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Everything posted by 3fingers

  1. Keep up the good work @apesia, I'm absolutely sure PadLoper will be the e-commerce solution of choice for everyone in here using Pw!
  2. 3fingers

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Xmas to everyone of you! Cheers!
  3. Very useful! Thanks a lot owzim!
  4. You can learn more about Hanna Code here. Basically you can use a short code like [[icon-news]] or [[icon-check]] (where icon-* could be whatever you decide) to echo out a php/html/js snippet into your ck-editor. Let's say you want to create an Hanna Code called [[icon-pen]] : <?php $path = $pages->get("/path/to/Icons/"); // or whatever selector to get the Icons page echo "<img src='{$path->icons[0]->url}'>"; // where "icons" is the name of the imagefield-multiple and [0] is the index of the icon-pen that you want to echo out ?> Now your snippet will refer to [[icon-pen]], and you can insert it inside your ck-editor. This is a very simple example and should be modified to your needs, but I think you got the idea. Another idea is that you could also create a function and have the index of the icon as a parameter to change on the fly inside your hanna code.
  5. Hi bber, this look kind easy to do (if I understand correctly what you need). Personally I would create a page called "Icons" and then put inside an imagefield (multiple) to store all the icons I need, then create several Hanna codes to echo those icons out. So when an icon will be changed, all its instances in the ckeditor would get updated. Does it make sense?
  6. +1 for pushstate and pw integration
  7. Hi Peter, are those dropdown selects intended to exist? http://uploadpie.com/gS6Cp To me they look useless because they are simply outputting what is already there in the sidebar. Lastly the text in the footer seems a little tiny to my eyes Firefox 32.1 Osx
  8. It's now working properly because you are providing to the $thumb variable the coverimage field without the url, and that's how it is supposed to be when you have to generate the thumb through the size method, otherwise it souldn't work. Edit: Think about it...to generate a thumbnail the size method has to know which image has to be resized (so its name, not the url...). Got it?
  9. Hello Marinus, to get the url of the field you simple use: $fields->get('$child->coverimage')->url() as you previously did in your code. Am I missing something?
  10. Hi Enrico, you should contact @Alessio Dal Bianco to know the status of development for the italian cheatsheet, he is the one who made up the italian site for Pw. Welcome to the forum btw!
  11. Really nice and clean website here, top notch photos everywhere! May I ask you to point us (at least me) in the right direction to use requests and pushstate with processwire? Thanks!
  12. Very appreciated, thanks!
  13. I got no answer for you, but since i read several times that @Macrura integrated successfully Foxycart with Pw maybe I can help you forward your question to him
  14. @diogo, Well, if he needs to bind the name and title with the template's name couldn't be done like this? <?php $p = new Page(); // create new page object $p->template = 'review'; // set template $p->parent = wire('pages')->get('/whatever/'); // set the parent $p->name = $template->name; // grab the name of the template and set page name with it $p->title = $template->name; // same as above but with page title $p->save(); Should work as expected I think...
  15. You don't need hooks in this particular case, take a look at this discussion. You'll find how to create pages via api.
  16. For me it's a great news, very handy module that could come in play in a lot of situations. Thanks a lot!
  17. Hi Manaus, I'm italian too and I'd like to help you out to make your estimation, but I can't understand why you told your client you would search someone else to make another estimate on top the one you did on your own. Sounds kinda like a self admission of guilt over your initial cash request.
  18. I'm receving the following error: Error: Class 'AdminTheme' not found (line 3 of /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mypath/site/modules/AdminThemeModesta-master/AdminThemeModesta.module) when I try to install the theme. PW 2.3.5 here. Suggestions?
  19. 3fingers

    World Cup 2014

    Tomorrow we are going to enjoy 3fingers VS Kongondo (Italy VS England)! Forza Azzurri!
  20. Hey adrian, that "created_users_id" stands for a custom field or..? EDIT: Nevermind, found it in the cheatsheet
  21. Check for "rewrite_module" in your Apache setting. Should be off by default, turn it on then. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pictxyby393pmdd/rewrite.jpg Was that useful?
  22. Here you will find your answer If you still can't get your head around it, I will try to help you later, I'm in hurry right now:)
  23. Ok @n0sleeved, I think I got the solution Here in my office I got your same setup and, following the exact same procedure you mention, I recieve the error MySql gave you. To solve this I've choosen not to export through the "Rapid" option, and go for the "Custom" one. In the options panel I have then checked: Add instruction DROP TABLE / VIEW / PROCEDURE / FUNCTION / EVENT and exported leaving all the rest with default values. It worked! Let us know!
  24. Just a quick opinion here, as a visual designer (among other skills) I'm quite bored with "flat style everywhere", with no exception on the new Yosemite OSX. To me skeuomorphism was the way Apple catched our eyes in a very innovative way, it was "precious and elegant" like the way we all intended their products. Something went "wrong" when they decided to follow the mass adopting flat style in IOS, like they don't know what to do to reinvent the wheel...and you know what? Nobody has to re-invent the wheel, nowaday every operating system has every feature we need to work or just have fun with pc's and macs (and even if one Os or another lacks in something we learned how to bypass it without sacrifice mental health and productivity). That said I own an Android phone, I got a pc at work and an Imac at home, and after 15 years in the www/graphics/design/whatever world I've learned the biggest thing of all: If something works for me, I don't need to upgrade. I prefer to learn new techniques or languages rather than how to use the tool to develop with them. As usual, sorry for my lack of english language!
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