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Everything posted by monchu

  1. Try localhost only first without port number, http://localhost/ Is it working?
  2. Yes you can create a new file ready.php so you can put the hook snippet there https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/master/site-default/ready.php
  3. Hi Marvin, Apa kabar? You can add roles using hook in your ready.php $this->addHookAfter('Session::loginSuccess', null, function($event) { $user = $event->wire('user'); if (($this->wire('user')->notes) == '') $note = "Data belum lengkap"; if ((($this->wire('user')->notes) != '') && (!$this->wire('user')->hasRole('new-role'))) { $user->of(false); $user->addRole('new-role'); $user->save(); $user->of(true); } });
  4. In my case to solve duplicate user name, I used a name page with this format: Y-m-d-page->id-userfname-userlname With this format, I can get both, User Account ID and Registration Date.
  5. I'm using DO with basic setup, and it's easy to manage. One droplet for web and one for the database. To manage the database, I use Heidi SQL and PuttY for the app.
  6. 46 you're still young Ryan ? I'm 66 this year and active as a martial arts instructor, and I still want to do it for the next 20 years hopefully. So you can maintain PW for the next 40 yrs. ?
  7. Very easy using css grid no need flex to do that. Use z index bigger for div two and use grid-area to locate div one and div two.
  8. I want to share in my use case using FormBuilder, Textareas and Combo. I manage a martial arts association website in Australia. We produce certification for jury and athletes. I use Textareas field to store the integers and manipulate those values in Hanna Code and use that code in FormBuilder markup field for the quiz certification. Since we have a lot of user types from students, instructors, martial arts schools etc.; this is where Combo field suit to store all members data separated from their user's profile account. Doing this way, the user profile data only consists of essential data such as user name, first/last name, email and password etc. Then I can re-use that Combo field in any project as well. So in my use case, the combination of FormBuilder, Textareas and Combo are beneficial.
  9. Maybe try the basic format first <?=date('%A, %e. %B %Y', $item->date_start)?>
  10. Hi Greg, I'm not too sure what you meant by page-template. In PW it's quite a bit confusing because a page and a template is a different thing. You have to put Hanna tag in your Blog page, not in the template file. You assigned the Hanna Code Text Formatter in your Body field.
  11. I have installed the SSL in localhost (xampp in Win10) following the steps from this url: https://shellcreeper.com/how-to-create-valid-ssl-in-localhost-for-xampp/
  12. To hide breadcrumb, I used this hook in ready.php $this->addHookBefore('Process::breadcrumb', function(HookEvent $event) { $Process = $event->object; $Process->wire('breadcrumbs')->removeAll(); });
  13. Why not use $user->isLoggedin() for the new role in your template
  14. You only need to create a hidden page with blank template let say settings, then put all settings in that page: $page->rootParent()->child('template=settings, include=hidden'); or put it in _init.php: $mySettings = $page->rootParent()->child('template=settings, include=hidden');
  15. Dashboard Tasks MD COLLABS, MaxDev Collaboration & Sharing Tool is a simple management task module; a plugin runs on Processwire CMF Framework. Available here at https://github.com/sjahrazad/DashboardTasks This module allows you to track interactions in your team through your Email application; furthermore, you can collaborate and share your task instantly from the web site. This module modified from Kongondo Dashboard Notes at https://processwire.com/talk/topic/20980-dashboard-notes/ Install 1. Place the module files in /site/modules/DashboardTasks/ 2. In your admin, click Modules > Check for new modules 3. There are two modules, the main module is DashboardTasks, and the other one DashboardDocs is an optional module in case you want the users to attach files to their task. 4. Install DashboardDocs to use both modules, or install DashboardTasks only without the document attachment. User Roles There are three roles for this module, task-user (co-worker), task-owner (task creator) and task-manager. Demo Users The installer created five demo users, task-manager, task-owner and three task-coworkers. For the first time log-in user, before using the module, a task manager role required to configure the Global Settings. user name: task-manager, password: task-manager, email: task-manager@yourdomainname user name: task-owner password: task-owner, email: task-owner@yourdomainname user name: task-coworker1 password: task-coworker1, email: task-coworker1@yourdomainname user name: task-coworker2 password: task-coworker2, email: task-coworker2@yourdomainname user name: task-coworker3 password: task-coworker3, email: task-coworker3@yourdomainname Change those emails with your test emails. Task Types There are three types available for the new task creation. First, is the Notes type. Use this type if you want to share your notes or collaborate the ideas to your members. The second type is the core of this module, a Task Scheduler type with start date and due date of the task. If you click the Required Job Acceptance from your task settings, then this task type will become an enquiry or job offer task type. The third type is the Reports or Private Notes type. Use this type for your private record or might be you share it to the selected members in your team. Usage Scenario You can use this module for numerous tasks management purposes, from just a shared idea up to enquiry request type. Email or SMS is the primary interface for the user in this module. The user can decide either respond to that email request and log in to the system or just read it in their mailbox. If there is no action required from the recipient, then it is not compulsory to log in to the system as well. Responses to the submitted task also will be sent out to the task creator email as well. For example, your company use a Call Centre service to capture your customer's enquiries, where the messages will be sent out to your contractors or service providers. In this case, your role here is the Task Manager, the call centre agent's role become the Task Owner, someone who created the task and your contractors or service providers are the Task Users. Once a contractor received the request and accepted the enquiry's offer, this contractor assigned as the job provider for that task. The other scenario usage, for example, you're a property manager who will process your tenant request for fault enquiry to your tradesperson group. Or, a lecturer who wants to arrange a research group with some students.. the list goes on ... CSS CSS Grid doesn't work in some old browsers. You need to adjust the CSS under Less folder if you want to use this module for old browsers. <details> tag is not working in IE or Edge browser. SMS If you want the output sent to SMS and Email, you have to add your SMS Provider API to the ProcessDashboardTasks.module. And add your mobile users' array to the SaveTask and SaveTaskReply function.
  16. Thanks a lot to Kongondo and Szabesz for this module. I have a small project on a university website, where they required quite simple task management for their internal research team. They want all actions triggered through emails and SMS because it is not easy to expect the team always log in to their website. I did a quick development based on this module and will share and post it in a new thread.
  17. I'm not sure your questions, though. For dynamic documents such as tickets, enquiries etc, I always use this format for page name to make it easier: date("ymd-His")."-".$user->id."-"custom-name or updated version it will avoid a clash page names and easy to find them for future use.
  18. You have to activate first the AdminThemeUIkit from your module page
  19. For quick study how to structure your pages and menus, try first Blog Profile You don't have to locate each article under category page. From Blog Profile you can learn how to use Page Reference field for category purpose.
  20. you can use count if (!count($page->images)) { // upload images } else { // no upload }
  21. Create one footer file let say under includes folder => /templates/includes/footer.php Then for all of your templates use: include ("./includes/footer.php");
  22. I have launched my martial arts website at https://merpatiputih.com.au/ As a martial arts instructor, my problem was how to track student attendance, payment, course modules, and exercise /health progress report etc. and from my part, I need to publish the class event, schedules, location, and exercise modules for that event. For public viewers, I just simply use blog profile module and UIkit. It's very easy and quick to set-up. The purpose of this site is for a logged-in member where from their mobile they can check-in to the available class a day before, and update their health record after the class. For user front-end, I'm using <region> and delay output. I found this method is really efficient to manage the HTML output, clean and simple. Less headache with templates structure. Below are the functions and modules of this web apps: For Course sessions I'm using page reference, Profields Repeater Matrix and Schedule Pages Module. Profields Table to generate the student records and reports. Calendar for recurring class sessions through the year based on student ranks, selected by user Roles. I only need a simple calendar function (a quick search from the Internet) that able to receive a month and year input. Then, by using region, events field, Profields Repeater Matrix and URL segment it was reduced my time to code complicated function for the event schedule. The only thing here that I have to manage in date calculation is the time format, in Australia we use d-m-y. The tricky thing to get Next month (month + 1), I have to modify it to the first week to get a proper next month. To avoid inquiry about forgot password or username, student logs in via Facebook Login module. Here is the screenshot of student report:
  23. hmmm... down under we had 40c for two days it was really hot and dry
  24. If you want to learn PHP framework, you can see the list here, PHP Framework list . You can develop any web application type using PHP framework. However, you have to develop your user interface from scratch, even for the Administration part. Wordpress or Joomla, is a CMS application. Drupal started as CMS, but at some point, they changed the direction not just as CMS. PW is unique though. It is not purely PHP framework nor CMS apps. PW gives you the flexibility to some extent to develop non-CMS apps. In PW you get the Admin page as a starting point. From there it is up to you wants to build Website or another type web apps. But you can't change the existing Admin page model.
  25. In reality, the unified and structured content can be implemented in the corporate world, not really in the opensource community. In opensource community anyone only able to devote a few hours of their times, but it's already a valuable knowledge for someone else. Internet technology taught us to change our mindset from structured to unstructured content. From centralised to distributed information. The search engine and bookmark technology help us to manage the unstructured content on our part.
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