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Gideon So

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Everything posted by Gideon So

  1. Hi @JerryDi Is the field "year" a page reference field? If so, how do you set up the field? Gideon
  2. Hi @François Lacruche, Just move the processwire-master out of the webroot folder of https://www.domain-name.com. Then move EVERYTHING inside the processwire-master folder to the webroot folder of https://www.domain-name.com. This should work. Gideon
  3. Thanks @ryan. Thanks everything you have done. Happy new year to you and this amazing community from afar. Gideon So
  4. @stefan1981 If it is possible, show us the content of home.php file. Gideon
  5. Hi @Krit65 I don't use LoginRegister module but if you want to translate a string in your template file. You can try: <?php echo __("Your String"); ?> And then find the file in the backend translate tool (setup --> Languages --> Your Language --> Find file to translate --> find your template file) to transfer the string to other language. Gideon
  6. Hi @Krit65 Try $terms = wire('pages')->find('template=term-translation'); Gideon
  7. Hi @webdecker Thanks. I did it with the ProcessWire way. Gideon
  8. Hi @da² I am using 3.0.231. I will test again with 228. Gideon
  9. Hi @da² I don't know what is the difference between your settings and mine. The selector returns nothing at all even I set the file field to single file. Gideon
  10. i @da² Look like this only works when the page file field is set to single file. Gideon
  11. Hi all, Just come up to this need. Is it possible to find a page or pages by pagefile uploadName? Seems this is not working: $pages->find("file_field.uploadName%=sometext") Error: Exception: Property 'uploadName' not recognized in file_field Gideon
  12. @Robin S Wow!! What can I say. How great is this community and how helpful everyone here is. Thanks Robin. I can wait longer until the final solution comes. Gideon
  13. This is really impressive. A very nicely done piece of art work. Great job, @bernhard. Gideon
  14. Hi @Murray https://processwire.com/modules/wire-mail-smtp/ Try this module.
  15. Hi @Boost What is the setting of the author field in the current psge. I suppose it is a page reference field. How do you set up the field? Single select or asm select? Gideon
  16. Hi @ties You don't have the right to add any field / template. Do you know the username which is a superuser or you need to contact your system administrator of the website. Gideon
  17. @szabesz Can't wait to see your work with unpoly. Gideon
  18. Hi @Stefanowitsch I think it is safe to delete the one in /site/modules. If you want to be more cautious, you can move /site/modules/InputfieldTinyMCE to another location first to see if there is any side effects. Gideon
  19. unpoly is good! I used it in some of my project and I really love it. The tailwindcss standalone CLI is another wonderful tool, too. Gideon
  20. Hi @clsource I think this is a good idea. Gideon
  21. Hi @Boost, It is very obvious that the site is failed to connect to the database. Pleaae check the database username and password and then change them in config.php accordingly. Gideon
  22. @cpx3 Just out of curiousity, how do you embed the formbuilder form?? Gideon
  23. Hi @Roadwolf Which site profile did you install?? Gideon
  24. Hi @Neue Rituale I will give your suggestion a try. Will report back. Gideon
  25. Hi @Neue Rituale Got this error when install the module. I am using PHP 7.1. Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected '?', expecting function (T_FUNCTION) or const (T_CONST) (line 37 of site/modules/FieldtypeOembed/FieldtypeOembed.module) How can I fix it? Gideon
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