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  1. Hi all, I have what on the face of it what seems like a simple addition I want to add to a template, but im a bit stumped in how to achieve it. Basically I have a global page reference field that allows a user to order the output of a given template file. So this global field sits on...
  2. Hello, Upon reading these articles https://dev.to/maxlaboisson/an-introduction-to-api-first-cms-with-directus-open-source-headless-cms-9f6 https://snipcart.com/blog/jamstack-clients-static-site-cms I was thinking that PW can be used for a Jamstack or Headless CMS with no changes...
  3. Hello All, Recently I have read a series of articles about some new terms like Headless CMS, Hybrid CMS and Digital Experience Platforms ( DXP). I cannot get a clear picture of these but I could understand that these are different from the traditional CMS as we use now, at least in theoretical...
  4. Hi folks, Quick one. Is it possible to add a favicon to the admin/CMS area? Without messing with anything core? Thanks, R
  5. Hi, I'm working on a website where in the back-end in one template i have multiple page reference fields using the same conditions (parent and template). Is there a way if i selected a page in field A it won't show up anymore in the list of field B or field C etc? I was looking at creating...
  6. I'm someone who has been developing websites for a while, mostly doing full stack .NET development and ASP scripting before that, while using Silverstripe and some other PHP frameworks for some smaller projects which worked well enough for quite some time. Now I have some time on my hands and...
  7. I want the admin to select one of the child of a parent in "page reference" as radio buttons, but it comes out empty here is my hook in site/ready.php $wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldPage::getSelectablePages', function($event) { if ($event->object->hasField == 'childLinks') { $page = $...
  8. Hi. I'm trying to figure out what might be the best approach when using PW for your CMS, but needing access custom tables. I know you can query your custom tables, so that's not my question here. What I'm trying to figure out is if I should separate an application from PW. Out of the box,...
  9. PW Admin doesn't really function without javascript, and my question would be, should we care? I think, however, either way it might be nice to add a "<span>Javascript doesn't seem to be available, therefore you may not be able to access the full functionality of the admin</span>" somewhere may...
  10. Hey Guys, One of my clients asked me to look at the options for a very complex website, what to use and how to do it. And to be honest i've been thrown in at the deep end a little bit. There is so much software out there and it's kinda hard to try everything out especially in combination with e...
  11. Hi all, I got a Internal Server Error when accessing de /setup/fields in my back end... Also when i try to reach it through the page tree, i can't edit the 'fields' page, same error. I do modify a image field through the api, i don't know if that has something to do with it, below the co...
  12. I recently had a revelation when building HTML emails, what's the difference between HTML emails, and HTML web pages? Other than the horrible table syntax, the result is the same, it's still HTML. This got me thinking why not use a CMS to help generate the HTML emails based on a template? Just...
  13. Hello all, I'm new here in your community and working in my free time with Web desing & Development. I'm not many years in the web but I try for the best possible. Also I have not worked with ProcessWire CMS. However I have read enough good things about this the CMS I have a question but do not...
  14. Hi gang, Had a client request for very flexible layouts - imagine a page that you can adhocly add and remove widgets then add content to them. What strategies do people have for this type of thing. Usually I would create a set of templates, and add the fields to those templates. Or on a more com...
  15. Hi there, I'm not sure if this is a setting somewhere, but searching for it returns a thousand results so not sure if it's related to front or back end, but my question is: When I add a new page (child) it automatically adds it to the bottom of the list of children. This seems to be the default...
  16. Hello, I just went through the PW tutorial for making a simple news system: http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Simple_News_System But after seeing the result, I'm wondering how this system would scale. Because right now, it seems like if you're creating a new page for each post, things on t...
  17. is it somehow possible to get PW running without SQL - maybe as a file based CMS, saving everything in a single(?) xml or multiple txt files? i know, there are a lot of downsides using files, but for some small projects it would be a great alternative!
  18. Hello I want to develop a cms and 2 apps ( ios and android ) for ibeacon Who can help, please contact me on mail : mihai.daniel.marius@gmail.com skype: midanius Regards
  19. Hello guys I'm new here! I've been working on this website that I've made with Foundation. I wanted to put a CMS in it so now i'm here! On my localhost the website works perfect. I've adjusted the Processwire CMS to my wishes and with /login I and other users would be able to change the texts on...
  20. Hi there, My site's URL is the installation folder. How can I make my site load the home page on the URL root? http://www.mysite.com/ instead of http://www.mysite.com/cms/ Thanks
  21. Hi everyone, I made a walkthrough of a web app I built using ProcessWire for the Tenova Group mining company. They needed an intranet application to keep track of their daily plant operations. I designed and developed a ProcessWire solution that would allow registered employees at Tenova HYL to...
  22. jwaldeck


    Hi Everyone! I'm glad to show you guys my first Processwire project: http://www.ihera.com.br/ It's a simple yet tailor made website I did for a clinic specialized in women health in Brazil. We've designed/coded several templates for the backend, used the Skeleton CSS Framework (http://www.getskele...
  23. As someone who has only been in the web design industry for just over a year, I've spent much of that time learning. First of all, learning HTML, CSS, Jquery and then a very in-depth look at content management systems. I've been back and forth over so many of them. I finally settled on ExpressionEn...
  24. (WARNING: long philosophical post, with no immediate problem solving needed. This is for the ones who might feel like discussing data modelling in PW) Hello! I'm about to start a new project and I ran into a structural problem that I'm not sure exactly how to get about (although I have an i...
  25. Often deal with alot of differing fields on a edit page and was wondering if it would be possible to get a way of grouping fields within a template. E.g. title and body fields open, extra options group of fields closed containing other page fields, date, summary, etc etc
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