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Everything posted by dragan

  1. In that case, I guess you'd have to look into using hooks. But digging deeper into @adrian's module description linked before, it seems there's an option that will do just what you are looking for: I have never used this myself, so I guess you should simply try it out and see if it works for you...
  2. Interesting related stuff here: And here's a module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-custom-upload-names/ But I'm not sure if you really mean "change after renaming" or "use a custom formatter after uploading". Should the description automatically be generated from the filename, or vice versa?
  3. What is Page::statusIncomplete? Never saw this before...
  4. @strandoo Do you have a live example? Most likely the modal is closed with JS. A quick look at Ryan's module tells me there's just the .module file without any JS. Probably the data-dismiss="modal" is triggered somewhere after submit...
  5. @sebr 1) Apparently there is no built-in function in Leaflet to "de-cluster" a map. https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/152128/leaflet-markercluster-cluster-uncluster-toggle https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster/issues/393
  6. Well, at this point, I think it would be time to move this forum thread to the Lister Pro support thread. Maybe a forum-admin can move it there? @sebastiaan (to me at least) it's hard to pin down the error source. But maybe @ryan has a clue about what's going on here, and can help you isolate the two JS errors. All I know is that there were major changes with the bookmarking feature recently. And I guess you should take a look at the form control mentioned in the second JS error. Does it appear everywhere, or just in your custom actions?
  7. What about JS errors in the browser console?
  8. Using CTRL + SHIFT + V instead of just CTRL + V (on Windows), you can still paste the content and CKEditor will recognize basic stylings such as line-breaks and bold/italic, lists etc. without all the extra MS-Word proprietary stuff that @bernhard mentioned. That is intentional, since MS-Office documents and your website don't use the same styling, and you really don't want to end up with strange-looking parts in your website because of such author actions.
  9. @Sergio Why are you using anchors for the FAQ headings? Is it supposed to be used as toggle / show-hide? Because if yes, then that is not working as intended. Everything is visible, and you can't toggle anything (at least not with Chrome).
  10. Maybe write a hook for FB, and inside that hook you pass the output to your sales module? Just remember to use wire('modules') instead of $modules... When you say "function", do you mean your own custom PW module, or just a function in your template(s) ?
  11. According to https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ServiceCurrencyConversion/blob/master/ServiceCurrencyConversion.module#L187 you should be able to edit currencies.txt (untested).
  12. @iipa You probably have to update PW. It was introduced with 3.0.127: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.127/
  13. You can easily change the order with CSS flexbox, i.e. place a custom link first, before pages. Together with the body role- classes, it would be a breeze to re-arrange the order (or perhaps use a different styling). A quick-and-dirty example: body.role-nonsuperuser li.page-10065- { flex: 1; order: -1; } body.role-nonsuperuser #pw-masthead .uk-navbar-nav> li.page-10065- a { font-size: 1.5em; color: yellow; font-weight: 800; } page 10065 is a custom dashboard page here, and with the first two CSS statements it puts the dashboard link first, and pages etc. after that - only for non-superusers.
  14. @Nicolas This looks like @Noel Boss's admin theme: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/admin-theme-uikit/ If you want to customize the admin theme yourself, you can clone the wire/modules/adminthemefolder/ to site/modules/. PW will detect that you have two such folders and ask which one to use. You've got the full monty in the package: LESS files, webpack etc.etc.
  15. Never had to use any such thing myself, but take a look here: https://modules.processwire.com/categories/social/ What exactly should this "comment system" do? Do you want to embed FB comments in your site? Something like this?
  16. That's weird. Re-ordering images shouldn't do anything besides.... re-ordering and nothing else. I don't get it. Is that text (This is intentionally invalid image data) displayed in the browser? Look in the page's asset folder. Are all your images still there? Also, check server- and PW error logs, and your browser JS console for suspicious stuff.
  17. Not related to search, but: Are these really three templates? i.e. do you really use them as PW-templates, or just as partials that you include() in the template? Perhaps this is useful: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.91-core-updates/ $pages->find("FieldtypeTextarea|FieldtypeText|FieldtypePageTitle%=coffee"); or this: Here's an example with PHP: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9373023/how-can-i-get-a-summary-string-around-a-search-query-within-a-longer-string Here's a little JS lib: https://markjs.io/
  18. no it isn't. What makes you say that? Perhaps you should spend some time "learning the ropes" instead, before declaring an entire decades-long tried and tested scripting language as "awful".
  19. Well, I have never used this inputfield type, but did you also try sort=stars.count ?
  20. @rick Are you talking about FieldtypeStarRating? Perhaps you should better post it in the support forum thread instead. Anyway: did you already try to sort by that field and it failed? Give us some code examples of what you've already tried, so we can get a better picture of your setup etc.
  21. I'm quite happy with https://keep.google.com/u/0/ - use it across devices etc.
  22. uhm, this is purely frontend code and hasn't got anything to do with PW per se. Did you just copy-and-paste your existing code from somewhere? Just add class .open to the panel and adjust the right CSS value to -3px (inline style, same as when opened) slide-out-enquiry open
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