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  1. Hey, after reading woop.s pdf over http://lightning.pw): Login: http://terbium-znu.lightningpw.com/processwire/ Name: demo Pass: demo123
    11 points
  2. Little tutorial for adding a "truncate text" function to a text/textarea fields. Here's a little step by step tutorial how to add javascript behaviour to fields using Admin Custom Files. We are gonna truncate the text length of the title field. The plugin only works for simple text and textarea fields and is language aware. Note that the plugin won't work for TinyMCE or CKEditor a likes. Create a file in the Admin Custom Folder called: ProcessPageEdit.js Create a file in the Admin Custom Folder called: custom-plugins.js Go to custom-plugins.js and copy/paste the plug-in code and save the file. Open the ProcessPageEdit.js file and paste in the code from Using the plug-in and save the file. Go to the Admin Custom Files module settings Select the process ProcessPageEdit In the Dependencies textarea type: ProcessPageEdit AdminCustomFiles/custom-plugins.js Save the module. You're done, go to a page where you have a title field to see the result. plug-in code: /site/templates/AdminCustomFiles/custom-plugins.js (function ($) { $.fn.truncate = function(options) { var $fields = this, name = $fields.attr('name'), settings = $.extend({ characters: 128, prefix: '', suffix: '', class: 'notes' }, options ); if ($fields.parent('.LanguageSupport').length) { var $fields = $("#langTabs_Inputfield_" + name ).find("input, textarea"); } $fields.after("<span class='" + settings.class + "'></span>"); $fields.each(function (index, el) { var truncate = function () { var value = $(el).val(), typed = typeof value != 'undefined' ? value.length : 0, left = settings.characters - typed; if (left < 0) { $(el).val(value.substr(0, settings.characters)); truncate(); } else { $(el).next("span").text(settings.prefix + left + settings.suffix); } } $(el).keyup(function() { truncate(); }); return truncate(); }); }; }(jQuery)); using the plug-in: /site/templates/AdminCustomFiles/ProcessPageEdit.js // DOM is ready $(function () { // field with the name attribute title $("[name='title']").truncate({ characters: 64, prefix: 'To go: ', suffix: ' characters' }); });
    4 points
  3. Just wanted to throw in my two cents. If you come at it as a front-end developer that's a complete beginner to CMSs, then PW should be very easy to get going. It's built around working the same way that existing web technologies work… Pages map in the same way that URLs do… Template files are just plain HTML/PHP files… the API is largely the same as a front-end API (jQuery)… and so on. So if you know your basic web technologies outside of CMSs, then you won't find a simpler system than ProcessWire. The problem is most other CMSs don't work that way. So the line gets more blurry when you've become used to the terminology and approach of another CMS, because PW can be quite different. Sometimes you have to unlearn what you know from elsewhere in order to appreciate the simplicity of PW. People are always trying to find complexity that isn't there, especially those that grew up on other platforms. PW is a system that rewards you by being curious. We aim to show you how to fish so that you can catch the big fish. We're not here to catch the fish for you. You don't have to know anything about fishing, but you should know how to yell for help if you fall in the water. And you should be willing to learn by example. I learn best by example, so this is the way I tend to teach too (and I recognize not everyone learns the same way). PW is a CMS and CMF, not a website builder. If you are curious and willing to explore, you'll find it is very simple indeed. Certainly far simpler than even WordPress in creating a custom website. You do have to come from the point of view of "I want to create and have the system adapt to me" rather than "I will create something based on what the system provides." If you already know what you want to create and it's something unique, you won't find a simpler path to get there than PW. WordPress is a different beast, in that it's basically saying "YOU WILL CREATE A BLOG or modify this blog and call it something else." Some people like that underlying structure… "okay, we're starting with a blog, what can we do with it?" Others do not like that underlying structure. Our audience consists of those that want to have a system support their original creation rather than mash up an existing creation. There was a PDF posted earlier that I think hit upon some good points, and I appreciate the effort that went into putting it together. The fictional character being scripted in the dialog is not our target. I can go into specifics if anyone wants me to, but I was definitely left feeling at the end of it that we have to be careful about hand-feeding too much or else we'll start attracting people beyond our support resources. Folks that want the fish cooked and filleted rather than folks learning to fish. Perhaps in time we will want to attract more of the consumer-type audience, but currently I don't know how to support users looking to find all the answers in a sitemap file. Keep in mind that unbridled growth is not necessarily desirable. Most of us don't get paid for most of the work we do here and we do best if we grow in a more healthy manner, attracting more thoughtful designer/developers that are here to learn and also contribute. Obviously the author of the PDF is one of the thoughtful ones (and the PDF is a great contribution), even if his fictional character isn't necessarily, but we'll welcome him anyway. But we will definitely be going through the PDF in more detail to learn and improve from it where appropriate, while keeping our audience in mind. I think we're doing something right, because our audience is growing rapidly. I'm nearly full time on ProcessWire now, and it's still difficult to keep up with everyone. At present, I like that our audience is largely open-minded, curious and thoughtful designers and developers. Somehow we've attracted an incredible quality of people and that's what makes this place great. We could not ask for a better group of people here. I'm reluctant to lead PW towards a website builder direction because I think that's when the quality of the community could go down, as people come looking to eat fish rather than learn, catch some fish, and throw some back. The reality is that part of our long term goals include converting the rather large audience that has outgrown WordPress into ProcessWire users. I'm convinced that we do that by giving them more ProcessWire, and not more WordPress. But at the same time, we always have to keep an eye on WordPress and learn. They've been lucky no doubt, but they are also doing many things right. So we have been and always will be working to make the WP-side of users more comfortable in ProcessWire, while also trying to help them grow by distancing them from the limited WP mindset.
    4 points
  4. Another one out of the door: http://www.rokamat.com/ A very nice little family-driven company which mainly builds grinders. Focus on that site is the presentation of their products with their fields of application. There is a kind of complex logic behind the accessoires database. There are single items, families and so on. These can be added to each product individually (thanks to page selector ). For example: http://www.rokamat.com/en/produkte/grinders/rokamat-chameleon/#zubehoer Additionally there is a dealer section with offers only for dealers. Not yet online is the dealer search where customers can search by address and get nicely displayed map entries (will update the post when ready). First time I used the new Pro Fields (Multiplier and the Profield Table), very nice
    3 points
  5. Sure. This is the structure, nothing special so far ("Zubehör" is "Accessoires", a hidden node). Under that node, the client can build accessoire categories and in that single items. These items can consist of several different item variations and multiple images. This is the UI for the accessoire items: You see the Pro Field Multiplier for the item variations (unfortunately I had to double/triple that because it is not yet multi language aware). Will try to extend the language field tabs for also tabbing alternate language fields. Each product has a page field for selecting either accessoire items or whole categories: In this accessoire template I then list the items and them into the accessoire tab. The product features are filled with the ProField textarea, in the template I only render the features that are filled. One special here: German is master data, for language variations they only have to edit the changed feature. If you have further questions, go ahead! Thanks, fixed. This is just a helper navigation item for mobile, I forgot to redirect it to the first child. sure, will tell the client to rename it. Thx again!
    3 points
  6. The GetStarted module has it's own thread now: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7666-getstarted-a-module-that-helps-first-time-users-to-understand-processwire-faster/#entry74360
    3 points
  7. No need to store something here ... $pa = $pages->find("template=basic-page"); $content .= $pa->render(); $content .= "<a href='{$page->prev($pa)->url}'>prev</a> "; $content .= "<a href='{$page->next($pa)->url}'>next</a> "; This is the same on all those pages, as they use the same template. Works fine.
    3 points
  8. A few updates in response to the PDF that was posted earlier. More to come, but this is a start. Currently these are just on dev, but will be merged to master soon. The main README file has been updated with a link to the HTML version at the very top. I honestly think including a README.html file in the core itself is bad form because it reveals exactly what software is running the site. Some might have noticed our README files are generally blocked from http access (by the .htaccess file) for this very reason. So I think putting a link to the HTML version of the document at the top of the Markdown file is a good compromise. The default site profile has been updated with its own README file and separately hosted HTML version: Introduction to the default site profile, which goes in depth in explaining exactly how the site profile works. The template files have also been updated, telling the user to see README.txt for more information (though not sure that's really necessary).
    3 points
  9. Thanks for the support and suggestions. Been working hard on episodes. About 1/3 done so far with episode recording, but still need to do editing as well as record the rest. I've began creating the website on my local server. I've inputted a list of all the episodes the "WordPress vs. ProcessWire" series will have (29 so far). Some more may be added to this series if I realize I've forgotten anything. Screenshot: http://goo.gl/3LUYTo Jonathan
    2 points
  10. Just a heads-up: I put (almost) all of Apertus' features into an aforementioned fork of Reno, "SuperReno". https://github.com/marcus-herrmann/AdminThemeSuperReno When you're logged in as super user (and have configured the environment in the theme's settings), you will see the following. On the other hand, SuperReno looks just like Reno when logged in as non-super user.
    2 points
  11. http://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/how-to-structure-your-template-files/page3
    2 points
  12. Updating Blog version 1 to Blog version 2 Note: some paths have changed. You will have to update such paths in your template files. Please see point #10 below 1. Log in as a superuser. 2. Backup your site! (For good measure). 3. Update Blog version 1 to version 2. Grab version 2 in the previous post OR from Blog's dev branch in GitHub 4. Paste the contents of the attached update script (blog-upgrade-version-1-to-2.txt) at the very top of one of your site’s template files. This script will create a ‘settings’ page under ‘blog’. The fields in the pages ‘blog’ and ‘posts’ will now reside in this new settings page. Their existing data will be copied over to the settings page. There will be no data loss. In addition, one extra field called blog_small will be created and added to the settings page If you want to enable the Auto-publish/unpublish feature FIRST install the module SchedulePages. Second, uncomment line #41 in the update script AND comment out line #40 of the script before copying and pasting. Save the template file. 5. View a page that uses the template associated with the template file in #4. 6. A success message will be displayed if all went OK. 7. Undo the changes to the template file in #4. Save. 8. Go back to your site’s admin to confirm things went fine, in particular: Check that a ‘settings’ page was created under ‘blog’ View ProcessBlog’s module configuration settings page (admin > modules > blog) by clicking on its settings button. You should see a message about Blog already fully installed Visit Blog Dashboard to confirm things went OK. If you enabled the Auto-publish/unpublish feature above, you should see two extra date fields in the Quick post dashboard (‘Publish from’ and ‘Publish until’). Similarly, edit one of your Blog’s posts pages. You should see these two date fields as well at the very top of the page. 9. Manually remove the now redundant fields in the templates ‘blog’ and ‘blog-posts’. Template 'blog': fields to remove: Blog Title - 'blog_headline' Blog Tagline - 'blog_summary' Footer - 'blog_note' Quantity of posts to show on blog homepage - 'blog_quantity' Template 'blog-posts': fields to remove: Posts truncate length - 'blog_quantity'. This will now become blog_small in settings page 10. Edit your template files paths that pointed to these fields you’ve just removed to now point to their counterparts in the settings page, e.g. $pages->get('/blog/settings/')->blog_quantity; That's it. You are updated. If you want to, you can now even rename your Blog pages to whatever you want (within reason of course ).... Enjoy! blog-upgrade-version-1-to-2.txt
    2 points
  13. Blog version 2 Introducing Blog version 2! There are lots of changes so this will be a long read. For upgrading from version 1 to this version, please read the next post. I’ll appreciate beta testers. As you’ll see below, there’s lots of new things (and combination of things!) to test. Many thanks! TL:DR: Blog version 2 is available for beta testing. It comes with a two-step installer that allows you to structure where your Blog lives in your page tree just the way you want and cleans-up after itself in case it isn’t your cup of tea. Please see next post about updating version 1 to 2. Main Changes 1. Configurable Blog 2 is a now configurable module (i.e. ProcessBlog). On a fresh install, you will first have to set a couple of settings before you can run the module. More on this below. 2. Installer Blog 2 comes with a two-step installer. No more installing things you don’t want. In the first step, you set the module configurations in the module settings page as mentioned in #1. The configurable settings are outlined later below. In the second step, via the Blog dashboard, you will see an overview of the settings you selected in the first step above. Here you finalise Blog’s installation. Before you click the button to run the install wizard, nothing will happen yet. You can still go back and change the module configuration settings. Until you run the install wizard in this second step, you will have no Blog pages, fields, templates, etc. On this page, you will also be able to rename your Blog’s main pages before they are created. Yes! If you don’t do it at this stage, you can also rename them post-install in the ProcessWire tree! If you are happy with your settings, click the install wizard to proceed. Blog will be fully installed with your settings before you can dash out to make a coffee . You will then see the familiar Blog dashboard Please note: If you need to change some configurations, you can go back to the module settings and do it BEFORE you finalise step two of the installation. It is important that once the installation is finalised, in case you had left the ProcessBlog's module configuration's browser window open, NOT to press submit again. Otherwise, MarkupBlog may not like it . However, if you reload the module configurations screen once the second-part of the installer has finished, you will not be able to change the configuration settings. Instead, you will be presented with an overview of your installed settings. 3. Blog styles Blog now allows you to install your Blog pages from a choice of 4 different URL structures, aka Blog styles! These should cover most (all?) needs. This means that your Blog pages will live exactly where you want them in the tree, hence give you the URL you want. You select the style you want in ProcessBlog’s module configuration screen (first step of the installer). A visual of the 4 styles is presented on that screen. Example paths for the 4 styles are: Blog style 1: /mysite/blog/posts/example-post/ (similar to Blog version 1) Blog style 2: /mysite/blog/example-post/ (as requested by FuturShoc) Blog style 3: /mysite/posts/example-post/ (same as Ryan’s Blog profile) Blog style 4: /mysite/example-post/ (as requested by PWired) 4. Commenting feature In the first step of the installer (module's configuration's screen), you can choose to install commenting feature or not. The default is to install commenting feature. If you elect not to install this feature, Blog will not install any comments-related components – so no comment fields, associated pages, templates and template files! Note, you CANNOT add this setting once Blog install has been finalised. 5. Auto-publish/unpublish This much requested feature has now arrived! You choose whether to install this feature or not via ProcessBlog’s module configuration screen. The default is auto-publish/unpublish is not enabled. If you want to use this feature, you will FIRST have to install the great SchedulePages module. If you have the module installed, this will be specified in Blog’s module configuration screen. Again you will not be able to proceed with installing this feature unless SchedulePages is installed. If you install this feature, you will see two date fields when editing a blog post, i.e. ‘Auto-publish from’ and ‘Auto-unpublish on’. You will also see these two date fields in Blog’s Quick post’s dashboard. Note, you CANNOT add this setting once Blog install has been finalised. 6. Templates Blog will install templates according to the Blog style you have selected. So, if you went with style #4, you will not have a template called ‘blog’ nor one called ‘blog-posts’. 7. Template files In the first step of the installer (module configurations screen – I know, I am repeating myself!), you have three options when it comes to template files when installing Blog. The default is to install blank template files (with nothing but php tags – a little something to help you get started quickly). The second option is to install demo blog template files (more on this later) and the third is not to install any template files. 8. Demo template files These files have now been streamlined. No more verbose code! A blog-main.inc contains most of the markup and the other template files contain most of the code. The demo will work with any of the 4 Blog styles. 9. Cleanup One of the annoying things with Blog version 1 was not only that it installed things you probably did not need, it also left behind, uh, leftovers (templates, role, pages, fields, template files). Well, no more! Uninstalling Blog is now a two-step process. If you are logged in as a superuser, you will see a Blog menu item called ‘Cleanup’. It will lead to a screen with info about all the fields, templates, pages and role you are about to delete. It will also list the Blog template files that, if you wish, you can also delete. This utility is also useful when you want to try out the different Blog styles without uninstalling the whole Blog module. It returns Blog to the state similar to when you first installed the module. Of course, in case you want to remove Blog as well, just go ahead and uninstall in the normal way but AFTER you have cleaned-up . 10. Renaming Blog pages As mentioned previously, you can rename any of your Blog pages pre- or post-install. Want Diary or Journal instead of Blog? Sure, go ahead. Want Writers instead of Authors? What about Chronicles in lieu of Archives? You can have those too. The only things you should NOT do are to delete the main Blog pages (i.e. anything other than Example Tag, Example Category and Example Post) OR (however remote the chance of this is) CHANGE the IDs of these pages (in the database). In order to allow for flexibility, Blog stores and tracks its main pages using their IDs. 11. Fields and templates admin tag In step 1 of the installer you can choose to change the default name of the tag used to group Blog fields and templates in the admin. You can as well choose not to have any tag and let anarchy reign in your admin pages! 12. Context aware Most of the Blog dashboard is now context aware. It will only display info about Blog components that are installed. No comments? Fine, no comments in Posts dashboard, etc. Apart from ‘Posts’ dashboard, the other Blog dashboards will be labelled according to the titles of your main Blog pages. For instance, if you called ‘Categories’ ‘Classifications’, that is the name you will see in the ‘Categories’ dashboard label. Same for Authors, Tags, etc. Even Cleanup is context aware and will only list components related to the Blog style you installed. OK, so how do I get Blog 2? You can install via ProcessWire modules screen. get it on the dev branch of Blog in GitHub. It is also attached below (please use Github - it is the latest version). I thoroughly tested this but I probably missed something or mixed up my code somewhere so there could be bugs . Please help me find and swat them, thanks! Next post, updating Blog 1 to 2.
    2 points
  14. Hi all This module was sponsored by Jason as per this topic: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3566-email-image-module-development/ It's quite similar to horst & ryan's EmailImage module, but supports multiple email addresses for sending emails to different parts of your site, also allowing you to select different templates. There is also a delimiter option whereby you can split up the email's content and have text appear in the body or sidebar etc. Here's a video to show you what I mean. The video may well be of interest to other module authors as I used some Ajax to push what can normally be done in the module config - hope you like it There was the temptation to build on the EmailImage module with this one, but I already had code for my Helpdesk module (work in progress) that parsed emails using Flourishlib and wanted to use that code instead for this one. EDIT: Also worth noting is that unlike the EmailImage module, this doesn't come with a pre-built gallery template for the front-end. This is intentional as you could pipe emails into any part of a site you like, so I couldn't make assumptions as to usage of the content. You can download it via the modules directory.
    1 point
  15. This module allows you to change the admin default style. For lazy people. It's just a sketch. More information soon. Done: - You can change the main colors of processwire To do: - Add ability to change fonts (fonts google) and read your opinions - Fix the Logo url field (default value). - Export/Import config. - Add more color options. - REWRITE
    1 point
  16. The module adds fastclick.js and TouchPunch to the admin. Fastclick makes clicks on touch devices faster. Touch Punch adds drag and drop ability for jqueryUI on touch devices. https://github.com/madebymats/Admintouch
    1 point
  17. Hi, I just completed my first site design in ProcessWire... http://miraopalinska.com I'm more of a designer than a coder (and had never coded a single line of PHP) so the learning curve was a little bit steep at first, but the patterns started emerging and the consistent way in which Ryan has set up ProcessWire made things a lot easier. I've been using TextPattern extensively, but was starting to find it a little bit clunky for my needs. ProcessWire, without wanting to slam TextPattern, is on a different level. One of the best things? This forum. It seems that absolutely ANYTHING I had a problem with, a search in Google brought me to this forum and an answer. That's a big difference from TextPattern (well, any other CMS to be honest). This forum is a condensed mine of information. So... thank-you everyone here! This was also my first multi-language site, and ProcessWire has that sorted too in a very intuitive, very integrated way. I'm still having a few problems here and there (CKEditor is acting a bit weird, for example), but I'm sure I'll be able to iron them out. Mira's finding it really easy to update and add content. I was able to make the client side really clean and fuss-free. Something that was hard to do in TextPattern (and is a total utter nightmare in WordPress). Installation was pretty basic, using the default admin theme. I used the following modules... CKEditor ImgMinSize Image cropping tool Video embed for YouTube/Vimeo Multi-language Repeater Everything else accomplished with a mix of Javascript and PHP. Thanks again, particularly Ryan. I'm pretty confident I'll be using ProcessWire for all CMS needs from now on. Douglas.
    1 point
  18. After you have, convinced everyone that PW > WP (presumably that will be the outcome ), what about adding one more video showing how easy it can be to migrate WP content to PW using MigratorWordpress? Maybe Nico or I could help with that?
    1 point
  19. Yeah, that would be the problem I'll sort out a fix for that sometime later today when I get a spare minute. Thanks for discovering the issue. As you use it more, also please feel free to send through any other suggestions for improvements. I have to admit I am really enjoying the changes to suggested - it does make things cleaner!
    1 point
  20. Hi Adrian, Here it is... Title, Tel>Text, Steve, ...and I think I see the issue. There's a trailing comma with no fieldname after it on the first line. Stupid typo on my part but probably something you'll need to catch and handle when parsing the string.
    1 point
  21. @adrian Thank you very much for the update. I've been trying it out and overall, it's excellent! However, I think I might have found an issue. On every child page created using the module I'm seeing a new, untitled field at the foot of every page (I'm trying this in 2.5.1dev using the Reno theme.) Here's an example...
    1 point
  22. This sounds like a great idea - I am very intrigued by the enhancements you have added and would enjoy having them, but I honestly don't think I would ever install it because I like having access to the latest improvements to the core modules, rather than waiting for these to propagate to third party modules. I would love to see a way to extend themes, rather than needing full replacements. Maybe we need to propose something along those lines to Ryan? From what I understand Reno is an extension of the default theme, because you can't use Reno without default also installed, but maybe the process can be refined to make it easy to extend with some minimal code.
    1 point
  23. Why don't you just make a regular module?
    1 point
  24. so good! I think the URL logic makes sense. here's some feedback during my brief testing on the lightning.pw site: I think the title with the info icon should stick stay even after you click it. Compare to Templates -> Filters, which can be expanded in a similar way. It feels more consistent to have it work the same. Maybe lose the punctation mark in each title, since PW adds "..." anyway External and internal links looks the same. It's hard to know where you'll end up when you click them. Not a major issue but maybe we could differentiate external links (to processwire.com, youtube etc) with a small icon. Or the have the titles say "Learn more on Processwire.com" etc. not sure. The "uninstall" button in the bottom right of each box feels redundant and maybe a bit repetitive? perhaps the info on the first screen is enough? Experienced users (that doesn't need the help) will probably know how to uninstall it anyway.
    1 point
  25. Hey, Nico! Thank you for drawing my attention for this. Just now corrected the title and class name.
    1 point
  26. @Soma I can understand the issues with only one has_parent, but in general I do like to not get different results as superuser on the frontend. It's just convenient to be able to test the search without using a incognito browser window or logging out.
    1 point
  27. If you don't have include=all in your selector, there's no need for has_parent!=2. If a visitor (guest) user searches it won't return those in admin anyway, only for superusers. It's generally a good approach to specify templates you actually want to search only. Also you can only have one "has_parent!=2" in the selector, so you couldn't use it for if you need it to restrict a search to a branch. I don't think there's one simple answer to building a search like this. I'm not sure about what exactly are the details here, and what is important to be able to search. It really comes down to what field you search and how. Relevance, as far as I know only works with a single find(), using full text search on a single text field using * or ~ , this will return the results sorted by relevance already, everything else won't give you relevance. By the glimpse at your code there's would be a lot of overhead and using this approach won't ever give you a relevance search results. Of topic: if (count($word)>3){ you can't count string only arrays if(!$matches) This doesn't work. A PageArray if empty doesn't return false, you'd check with if(!count($matches)) So what to do? I don't know an answer to what you should do. In general you seem too have a lot of fields, that seems unnecessary and could be simplified and reused, instead of having 3 "xname_description" fields, you could have one "description" field and use it everywhere. This will help reduce the fields to search for at least. Building search once you enter a complex setup with lots of fields and pages and want ot have relevance you might be best up to create indexes, like the cache field to combine text fields to one (hidden) cache field, that you would then search with a single query.
    1 point
  28. User pages are not allowed outside users folder.
    1 point
  29. very nice site, i really like it! thanks for showing me yumpu - i was using issuu so far is it possible to get rid of the long and ugly filename? i also had one issue when resizing the viewport and using the mobile nav to "anwendungsgebiete"
    1 point
  30. Sounds like a design decision, maybe pages of user template aren't intended to "live" outside admin › access › user, and there's some "correcting" hook kicking in on page save.
    1 point
  31. Thank you marcus! This solved the first problem and now woks! While searching I noticed that user template can affect children and find behaviours so you have given me the key . Now can someone help me to understand why when I edit an instructor it change parent and moves to admin->access->user. I really want to avoid this. Thank you
    1 point
  32. Haven't been in said situation, but I assume strongly that pages of template user get a special treatmeant from PW within selectors. Could you try: $items = $itm->children("include=all");
    1 point
  33. As mentioned before, modules.processwire.com/modules/process-field-generator/ is a module I made that does exactly that. Reason why I personally needed it : the ID of content had to not be discoverable and a fixed length. Page IDs don't provide that.
    1 point
  34. jlahijani, I'm looking forward to this WPxPW videos! My suggestion, if you have time, is to include a comparison between mysql queries response times and memory usage for complex operations and others under the hood performance metrics.
    1 point
  35. @bwakad Essentially, if you work with pages, there are two options. Either you expect one page or a failure or secondly one or more pages or failure. $single_page = $pages->get("something"); if($single_page->id) echo "Page found"; $multiple = $pages->find("something"); if(count($multiple)) echo "at least one page found"; The first check works, because get() returns a NullPage on failure, which has an id of 0. The second one counts the found PageArray elements. If there are none it's also 0. The difficulty is not to confuse those (as I did), as NullPage is something completely different as a PageArray / WireArray.
    1 point
  36. @bwaked: You have Loose comparisons, and you have strict comparisons. loose are written with two operators like == strict is written with three operators like === Strict will look next to value also to the type. I will write it here in text rather then in values: if (string === integer) { // a string is never an integer, thus evaluate to false }
    1 point
  37. Processwire is mentioned here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDQb_EMNRx8
    1 point
  38. This is also good for lazy people like me. I've got some use for this module right away and you've just saved me some trouble researching solutions, so thanks!
    1 point
  39. http://www.tinyprocesshouse.com/posts/why-processhouse/
    1 point
  40. I wanted to try and create a module, but of course one could use AdminCustomFiles instead. Thanks for creating it btw, learned a lot from it.
    1 point
  41. Have a look here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7588-admin-custom-files/
    1 point
  42. http:// and https:// does matter, so you should use the canonical link. Also google does reward you for switching to https:// as default. source:
    1 point
  43. Use pagefield->removeAll() first then add them back.
    1 point
  44. Have you seen Fredi? http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fredi/
    1 point
  45. As adrian said. Don't know if they influence on this but you have some problems with your code: <li><a href="<?php echo $page->url; //echo was missing ?>">Предложение</a></li> <li class="active"><a href="<?php echo $page->url; //echo was missing ?>spros/">Спрос</a></li> if($input->urlSegment2) throw new Wire404Exception(); if($input->urlSegment1 == 'spros') { $selectSpros = TRUE; } else if($input->urlSegment1) { throw new Wire404Exception(); } else { $selectSpros = FALSE; } // I think like this is more readable: if($input->urlSegment1) { if($input->urlSegment2 OR $input->urlSegment1 != 'spros') { throw new Wire404Exception(); } $selectSpros = TRUE; } else { $selectSpros = FALSE; }
    1 point
  46. It was a busy summer and I finally have a little time to breathe. Now that ProcessWire 2.5 is out (as well as WordPress 4.0), it's a great time to get going with this project. I gave the idea more thought, and I'm going to start with a series of videos called "WordPress vs. ProcessWire". Each of the episodes in this series will begin by demonstrating a task/feature/approach in WordPress, then the equivalent task/feature/approach in ProcessWire. The episodes will also touch upon the architectural differences between both systems and highlight the strengths and weaknesses. Each video will be quick and to the point... somewhere between 3-8 minutes. Some episodes in the works: installation: just a simple walkthrough of the installation process of both systems pages page templates custom fields custom post types taxonomies page ordering plugins (an explanation of the repositories and how to install) forms (gravityforms vs. formbuilder) shortcodes (vs. hanna code) images embedding videos caching documentation etc. etc. I've actually created 10 episodes in one day today. This "WordPress vs. ProcessWire" series is targeted towards intermediate to advanced WordPress developers... anyone who knows how to custom theme WordPress well and has been using it regularly for at least one year. My thought is they are comfortable with WordPress despite some of its annoyances (speed, security issues, generated markup, api, data architecture, custom fields and custom post types approach), but they haven't found an alternative system that can match it pound for pound. This series will reduce the anxiety that's associated with a decision to invest one's time to learn an alternative technology. If I can prove that almost everything they are comfortable with in WordPress can be done with ProcessWire more elegantly, my hope is that it'll get a lot of people to switch. More coming soon.
    1 point
  47. The only search engine for this forum you' ll ever need
    1 point
  48. Actually, it is fine asking similar or repetitive questions - it is difficult to know exactly what to search for sometimes and having multiple versions of a question on a forum make it more likely people can find the right answer. So, no problems, mate.
    1 point
  49. Cool! Installed it on a test site. I like the basic idea but think there is still some work to do on the execution. Demo: http://terbium-znu.lightningpw.com/processwire/page/ User: demo Password: demo123 (Hint: Yes, that is a shameless self-ad for lightning.pw. Hope that's ok) But most of the points adressed in the onboarding PDF could be fixed with little changes to the default text and for example providing a preview of the admin URL instead of only the name.
    1 point
  50. Ok, I have just added support for images that are embedded into the text within an email. These images are now added to the page's images field and then embedded into the body RTE field, just as they appeared in the email. Minimal testing so far, but seems to work great even with multiple images. Would appreciate some testing of the attached version before I submit to Pete. My forked version ProcessEmailToPage.zip
    1 point
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