinicalgenome.org/ -> around 13 900 results
  7. @rst In the "Minify" tab, a "Minify HTML for"... option has to be checked. Then you have the "Do not minify content within these HTML tags" link appearing.
  8. And with, for example: $title = $page->get('header|title'); [ in _init.php ] and <h1><?php echo $title; ?></h1> [ in you template file ] ? (See the default profiles coming with a ProcessWire download before the installation process.)
  9. Yes, the Social Share Buttons module can be used. I used it on one website (I installed it on more, but it is not used for the moment). Also, a repeater can be used. I used one on a more recent website because there were "services" that didn't exist by default with the Social Share Buttons module: YouTube and Viadeo. I was in a relative hurry, so I used a repeater, having the impression that it would be easier, more flexible... The order can be easily changed, "services" can be added... from the backend. You can see the screenshot. With the Social Share Buttons module, you can also add new custom "services". For video insertions, there is Video embed for YouTube/Vimeo (with &rel=0 added to the URL to avoid suggested videos), Get Video Thumbs, and Global Options for Embedded YouTube/Vimeo Videos (more recent).
  10. Is the align_left class authorized - in the body field - for all elements (including the img and p elements), for the img and p elements separately, or only for the img element?
  11. $title is defined in _init.php in the "templates" folder, isn't it? $title = $page->get('headline|title'); // headline if available, otherwise title Are you modifying the headline field or the title field? Edit: ... in the admin/backend? The browser page title, the header (h1...) page title, the parent page title...? Which "title" (field(s)) exactly doesn't change? Because you are using several ones in your code...
  12. Not especially in order to explain it to clients, but for me they are like (data) objects (or items, or how you prefer to call them). And there can be several different types of objects of course. I guess you could also call them field(/data) objects (collections, containers, or whatever term makes more sense depending on the case). Or field-template-page objects, etc.
  13. @Zeka Perhaps it's a normal behaviour: you click on Ok as many times as you want to add as many clones as you want, and click on Cancel to stop cloning (and to close the pop-up). I'm just guessing, I haven't tried. Which version of ProcessWire are you using? Is it a "normal" repeater field?
  14. Also resolved it for the other hoster. Same, but with RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https added. So RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.domainname.tld/$1 [R=301,L] And RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domainname.tld$ RewriteRule ^(.*) https://www.domainname.tld/$1 [QSA,L,R=301] NB: the redirection from https:// to https://www seems to work better when keeping RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 after adding RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https Tested several times, with the cache cleared. Perhaps a coincidence, or not... I was just curious to see what would happen if I removed it.
  15. http://foundation.zurb.com/get-involved/support.html I could e-mail - or tweet - them. Perhaps there's a better chance if it's not the creator of the website who is contacting them (?). Perhaps we should make a "contest" or poll here, choosing which one should be proposed (first)? By creating a new topic and a poll. NB: not sure now they would accept it at Foundation - as it is - as the neophobia background image is "frightening" and the other one is too much "advertising".
  16. http://zurb.com/responsive CMS sub-link: ProcessWire is missing @Sérgio Jardim [ https://ricardo-vargas.com ] and others, please propose your foundation website there. Some of the other CMSs have a tag but without any website there... or with just one displayed. (By the way, if you click on more than one tag, you always have 0 websites as a result.)
  17. You can change the default option. Admin > Setup > Fields > Edit Field: images Input (tab) Disable multi-language descriptions? By default, descriptions are multi-language when you have Language Support installed. If you want to disable multi-language descriptions, check this box. Disable multi-language descriptions?
  18. First solution for the website at ovh (registar and website hoster). Found this again (and that I had bookmarked it already): https://docs.ovh.com/fr/fr/web/hosting/htaccess-reecriture-url-mod-rewrite/ If not wrong, using this RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.domainname.tld/$1 [R=301,L] Then this RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domainname.tld$ RewriteRule ^(.*) http://www.domainname.tld/$1 [QSA,L,R=301] I only have a 2 redirect message with PageSpeed Insights - if testing https://domainname.tld If I use this instead RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domainname.tld$ RewriteRule ^(.*) https://www.domainname.tld/$1 [QSA,L,R=301] I don't have redirect error messages anymore (4 combinations/variations). I'll (re)check again to see if it was real. And I'll test later if I can easily transform it to use the non-www version. But I'm not sure if I really want the non-www version or not. I'll precise R=301 where there is only R. It's very easy to invert from www to non-www. Apparently no redirect error messages either. So it's ok now for this one website. I would just have to choose between www and non-www. http://www.yes-www.org/ http://www.yes-www.org/why-use-www/ (technical reasons)
  19. @szabesz Of course I tried also with this. Too many redirects error message. This doesn't work for me (at least while testing it with one of the websites). For exemple, http://www is not even redirected to http:// I'm not going to spend more time with this now. Later eventually. I'd like a debugger to exist for this. Perhaps using a security/penetration testing framework(?). Thanks everyone.
  20. @rick I'm talking about 2 different websites that have nothing in common. For each website, the 4 variations of the url point to the same (common) content. I normally can't use sites-available/sites-enabled (only on my local computer(s). Ex-Ubuntu and current Linux Mint Mate user). @szabesz I'll use it eventually and see if it works for me. Edit: it doesn't work (at least for the domain I'm currently working on). https://www.domain.tld is redirected to http://domain.tld. @SiNNuT I think I have it bookmarked and perhaps also downloaded it somewhere. Edit 2: now that I want to use the non-www version, I have to find a way to change the code I was using so that it works... So much time wasted for things that should be easier to do. Edit 3: there seems to be a difference, related to shared cookies, between the www and non-www choices. Edit 4: I'll eventually try again later with other domains. It's not worth it now.
  21. @rick Do you mean that, in general, there are better google results if the non-www version is used as the canonical version? The 2 domain names are quite long, so perhaps this time I should choose the non-www version. Also, I may have less problems/redirects. But in that case, I'll have to (find how to) modify the code already used for both websites. I'll eventually set the ProcessWire templates to https, as I don't have many of them. In which non-secure conf file? Edit: (Not) the ProcessWire generated .htaccess file? I'm using shared hosting. Perhaps at least one is a "virtually"-shared installation. All protocols are pointing to the same website content. For one of the websites, the domain name register and the website hoster are different. Have a nice day/evening! Edit 2: if only we didn't need to redirect anything (at least between www and non-www), but just had to mark one as canonical/main (tag, console...).
  22. Hello @AndZyk, PageSpeed Insights 1) For the website (Yulpa hoster) using the code at With (only) http://domainname.tld, I have: Avoid landing page redirects Your page has 2 redirects. Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded. Avoid landing page redirects for the following chain of redirected URLs. http://domainname.tld/ https://domainname.tld/ https://www.domainname.tld/ 2) For the website (OVH hoster) using the code from ProcessWire's .htaccess file (# 9 and # 13 uncommented) a) For https://www.domainname.tld/, I have: Avoid landing page redirects Your page has 2 redirects. Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded. Avoid landing page redirects for the following chain of redirected URLs. https://domainname.tld/ http://www.domainname.tld/ https://www.domainname.tld/ b) For http://domainname.tld/, I have: Avoid landing page redirects Your page has 3 redirects. Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded. Avoid landing page redirects for the following chain of redirected URLs. http://domainname.tld/ https://domainname.tld/ http://www.domainname.tld/ https://www.domainname.tld/ All this doesn't seem good to me...
  23. Is someone already using a version with always one redirect only? I don't mind if it's not generic and I have to specify the domain name. PageSpeed Insights is not "happy"... not only with this last website. Also, it seems, with the ones where I just uncommented Processwire's .htaccess rules. Normally google will only index my preferred url. But in case people type it (or it is written) a certain way. Something that just translates : if it starts with http://domainname.tld make it "redirect" to/start with https://www.domainname.tld or if it starts with http://www.domainname.tld ... to https://www.domainname.tld or if it starts with https://domainname.tld ... to https://www.domainname.tld I don't know how/if using [OR] would work. (And eventually the place(s) where it's best to put/keep it in the .htaccess file, for no conflicts, or for performance reasons.) Thank you in advance!
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