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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2023 in all areas

  1. Very nice! ?? (https://processwire.recipes/code-of-conduct/)
    2 points
  2. So... you might have noticed that there was another/new release on processwire.recipes. A few things were added, removed, updated... and... so... on. Latest major updates are listed on the changelog page. (which is a new addition on its own) I added a CoC (Code of Conduct) page, legal details were updated, an upcoming section and a small UI update was there in between as well. AND... please ⭐ Star this repo on Github I'm happy to have your feedback!
    2 points
  3. https://github.com/elabx/FieldtypeRecurringDates Well a few summers later, finally got like a sort of working version. For info please take a look at the repo's readme. It's still super alpha but going to deploy into a couple websites to replace Recurme so wish me luck. This module is only a Fieldtype and Inputfield, there are no "markup" modules as there used to be in Recurme. I'd appreciate any testing or any kind of comments.
    1 point
  4. I wish the sidebar actually worked well - I had hight hopes for that feature, but it just doesn't really work. Just in case you haven't ever noticed, the tree icon at the start of the breadcrumbs brings up a panel overlay with the full menu which is a really nice feature. That, together with Robin's BreadcrumbDropdown menu and life is pretty good. AdminOnSteroids does have a sticky header feature.
    1 point
  5. Man, you´re the man - I wasn´t thinking that easy... I will integrate soon and give you an update! Thanks a lot!
    1 point
  6. v3.19.0 comes with a new magic method to easily set the page name whenever a page is saved: public function setPageName() { if (!$this->year()) return uniqid(); return $this->title . "-" . $this->year(); } It will also lock the page name field and show a hint so that everybody understands what's going on:
    1 point
  7. As far as I understand, this is just a convention. Nothing prevents someone from moving the 1st point to a different location. That was what I wanted to know. That's true, but in this use case I can live with it since it's a small group of users that will be working with it. They know about it and they know the process. The first entry, i.e. the first repeater always exists, under certain circumstances it may be that this first entry has to be corrected, and there it seemed easiest to me to solve this via repeater, that it already offers the possibility to clone the repeater manually by an editor in the backend. i have now solved it with a few lines of jQuery. best thanks so far
    1 point
  8. First of all, thanks for your work on this! You mean all four repos? I starred them all. Another question: maybe I'm blind a bit, but I cannot find any search function on the site. We can always use Google, like https://www.google.hu/search?q=hook+site%3Aprocesswire.recipes but Google might not be always up-to-date for a while, I guess.
    1 point
  9. @tires Glad you like it! While I prever this admin theme over the default one. I think the default Uikit theme actually looks fine. But there is more to it than just aesthetics. For me, the main advantage is the fixed navigation with direct access to the tree navigation. It's just so much faster to navigate in the backend. It would be nice if the core theme had an option for fixed navigation.
    1 point
  10. Thought so, too. Yet... haven't seen it in a long time.
    1 point
  11. Thank you so much. I really hope and wish we all can achieve some kind of an awesome hub for newcomers and even long-time users. This would be great. Just pushed another UI update. Still not perfect but at least that issue should be gone for now. Would appreciate your feedback on the latest update.
    1 point
  12. Hello All, I've been working on a new Fieldtype + Inputfield combination that handles street addresses. I've been using it now for about 3 months on my latest administration system for a charity and, so far, it seems to be working really well for them. It's based on the meta-data from Google's LibAddressInput project and uses the data feeds from that to build a cache of address formats used by various countries. My initial testing was aided by @Macrura and @adrian - and they were later joined by @mel47 and @BFD Calendar - so a big thank-you to them all. You can access the repository on GitHub and the Module Repository. Here's a few images from the project. First up: config screen. Here's an early version... ...and a more recent update... Here's a UK-based address. The module can integrate with my tag parser, if installed. Note that the output is formatted according to the output meta-data from the feed - which should match the preferred postal preferences of the destination country. Which subfields are required, and their regex expressions (if any) are also pulled from the feed and used as validation rules on the input side. Here's an address in the Netherlands - inputfield layout is currently adjusted on save - if you've configured it to adjust based on the destination country. Hopefully this will eventually be ajax driven. Use of the address preview is configurable and the HTML output can include micro-format data. Address sub-fields can also be used in selectors... Back with inputs, if you prefer a table-based input - you can have it... Format hints (unfortunately, I've found that many users need these)... Let me know if you find any issues or if you have any feature requests. So far, I have this from the previous testers... Allow multi-lingual address input for countries that support a multi-lingual postal system (like Canada.)
    1 point
  13. I would suggest to use this very nice admin theme as default for processwire. It looks much more professional and cleaner even if maybe a few ui optimizations would be necessary.
    1 point
  14. I'm not completely sure, but the hook could easily copy values from the FieldsetPage to a new repeater item if that is needed. The field names will be identical, so it'll just be a loop like foreach(['name','phone','email',...] as $fieldname) { $newItem->$fieldname = $page->myFieldsetPage->$fieldname; }
    1 point
  15. As far as I got it, it is just by convention. Nothing prevents someone to move the 1st item to another position. That was what I was asking about. In this case just maybe you can move the fields that should hold the data for the 1st item to the main template (maybe group them in a fieldset for convenience). Or do as @BitPoetwrote and move those fields to a FieldsetPage field instead. And only use repeater items for other entries that are all the same? Not what you've been asking for, but still an option.
    1 point
  16. I found https://github.com/earldouglas/codedown which can be used to extract all code snippets programmatically from the markdown files. With Jekyll, code from gists can be embedded into markdown files: https://gist.github.com/benbalter/5555251 Couldn't find anything for 11ty, though. I browsed only through a few of the md files on https://github.com/webmanufaktur/processwire-recipes/tree/master/src/recipes and they looked quite uniform already. Haven't checked all of them, though. Are these all that exist? Everybody should have moved to PW 3.x already. How would you identify 2.x snippets? Most of the code from 2.x still works in 3.x. So I don't think that this destinction is necessary. As for the default standard. https://github.com/webmanufaktur/processwire-recipes/blob/master/src/pages/submit-recipe.md already is a good starting point. I don't think we need categories in addition to tags. Categorization can be done through tags in a flexible manner. Couldn't we also use tags for that, like "init", "ready", "hook"? EDIT: I just did that and made a PR.
    1 point
  17. Yes! Seriously, someone pls email @ryan about this. If no one else will do it, I'll do it. My new favorite ProcessWire infographic:
    1 point
  18. Very interesting: Mapping Heritage: Geospatial Online Databases of Historic Roads. The Case of the N-340 Roadway Corridor on the Spanish Mediterranean https://www.mdpi.com/2220-9964/7/4/134/htm
    1 point
  19. I was going to suggest looking at the blackhole module by @flydev as well - but I think Teppo's update to page-render-up-restriction might be a better fit to your issue, @eydun.
    1 point
  20. Technically speaking best approach would be to block the IP as early as possible: preferably via firewall (on local machine or before it), but if that's not possible then Apache config, and if that's not possible either then .htaccess. Blocking access early means that more unwanted traffic gets blocked out, and it is also better for performance ? That being said, I just updated https://processwire.com/modules/page-render-iprestriction/ to support a list of blocked IP addresses. This module can block access to your site, but note that it won't attempt to protect your static files, so again other alternatives are generally speaking preferable.
    1 point
  21. I want to show you a project that I started developing in summer of 2022 and that went online in january 2023. Kulturhaus Wilster ("Arts Centre Wilster") https://www.kulturhauswilster.de The Kulturhaus Wilster - also called "Wilster's living room" by many visitors - is a socio-cultural center in the heart of Wilster. Wilster is a small City located north from Hamburg, germany. Despite the fact that this is a small venue they offer large amount of events. The events range all the way from concerts to theatre and everything inbetween! The old version of the site was a super simple WordPress website in a black-and-white only color scheme. In my opinion it did no justice to the very colorful program that the Kulturhaus offers so I tried my best to bring some color into the game. The whole website should have a shabby-chique look combined with clean, modern elements. The Homepage offers a preview of the next 8 upcoming events. A blog section is also included and the latest post is displayed next to the event calendar book as PDF download. The event pages offer a quick-reservation form (tickets are not sold online) and a quick look to the next upcoming events in the sidebar. The website features a large event calendar. It was a really nice exercise in using ProcessWires very own paging and selector features. Events can be searched and filtered by type (and month), too. All with a few lines of code only. For example "Look for events that take place in the future in a specific category" $events = $pages->find("select_event_cat.title~|%=$c, template=event, date_event>=today, sort=date_event, sort=time_from, limit=6"); Besides that the website features some colorful content pages with large images, galleries, textboxes and some teaser elements. The editors of the website are able to display all facets of the Kulturhaus this way. Tech Talk: Frontend Framework is Bootstrap 4.6 ProcessWire Modules used on this one are: - WireMail: SMTP (https://processwire.com/modules/wire-mail-smtp/) - SEO Maestro (https://processwire.com/modules/seo-maestro/) - All in one minify for asses (https://processwire.com/modules/all-in-one-minify/) - PageImageSource for webp image srcsets (https://processwire.com/modules/pageimage-source/) - JkPublishPages is used for time-controlled publishing of the blog posts. Please check out this module! Thanks @Juergen - @bernhards great RockFrontend was also used. In this particular project only the autorefresh feature (because this module was brandnew back then and development of the page was almost done). But even "only" using autorefresh makes it worth using it! Please have a look:
    1 point
  22. You can edit your first/original post and change the title. Add [SOLVED] at the beginning and you are done. That's our "Mark as solution" button here.
    1 point
  23. New Dynamic Selects Here is a preview of the upcoming update to Dynamic Selects (version 008). It is still early days and I don't currently have an ETA. This upgrade redefines the 'select' in Dynamic Selects. You are no longer tied to this <select></select>. This upgrade will give developers control over how they would like to have their Dynamic Selects rendered both in the Inputfield and in the frontend. This is possible thanks to htmx and ProcessWire's TemplateFile class. These allow for partial rendering of templates generated server-side. For each Dynamic Selects data type (Page, Template, User, Field), there will be a default partial templates which receive an object of that data type. For instance, a Dynamic Select that wants to render children of a selected page will receive the PageArray containing those children at their partial template. Developers wanting total control of any partial template will only need to duplicate a partial template and save this to a designated folder under /site (similar to Padloper) and customise that as they wish. This opens up a myriad possibilities. Your markup, your way. You want to render a HTML table, fine. An accordion? Fine. A photo gallery? Why not! The above also means all ProcessWire fields, including custom ones will be supported. This is because the partial template will receive the relevant object. With custom partial templates, this leads to endless possibilities. Repeaters, complex fields, any field. You could even combine this with Padloper to allow your customers to search for or preview products in very creative ways. Because these new version uses template partials, it means you can employ access controls in any part of the Dynamic Selects , for instance, show different fields or markup depending on user's location or if logged in, etc. Using the power of htmx, it also means you can output markup to different places simultaneously (Out of Band Swaps). @999design, this could cover your need in your post above about triggering more than 1 select.
    1 point
  24. Hi zyON, I think the problem is that the used fonts don't contain your portuguese characters. Can you try to change your WirePDF settings: Mode: "s" instead of "c" Font: "DejaVuSans" See this post for more information: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3008-pages2pdf/page-6#entry96263 If this does not work, you'd probably need to add a font that supports your character set by yourself to mPDF.
    1 point
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