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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/2018 in all areas

  1. ProcessWire API Visual Studio Code Snippets Here is a Gist of all (?) ProcessWire public API snippets for VSC. This is generated from the ProcessWire Cheatsheet. Some stuff needed manual cleanup. I also removed the stuff from the selectors section. I could have missed something, please let me know. Please note this is a complete, well-formed JSON file. If you need to copy to your existing VSC snippets file (most likely your php.json), remember to remove the top and bottom outermost curly braces. One great thing about VSC is that it doesn't care much about typos; fuzzy search will find what you meant to type. E.g., 'cnf' will match 'config'. Maybe the JSON file is too long, I don't know, but sometimes the snippets' descriptions don't show up. The snippets are for use in a template file (i.e., no auto $this->), but you can still use it in a module and/or modify it to suit such needs. Hope you find it useful :-). Demo
    3 points
  2. Ok, I officially hate Safari more than I already thought I did ? I have fixed a whole range of issues I had never noticed previously (mainly because I rarely use it). Detailing here in case they are useful for your development in general. 1) You can't resize panels smaller than their initial size on page load I did however fix the internals of the Console not expanding to match a larger panel if you size larger. The issue is that Webkit browsers will not let you use the CSS "resize" property to resize an element to make it smaller, only larger (in both dimensions): https://css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/r/resize/ Man it took me a long time to figure out why that wasn't working - I thought there was some min-height / min-width type thing going on that was only affecting Safari. Thank goodness Chrome no longer uses the Webkit engine! 2) Safari doesn't play nicely with position: fixed when elements are outside document.body The Tracy core adds its elements to document.documentElement so the only way I could figure around this was to move the Console panel to document.body when clicking the new fullscreen toggle and then back again when restoring to the panel size. This was also really difficult to track down and I never found any reference to this issue online anywhere - fun times ? Because the parent element is changed, I had to change the parent element of several css selectors. I can't find anything broken as a result, but please keep an eye out and let me know if you see anything amiss. 3) Fix missing inner scrollbar in code editor pane This one looks to be a long standing Ace Editor bug, but someone else figured out a simple workaround: https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/issues/2872 4) Fixed some keyboard shortcut bugs due to missing e.preventDefault() Please let me know if you find any other issues like this Anyway, I think I am done with Safari tweaks for now. I am not sure how many of you are even using it for regular development so I don't want to put too much more time into it, but please do let me know if you find anything I missed.
    3 points
  3. One more quick update. In addition to the existing shortcut keys for toggling the size of the code and results panes in the Console panel, I have added a new one: CTRL + SHFT + → Which resizes the code pane to the height of all the lines of code:
    2 points
  4. As far as I can see, they can migrate ANYTHING to WordPress, probably one's old Z80 and/or MOS6510 code too ?
    2 points
  5. @kongondo thanks so much for your quick response. Newish to the forums, but been a processwire devoted user for YEARS! Excited to see what this module can do.
    2 points
  6. My incomplete translation, colleagues, please, connect! russian-wire.zip
    2 points
  7. There's lots of tooling and services available for po/mo files though. People might not want to translate things manually if there are ways to outsource or automate that task. So not needing to touch the JSON files is not necessarily an advantage.
    2 points
  8. Hi, With the introduction of GDPR regulations, many of our clients with "webuser" systems we've developed need a way to email users that haven't logged-in in a while (18 months seems to be the standard) to ask them if they still want their user account. For most of the systems we've developed, we've added a field to the user template which records the time when the user logs in, so we'll be able to develop this functionality. It got me thinking, would this be a welcome addition to the core, accessed in a similar way to created/modified dates e.g. $user->lastlogin? Were it to be implemented, it would be useful to be able to 'silently login' if using $session->login($username, $pass) or $session->forceLogin($username), in the same way you can bypass save hooks by passing in an option to $pages->save(). Cheers, Chris - NB Communication
    1 point
  9. Let's guess ... how much could they be earning with this service? https://profprojects.com/migrate-processwire-to-wordpress/
    1 point
  10. I had to handle this kind of validation in my AddImageUrls module, so the code there might be useful for anyone else needing to do the same: https://github.com/Toutouwai/AddImageUrls/blob/f67ebe9729fc54d629fe939be2f9d3e9c7f68c16/AddImageUrls.module#L118-L170
    1 point
  11. You can achieve loads of different scrolling effects with a library like http://scrollmagic.io/ Example similar to what you are describing: http://scrollmagic.io/examples/basic/section_wipes_natural.html
    1 point
  12. Yeah, pretty sure you're right. Here's an old discussion about it in case you want to read some of Ryan's thoughts on the matter: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/1122
    1 point
  13. I don't think any of the image field settings are honoured by $pageimages->add(). Not "valid file extensions", not "maximum files allowed", not min/max width/height, etc. It's a shame as it means you have to do a lot of manual validation if using add().
    1 point
  14. @Pixrael you should remove the link to that SC*M/SP*M site. Or do you want to support that kind of business? ?
    1 point
  15. Are you kidding? ? Thanks a million, btw!
    1 point
  16. Use two divs with different z-index on top of each other. Or use a parent div with postition relative and the child div with position absolute. You can use many different ways to get the effect e.g. viewport, scrollspy, jquery, etc.
    1 point
  17. I have done both over the last 18 years or so. I think I'll try and do some kind of feature matrix and a bit of a write up on my experiences of going into Processwire so far in trying to achieve these things in Processwire.
    1 point
  18. Thanks to @matjazp, I've just pushed 1.0.6 which allows you to include the destination country ISO in the output if needed.
    1 point
  19. Check this post from Ryan:
    1 point
  20. Thanks for the quick answer! (I am impressed of the processwire api and the community support)
    1 point
  21. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/19539-rockgrid-powerful-performant-and-beautiful-data-listing-tool/ Looks like it's only on Gitlab at the moment - not in the modules directory yet.
    1 point
  22. Hello, this line would only get one item. $items = $pages->get("template=portal-files")->portal_bestanden; may be with this would work $items = $pages->find("template=portal-files"); foreach($items as $item){ foreach($item->portal_bestanden as $document){ echo $document->name; } }
    1 point
  23. But that doesn't help much with inline Videos which are put somewhere, whereever in whatever textarea? Unless in combination with Hanna Code ... ! Btw. I made this module to be able to adjust some youtube embed options (my very first module btw.) ... https://github.com/blynx/TextformatterVideoEmbedOptions Not super useful - but for now it works in my project. I am thinking about how to make this thing actually useful considering real use cases. edit: I already found some stupid elementary glitches in my module I will fix soon. And also as an reply to below: But what about many different videos pasted into one single articel‽ : )
    1 point
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