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Everything posted by 3fingers

  1. @Jest does the following works instead? $pages->find("template=project, title*='two, maybe three words'|unknown"); //or $pages->find('template=project, title*=\"two, maybe three words\"|unknown');
  2. Maybe a bit an aside from what you are trying to achieve but, for me, the simplest solution would be using Snipcart custom-fields (of course this is something somewhat unrelated from PadLoper and its various payments gateways integration, it is a different approach as a whole). I would create 10 Fields of type Page for colours, and other 3 for angles or whatever (it could be accomplished also with 2 Select Options Fieldtype). You don't even need to insert those fields inside every product page, they could live under whatever "setting" page you want. You iterate and then you echo them as options on frontend on the product page. The user can then choose which combination of the 30 would have for his product and, at checkout stage, you pass those options as custom fields and alter the product price based on those criteria. As I said it is a completely different approach, but I would probably follow that route.
  3. Hi Marco (ciao Marco, compaesano ;)), I'm supposing you're following padloper docs (I never used it), but I suggest you to follow this nice categorization of contents by kongondo, to grasp some concepts : https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3579-tutorial-approaches-to-categorising-site-content/ As I said, I never used Padloper so I don't know its api in details, but I would go for Fieldtype Page for product variations (color, angle, etc...).
  4. As far as I understand you'd like to have 3 input radios ( one for each color green/blue/army) and 3 options too (90°.105°.150°) right? This is not happening because your $page->variations are 9 indeed, as per their id's. Also, I found very confusing to have unnecessary html inside a php block where just a foreach loop could be sufficient, but it's a personal preference I suppose.
  5. It's even more impressive if you click on the curly braces icon in the bottom left "source" panel of the Chrome dev tools
  6. As far as I can tell he is adding/removing the "menu-collapsed" css class through js based on user scroll. I've tried to figure it out searching into "main.js" and around line 143 there's what I think it's the trigger of it (but I found really hard to grasp it since @heldercervantes named every var and functions like "a, b, c.." and so on Probably on purpouse?).
  7. /** * Installer: Database Configuration * */ $config->dbHost = 'yourHost'; $config->dbName = 'dbName'; $config->dbUser = 'dbUser'; $config->dbPass = 'dbPass'; $config->dbPort = 'dbPort'; // usually 3306 is the default value I keep You just need to edit your site/config.php with your existing database values...or am I missing something in your question?
  8. Best wishes to you and all your family!
  9. Nice sites! Very curious about your "next-to-come" modules
  10. Hi @AVD, usually changing font on the fly is not the best choice you could made on the front end, mainly because every font has a different way to handle kerning, line-height, weight, etc. This may cause issues in the whole design of the site, since it may be (or maybe not) possible that some elements on your page breaks the whole layout. Moreover I think that Wordpress themes (like Avada) offers way too many options that, even if fascinating at first, may lead to uncontrollable results on the front end, resulting in a mess (especially regarding the communication aspect of your - or your client - brand) if not handle properly. That said it's not hard to build some sort of switch on the Processwire backend to change fonts on the various pages, but I'd suggest to evalutate this option twice, if not mandatory for what you are achieve
  11. I do agree, very nice and snappy browser. Btw, even though I use windows at work and Chrome just runs smooth, I had to turn off "Use hardware acceleration" at home on my iMac due to lags problem on scrolling.
  12. Another "solution" could be using hooks (more on that here): /* media queries variables like "breakpoint-small" are found inside variables.scss hook for margin is found inside "margin.scss" */ @mixin hook-margin-misc() { @media (max-width: $breakpoint-small) { .uk-margin-top { // or ".uk-margin-bottom" margin: 10px 0 0 0; // or whatever you prefer } @media (max-width: $breakpoint-medium) { .uk-margin-top { margin: 0 !important; } // and so on... }
  13. Hi Gazley, taka a look at this pen I quickly made: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/PJKogG Unfortunately I didn't find an "out of the box" way to set a responsive gutter inside of the grid, you should have to implement yourself I suppose.
  14. Thanks @abdus for those links, I didn't knew they exist! Good articles @Michael van Laar, please keep going on the series!
  15. 3fingers

    How Much To Make

    That site was shown by someone in the past here in the forum, and most of us agreeded that those estimations were way too high for the current market, wherever you live. Good luck if a client of yours can afford those quotations, you will be my hero
  16. Ad far as Il know it's not natively possibile to hide the default language fields from the backend, but you can can leave them empty and check (inside a foreach loop or whatever) if a default field of your choice in empty and then not render that page at all (a 404 would be invoked only if a user is going to switch the language on that particular pages, but you could instead redirect them, let's say, to the homepage. Probably not what you asked exactly but nothing else comes into my mind right now:)
  17. Hi, probably I'm missing something about your request... Why should it render in the front end if there are no filled (english) fields? You could just check if a field is empty or not. By the way, check out this module by @adrian, it could be useful in your situation: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/14891-restrict-multi-language-branch/
  18. Just a little progress I made, there is (of course) a lot of work to do and several tweaks, but it's a starting point
  19. Hey all, yesterday evening I started playing with the new uikit admin theme and I have to say I really like the way @ryan has developed it, it's relatively easy to modifiy it further. It took me around 10 minutes to prepare the development pipeline (from installation, setup the build processes and grasp the directory structures), so I highly encourage every designer in here to get their hand dirty and start without any fear I'm going to post in this thread my progresses, since my will is to dedicate every evening 1 hour or so with the purpose to release a visually pleasing and stable admin theme. If you want to post your progresses in this thread too, you're welcome!
  20. Does this really work? I always thought it would work only with a "field=value" condition, as expressed in the description.
  21. Check your credentials, make sure the domain of the database is correct, usually it's "localhost", but it depends. It could also be the ip address of the machine where the database exist.
  22. I do, but I use it just in my spare time, so close to nothing I prefer the skype way
  23. Once you are in the site->template folder you can structure your files/directories as you like, as long as you link them correctly inside your template folders. And yes, leave site->assets alone You can contact me on skype (my nick is : The3fingers), I'm italian too.
  24. I'm experiencing the same problem as @adrianromega. My actual code is: $savedLanguage = $user->language; foreach($languages as $language) { if($language->id == $savedLanguage->id) continue; if(!$page->viewable($language)) continue; $user->language = $language; $flag = $language->flag->first->url; echo "<li><a href='$page->url'><img src='$flag' alt=''>$language->title</a></li>"; } $user->language = $savedLanguage; In the default language the "flag" field image is showing correctly, where nothing appears in the english section of the site.
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