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Found 10 results

  1. Hi, We have 'Seminar_Schedule' repeater field in the template (One of the Admin Control Panel Page) Inside the 'Seminar_Schedule' repeater field, we have 'preview_sms_content' field and other fields. In this 'preview_sms_content' field (textarea) - How to add our SMS Content to this field dynamically. (Based on the values entered on the other input fields) How to display the characters count of SMS Content to this field dynamically. How to restrict to enter the characters manually.(How to make this field readonly) PFA and Suggest, Thank you
  2. Hello, I'm getting stuck trying to build a filter between subcategories and some items. For the final Item itself, I setup a reference field and wrote following selector: If there are more entries, filtering by manufacturer (which is part of the item) would be very helpful. The problem I'm stuck: How I can get and select an existing manufacturer field, which exist here: fieldset_device.manufactor I tried a hook, just not happy with the result, I despair on: $wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldPage::getSelectablePages', function($event) { $page = $event->arguments('page'); if($event->object->hasField == 'hardware_manfilter') { $subcat = $page->hardware_subcategory; $items = $event->pages->find("parent=$subcat"); $event->return = $items->each('fieldset_device.manufactor'); } });I I appreciate any help.
  3. I opened a new wishlist topic on the PW forum for this and in the meantime I ask to the community looking for a reasonable solution. Using the PageTable field, is there a way to un-restrict the creation of pages under a given parent template page (or as page children if no parent for items is selected)? That is, is there a way to allow the selection of the parent page dynamically / on the fly during page creation via the PageTable field?
  4. I'm using the PW PageTable field extensively and I think an improvement to it could be made regarding the ability to choose the page parent where the page created via PageTable will reside. Say you have a PageTable field set like this: Edit Field: page_table_field > Details > Select one or more templates for items > template_one > template_two > template_three Select a parent for items > parent_template Actually, you can only create pages under the parent_template page (or as page child if no parent for items is selected). BTW I am looking for reasons about this limitation. What about allowing to choose on the fly where the pages created via PageTable will reside? that is, having the possibility to choose dynamically under which parent page to create the pages? Actually, one could overcome to this by creating multiple appropriately set PageTable fields, one PageTable field per PageTable parent for items, but this is unsustainable (?) when you want to create a lot using PageTable… By allowing to choose dynamically / on the fly the parent page during page creation via the PageTable field would open up a wider usage of PageTable. What do you think about? @ryan @Robin S
  5. Hi guys, I'm trying to wrap my head around creating dynamic blocks where the end-user can add blocks on the fly on individual pages without specifying it in the templates. What approach do you guys usually do? I've tried scouring the forum for solutions but seems to get abit confusing. I've read Hanna Code, Repeater Matrix, PagesTables and seen the youtube tutorials. Not sure, where to start from. I only got very minimal knowledge of php as I came from a front-end background (html, css, js) I'm looking to define my blocks somewhere where the end-user will not be able to see. For example, a simple block container <div class='container'> <div class='container__title'> {{ $title-field }} </div> <div class='container__image'> {{ $image-field }} </div> </div> Then maybe we got a second block container <div class='container-2'> <div class='container-2__title'> {{ $title-field }} </div> <div class='container-2__image'> {{ $image-field }} </div> </div> Then the end-user can just to add these blocks into any pages on the fly and re order them according to their needs. My processwire is v3 using the UIKit3 Admin if that makes any difference Sorry if I sounded too noob.
  6. So I was tinkering around with the "select fields" field type and added it to a repeater. My thoughts were I could have a user select a field (textarea, text, etc etc) that I defined and give it a name (another field in the repeater) and create their own form on the page. To be honest, I am now a little lost with rendering the form and mailing the results as potentially the form will be unique and custom every time. The only way I know to handle the output is by going about it this way: $forms = $page->form_select_fields; foreach($forms as $form) { if($form->name === "form_input") { //output input with custom name } elseif($form->name === "form_textarea") { //output input with custom name } } Is there a better way to go about rendering the elements from the repeater? As far as the custom sending goes, I am really at a loss since it would be pretty dynamic. Has anyone used this type of approach, and if so, how did you handle this without going insane?
  7. Hi! Just started to dig into PW and since I have a small project starting I wonder that how does PW support dynamic forms out-of-the-box? Or perhaps through some module(s)? I'm creating a form(for visitors) that has options such as shape > size > color > availability/product which filter values for the last filter/select option (in this case availability). And is there any form field dependency implemented or is this just a matter of e.g. jquery events that trigger AJAX or visibility when field value is changed?
  8. Hello, i am trying to build one Page in CMS for menu Building. i have created a field name "menu_page" Page type & one text filed name "depth" now i have crated a new repeater name "menus" with above both fields. menus (repeater) menu_page (page type, single page) depth (text) now i add it one page name "header" and added values as bellow menus1 menu_page "about us" depth (0) menus2 menu_page "About Company" depth (1) menus3 menu_page "Products" depth (3) menus4 menu_page "Contact Us" depth (0) in my template file i have code as bellow <ul> <?php $menus=$pages->get("/header/"); foreach($menus as $menu) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $menu->url;?>"><?php echo $menu->title;?></a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> This shows TOP menu Menu but how to get SUB menu according to Dept of each menu. Thanks
  9. TL;DR : I'm looking to create dynamic forms which will take fields list from given template & create/save pages dynamically. Hello, I've been using PW for a while for creating web applications like ERP systems and similar applications which have tons of forms. So far I've been creating, processing & validating them manually. While researching I found this link which I found to be very helpful. Code given in that example allows user to create a form based on the fields of any page and save it, which is very cool. Based on that code I tried doing something like this: $p = new Page(); $p->template = "mytemplate"; //I've added few fields to this template $p->parent = "/someparent/"; $p->of(false); // make a form $form = $modules->get('InputfieldForm'); $form->method = 'post'; $form->action = './'; // add the page's fields to the form $form->add($p->getInputfields()); // add a submit button to the form $submit = $modules->get('InputfieldSubmit'); $sumit->name = 'submit'; $form->add($submit); // process the form if it was submitted if($input->post->submit){ $form->processInput($input->post); $p->name = date(dmYhisn); $p->save(); } It did create a page but without any data. I know this could be a very stupid thing to try, but I guess it was worth it. More research taught me that probably using ProcessPageAdd module I can create new pages. But I don't know how exactly that works. I'm looking for some guidance about modules & their use on fron-end. Thanks.
  10. This is 2 questions in one post; I hope that's permissable. 1: I'm trying to find a way to create a field whose value is a selector query, and at page time the field runs the query. This is very akin to http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1489-how-to-retrieve-possible-pages-list-in-a-page-field, but reducing code duplication and making it as natural as any other field. The Page input already allows for the query/snippet to provide possible _selections_ at page creation, but not a way to harness that query's results as a field. Am I making sense? I've not started digging in to the fieldtypes, and I see http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4079-input-field-for-dimensions/ may be a good place to start down this path, unless there's a module I missed that already addresses this. 2: I've seen some screenshots where creating a new Page from a template has a nice layout to the field entries. I am aware that you can specify the entry widths during declaration. However, is this an adjust/reload/repeat process to get some fields grouped together on the same line nicely, or is there a way of handling the field entry layout that I'm not aware of? If either of these questions seem addled in thought, it's me, not you. Thanks for any help, input, and advice you may provide!
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