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Module Toolkit


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It allows bulk automated migration installation and upgrading of modules (and their config settings) from one PW install to another, so it should be very handy in setting up new sites with your standard collection of favorite modules and settings. Allows includes batch installing by a list of module class names.

Go to the Setup > Module Toolkit and follow the prompts.

  • During the import, you can choose which modules from the collection to import.
  • You can optionally import the module config settings from the source install. The one caveat is if a particular setting includes a reference to a page, template, or field ID, it won't work, but you can easily update this setting on the destination install.
  • Batch install new modules directly from the modules directory with a list of module classnames or URLs to module zip files.
  • You can optionally, automatically update all of the imported modules (if they are in the ProcessWire modules directory) to their latest available versions.
  • It copies the module files so you can use it to migrate modules that are not available in the PW modules directory, or on Github. Great for all those custom helper modules you've created.
  • Full restore feature in case something goes wrong / you change your mind.

I maintain a dedicated test PW install for installing and configuring modules which I can then export for use in my projects using this tool.

Please test and let me know what you think!

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  • 4 months later...

Hi everyone,

Just added some new features (not in the repo just yet), but wanted to get some feedback on a new name for the module. It still functions as a way to migrate modules and their settings from one PW install to another, but now also includes:

  • batch download and install modules from a list of class names entered in a textarea field
  • batch module updating

Name ideas:

  • ModulesManager wouldn't be bad, but already taken :)
  • ModulesMigratorInstallerUpdater would be the most accurate, but obviously ugly
  • ModulesInstaller is OK, but doesn't cover everything
  • ModulesHelper ?
  • ModulesToolkit ?

Free like for any suggestions :)

Here are some screenshots for inspiration:














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looks really great for speed up site setup with the new tools!!

Yep - speedier site setup for sure!

Also, with the new batch update function, it is also much easier to update all the modules on existing sites in one go. I find it can be quite tedious to update modules one by one with the current PW tools.

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Ok, module has been renamed to Module Toolkit and can now be considered in beta.

In addition to the new functionality noted in the second post, there has been lots of cleanup and one new feature - if you are also running Ryan's ProcessWireUpgrade module, there will be a new button on that module called "Batch Upgrade Modules" that will bring you directly to this module's Upgrade page where you can confirm which modules to upgrade and do them all with one click!

I know that there likely is still some needed improvements in error checking and reporting, but otherwise I think all functionality is working well!

If you have a chance please test and let me know of any issues you come across.

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This looks like a great timesaver! Thanks for creating this module. I will try it next week.

One minor feature I would like to see added: As I often use forks of modules or custom modules or which are not in the modules directory it would be great if the "list of modules to install" could also contain links to zip files. But also without this addition I think this module will be my new favorite way to install modules when setting up a new site.

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Thanks @interrobang,

I have just committed an updated that takes care of your request. Now you can enter a mix of module class names for modules in the PW modules directory and URLs to module zip files for any modules only on Github or elsewhere.

Should be a great addition.

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Yesterday I thought exactly about this procedure. I use several modules over and over again. And it's a hassle to download always the same modules, even when it's comfortable with ModulesManager.

Now I don't have to think further, because you already did it! Great work, and obvious a real time time saver. So it fits perfectly in the ProcessWire galaxy! :)


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  • 9 months later...

I just added an "Upgrade Cleanup" option. Now you can easily cleanup all of the backups from the ProcessWire Upgrade module. It lets you review all the folders/files tagged for deletion and then deletes all with one click. It covers core wire folders, .htaccess and index.php backups, as well as all site module backups.

I am also hoping to do some thorough testing of the entire module and get it ready for release fairly soon - is anyone out there using it regularly? Any comments/suggestions/issues?

PS If you're not already using the PW Upgrade module be sure to make it one of your defaults to install on every site - it handles PW core and 3rd party site modules.

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  • 7 months later...
  On 9/19/2016 at 8:17 AM, Ivan Gretsky said:

Good day, @adrian!

Is there anything preventing you from publishing this one in module directory? I only found it 'cuz I knew where to look for ;).


There are still some unsolved issues when installing (or maybe it's exporting?) a module which has required or requiredby dependencies. To be honest it's been a while since I looked at this. I would like to revisit it because it has the potential to be a huge timesaver. I am also thinking of implementing this functionality (https://processwire.com/talk/topic/14117-module-settings-import-export/) into it.

If I can make some time for it, I'll see what I can do about sorting out these issues and getting it published.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

@adrian Do you plan to extend the batch install module to include built-in modules? I just installed about 10 modules from the modules directory which saved me a lot of time. Being able to install built-in modules like AdminThemeReno, LanguageSupportPageNames, LanguageTabs etc would be great.

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  On 1/9/2017 at 4:33 PM, tpr said:

@adrian Do you plan to extend the batch install module to include built-in modules? I just installed about 10 modules from the modules directory which saved me a lot of time. Being able to install built-in modules like AdminThemeReno, LanguageSupportPageNames, LanguageTabs etc would be great.


I don't see why not - I never really thought about it before, that's all.

Trouble is that I now have too many modules and not enough time :)

I wasn't really sure how much use this module was getting. Is anybody else using this regularly?


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  • 1 month later...

Just a heads up that I have committed a new version with lots of bug fixes (although I expect there are still some more to come). Also, there was a spelling mistake in the class name of the old version (as noted by @tpr above), so you should uninstall the old version and install this new version from scratch.

Would like to get an idea of how many people are using this - I'd like to get it working well, but it's already been a substantial effort and want to make sure this is in demand over the Module Settings Import / Export that I released yesterday. Obviously this is way more powerful, but maybe it's more than most people want.

Thanks for any feedback.


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  On 1/9/2017 at 4:33 PM, tpr said:

@adrian Do you plan to extend the batch install module to include built-in modules? I just installed about 10 modules from the modules directory which saved me a lot of time. Being able to install built-in modules like AdminThemeReno, LanguageSupportPageNames, LanguageTabs etc would be great.


I just tested this using the "Text List" and "JSON settings" options and it should now work with Core modules as well, but it's not well tested, so please let me know how it goes.

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  • 1 month later...

I've just used the JSON with settings feature to install 3rd party and some core modules, worked well. It's nice to see how much time this module can save, thanks!

First I thought core and 3rd party modules are mixed but 3rd party ones were at the end of the checkboxes list, apart from one or two. If they could be separated better it would be great, eg. in two columns or making 3rd party ones bold or something.

Another thing I noticed is that when the batch install reached a module not listed in the Modules Directory (nor available on GitHub) the batch was aborted and the rest of the modules weren't installed. This was a custom module. If it was possible to skip these and continue with others that would be great.

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  On 4/14/2017 at 5:35 AM, tpr said:

Another thing I noticed is that when the batch install reached a module not listed in the Modules Directory (nor available on GitHub) the batch was aborted and the rest of the modules weren't installed. This was a custom module. If it was possible to skip these and continue with others that would be great.


@tpr there seems to be an option to collect those too:


It copies the module files so you can use it to migrate modules that are not available in the PW modules directory, or on Github. Great for all those custom helper modules you've created.



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That's true for the "zip download" export option, but for the "JSON list" obviously it's not. If custom modules were skipped that would have been more "user-friendly" than aborting. I'll use the ZIP option next time though, thanks for the info.

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