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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/2016 in all areas

  1. Sure – where I work at we did exactly that, and haven't looked back since. First of all, it's important to understand that at it's core ProcessWire is a (web) application framework. We prefer to call it a content management framework, but that's not very far from what most web applications do: they store, process, and output content. The way I see it, the main difference to so-called traditional frameworks is that modelling and handling data is a built-in feature, not something you have to reinvent on a case-by-case basis. I have rebuilt a couple of old projects from the scratch using ProcessWire, and in all of those cases this has saved me a lot of time and made most of the model layer obsolete. Before we started using ProcessWire we were doing sites with another CMS and custom applications with Zend Framework. At the beginning I had this idea that we would use ZF for "apps" and ProcessWire for "sites", but in just a few short months we realised that there just wasn't anything we could achieve with ZF that couldn't be done, usually with less work, with ProcessWire. Sure, sometimes we pull other libraries into the mix, but that's not a shortcoming; in my opinion it's just good design Regarding some of the things that have been mentioned here: One thing I was originally missing from Zend Framework was a clearly defined structure. Built-in "one file per template" concept is great for simple sites, but that's just about it. This is why I built the original version of my MVC project. It's not perfect, but it has served us well for years. To get most out of ProcessWire you really should be using it's data modelling abilities. Sure, you can still mock up your own data structures and write SQL to fetch content from the database etc. but that's kind of missing the point: ProcessWire makes data modelling a breeze and the selector engine is both flexible and secure. Some users prefer to build custom management panels, but in my opinion that's another thing you should try to avoid. ProcessWire's admin GUI is flexible and extendable (see Process modules), and again: in most moderately sized projects it can easily save you days of work. For routing you can use page URLs, but I'd also suggest looking into URL segments. For me, coming from the world of Zend Framework, templates are a lot like controllers and URL segments make it easy to implement the concept of actions Try not to invent your own access management system. ProcessWire has a very good implementation of RBAC already in place, and if you need more flexibility, I'd suggest looking into modules such as Dynamic Roles and/or User Groups. Rolling out your own solution is risky, tends to cost a lot, and just generally speaking is a very bad idea. Form validation has been mentioned twice here already. I don't have much insight into this, except that in the beginning we used to build forms using Zend Form, which has it's own validation built-in. That was always a bit tricky (not because of ProcessWire), and these days we use Form Builder for pretty much every form-related need. Sure, it's a commercial module, but it has saved us so much time that the price is absolutely not an issue. In my opinion the answer to your original question is yes and no: ProcessWire can't substitute an application framework because it is an application framework
    12 points
  2. Innobloom Fast multilanguage site that features lazy loading assets, custom forms and a little bit of parallax. It features about all the goodness I gathered in the past year or two about ProcessWire and web development in general. We were trying to achieve a high google page speed score. That's why we added ProCache, though at first I was a bit sceptic whether it could improve anything as I had my own ways to speed things up: Using srcset and bgset for images with lazy loading (lazyload.js). To achieve this, I created my own functions to render the markup, and it has been released as MarkupSrcSet module later. Lazy loading JavaScripts. This is a technique I used frequently recently: adding a tiny inline "loader script" to the page which loads all the other required js files in order. In certain cases some CSS files are also loaded by JavaScript, mostly for plugins that don't have immediate visual impact. This eliminates render blocking scripts/stylesheet issue. Vanilla JavaScript. I try to use jQuery only if it's absolutely required, for example when having to use a plugin that has no plain JavaScript alternative. Most things can be easily achieved with no framework and the number of dependency-free plugins are also increasing. Often it requires only a few lines to get the required feature. For example the parallax effect on the top is only a few lines. Latte template engine. This is mainly for making development and templating easier, but also caches pages. This was one of the projects where I tested my newborn TemplateLatteReplace module which was released recently. Forms: NetteFormsHelper. This is a form module that uses Nette Forms. In this project I added useful features to it like character counter, date picker, notice when leaving the page with unsubmitted form data, autocomplete inputs, honeypot field and textarea autosizing. All these features uses plain JavaScript and assets are lazy loaded (and only when they are used on the page). All these add up to a lightweight but very powerful form module. No more frustration when having to add a form - apart from those days when I figure out to implement a new feature Keeping CSS as small as possible and adding it to the head. I used Susy here and the site's CSS is about 24 kbytes. To achieve such a small size I didn't use any framework. Imho using no CSS framework is better on the long run, at least in projects like this. I know that CSS is not cacheable this way but as long as there's no non-hacky way of loading CSS async and without FOUC it's fine for me. The usual .htaccess speed improvements, including ProCache additions ProCache Without ProCache we could achieve about 92-96 page speed scores. While it was pretty good (partly because of Latte) it was still not he score we wanted to see. Then ProCache was activated and boom! - 98/98. In fact this could be considered as 100/100 because there's only Google Tag Manager and Analytics scripts that reduced the score, and being remote assets we have no control over it. Modules The site is running on PW3. Notable modules used: ProCache MarkupSEO ProField Matrix Repeater (new favorite) Tracy Debugger Multivalue Textformatter Batch Child Editor (mostly for deleting test form submissions) Let's Encrypt HTTPS is achieved using Let's Encrypt. In fact this wasn't available on the host provider but after our inquiry they developed a cPanel module for it. We really appreciated their flexibility and open-mindedness. Templates There's only three template files on the site, and two of them are identical as they share the same fieldgroup. The basic-page template decides which page is the current, and adds additional variables/forms that are passed to the view file. I'm pretty happy with this site. It's fast, snappy and easy to maintain. As for the latter, Matrix Repeater does a nice job on allowing adding content blocks to the page on which the developer have full control - no more CKEditor WYS-is-for-sure-not-WYG madness! And the conclusion is: don't waste time to over-optimize a site. Reaching a reasonable speed is good enough, further optimizations will only make maintenance more and more harder (not to mention the frustration it causes). Anyway, it's useful having a project like this to get familiar with the current speed improvement techniques. https://innobloom.com/
    10 points
  3. They have moved to GrumpyWire and some to ProcessGrumpy because here at PW-Forums are to many friendly and helpful people for them.
    6 points
  4. @mikeuk Don't worry you are doing fine, don't take anything too seriously. We're all friends here and occasionally like to hit each other with the zen stick, but it's always friendly. The demo site is filling multiple shoes. Sometimes people ask where they can take a look at a Pro module, in which case I'll install it on that demo site since it's already all setup with guest admin logins and such. But LostKobrakai is right that ProCache is disabled as soon as you are logged in, so it's really only there as a demo of the configuration screen. Though admittedly, I do like having it installed there just because for whatever reason people like to scrape that entire site regularly, so ProCache lets them do it more quickly, without consuming too much server resources. I suppose that doesn't matter much now that we're on this new server which has a ton more resources than before.
    5 points
  5. I've just run some tests using HTTPS/2 and added the results and more information in an article here: http://benbyford.com/articles/https-2-for-web-designers/
    4 points
  6. Agreed that we don't really need the wiki that much. Still, I'd suggest rerouting the queries there to some other location on the site. Having an empty directory listing there looks a bit weird
    4 points
  7. All the language sites should now be up too. i.e. de.processwire.com and so on. wiki.processwire.com didn't survive the server change. Somehow its database had grown to multiple gigabytes, and it appears that it may have been hacked or something. I've lost trust in MediaWiki for our use. Since everything on there is pretty well out of date at this point, we opted not to copy that over to the new server. We could spend days trying to figure out why a small wiki had a 3.5 gigabyte database, so I figured we were better off without it.
    4 points
  8. As a fast and intermediate solution, maybe a small link list with our other, up to date Sections? https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/ https://processwire.com/talk/forum/13-tutorials/ https://processwire.com/docs/ https://processwire.com/blog/ ... (I must admit that I never was on the wiki.)
    3 points
  9. All good. Did that many times in another place where I was supposed to be one of the responsible ones. Didn't always get the friendly part right though. Yes, this makes sense. I don't think all new users are super rational though. No problem. I did think it might be a joke. You have a very cool alphabet so I can forgive you Ha 3dopovia (i don't know all the letters - Na Zdrovia) That's what I think a lot of newcomers might think also. About xampp, it's always slow. but there was once a memory tweak or something like that that made a difference. I'd need to find it again, if it even still is relavant. Yes Ryan seems like one of those people that's too nice and too helpful Where are all the grumpy people?
    3 points
  10. Based on own experience as well as observing some topics on here, I would say "yes, but...". The "but" is that certain things need to be done differently, and other things need to be thought about: Code Where will the code that handles the app's business logic be stored and how will it be structured? Bespoke PW modules or use template files? Data The data that you will be storing - what does it looks like? How will it get from the source into the database? What output or reporting requirements are there? URLs Have one or two main entry points and call your custom code? Or have a new Page for most/all URLs. Automatic page name generation Every page has to have a name, and if many pages will be created using the API what is the naming scheme? Re-use admin vs creating custom front-end There's been some talk about this very recently, and the route chosen may depend on: who your audience is, what level of branding is required, and what functionality is available to who. Having said that a lot of the stuff you need from an app framework is already there. Sessions, Users/Permissions, the data layer, output, templating, and other things I can't remember. One thing I've found missing is a robust generic form validation library. I don't like the config format of valitron, so currently using a slightly modified simple-validator. At my company, we've built various SaaS apps and CMSs over the years using CodeIgniter. More recently though, we have used PW where CI may have previously been chosen. Perhaps an interesting example is a recent project where we used only the PW back-end. The branding was changed a bit, but there was no front-end at all. The main function of the app was to generate an HTML5 product showcase/catalogue/datasheet browser, for use on tablets (built with Backbone JS and JSON datasource). The PW admin was perfect for users managing the data. We built a bespoke Process module for the back-end that allowed users to preview and download the HTML5 app.
    3 points
  11. I think you got it right. What PW does is quite simple, you're probably just having trouble to accept that this is so different from what you are used to with Drupal. PW is actually a Framework in its essence, the CMS is just a nice extra that was built exactly with the tools that the framework offers. Resuming, you can and should use the CMS to build your sites, because it makes your life and especially your clients life easier, but what you are using is actually the framework and its' API. Because the main goal of PW is to let you built your templates without interfering, you are also quite right that it feels like building static templates. This is of course just a feeling — in reality PW injects a set of objects, and also includes some helpful files in your templates — but the truth is that you almost don't feel its interference because nothing is outputted, so you could even output only static content if you wanted. By the way, welcome to the forum, I think you will have a good time here with us
    3 points
  12. Fantastic writeup and insight into the development process and the speed gains from Latte and Procache! Just one quick comment - the image in the banner is suffering from some JPEG pixilation around the person. Weird thing is that photo is actually of where I am currently hiking/climbing
    2 points
  13. Just switched back to ST coming from Atom (so nice, but so slow). ⌘ + P = Go to anything.
    2 points
  14. Hi, I think your question has already been answered in a different topic here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/11955-page-field-based-on-parent/ As suggested there, you might even want to use the AJAX way by using the custom selector (instead of custom PHP). In your case that should be something like: parent=page.project_research_field_selector I hope this helps.
    2 points
  15. It seems that there are too many little thing changed from v3 which prevents certain features to work on PW v2, at least this is the case with 2.6. There are also some features that are missing from v2 that this module tries to modify, e.g long click duration. I could breathe life into most of the submodules with little changes but I tend to support v3 only. There's a Hungarian saying "who looks backwards goes ass front to the future" and I believe in it There are some unpublished updates to the module, eg fixed CKEditor toolbar and page preview link next to title. And also there are some bugs still awaiting to eliminate so I'll keep it in the shadows for a while
    2 points
  16. Sometimes my choice of words might not be the best one, sorry for that. I am Russian-speaking most of the times, so please forgive me. I was trying to sound rather jokingly (this very phrase is partly translated with Google translate, so might not be quite what I was really intended to say either ). I have to say that paid modules in demos are something that turns me off too. We, the free open source users do not like commercial modules being pushed at us for sure! And I remember having a doubt about PW being "blazingly fast" exactly in the same context. Damn, It is still pretty slow on my Windows Xampp. But I like it on the live servers without any cache at all most of the times. P.S. And you are lucky! Ryan himself is here on Tuesday!
    2 points
  17. The thing I'm currently missing the most is probably a clear path to testing, which is still not the easy thing even in other libraries. Also you need to consider, that you'd need to implement any application logic (and it's structure) on your own, where other frameworks might already give you a predefined path e.g. for handling domain-events or queuing messages or just about where to put certain parts of the application. Validation is also a thing. I'm using nette/forms here, to have form generation and fronend-/backend validation covered.
    2 points
  18. Thanks. very close to starting a project so may well need the forum to get things right. Will also be nice to get back to some PHP as Golangs been the recent diversion (Hugo).
    2 points
  19. Sad to hear that you're put of by this, but the demo is mostly a showcase on how content modeling is handled in processwire and a peak into the admin backend. (Frontend)-Performance is dependent on so many factory, that the demo won't give you any reasonably insight anyways. E.g. we just recently switched hosting to a new quite beefy bare metal server, which is understandably faster than the previous one. Would you consider ProcessWire better because of that speed improvement? In the end rendering speed is probably most dependent on what you're implementing with processwire as on the system itself. If you really want to evaluate processwire by the demo: ProCache is only active for guest users, therefore as soon as you log in as admin you'll not get any ProCache cached content. Also the whole backend interface is not cached as well and really it's just another kind of frontend rendered by processwire. Additionally you won't need to ask for a new demo, you can install it yourself using the skyscraper installation profile.
    2 points
  20. update: i'm using laragon now and love it! see this post: !!! OUTDATED !!! i'm using vagrant on win10 for all my development too. i really like it once you have the hassle of setup done. i'm now using scotchbox - i don't use the repo gebeer linked to. here is my new one: https://gitlab.com/baumrock/vagrant-pw-lamp/tree/master sorry, no time for documentation right now, but the readme from the old repo should also have some useful informations (as already linked by gebeer): https://github.com/BernhardBaumrock/vagrant-pw-lamp on win8 i had to switch GUI mode to OFF otherwise it didn't work. on win10 it was the contrary ^^ i'm too busy right know to give more help. gebeer and i have been talking about vagrant and pw development quite for some time now but it all seems too experimental to really recommend our setups to someone else... but if you want to try and have some specific questions please let me know some nice things i like and why i am using it: have a linux sandbox setup projects with "real" hosts in seconds; my workflow is like this: create a folder on my host like "example" "git bash here" clone my repo https://gitlab.com/baumrock/vagrant-pw-lamp vagrant up then i have my machine ready and can access my linux server on example.dev mailcatcher will catch all emails, so i can also test all email stuff, even when i'm offline i can do "grabpw" and get a fresh install of PW to choose from master/dev/devns i can do "backup" at any time, that will backup files + db i can do "restore", so i can move projects from one device to another i can even do "push" or "pull" of the whole website from my live server to my vagrant box, but that's a bit experimental when i'm done with the project i do "vagrant destroy", it will backup everything and keep only 1 backup and destroy the machine. so i don't mess up my host system with lots of GB of VMs ps: sorry i just realized that my repo is private... i can't make it public atm but you can pm me if you are interested
    2 points
  21. AdminOnSteroids Various admin tweaks to enhance ProcessWire admin. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/admin-on-steroids/ https://github.com/rolandtoth/AdminOnSteroids
    1 point
  22. Hi everyone! With Batcher you can batch-edit and create Pages in the Pw Admin. If you install this module, you get a new Page "Batcher" under Setup. Modules page: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-batcher/ Github: https://github.com/wanze/ProcessBatcher Editing How does it work? Search your pages with a selector. You can check if you want to include also hidden/unpublished pages with the filters. Select the pages you want to execute an action (the action only gets executed on "checked" pages). Select the action and if necessary, additional data like the new parent or the new template. Execute. Supported actions: Publish/Unpublish Pages Hide/Unhide Pages Lock/Unlock Pages Trash Pages Delete Pages Change Parent Change Template Batcher does the following permission checkings for the current user: Don't display pages that are not editable Remove Actions if the user doesn't have the permissions (page-delete, page-move, page-template, page-lock) Important notes: When changing a template, data in fields of the old template which are not assigned to the new template gets deleted. When changing the parent, the template of the new parent must accept the pages template as children. This is a setting in the template under "family". Creating How does it work? Select a parent where your new pages will be added as children Add as many pages as you want by clicking "add Page" Click "Create Pages" You must enter a title and choose a template. The name is optional: If left empty, Pw will generate this for you. Includes permission checking and Family template restrictions. This means in detail: The selected parent must accept children and their template The pages template must accept the parents template User needs the permission to add children to the selected parents template User needs the permission to create Pages for the chosen Template Batch-creating tips The chosen template and the statuses are always cloned from the last row. So if you need to add 30 pages with the same template, define it first and the click "add Page" - it'll make your life easier ;-) You can drag & drop the table rows should you want to change the order. The dragging looks ugly but it works. For the lazy dogs and keybord hackers among us, you can add a new row by pressing "ctrl+n". This works (at least in firefox) only if no input has focus. After adding a new row, the title input gets the focus. By pressing 3 times tab you arrive at the published-checkbox, here the short-cut works. Restrict Batcher for a user to only allow editing or creating Create permissions "batcher-edit" and/or "batcher-add". As soon those exists, the module checks if the current user has the permissions. If you only need batch creating, check out the following module by Soma: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2138-process-tools-create-pages-wip/ Cheers
    1 point
  23. i'm currently porting a clients website from joomla to processwire (finally, it's a good week ) and we are using the old design for that. today i recognized that on tablets the menu doesn't work as expected, since the menu structure changed from joomla-chaos to pw-awesomeness the problem is the old multilevel problem when you have items and subitems and want to show the subitems on hover. on touch devices your clients will perform a "click" anstead of a "hover" and they will trigger a new pageload. i came up with a quick fix and would be interested in your opinions. seems to work really nice here: $(document).ready(function () { var menu = $('...'); menu.find('a').click(function(e) { console.log('clicked'); // early return if the parent has no hover-class if(!$('...').hasClass('...')) return; // prevent click when delay is too small var delay = Date.now() - $(this).data('hovered'); if(delay < 100) e.preventDefault(); }); menu.find('a').mouseover(function(e) { var time = Date.now(); $(this).data('hovered', time); }); });
    1 point
  24. Version 3.0.18 continues from last week, making major upgrades to our images field. This week we got into some of the finer details, and we've got plenty for you to look at here, as well as a screencast (at the end) to demonstrate it all. https://processwire.com/blog/posts/more-images-upgrades/
    1 point
  25. Hey folks, If I search for a page that is unpublished it can not be found by using the ajax search in the right corner in admin. It can only be found when I am logged in as a Superuser, but not if I am logged in as an Editor (who has page-edit rights!). Searching through lister works - but only if I choose to only search unpublished pages; but not via the ajax search at all. I already looked at the process page search module file and there is a line that allows unpublished pages to be searched if someone has paeg-edit rights, but somehow it does not work at all. Can someone help? Thank you so much!
    1 point
  26. ProcessWire 3.0.19 lets you work with thousands of pages at once, with a new $pages->findMany() API method! https://processwire.com/blog/posts/find-and-iterate-many-pages-at-once/
    1 point
  27. Oh yeah, you never know what he's up to
    1 point
  28. maybe tpr has a present for us https://processwire.com/talk/topic/13389-adminonsteroids/?p=121335
    1 point
  29. Thanks a lot, szanesz! You were absolutely right about the namespaces!
    1 point
  30. Hi, Are we talking about ProcessWire 3.x? Then it might be the namespace issue. The easiest way to fix it is to start all your template files, _func.php, _init.php, etc... with <?php namespace ProcessWire; More on this: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.14-updates-file-compiler-fields-and-more/
    1 point
  31. Meanwhile, you can use filesize and format its output however you wish...
    1 point
  32. I'm currently working on an app with something similar, but with potential for a user to have multiple profiles (only one active at a given time). This is how I do it: A user "profile" page is automatically created when users are created. The built-in "created user" field of the profile page is set to the User page - this creates the link. (Needs to have "Allow the 'created user' to be changed on pages?" at template level) A single-choice Page field called "profile" is added to the User template which points to the "current" profile. All of the above things can be done with appropriate hooks. The profile Page field has this custom PHP code for selectable pages: return $pages->find("template=profile, created_users_id={$page->id}"); This allows code like this: echo "You are registered with {$user->profile->organisation}";
    1 point
  33. What I really like about PW is the abstraction of data-handling; no messing around with database modelling, which obviously comes with a downside as well: You should do it the PW way. However, the clean API is great to access and manipulate your data if you compare this with the messy approach of other frameworks. Composer integration will be a big step forward. Does anyone know when we can expect a stable version of PW 3?
    1 point
  34. Parent might really be a limitation as of few other topics I read trough... Maybe this is the way to go for you, using a hidden field: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9406-inputfield-dependencies-hide-field-by-path/#entry90591
    1 point
  35. Just some additions to teppo's point 1 / 4 (mvc and routing): In my current big project I'm using a hybrid strategy, where simple sites just use the default "file per template" – even though we have a dump router in the beginning to allow for different folders based on the rootParent – and for more complex pages / page-structures I'm using FastRoute in those template-file to route different urlSegments to a controller class. This way I don't need to roll a controller class for each and every tiny page, but still have the option to fall back to such a class if the need for more structure is there.
    1 point
  36. I'm with bernhard on using Scotchbox. I started using it a while back and it was a great entry point to learning the not so mysterious methods of Vagrant. Plus, I've always been a fan of Ubuntu but being mobile is a must so I've learned to enjoy its presence as a VM on all my Windows devices. I use Scotchbox across Win 7 to Win 10 on multiple devices including Surface Pros and it has always worked out of the box. Once projects are done I just destroy the box because I push everything to GitHub anyway. I used to configure each VM myself in VirtualBox and got those same problems with Guest Additions. It is usually caused by mismatched versions between it and the VirtualBox installation.
    1 point
  37. Did it really come across as insulting? That was defintely not the intention so apologies if it did. For quite a while I was helping out with a popular Joomla extension, and occasionallly learned some things from newcomers / outsiders who noticed things we didn't (especially things that affected the project's first impression). I genuinely felt the demo would make a better impression with Pro stuff not included. @LostKobrakai, thanks for the detailed response. That's good to know. Fully appreciate a demo is not a good test of frontend performance. I should also say, had I not liked the way it worked (see my other post), I would not have bothered posting
    1 point
  38. that feature is quite hidden - i think that could be designed better from the ui side. i've also found it only by coincidence: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7819-module-alternativegridfiles/?p=75845 sometimes it is also really nice to use your dev tools console for such things: $('.fa-trash').click();
    1 point
  39. I would like to take issue with this as well. It’s awkward for non-superusers not to find pages (or other users) they can otherwise reach, and I don’t really see why this restriction is in place by default. It is also not easy to implement a hook to change this behavior, which would be trivial to do the other way around. I.e. if the “include” parameter weren’t overridden by the Process function, that feature could be retrofitted like so: wire()->addHookBefore('ProcessPageSearch::executeFor', function($event) { if(!$this->user->isSuperuser()) wire()->input->get->include = 'hidden'; }); As well as any other custom restrictions one might need to respect custom roles and permissions. However, as it is now the restriction is hardcoded into the function and I’m not sure how to modify it in a non-destructive manner. Are there security reasons for the way it’s currently done?
    1 point
  40. You're probably triggering the hook on the newly created page object. The created timestamp is (probably) not part of that object by then and won't be available until the page is loaded from the db for the first time.
    1 point
  41. Hi @tpr, thanks for making this fine tool for us. Is it for PW 2.7 too, or only for PW 3.x? I cannot see a "required" property in the getModuleInfo. In the modules header comment it states ProcessWire 3.x, but then I cannnot see a namespace declaration in the file. This all makes me abit unsure, therefor I ask here. Sorry!
    1 point
  42. I'm using it for all my development work. Makes setting up dev environments so much quicker and easier. No more manual installation of LAMP stack in my Linux box or fighting with WAMPP/XAMPP settings. I have one vagrant box that hosts all of my PW projects. Then I have one that brings all I need for a Drupal project. My main box is a remnant from the days where I was mainly doing Joomla projects. But it still works quite nice: https://github.com/joomlatools/joomlatools-vagrant One of these days I want to put together a box solely for PW with wireshell etc. Just didn't have the time to pull it together. Bernhard put a nice box together with some scripts for automatic PW installation and DB backups: https://github.com/BernhardBaumrock/vagrant-pw-lamp
    1 point
  43. @horst — you're boss
    1 point
  44. @alan: I just updated the readme: https://github.com/horst-n/WireMailSmtp
    1 point
  45. @Travo: Thanks for the PR, I applied it to the develop and master branch. If you want to use the module with ProcessWire 3.x, you have to checkout the feature/devns branch of the module.
    1 point
  46. The images field is getting superb, thanks! I may have an issue here in Lister (default, not ListerPro). Adding an image column to the columns shows no image though they worked fine before. Might be a CSS-only issue because disabling these rules shows the image: .gridImage__overflow > img { /* position: absolute; */ /* top: 50%; */ /* left: 50%; */ /* transition: transform ease .3s; */ /* -ms-transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0); */ /* transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0); */ }
    1 point
  47. Hi ottogal, Sorry for my late response. I currently don't have time to update Batcher, at least not for the next month. The module needs a rewrite because a lot changed since this was released, for example: Native support of ProcessWire's modal Make use of InputfieldSelector to build the selector strings ... I hope to update the module at the end of may, but since I don't know the release date of Pw 3 I can't promise... unless someone else takes over. Cheers
    1 point
  48. Looks like saving the Page 'quietly' is sufficient. <?php // 'quiet' => boolean - When true, modified date and modified_users_id won't be updated $pages->save($your_page, array(quiet => true));
    1 point
  49. These should also work (on dev): // save directly from page object $page->save(array('quiet' => true)); // save just 1 field from page object $page->save('myfield', array('quiet' => true)); When quiet mode is set, the modified date is set to whatever is specified in the page. Meaning, the modified date is not updated unless you change it yourself. Quiet mode also lets you modify the modifedUser and createdUser for the page, if you want to. These are two properties you can't usually modify, but quiet mode lets you do it.
    1 point
  50. I started in Pascal too: "Turbo Pascal" (pre Delphi). Here's my "shareware" from 1992: http://thecomputerroombbs.com/3.html (search for "datav31" DataView) ;D
    1 point
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