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  1. Im trying to redirect a logged in user back to his own user page if he tries to access another member page, but i can´t get it to work. It will redirect back to the correct url but then i get browser error? "The page redirects incorrectly, Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the r...
  2. Im building a site where members can hopefullly sign up, login, and have a front end user page that that they can edit and also post new for example entries/pages to an auction for example. I have created an alternative user page based on this post. https://processwire.com/blog/posts/proce...
  3. We frequently end up with people creating either multiple logins (one per year, with a different employee now in charge of managing the account) or different accounts for different aspects of their engagement (one as a speaker, one as a sponsor/customer), and we'd like to come up with a way to merge...
  4. I have this "editor" role, that has the "user-admin-all" permission. I tried several times, doing different things sets of permissions, but I can't make a user with this role being able to make another user an "editor" too. PW disables the "editor" checkbox. I read the documentation 3 times tha...
  5. Hi all, I've noticed that, when creating new users for clients, the chosen admin theme is not saved. For example, I create a new user select Reno or UIKit as the theme at point of creation and save. When logging in that user for the first time the admin theme is back to default. Changing it aga...
  6. Hi! I've just discovered Processwire and I'm absolutely loving how clean it is. Especially with the full control over what it outputs. Excuse me if this is a really stupid question. What happens if a user wants to insert multiple images into the blog field? In other words Shift+Click all...
  7. Hello, this maybe a simple question, but it bothers me for a while now: There used to be a warning, if two or more user try to edit the same page. But ever since AdminThemeUIkit I haven't seen it any more. Is this a bug or are there special circumstances under which the warning will b...
  8. I have 100+ spam/Russian user accounts on a semi-test site. Is deleting them one by one the only option? Is there no way to select a whole page of spam user accounts and batch delete them?
  9. I have a website that allows users to create their personal "website" (a page with sub-pages). Users shall be able to: Log in (frontend and/or admin), Edit "their" page(s) - I am using the "Page Edit Per User"-module (https://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-edit-per-user/) to g...
  10. Thought I'd show some work in progress modules. Subscribers https://github.com/benbyford/Subscribers has functions for logging in new users, added with new subscriber role bulk export the subscriber users to comma delineated SubscriberList (submodule) module adds...
  11. Hello, having trouble getting PW to save my user or field in cron hook. It seems to report the same field info each time unchanged. It should be counting down in seconds. public function init() { // set to every30Seconds in settings $this->defaultInterval = $this->cron_check; // ad...
  12. HELLO! having user Role issues. I've got a Role: members and a template that is set to only allow view of Members and to redirect anyone else to / but id redircts Member users still currently, and only alows people to view the page if the template is set to view on the guest role also. An...
  13. Hi, I am hoping to be able to use processwire for a charity with over 900 members and about 90 interest groups. One of the deciding factors (and there are many) is whether I would be able, as the admin, to add all my existing members, all the interest groups and all the group membership da...
  14. I'm trying to understand how I could have users log in as "members", provide them with a customized experience, but still serve them cached pages? For example let's say I have 3 roles Guest Member SuperUser And let's say I have a NavBar type component that has a menu. Plus...
  15. In PW I created a user 'tester' and gave the access to create edit and new. Issue is I'm unable to see 'edit' link in front of each page link and pages that i want to edit is already created. any help in this will be great help. Thank you.
  16. In my world, Super Users / Editors should only be able to work with Pages and administer users. Everything else is the domain of the web master. The purpose is to prevent technically inexperienced editors from destroying core elements of a site, such as fields and templates. That leaves me...
  17. I've a simple scenario, i want to add two users "content_creator" & "content_publisher" content_creator can add new pages,edit them(only edit not publish) and view only where content_publisher can publish the unpublished pages after reviewing. Thank you.
  18. Sorry folks if this is obvious to most and I missed something in the docs or here in the forum, but, I have cheerfully used code such as: if($user->isLoggedin()) { echo " loggedIn"; } else { echo " notLoggedIn"; } in PW 2.x sites. Now on a v3 site I am finding even the most basic tes...
  19. Hi, How can I display, on every page of my site, what roles can view that pages template, based on what is checked in settings>templates>template-name>ACCESS TAB? I've only gotten as far as displaying the name of the current template: echo $page->template->get('name'); But I'm stuck here....
  20. Is there a way to restrict logins for users so that one user can't be loggedin in two places at the same time? e.g. auto logout user after inactivity (of say 15 minutes..?), or logout action and disallow login if user still "logged in" somewhere?
  21. hey there, i'm using processwire for the first time, so maybe it's a dumb question. but i'm trying to have an options field which values are the users of the processwire. i don't need the values to be displayed, it's just for the administration of the page. but each time a new user is created /...
  22. I am trying to rewrite Soma's suggestion here to export fields from the users database to a cvs file, with variations like this: $array = $users->explode(function($item){ ...etc. And $array = $users->find('start=0')->explode(function($item){ ... But keep getting 'Call to a member funct...
  23. I'd really like Processwire to have a robust page based permissions system rather than just template based out of the box. If the page tree is compared to a file system, it would be nice to be able to set owner (user), group (role) and public permissions on a page and have this propagate to sub-pa...
  24. Hi, I'm sure this is maybe in the works already, given that findMany() is a recent addition to the API, but having this (and the other new find options) available to $users would be a great addition. Cheers, Chris NB Communication
  25. Hi all, I discovered Processwire a little over a week ago and have been playing around with it ever since. Going through the tutorials, creating templates, pages, etc. and see what a nice system it is. However, I'm led to believe that's it's not meant for user-centric sites, and by that I mea...
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