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Everything posted by Christophe

  1. I'll test pocket grid, lost grid, jeet grid, a flexbox grid, a css grid, and/or susy... when I have a moment... NB: I had a problem once when I tried the "flip" functionality with uikit. It would'nt work correctly. Has anyone tried it? This "functionality" worked well with kraken css (even though I couldn't control it like I wanted when having 3 columns).
  2. @bernhard I had seen the page https://processwire....ldtypes/images/. The fact that until now, I have most often, if not always, "deactivated" these kinds of options in config.php (like cropping and other ones) and that the times I have used size, with the width and height chosen and/or with the dimensions of the images, I haven't had the opportunity to notice how it really worked, made me think that it was something different. I simply haven't used it enough.
  3. "the images are tremendously huge!! the first for example is 2248x3000 @ 1.9MB" With tinypng/tinyjpg it becomes 189.0 KB (−91%)... @bernhard: <img src="<?= $page->your_image->size(1000, 1000, array('cropping' => false))->url ?>" alt="..."> Does this code mean that the dimension closest to 1000 will have this value, and that the other dimension's new value will be proportional? Edit: the opposite had more sense.
  4. Has someone here already tried this one?: http://daneden.github.io/Toast/ It was created by Daniel Eden (animate.css, etc.). It seems interesting, but perhaps (can) uses too many (large) classes...
  5. It should be $root = $pages->get(1052); and not $root = $pages->get("1052"); , shouldn't it? Is it the id, or the name of the page?
  6. I remember now that I've found it here: https://www.meteor.com/case-studies/build-apps-with-meteor
  7. I've just bookmarked this recently: https://rocket.chat/ "The Ultimate Open Source Web Chat Platform" "From group messages and video calls all the way to helpdesk killer features. Our goal is to become the number one cross-platform open source chat solution."
  8. Perhaps he's talking about this: http://documentation.concrete5.org/developers/working-with-blocks https://www.concrete5.org/documentation/general-topics/blocks-and-areas But it could also have been this, for example: Mobile Web 2.0: Developing and Delivering Services to Mobile Devices https://goo.gl/nNGPhW (google book link) Service-Oriented Computing: 11th International Conference, ICSOC 2013 https://goo.gl/ubfTBJ (google book link) Differently in both cases, "on-the-fly"/"on the fly" is not necessarily better. It depends, like for a lot of things.
  9. After a little research, it's correct in Brazilian Portuguese apparently. Not sure 100% for "Brasileia" (for Brazilian), for the moment. But it's a place that exists. And "seuinte" is used. But Google Translate doesn't have a Brazilian translator so, yes, it's better to use their Portuguese equivalents for better translations.
  10. Hello saboor, Please don't update /wire/config.php. Update /site/config.php where you can add things found in /wire/config.php and modify them. You won't have to bother about the /wire/ folder upgrade.
  11. "It can be a sub page of any ancestor, so a child of a "grandparent" or higher up works too." So it can be a direct child of the homepage (I was wondering while reading the sentence on github). But there could be too many images to choose from... Your module has a lot of use cases. I'll have to improve my (beginner) coding skills first . (I'm starting with JUMP START PHP ENVIRONMENT now.)
  12. Hello, "Only libraries under the edited page itself or one of its parents are available to keep things organized." So, it means it can be under a direct parent (it will be a sibling of the edited page) or a child of the page itself, is that it? Also, as we can already, with ProcessWire by default, create a "Media Library" page anywhere, put images and files in it, and create sub-pages ("sub-sections", "sub-folders", "sub-categories"...) with images and files in it also, and already select them via CKEditor, would it be "difficult" to also have a "Media Library" tab (the "Media Library" page(s) (and/or template(s)) would be defined in a configuration page, etc.) and a way to (drop-down) select the "Media Library" page/"root" or one of its children in order to have only the images and files from a specific (sub-)section? (And perhaps a way to have only images or only files. But that could wait.) It's "already there"*, it's just that we only see, for example, the image thumbnails. Perhaps, for example, a "list mode" button in order to see the image names and/or descriptions could be added. (I'll have to check again how it is if they are files and not images). It's also that it can take quite some time sometimes to find/go to the "Media Library"/"root" page in this case*, so a way to have direct access to it via a tab, after having defined it(/them) would be nice. This module is a nice addition, it's just that I've been wondering this for some time. I've done it with a "root" page and sub-pages with one image/page (logos, etc.) and have realized (again) that it could also be simply done with several images/page where sub-pages would be (sub-)categories.
  13. Thank you! I've implemented it very recently. Apparently, the only thing that is missing - but this is often missing (I had noticed it on the Foundation profile) - is the possibility (perhaps with a javascript/jquery script...) to change, in my case, from #mainMenu .sub-menu .sub-menu {left: 100%; top: -1px;} to #mainMenu .sub-menu .sub-menu {left: -101%; top: -1px;} to revert the direction when the third-level ul touches the right side (edge) of the browser window, otherwise, in some cases, a (big) part of it can be hidden.
  14. I've just installed this module on ProcessWire 2.7.2. Another ProcessWire module that quickly gives me a solution to something asked for (at the last minute). I guess that it is correct that Tag Parser had to be added in the Details tab of the two fields that had to be monitored. Apparently it's not, it displays errors (messages) on the front-end. I had done it because at first I couldn't find where to set up things. Perhaps I hadn't clicked well on Configuration > Field Change Notifier. I guess that "changed from [something] to new" or "changed from old to new" is the normal message(s). By the way, (where) could "old" and "new" be translated (in order to "survive" updates)? At first I wanted to write this post to mention the possible option of notifying only if a certain role(s) has made the change(s). So that, for example, a role with higher permissions (not the superuser. In this case, one that can create these users with very limited permissions.) that first fills in/modifies the fields doesn't get notified each time he/she does it. Also, wanted to mention that in Administration > Configuration > Field Change Notifier, I've just noticed this displayed (in UPPERCASE in the Admin): When this field… changes from this value… to this value… notify user(s) … Thanks for this module!
  15. Hello, I'm trying this module for the first time. In gallery.php I currently have: <?php include('./_head.php'); // include header markup ?> <!-- main content --> <h1 class='uk-width-1-1'><?php echo $title; ?></h1> <div id='photos' class='uk-width-medium-1-2'> <?php foreach($pages->get('/gallery/')->images as $image) { $thumb = $image->size(120,90); echo "<a href='$image->url' data-uk-lightbox=\"{group:'image-group'}\" title='$image->description'>"; echo "<img src='$thumb->url' width='$thumb->width' height='$thumb->height' alt='$thumb->description' />"; echo "</a>"; } ?> </div> <div id='videos' class='uk-width-medium-1-2'> <?php foreach($pages->get('/gallery/')->videos as $video) { echo "<a href='$video->video_url' data-uk-lightbox=\"{group:'video-group'}\">"; echo "<img src='{$video->video_thumbnail_image->url}' width='120' height='90' />"; echo "</a>"; } ?> </div> <?php include('./_foot.php'); // include footer markup ?> In the Gallery page (with the Gallery (gallery) template) I have : a Title field, an Images field, and a Videos (repeater) field. The Videos (repeater) field contains 2 fields: the video_thumbnail_image field, and the video_url field. In Admin > Modules > Get Video Thumbnails: for "Templates to search" -> repeater_videos and Gallery (I've tried with both, with none, and also with one or the other. Not sure if Gallery is enough.), for "Fields to search" -> video_url, for "Video Images Field" -> video_thumbnail_image. (I don't know why I don't see the labels added at the top of the pages for videos, video_thumbnail_image, and video_url.) I don't have thumbnail images added to video_thumbnail_image fields for the moment. Perhaps it's just due to one little thing. Edit: ProcessWire 2.7.2
  16. Hello, I've just noticed that the form (and text above) at http://gsbelarus.com...bout/vacancies/ doesn't change its language when clicking on EN.
  17. I'm trying to add a data-uk-lightbox (UIKit) attribute to a <a> tag (in a multilingual body field). I've allowed it in Allowed Content Rules: a[data-uk-lightbox]. I've even tried with a[*]. When I add it in the source code, go back to the wysiwyg editor, and then go back to the source code, it is there as data-uk-lightbox="". When the page is saved, it is removed... Is there a way to add a custom attribute like this one? Do I have to add it to another list somewhere? Edit: I've also tried with a[data-uk-lightbox]{*}. data-uk-lightbox="" gets removed only after saving the page.
  18. Hi @adrian, This would be (very) good enough. (Using UIkit,) I could perhaps (also) add a lightbox (http://getuikit.com/docs/lightbox.html) I was thinking of perhaps inserting an image, and when clicking on it the lightbox would appear with the video, perhaps with a black background or another color before it (auto-)starts. Meanwhile, I've found another "solution". Using mp4 files (converted, optimized... by YouTube), they seem to be well played in different browsers. It seems good enough for this project. I'm using a file field (mp4 format only). I'm thinking about using UIKit's lightbox also. It can also just open in a new tab after clicking on a image. Before finding your module I had thought about using videojs, creating pages with a video template, and perhaps fetching a video with a page field(?). But, perhaps your module with your solution is better here.
  19. Hello, For a current project (the same that is the first with so many specific requirements, and for which I use some of your modules), YouTube is ultimately not a (good) choice (viewers have to be blocked from being able to go to YouTube from the embedded video). So I've just installed FieldtypeVideo. I've tried to upload a 16.9 (Mo) mp4 video, but the "spinning-wheel" animated icon and the 100% on the red row are still there after several minutes. It doesn't change. I've also tried with a 12.4 (Mo) file. Apparently, the shared hosting (OVH) doesn't have ffmpeg and ffmpeg-php activated. So I guess it's probably the reason... (Or could it be because of the sizes of the files?) Does someone have (alternative) solutions? I know there's vimeo plus/pro (but it's not really a solution for the association). NB: I've tried to hide the YouTube icon at the bottom-right corner with css, but of course it doesn't work/is not "allowed". Perhaps with js(?) If I use Video.js, are ffmpeg and ffmpeg-php still needed? (Yes,) probably. If there's no solution, I'll just let them be downloadable as they were on the old website.
  20. Just an idea. Perhaps you (simply) need (to) (add) :focus
  21. I've implemented this in ProcessWire: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6730-js-library-for-simple-product-image-gallery-with-thumbnails-no-lightbox-or-transitions-just-click-and-view/ The result is very nice. But the big image(s) was flickering. Some times the 2 same images, sometimes (also) others. I've tried different things to reduce/stop the flickering, but nothing has changed it. It has always/often been only when clicking the first time on an image (after cleaning the (browser) cache). So I've implemented this one. Having both has apparently stopped the flickering (if it's not due to something else). (Seems somehow logical, perhaps related to the cache...) But now, with this gallery system (which is also nice) it seems almost impossible to make it responsive (I hadn't noticed it wasn't). I'll probably have to find a third solution.
  22. I've implemented it in ProcessWire. The result is very nice. But the big image(s) was flickering. Some times the 2 same images, sometimes (also) others. I've tried different things to reduce/stop the flickering, but nothing has changed it. It has always/often been only when clicking the first time on an image (after cleaning the (browser) cache). So I've implemented this one (the last code at the bottom): https://processwire.com/talk/topic/8909-add-simple-html-gallery/ Having both has apparently stopped the flickering (if it's not due to something else). (Seems somehow logical, perhaps related to the cache...) But now, with the other gallery system (which is also nice) it seems almost impossible to make it responsive (I hadn't noticed it wasn't). I'll probably have to find a third solution.
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