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Module: Leaflet Map


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and on the frontend my map is ghost;

	$modUrl = wire('config')->urls->siteModules.'MarkupLeafletMap/';
	$styles = array_merge($styles, [
		"leaflet" => "https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.0.3/dist/leaflet.css",
		"leaflet-markercluster" => "{$modUrl}assets/leaflet-markercluster/MarkerCluster.css",
	$scriptsH = array_merge($scriptsH, [
		"leaflet" => "https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.0.3/dist/leaflet.js",
		"leaflet-providers" => "{$modUrl}assets/leaflet-providers/leaflet-providers.js",
		"geocoder" => "{$modUrl}Control.Geocoder.js",

$map = $modules->get('MarkupLeafletMap');
$content .= $map->render($page, 'geolocation', ['height' => '500px']);

returns visibly blank

<div id="mleafletmap1" class="MarkupLeafletMap" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"></div>


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  On 9/1/2017 at 11:40 AM, Beluga said:

With the newest module version, PW 3, Leaflet 1.2, I get this:

jQuery.Deferred exception: L.tileLayer.provider is not a function jsMarkupLeafletMap


Did they change something again?


Turns out I had to add this script:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet-providers@1.1.17/leaflet-providers.js"></script>

Now the maps appear. Yet, the markers do not.

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  On 9/7/2017 at 2:29 PM, Beluga said:

Now the maps appear. Yet, the markers do not.


Another missing script (when I checked the JS console):

<script src="https://unpkg.com/drmonty-leaflet-awesome-markers@2.0.2/js/leaflet.awesome-markers.js"></script>

Now the markers appear in a map with multiple markers, but not in maps with a single marker. The console shows no error.

Edit: I added a watcher to line 57 in MarkupLeafletMap.js (this.addMarker = function(lat, lng, url, title, extra) {) and stepped forward. The marker variable stayed blank.

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  • 1 month later...

Bit of an issue with this module. I'm on PW 3.0.62, in the upgrades page it's showing that I have version 2.8.1 of the module and that there is a newer version to install. When I go through the update process it still says the exact same thing. Maps on the front end are also no longer working. Is this a known issue?

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I have version MarkupLeaflet 3.0.2. I finally succeded to get the map on frontend (see my previous post). However, the marker still doesn't show up. It works on backend but not frontend. It works *before*, but I don't know what cause this disparition.

Upgrading leaflet version from 0.7.7 to 1.2.0 results to a no-map, so I kept 0.7.7 for now.



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  On 10/23/2017 at 12:55 AM, mel47 said:

Upgrading leaflet version from 0.7.7 to 1.2.0 results to a no-map, so I kept 0.7.7 for now.


See my previous comments regarding Leaflet 1.2.0. It needs some scripts included separately now, but there is still some mystery to be solved in the case of "single marker in map".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm currently developing a site using this module and I've struck a couple of issues that I'm stuck on.


I have a page showing office locations and I have it set up so that each office is a repeater including a Leaflet map using this module. In the back-end the map tiles don't display properly and in the front-end only the second item's map displays.


I have a map that displays multiple markers for scientific studies around the world. For this I have it set up so each trial is a child of the map page. All the markers get displayed correctly but I can't get the popup to display correctly. After every paragraph and between every list item it's adding a <br/> tag which spaces everything out too much. Also I'd like to remove the link to the child page on the title, however any attempt I've made so far has made it so the popup won't open. Any help with these two issues would be greatly appreciated.


I managed to remove the <br/> tags by modifying line 252 in MarkupLeafletMap.module from

$popup = str_replace("\n", '<br />', $popup); 


$popup = str_replace("\n", '', $popup);

And removed the title link by modifying a line in MarkupLeafletMap.js from

marker.bindPopup("<b><a href='" + marker.linkURL + "'>" + title + "</a></b>" + extra);


marker.bindPopup("<h4>" + title + "</h4>" + extra);


Edited by houseofdeadleg
Solved part of the issue
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  • 3 weeks later...


I am trying to get a full map with different marker colors. I use the following code (based on the documentation on the github page). But they keep being the standard blue.

<?php $items = $pages->find("template=population"); ?>
$options = array(
    'markerFormatter' => function($page, $marker_options) {
        $marker_options['markerColour'] = $page->subspecie->population_color_name;
        return $marker_options;
); ?>

<?php echo $map->render($items, 'location', $options); ?>


for a single page with template population I got it working. That is the code below.

<?php echo $page->subspecie->title; ?>
    <?php //$map = wire('modules')->get('MarkupLeafletMap'); ?>
    <?php $iconColor = $page->subspecie->population_color_name; ?>
    <?php echo $iconColor; ?>
    <?php echo $map->render($page, 'location', array('height' => '500px','markerColour' => $iconColor)); ?>

Just not for the page with all populations. What I am doing wrong?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Does this module use Google's API at some point in the geocoding process? I noticed that there are calls to:


...in LeafletMapMarker.php, and calls to...


...in Control.Geocoder.js.

I am using this Fieldtype on individual Events pages - it works well and made sense. I'm now trying to go back and add JSON+LD to all of those Events pages which requires a "Place" value (Example: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/events). Unfortunately the auto-corrected address field from the geocoder ($this->address in Leaflet) is not always something I can easily split into meaningful entities for the JSON+LD Event type's @Place type values. That said, the raw results originally returned from either geocoder (Google's being nicer in this regard, but OSM works too) can be used towards building this out.

Based on how this module handles all of its data, is it feasible to extend it somehow to allow saving of the raw geocode data? If so, any ideas on where I might begin to look?

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@BrendonKoz The JS side of this module is using the OSM geocoder while the geocode() method in LeafletMapMarker.php is using the Google geocoder.

If you wanted to save the raw data returned by Google geocoder, you would need to extend the database schema in FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker.module to add the necessary columns (e.g. streetAddress) to the table where data for this fieldtype ist stored. And extend the geocode method so it can save the raw data to the newly added columns. And add the respective keys to the construct method in LeafletMapMarker.php.

Then you should be able to access your values in your template php like:

$map = $modules->get('MarkupLeafletMap');
echo $map->streetAddress;

and use those values to render the JSON+LD JS.

You would either need to fork the original module and then add your code or write your own module that extends the original one and adds your methods.



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I realize my question is now outside the scope of this module, so I apologize in advance, and also have no expectation of a response -- just hopeful! By looking through this though I think I might be picking up some things with Fieldtype development that I couldn't quite grasp beforehand, so it's still useful (to me).

Thank you for the response, @gebeer that was awesome! I made those, and some additional changes, but I've still been unable to get the data to save to the database (I'm instead saving an empty string value). I believe I might need some additional code somewhere, possibly in InputfieldLeafletMapMarker.module's ___processInput method? I tried commenting out the if/else block for whether a JS geocode had been done so that it would (should?) always perform a Google geocode, but that still didn't save to the DB. Any thoughts from anyone on what I might be missing here? I manually altered the database table to include the "raw" column in my field_{$name} field values.

Changes (on Github repo removed) :
[line 38] + $this->set('raw', '');
[line 96] + $this->raw = $json['results'][0];

[line 310] - "\$page->{$this->name}->zoom" .
+ "\$page->{$this->name}->zoom\n" .
+ "\$page->{$this->name}->raw" .

[line 106] + $marker->raw = $value['raw'];
[line 136] - 'zoom' => $marker->zoom/*,
+ 'zoom' => $marker->zoom,
+ 'raw' => $marker->raw/*,

[line 157] + $schema['raw'] = "TEXT"; // raw google geocode data

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry, should have given more details about my trials. I unfortunately have no experience with programming modules for processwire so I would need some more hints to fix it.

The problem is that the value does not get stored into the database. (I tested it by putting a fixed string there.) The reason for this I suppose is that InputfieldLeafletMapMarker.module requires an input field in the __render function in order for processwire to store it, when the page is saved. My problem now was to get this field dynamically populated by the javascript part of the module, i.e. add appropriate code to InputfieldLeafletMapMarker.js.

That's were I currently stand.

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  On 1/9/2018 at 2:19 AM, gebeer said:

@BrendonKoz Have you checked with some debug tool (I highly recommend Tracy Debugger Module) that $json['results'][0] has a value?


I hadn't. I had previously installed TracyDebugger and couldn't figure out how to use it -- I think my problem was as simple as having installed it in the wrong PW instance (it's working now). I'll see if I can find any additional info from that, thank you for the tip!

  On 1/8/2018 at 9:36 PM, patman said:


@BrendonKoz I ran into the same issue that I would like to use the json data returned to populate json+ld structures. Did you ever find a solution? I played around with your code from github but couldn't fix it.



I had not, unfortunately. I was pulled from that task to work on an Omeka (archival CMS of sorts) theme and subsequent issues, and an application form using GIS shapefiles. I hope to be finishing the Omeka thing up today. If I have time later in the day I'll take another look into this. I too don't have much experience working with PW Fieldset modules; I've been trying to figure them out here and there though.

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I did some deeper looks into the code, it seems that a few things are already prepared / were used previously:
InputfieldLeafletMapMarker.js already contains a variable $addrJS that could store raw json.
InputfieldLeafletMapMarker.module renders a hidden field _js_geocode_address that looks like intended for that purpose but it's coded wrong (id, no value).

My thought is to use these variables to store the raw json and generate the currently used "address" out of them (by simple extraction of the name). Then I would store the raw value into the database field "data" so there is no need to update the scheme with an extra field "raw". Original field address can again be regenerated from the raw json anyway.

I might have some time on the weekend to go deeper. Let me know if you have some more ideas/hints. I'd like to have the possibility to generate the json+ld for the website automatically.

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If the only JSON+LD to be displayed will be event type, I'm personally planning to just hardcode it into the template rather than run another module. I did install that module originally with that intention but it mostly just attempts to simplify the creation of the template code.

My `raw` field was used so that the rest of the module's code would be untouched and would continue to run as-is. If I could get it working I'd then add a module config option to offer to always save the raw data (or leave unchecked to not save it; default behavior). That way if the module author wanted to merge changes it wouldn't have any breaking changes. The schema upgrade method would have to be updated though.

I didn't notice the other variables that may have worked before -- or maybe I did; if I did, they might've been a carry-over from the fork of Ryan Cramer's GoogleMaps implementation (some code is still the same). I didn't get time to look at this today so the code is no longer fresh in my memory.

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  On 1/9/2018 at 9:39 PM, patman said:

InputfieldLeafletMapMarker.js already contains a variable $addrJS that could store raw json.
InputfieldLeafletMapMarker.module renders a hidden field _js_geocode_address that looks like intended for that purpose but it's coded wrong (id, no value).

My thought is to use these variables to store the raw json and generate the currently used "address" out of them (by simple extraction of the name). Then I would store the raw value into the database field "data" so there is no need to update the scheme with an extra field "raw". Original field address can again be regenerated from the raw json anyway.


_js_geocode_address is used to hold the address that gets returned by the JS geocoding call, thats why the value is not set when rendering the field. This address is then stored to the data field in the DB on save. If you want to store the raw data in that data field, you also would need to change the schema, because it currently allows a max of 255 characters which will not be enough to store all the raw data.

When you then retrieve the address in your template with $page->mylocationfieldname->address, it will return the raw data that you stored in that field. So you would need to extend the get method in LeafletMapMarker.php to return only the address and not the whole string.

I think it would make more sense to extend the DB scheme and have a field raw that stores the raw data.

You'd need a hidden field in the form, e.g. _js_geocode_raw that gets populated from the JS (just like the address field gets populated now) and then on save sends that value and stores it to the DB. You'd need to add that to the set method in LeafletMapMarker.php.

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  On 1/9/2018 at 9:44 PM, gmclelland said:

@patman  I too, would like to be able to use the address data with JSON-ld.  In case you haven't already tried it, you might want to give https://github.com/clipmagic/MarkupJsonLDSchema a shot for the JSON-ld.


@gmclelland Thanks I stumbled over it and had a quick look at it. Unfortunately, I decided to include my own php file that renders the schemata because I oversaw the customization options in that module. I'll switch at some later time, thanks!

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