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Everything posted by hellomoto

  1. I see here https://github.com/adminerevo/adminerevo/blob/6bb4d778cb2077889811727721253e14250eba8b/adminer/file.inc.php#L6 Do you know why the files are compressed?
  2. https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/commit/daf24456c5cbf09e8c27cfb59057bf632ae8bcad the lzw_decompress functions & special characters?
  3. I just realized and then this was already in the Google SERP open from searching "wire in wire function processwire" regarding something else (wire('config') in a function was not a function because the namespace wasn't present): wire() in the init method of a module which extends ProcessPageAdd in a different PW instance that is instantiated in ready.php is initialized also in the instance instantiating the other instance. For example: wire()->addHookBefore("ProcessPageAdd::execute", $this, 'hookPageAdd'); resulted in an error adding a page of the same template name in the instance instantiating the other one. Prepending with $this-> disables the cross-site functionality.
  4. Maybe it's Firefox looking for favicon file automatically... It goes away if I indicate a favicon... Indicating a nonexistent one changes the stack trace to load resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:180:20 load resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:567:70 loadIcons resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:645:26 FaviconLoader/this.iconTask< resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:621:18 _runTask resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.sys.mjs:347:18 _timerCallback/< resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.sys.mjs:318:20 _timerCallback resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.sys.mjs:337:9 _startTimer/callback/< resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.sys.mjs:185:18 Sorry this isn't quite insightful
  5. I don't have a request in templates for favicon.ico. In Firefox inspector: Request cookies are: 'adminer_key', 'adminer_sid', 'tracy-session', 'wire0s', 'wire1s', 'wire1s_challenge', 'wires', 'wires_challenge'. Stack trace: load resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:180:20 load resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:567:70 loadIcons resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:645:26 onPageShow resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:679:12 onHeadParsed resource:///actors/LinkHandlerChild.sys.mjs:56:24 handleEvent resource:///actors/LinkHandlerChild.sys.mjs:172:21 I don't know what those are. I did recently install and then afterward notice an odd commit and deleted the module -- https://github.com/FriendsOfProcessWire/FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker/commit/e57e9373e6cccb79fe89dfda00fec117624649f2 has a bunch of empty files? "Remove executable bit from files"? -- Sorry I just realized the permissions changed from 755 to 644...
  6. Wow I missed that thank you. The conditional inclusion is so as to not repeat if running from within PW already, only require if ran from outside PW. var_dump(class_exists('ProcessWire')); returns false from within it so that's why it's \Templates...
  7. When I include index.php and run the script via command line `php bootstrap.php` this error is returned: PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /pw/bootstrap/index.php:5) in /pw/index.php on line 41 404 page not found (no site configuration or install.php available) I've tried moving the script around also and it's the same if external... <?php namespace ProcessWire; if (!class_exists('ProcessWire\Templates')) { // $pw_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__), 2); echo $pw_dir; $boot = "../pw/index.php"; $boot = realpath($boot); echo $boot; require_once $boot;// $pw_dir.'/index.php'; echo 'booted'; exit; } (so as to not include if ran from within PW instance, also tried with no condition)
  8. Can this be bypassed so that if nothing is entered the new page is not saved at all in the first place when exited?
  9. I removed the code but it wasn't fancy (wasn't version controlled), it's just how I noticed the issue in the first place. It doesn't happen if I echo something on ready.php in the same /site-sub/ I'm using the console on, only outputs from /site/ files.
  10. `echo "hello";` in ready.php or finished.php `hello` in console output (running nothing) sorry if I understand it better I'll explain rather than posting intermittently
  11. Anything echo'd in ready.php or finished.php shows in the console, not init.php
  12. Yes sorry I did that to test the error, it comes up also when I remove the WireHttp. You're probably right I was just thinking that.
  13. Error: Undefined array key "host" on line: 896 in /website/wire/core/WireHttp.phpError: Undefined array key "scheme" on line: 900 in /website/wire/core/WireHttp.phpError: Undefined variable $var on line: 21 in /website/site/ready.phpSuccessful response: {"error":"Unauthorized"} While in /site-sub/ on subdomain of /site/ while testing WireHttp request from /site/ ?
  14. Why is there a set method in the Fieldtype and in the MapMarker class?
  15. I'm sorry @ryan , thank you for your help; returning false if($value instanceof Selector) in isEmptyValue does seem to be working.
  16. Thank you, I tried removing the method & without DatabaseQuerySelectFulltext, but when searching for field='' no results are returned (nor if searching by subfield). Is there no way to reorder the where to be included after the leftjoin when returning this: $query->leftjoin("$table AS $_table ON $_table.pages_id=pages.id")->where("$_table.pages_id IS NULL"); return $query; ? The where clause precedes the left join in the join clause before it that includes it? ... JOIN field_list AS field_list ON field_list.pages_id=pages.id AND ((((field_list_li1.pages_id IS NULL) ) )) LEFT JOIN field_list AS field_list_li1 ON pages.id=field_list_li1.pages_id AND (field_list_li1.pages_id IS NULL) WHERE ...
  17. This returns all values (don't know how as I thought I'd tried it already and been getting nothing but errors): if ($subfield === 'data' && $value === '' && $operator === '=') { // return pages with no data? static $n = 0; $_table = $table . '_li' . (++$n); $query->leftjoin("$table AS $_table ON pages.id=$_table.pages_id AND ($_table.pages_id IS NULL)"); return $query; } so no error... but ineffective... If I insert $ft = new DatabaseQuerySelectFulltext($query); $ft->match($table, 'pages_id', $operator, 'NULL'); first within the above condition, there are no results, and getQuery returns SELECT LEFT JOIN field_list AS field_list_li1 ON pages.id=field_list_li1.pages_id AND (field_list_li1.pages_id IS NULL) WHERE field_list.pages_id=:pf21s0X so the would-be where gets appended (I tried with value='IS NULL' also?), but what is the code that it outputs? :pf21s0X?
  18. If I run this in DB it works SELECT pages.id, pages.parent_id, pages.templates_id FROM pages LEFT JOIN field_list ON pages.id=field_list.pages_id WHERE /*(pages.templates_id=124) AND */(field_list.pages_id IS NULL) I can't figure out how to implement it in getMatchQuery.
  19. Also tried (from fields in core): static $n = 0; $_table = $table . '_li' . (++$n); $query->leftjoin("$table AS $_table ON $_table.pages_id=pages.id"); $query->where("($_table.pages_id IS NULL)"); return $query; Error: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'field_list_li1.pages_id' in 'on clause' Whole query: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS pages.id,pages.parent_id,pages.templates_id FROM `pages` JOIN field_list AS field_list ON field_list.pages_id=pages.id AND ((((field_list_li1.pages_id IS NULL) ) )) LEFT JOIN field_list AS field_list_li1 ON pages.id=field_list_li1.pages_id AND (field_list_li1.pages_id IS NULL) WHERE (pages.templates_id=124) AND (pages.status<1024) GROUP BY pages.id ORDER BY pages.created DESC LIMIT 0,25 -- [0.8ms] FAIL SQLSTATE[42S22] So on line 3 before the AS comes in the AS pops up... With $_table = $table: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1066 Not unique table/alias: 'field_list' getQuery(): SELECT LEFT JOIN field_list AS field_list_li1 ON pages.id=field_list_li1.pages_id WHERE (field_list_li1.pages_id IS NULL)
  20. Thank you much. Here is the schema: public function getDatabaseSchema(Field $field) { $schema = parent::getDatabaseSchema($field); $schema['data'] = "VARCHAR(21) DEFAULT ''"; // empty placeholder, required $schema['sf1'] = "CHAR"; $schema['sf2'] = "INT UNSIGNED"; return $schema; } I added this now to getMatchQuery: if ($subfield == 'data' && empty($value) && $operator == '=') { // return pages with no data? $query->leftjoin($table)->where("IS NULL {$table}.pages_id"); return $query; } but in Lister get this error: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'IS NULL field_list.pages_id ) )) LEFT JOIN field_list WH' at line 3 It looks as though this is the SQL query: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS pages.id,pages.parent_id,pages.templates_id FROM `pages` JOIN field_list AS field_list ON field_list.pages_id=pages.id AND (((IS NULL field_list.pages_id ) )) LEFT JOIN field_list WHERE ((pages.parent_id!=2 AND pages.parent_id NOT IN (SELECT pages_id FROM pages_parents WHERE parents_id=2 OR pages_id=2))) AND (pages.status<8192) GROUP BY pages.id ORDER BY pages.modified DESC LIMIT 0,25 -- [0.2ms] FAIL SQLSTATE[42000] Thanks @ryan
  21. public function getMatchQuery($query, $table, $subfield, $operator, $value) { if (!$subfield) $subfield = 'data'; // search for empty/not empty: if ($subfield == 'data' && empty($value) && $operator == '!=') { // doesn't work for '=', same result $ft = new DatabaseQuerySelectFulltext($query); $ft->match($table, 'sf1', $operator, $value)->match($table, 'sf2', $operator, $value); return $query; } if ($subfield == 'data' && empty($value) && $operator == '=') { // return pages with no data? } } Presently it returns all pages where field in question is populated, whether searching for empty or not empty. When field value is empty, there is no row representing it in the field table. How can I return those pages when searching `fieldname=''` if the page template has the field? EDIT: I replied to this myself with details of issues I encountered trying to resolve it but essentially I can't figure out how to have the "where" method added to the query added ultimately AFTER the left join. The left join is aliased (or error that it isn't unique), but the where statement included with/after it always is included in the whole statement in the JOIN preceding the LEFT JOIN where the alias is introduced. static $n = 0; $_table = $table . '_li' . (++$n); $ft = new DatabaseQuerySelectFulltext($query); $query->leftjoin("$table AS $_table ON $_table.pages_id=pages.id")->where("$_table.pages_id IS NULL"); return $query; Resulting Lister query: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS pages.id,pages.parent_id,pages.templates_id FROM `pages` JOIN field_list AS field_list ON field_list.pages_id=pages.id AND (((field_list_li1.pages_id IS NULL ) )) LEFT JOIN field_list AS field_list_li1 ON field_list_li1.pages_id=pages.id WHERE (pages.templates_id=124) AND (pages.status<1024) GROUP BY pages.id ORDER BY pages.created DESC; so if that would-be WHERE AND clause preceding the LEFT JOIN would just come after it instead, it should work, but how?
  22. Are URL segments indexable & search engine optimizable? Site-mappable? With or without SEO meta tags rendered in the native site template rendering the URL segment, drawing page data from a separate PW installation? if only rendering when the urlSegment1 matches the name of a page of a specified template with the same parent? I don't know how to test this locally. Thank you.
  23. Disabling textformatters: FieldtypeSomething > init() > parent::allowTextFormatters(false); Making the pattern readonly: InputfieldSomething > ___getConfigInputfields() > $f = $inputfields->get('pattern'); if($f) $f->attr('disabled', 'disabled'); To alter the pattern without reinstalling the Fieldtype, it isn't stored in the database? I can do it via API, but where is it stored? It's missing from the data column of the fields table for the field where all the other attributes are.
  24. DEVELOPMENT mode had to be enforced. But changing from DETECT to DEVELOPMENT and also checking "Restrict superusers" results in its disappearance again... Those options seem somewhat redundant, but the latter is to exclude any other roles granted the "tracy-debugger" permission from its use, however it doesn't seem to work. I tried with the permission created and unassigned, assigned, and deleted. Am I misunderstanding it? I reverted to DETECT and checked "Force superusers into DEVELOPMENT mode".
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