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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2018 in all areas

  1. Hey guys. Fresh off the oven. We're still polishing a bit, but went live anyway: https://inovtex.com/ Sorry this one is in Portuguese only, so you'll probably need the old google translate for it.
    9 points
  2. Add the following to the top of /site/templates/admin.php if($user->hasRole('some_role')) { // Replace 'some_role' with the role you want to customise the page list for $wire->addHookAfter('FieldtypePageTitle::wakeupValue', function(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); // Should be able to match 'Pages' page by ID if($page->id === 3) { // Change 'Pages' to 'Streams' $event->return = 'Streams'; } }); $wire->addHookBefore('ProcessPageList::execute', function(HookEvent $event) { $ppl = $event->object; // Start ProcessPageList from a particular parent page $ppl->id = 1234; // The ID of the 'Streams' page }); } If you are already logged in as this role, log out and then log in again to clear the cached top-level menu.
    4 points
  3. You can create a separate template for the ajax page (a single page URL, that is called for all ajax requests) and check both to be disabled, prepend and append files in the template settings. Under templates / files: deactivate auto prepend of _main.php
    4 points
  4. Having built a number of complex projects with tens or hundreds of thousands of pages with ProcessWire, I can say for sure that ProcessWire works very well for all sizes of projects. That being said, it seems to me that your current use case does indeed differ quite a bit from how ProcessWire works right out of the box, and in that case it shouldn't be such a huge surprise that in order to get exactly the result you want, you'll need to modify the system in one way or the other. My point is that it's simply not feasible to add settings for every single use case one might face – and since we're talking about a system such as ProcessWire that already provides a ton of hooks that allow you to modify its behaviour programmatically, there's really no need to do that either. Im not trying to deny that what you've suggested here makes sense, at least in your context, but that's still just one of the million use cases for ProcessWire. Some things to consider: As others have explained above, in ProcessWire "admin pages" are Process modules. Creating a new Process module is surprisingly simple, so rather than customizing the Page tree I'd really suggest that you give them a try and then consider hiding the Page list for roles that don't need to see it. Like LostKobrakai pointed out above, depending on your permission related needs you might be able to get by with one of the third party modules already available – in your case I'd suggest checking out Dynamic Roles and UserGroups. You've mentioned that Page list should be paginated, and it already is. By default pagination is set to display 50 child pages (I think) before paginating the rest. This setting can be tweaked via ProcessPageList module settings. If you have any specific questions, please let us know – we're always happy to help. That being said, if you're going to expect for the system to cater for every possible use case right out of the box, you're definitely going to be disappointed. Just like you'd be with any other CMS, for that matter
    3 points
  5. You're mixing up routing and $pages->get($path), which are totally unrelated. The Pages class is using the PageFinder to retrieve pages from the database. In no way is that operation concerned with url segments or any routing operations. Url segments are resolved as part of the ProcessPageView module, which is doing the initial matching of request url to an actual page in the database.
    3 points
  6. Just released an update on GitHub: -Added support for repeaters using the new InputfieldPage::renderReadyHook method (Will fall back to hooking into render if using on an older version of PW) -Specifying processes is no longer required (I'm not sure why I limited the modules use to just specific admin pages before, but there may have been a reason. Let me know if you see any problems with this) I looked into the possibility of making the modal optional, but it's not such a simple task with the way the JS is currently structured. I would like to do some refactoring, but not sure if/when I'll have the time.
    3 points
  7. Perhaps the following could have helped? Google -> site:processwire.com/blog/ "Link abstraction" Admin > Setup > Fields > Edit Field: body Details (tab) -> Markup/HTML (Content Type) -> HTML Options -> Link abstraction: Update href attributes automatically when internal links change
    3 points
  8. @Peter Knight this issue is known and fixed in the next version. The cause is that the ProcessModule try to load the log file but the file does not exist (the file is created on the first backup).
    3 points
  9. Php version issue. Google for the first 5 words of your post and you will see.
    3 points
  10. I'm afraid I'm not able to understand your scenario any better than the last time you raised it, but I think you might be asking about how to send data from PHP to Javascript. If your Javascript will run in the back-end then you can use the ProcessWire.config object via $config->js(). In your PHP... $config->js('my_data', [ 'noun' => 'dog', 'verb' => 'barking', ]); In your Javascript... alert('The ' + ProcessWire.config.my_data.noun + ' is ' + ProcessWire.config.my_data.verb); If your Javascript will run in the front-end then you can do this in your template file... <?php $my_data = [ 'noun' => 'dog', 'verb' => 'barking', ]; ?> <script> // Create Javascript object var my_data = <?= json_encode($my_data) ?>; </script> ...and later in your Javascript... alert('The ' + my_data.noun + ' is ' + my_data.verb);
    3 points
  11. Let me know if you need help .
    3 points
  12. You shouldn't need to create that file - it is part of every core site profile and should already exist. If it doesn't then you must have deleted it at some point, which is likely the cause of the issues you mention. You could try creating a new admin.php based on the file here. The hooks I mentioned have nothing to do with AJAX, and I can't reproduce any problem here. Incidentally, PW does not include any AJAX notifications by default. Maybe you installed the System Notifications module - if so, I don't use that module and I don't know anything about it apart from that it gave me a bunch of problems years ago when I tried it. Off topic, but frankly I think that a module that is clearly beta and labelled "currently in development"... ...has no business being in the PW stable core. It should be in dev branch only, or better yet a module outside the core. That is a method of the base Fieldtype class that all fieldtypes extend.
    2 points
  13. you can also just return $this->halt() at the end of your ajax template... (similar to exit as @kongondo posted but possibly a tad more elegant ( https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.8-brings-new-version-of-reno-admin-theme-and-more/#new-this-gt-halt-method-for-use-in-template-files )
    2 points
  14. You're dismissing the page-tree, which really is the primary tool for getting to visible/editable content in processwire from the start, but then wonder why it's so difficult to add functionality for editing content elsewhere because you just removed most of what was already there. That's a strange conclusion to draw. Setting up custom pages for sections of your page can be done with process modules as you've already gathered. People have been using custom page-trees or custom listers (lister pro if you don't want to get your hands dirty). The best example here is the core itself, where the listing of users is a custom process module, which handles all the additional needs for managing users and it's still just using the basic core lister module beneath. To automate the process of creating any of these as actual pages in the admin tree I'd use something like this: There is no such thing as "permissions for a page" in processwire. Permissions are granted to templates, which is why editing permissions makes most sense in the template edit section.
    2 points
  15. Maybe you want to clarify a few things here: You're talking about an iframe. What's the page holding the iframe and what the page within the iframe? What's the javascript you're trying to execute and where in the iframe story does it belong?
    2 points
  16. Maybe deleting everything inside site/assets/cache/ would also do no harm
    2 points
  17. @ethanbeyer As I mentioned above, I have a custom dashboard process module with links to the areas that members are allowed to view/edit. One is the edit page for their profile at /access/users/edit/?id=xxxx. I then redirect them to the dashboard upon login through a hook so they never see the page tree. $this->addHookBefore('ProcessHome::execute', $this, 'rootPage'); /** * Redirect users with custom role to another page after login */ public function rootPage(HookEvent $event) { if($this->config->ajax) return; // this is needed so that ajax background tasks still work $user = $this->user; if($user->isSuperuser() || !$user->hasRole('member')) return; if($user->hasRole('member')) { $url = $user->statusPageUrl; // custom property added via hook that returns the dashboard URL } $this->session->redirect($url); } I also have a hook that prevents them from viewing the page tree (and other pages, if required). $this->addHookAfter('Page::viewable', $this, 'viewable'); /** * Give only superusers access to certain pages */ public function viewable(HookEvent $event) { if($this->config->ajax) return; // this is needed so that ajax background tasks still work $page = $event->object; if($this->user->isSuperuser() || $page->template != 'admin') return; $denyPages = array(3); // 3=page list if (in_array($page->id, $denyPages)) { $this->session->redirect($this->user->statusPageUrl); } } I then deactivated Breadcrumbs for the member users so they don't see what else would be available. The whole logic sits on top of a custom admin theme which is based on Reno theme. But I think this is not necessary at all. It just made it easier to remove the main navigation and other stuff that I didn't need. With all that in place the members can now only see what they need to. And I can use the dashboard to render some summary information about their profile etc. This was quite some work to setup but in the end it seemed more feasible to go that route rather than trying to change the core profile edit page functionalities. But I still can't see the security benefits that come through the current restrictions in the profile edit page. If that page allows users to change their password why not allow them to change other information? EDIT: Setting up a custom dashboard process module actually isn't that hard and can be fun @bernhard wrote a great tutorial about it.
    2 points
  18. HI @Jim Bailie. Welcome to ProcessWire and the forums. I don't quite understand the question. ProcessWire does not output anything in the frontend unless you tell it to. Maybe if you could expound a little bit on your question? Otherwise, it's as simple as: if('your condition here') { // do this } else { // do that } As for Ajax..just to elaborate on @elabx's answer if($config->ajax) { // ajax request sent; output ajaxy response stuff and exit; $data = array('foo', 'bar'); header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($data); exit;// or use PW halt() if it suits your needs } // echo normal non-ajax stuff
    2 points
  19. I would adapt the local server to be as much equal as the production server, if possible.
    2 points
  20. I figured it out, hopefully this might be useful to others as well: // Remove current thumbnail first. $currentThumb = $page->image_thumb->first(); $page->image_thumb->delete($currentThumb); // Get the image we want to copy. $original = $page->image_front; $file = $original->getFile($original); // Clone that image and append it to the image_thumb field. $new = $original->clone($file, array('action' => 'append', 'pagefiles' => $page->image_thumb)); $page->save(); I noticed that this does not work if the filename of the file you are trying to clone ends with -0 (e.g. myfile-0.jpg). I think that is a bug which I'll post to GitHub.
    2 points
  21. So I decided to wade into module development and created a wrapper module around ImageOptim, a service that compresses and optimizes images in the cloud. ImageOptim currently handles JPG, PNG and GIF files and, depending on the settings you use, shaves off between 15% and 60% in filesize. Great for bandwidth and great for users, especially on mobile. This module handles the part of uploading images to ImageOptim via their official API, downloading the optimized version and storing it alongside the original image. Download & Info GitHub / Module directory / Readme / Usage Why ImageOptim? There are other image optimization services out there, some of them free, that have outstanding ProcessWire modules. A few things make ImageOptim the best tool for most of my customers: It's not free, i.e. it will probably be around for a while and offers support. However, it's cheaper than some of the bigger competitors like Cloudinary. And it does PNG compression better than any of the free services out there, especially those with alpha channels. Installation Install the module like any other ProcessWire module, by either copying the folder into your modules folder or installing it via the admin. See above for downloads links on GitHub and in the module directory. Requirements To be able to upload images to the service, allow_url_fopen must be set on the server. The module will abort installation if that's not the case. I have only tested the module on ProcessWire 3.x installations. I don't see why it shouldn't work in 2.x, if anyone wants to try it out and report back. ImageOptim account To compress images, you first need to sign up for an ImageOptim account. They offer free trials to try the service. Usage (manual optimization) Images can be optimized by calling the optimize() method on any image. You can pass an options array to set ImageOptim API parameters. $image->size(800,600)->optimize()->url $image->optimize(['quality' => 'low', 'dpr' => 2]) // Set quality to low and enable hi-dpi mode Automatic optimization The module also has an automatic mode that optimizes all image variations after resizing. This is the recommended way to use this module since it leaves the original image uncompressed, but optimizes all derivative images. $image->size(800,600)->url // nothing to do here; image is optimized automatically To change compression setting for single images, you can pass an options array along with the standard ImageResizer options. Passing false disables optimization. $image->size(800, 600, ['optimize' => 'medium']) $image->size(800, 600, ['optimize' => ['quality' => 'low', 'dpr' => 2]]) $image->size(800, 600, ['optimize' => false]) For detailed usage instructions and all API parameters, see the usage instructions on GitHub. Filenames Optimized images will be suffixed, e.g. image.jpg becomes image.optim.jpg. You can configure the suffix in the module settings. Roadmap Asynchronous processing. Not really high on the list. Image variations need to be created anyway, so waiting a few seconds longer on first load is preferable to adding complexity to achieve async optimization. Optimize image variations created by other modules. CroppableImage comes to mind. I don't use any of these, so if somebody wants to help out and submit a pull request — all for it! Add a dedicated page in the setup menu with a dashboard and detailed statistics. ImageOptim's API is very barebones for now, so not sure if that's feasible or even necessary. Stability I've been using this module on production sites for some time now, without hiccups. If you do notice oddities, feel free to comment here or investigate and submit PRs.
    1 point
  22. Hey! We use Processwire in for Blue World Content Section and did some fancy SVG Primitive lazyloading for our images. How do you like it: https://www.blue-tomato.com/blue-world/ We also wrote an article about how we did it: https://dev.to/btdev/hey-user-you-already-see-me11---svg-based-image-lazyloading-as-a-matter-of-enjoyable-ux-1de9
    1 point
  23. It's true that UI preferences played a part in my not liking the System Notifications module, but I'm sure I struck some problems also. Some forum topics indicate that others have too. Overall it seems like a module that was released partly finished with the intention of being completed (or at least further developed) but that went off the boil and it somehow ended up in the stable core despite its "under development" status.
    1 point
  24. Aha, that makes sense. For now I'll make a note the field should be entered in uppercase, then I'll use strtoupper() when building my selector. Thanks!
    1 point
  25. The selectors documentation is focused on PageFinder operations that query the database - $pages->find(), $page->children(), etc. When you use find() on a Repeater field value you are searching a PageArray in memory and the database is not involved, so that is probably the reason for the difference. You could use a different operator like ~= or %= for a case-insensitive search. It would be good if the selectors documentation had more information about the differences between selectors used in PageFinder::find() vs WireArray::find().
    1 point
  26. Try this in /site/ready.php... $wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldPage::getSelectablePages', function($event) { if($event->object->hasField == 'your_page_reference_field_name') { $page = $event->arguments('page'); if($page instanceof RepeaterPage) $page = $page->getForPage(); $event->return = $page->variants; } });
    1 point
  27. I think you're looking for something along these lines: $data = file_get_contents('php://input'); See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8945879/how-to-get-body-of-a-post-in-php for more details. And no, to my best understanding this is not something that $input API var handles
    1 point
  28. yep, and if you are doing any custom routing, you can write your own function to get the real page, my theme engine module includes a getVirtualPage() method that can find real pages based on conditions of the segment(s), which templates exist at each segment level, using name matching combined with template; this doesnt help if you are rendering real virtual pages like tag, category or archive filters, or feeds etc. /** * Given an array of expected templates used at each segment index, return the page we are on * @param array $segmentTpls [plain array of template names used for segments] * @return [Page] */ public function getVirtualPage(array $segmentTpls) { $pages = wire('pages'); $sanitizer = wire('sanitizer'); $input = wire('input'); $maxSegs = count($segmentTpls); $segsCount = count($input->urlSegments); if($segsCount > $maxSegs) return false; if($segsCount) { $lastSeg = $input->urlSegments[$segsCount]; $segPlate = $segmentTpls[$segsCount - 1]; $pageName = $sanitizer->pageName($lastSeg); $vPage = $pages->get("template=$segPlate, name=$pageName"); return $vPage; } }
    1 point
  29. This question does not really matter, as there just are no page level permission in processwire and propably never will be. ProcessWire is build around template level permissions reaching deep into quite a bit of core functionality and page-level permissions are not really a requirement for a simple cms anyways (we're not talking enterprice grade). Though there are actually quite a few 3rd party modules to make access management more granular in various ways.
    1 point
  30. Perhaps you can find some inspiration / ideas from https://github.com/tutsplus/how-to-create-an-ajax-driven-theme-for-processwire
    1 point
  31. What about serving the data in an endpoint? Like, not actually write it to a file but have a json response in an endpoint and asynchronously request for that and have your scripts just respond to that.
    1 point
  32. I'd support @Robin S solution. Generating JS is something I would avoid at all cost if there's a way to have a fixed js just comsume changes from a plain datastructure.
    1 point
  33. I'm getting the error below The mention of filesize is odd because this site is a 1 page holding page with 4 medium images. Other than that it's the usual 3.0.96 files. This is on a server which I don't have complete control over. Otherwise I'd get you better server info.
    1 point
  34. I guess I just solved this myself. I needed to use get instead of find in the: $removeParticipant = $eventPage->eventParticipant->find("eventParticipant_deletekey=".$removeKey); Or possibly use the include=hidden. Oh well. It works.
    1 point
  35. Maybe it's a permission issue in the repeater matrix template used by the repeater matrix field?? Though makes me wonder why it works on Text type because that one uses the same template as the other types.
    1 point
  36. This message just to let people knowing that Google Invisible ReCaptcha is implemented and can be used in your form by checking the right feature in the module's options without modifying any code line. Now your beautiful formular design won't "break"
    1 point
  37. I don't know technical details but I think browsers cache this redirections somehow. Try it with a different browser, try writing http:// manually to the url, try adding ?v=1 to your url (with http:// of course)
    1 point
  38. hi @flydev I didn't follow the whole thread. Maybe you want to have a look at https://doc.nette.org/en/2.4/finder and https://doc.nette.org/en/2.4/filesystem; Maybe this makes things easier You could also have a look at Soma's online installer: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/somatonic/PWOnlineInstaller/master/grabpw.php (this is in use for a long time and should be tested on all systems).
    1 point
  39. Hi @Robin S, Thanks for the quick help. I love processwire and did a few sites with it. Need an advanced profile to look on code and learn!
    1 point
  40. Welcome to the forums @redpanda Community member @dadish kindly released a PW3-compatible version of the Skyscrapers profile here: https://github.com/dadish/pw-skyscrapers-profile
    1 point
  41. JavaScript, CSS and $this->wire('files')->render('your-file') in Runtime Markup code setting . 'your'file' has the PHP. See video demo below. Works on the fly, no need to save first + shows what's already saved. I do . See video demo. Another option is RM as suggested by @Sergio. See this quick demo. I can post the code later in RM's forum. Picture Options is a Select Options field. Options Illustration is a RuntimeMarkup Field.
    1 point
  42. @Kiwi Chris Did you try this? https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9857-module-page-field-edit-links/
    1 point
  43. Dear @horst, thanks for the valuable feedback. Indeed you mentioned a very good point. I suspect I had a slightly different than usual understanding of how to remove image variations created by modules. The current implementation uses a glob (/{page folder}/{original file basename}.*) to delete variations. I'll update the module to use the standard naming scheme — this will have its benefits especially in edge cases, e.g. images will then still get removed if the module is uninstalled or deactivated. Also good idea about having a public method removeOptimizedVariations(). That will be very easy to implement with the previous issue.
    1 point
  44. I've got a dashboard app that uses Hubspot API to pull client info for a given domain name. I can share this with you. Our usage is very vertical but it will give you some sort of a start.
    1 point
  45. Thanks, I appreciate that. While I can understand being displeased that we are no longer powered by Processwire, I don't think it's reasonable to request that I update this community every time I make a change. It is my job to try out various systems repeatedly and our site has been powered by more than one CMS (pw and wp aside). Do take this nicely but the entire reason for CMS Critic is that we are not accountable to any one CMS and that is how we maintain our integrity. It's been amazing using PW for the period for which we have but we WILL switch it up and we ARE open to change. To name a few, I've run the site on WP, PW, Serendipity and Agility CMS. Also, realize that we have been sure to promote PW heavily and continue to think it's an excellent CMS, regardless of whether we run it on our site. I think realistically, we have and continue to give back in spades. Feel free to ask questions if you wish, I'm always willing to answer.
    1 point
  46. I don't share the opinion that the installer ist the best thing possible. There could be more improvements, for example the locale setting that you mentioned. Or displaying the installer in another language. But as ProcessWire is Open Source everyone can submit ideas or fixes. If you don't speak English so well, use an online translator such as https://www.deepl.com/translator, which is the best one I know and submit your ideas to this forum or on https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests
    1 point
  47. Concerning this warning about the missing locale: Indeed one should just exactly do, what the warning says - open the given links to the Core Translation Files, look for the "C" and then enter "en_US.UTF-8" for the locale, which should be used for PHP. When you want to change this again later, you will find that under Setup -> Languages -> Language and then the "edit" link in the section "Core Translation Files". If you need German (or any other) as language - you have to add it first in Setup -> Languages using "Add New". Hope I got it all right - because so far I have exactly no experience with ProcessWire at all. This is just what I found out by looking at it (really).
    1 point
  48. Hi, A) it is not a problem that PW has. Every one with this meaning should have a closer look to the screen that you have posted to dropbox: The software is running without problems. It informs you, the superuser, about something language related, at a stage where it cannot know what you want to do with the site. B) It is not a bug, it is a warning or information to the superuser which is the admin. These sort of informations are never displayed to users, only to superuser(s). Superusers are some sort of bus drivers, right? They need to know how much fuel is available and if the tire pressure is to low or not. The other users don't need to know all that informations, they are not driving the bus. C) If you use a default english windows system, bought as a german in germany, and it has no de_locale settings, is this a bug? Or is it disrespectful, that it doesn't assume that the most clients may be germans and may want to use german language with german dates and german float numbers? I don't want to become nitpicking here. If a user has no knowledge of the nature of default PHP installations, how should he know that it is set for EN-locale and not DE? Does the hosting company welcome you in english or in german on their websites? (If they do in german, it is a clear sign for me that they assume you are a german person.) Maybe one can say that both ways have their pros and cons? If a PC-software informs you about a configuration of your system, that has potential to be not correct for your usage, it is one way that may help users with no knowledge about a special fact. But other then a hosting company in a special country, PW cannot "assume" the most used language there, PW is installed around the world. IMO, a hosting company may assume this, but also don't need to act upon it! It is like with a car dealer, he can buy you a car or ten cars, without to care if you can drive or have a driver licence. Should he do care? An example: If a person with no knowledge uses something two years long, without to get confronted with some facts that may need recognition or a decision, the person will have the same level of knowledge in this regard after the two years. If a person gets confronted with those facts and get pushed a bit to start to look behind the scenes of some things, he/she will have more knowledge after the two years. Is more knowledge usefull or obstructive? (You see, we are now on the floor called philosophy. ) As another example, take your own current situation: You don't understand exactly what this locale thing is or means. Is it a bug, is it an information, is it related to PHP, to PW, to something else? You are sitting between all chairs of your friend, a hosting company and some PW lovers. Not as comfortable as it could be. If you would have get some knowledge about that thing in the past, you simply would know all relevant facts about it on your own and you now already would have done some experiments with building your site. You already would have made your hands dirty with coding. IMHO, its PWs philosophy to force the (super)users into a bit more knowledge. But it is up to you, the superuser (or bus driver), which route you want to follow. Do you want to take the red pil or the blue pil? https://youtu.be/OuJ87X9YX3c?t=57 Maybe you know the SELFHTML project in germany? It's slogan was or is: Die Energie des Verstehens (The energy of understanding). It was my ever goto reference since I started with webstuff in 1998/1999. (Now you know the time when I decided to take the red one ) To sum up: Neither the hosting company is wrong, not to assume a default language, nor PW is. It's only my personal opinion when I said that it could be more by the hosting company to assume a default language, than it could be by PW. But neither the web host is buggy nor PW is in this regard. PS: Also, for me it is not a question which pil is yours. Only question for me is: Do you already have taken it, or are you just in the moment before it?
    1 point
  49. I wanted to store multidimensional data in the config settings of my new AdminActions module and I ended up taking the approach of hooking before saveModuleConfigData so that I could change the content of $event->arguments(1), which is the data array, before it is saved. https://github.com/adrianbj/ProcessAdminActions/blob/b3a82c308377f03c86ae4a2b8fc78e4cdc73b94e/ProcessAdminActions.module#L383-L390 I am not sure if that helps you or not, but thought I'd post just in case. PS - I feel like PW could benefit from a more standard way of storing multidimensional config data.
    1 point
  50. A couple of ways I have dealt with static file versioning in PW: 1. Use AIOM+ for your CSS and JS files. AIOM+ is sensitive to what is contained in your files though - I got an error when my CSS contained a background image path to a PHP script (for generating translucent PNGs for older browsers that don't support rgba colours). 2. A function that renames static files according to the last modified time (adapted from this article). Include somewhere before your template head is generated... function autoVer($url){ $name = explode('.', $url); $lastext = array_pop($name); array_push($name, filemtime($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$url), $lastext); $fullname = implode('.', $name); echo $fullname; } Use as follows for your CSS and JS... <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php autoVer('/site/templates/css/mystyles.css'); ?>"> <script src="<?php autoVer('/site/templates/js/myscript.js'); ?>"></script> Add to your .htaccess, after "RewriteEngine on"... # Versioned static files RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-s RewriteRule ^(.*)\.[\d]+\.(css|js)$ $1.$2 [L]
    1 point
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