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Everything posted by monchu

  1. at the end, it will become a Word Editor
  2. In addition to Ottogal, the structure of PW in the admin area is not all about web page content. It is a container of functions based on template fields. For i.e. you can create a page of cities where all children pages are the city name. Then use it in your drop-down selection field.
  3. Yes, that's what I'm doing. I use url segment with a long name in it. However, I just not comfortable with this solution.
  4. Hi Steffen, is it doable for cronjob shell command? I mean if I have a pw site which is totally un-public, only for logged-in users.
  5. IMHO the topic that pw is secure than other CMS is not a good strategy to promote pw itself. Drupal is one of the oldest CMS, and there are a lot of hackers around the world eager to test it. WP as well. PW is quite new in cms world and not popular yet. So if until today PW is not listed in Secunia, it doesn't mean that pw tough enough from hackers. Maybe yes maybe not ...
  6. I did the upgrade, everything is fine. I think there are some corrupt files during the FTP upload.
  7. If you're looking for error don't change or remove any installed module. Activate $config->debug = true; in config.php to see the errors if any, and study the logs from Log tab, from the date that the users found that error, and check what is the latest date for new module/s if any at least from there hopefully you have the starting point to trace the problem
  8. You can sort them from your home template, under Family tab
  9. Because you're using option A. Try other option (B,C) which is not using iframe
  10. pw give us the flexibility to customise the admin part. for backend part to avoid the admin's user confused about the 'Pages' concept, I just simply rename the Pages label into Dashboard.
  11. I used to work on localhost, but now since the Internet connection is much more reliable and fast, I do all development in web server directly. Localhost only for a backup purpose. There are a lot of advantages doing that way; I can work from anywhere and at least make sure that the server configuration meets the client's server configuration.
  12. wow you should take a break ... glad to hear you're ok, watch on tv Irma was really bad
  13. try to add "template=blog-entry, include=all" to see all pages
  14. I suggest not to touch the admin template. You can create a new role with permissions that you would like to provide for some users. Edit the template that you want to assign the new role, click the Access tab. Click Yes, under 'do you want to manage view and edit access for pages using this template?'. You also can do the same in field level, by editing each field that you want to apply for that new role. However, doing this way remember to put it in your documentation otherwise it will become a little bit complicated for maintenance in the future.
  15. I'm not too sure it is doable or not, just an idea, you can read about multi sites here: https://processwire.com/api/modules/multi-site-support/
  16. yes it is doable however, you don't have to create a file anytime you create a new template in admin. you create a template file if you want to 'view' the page using that template
  17. You don't have to edit .htaccess file, just edit your config.php at $config->https = true;
  18. Try to clean compiled files and refresh first if still got the error try to uninstall any 3rd party modules
  19. I still prefer the Page Reference because the flexibility to get more values from the page itself
  20. On each process page I usually added an option field for i.e named it as 'toggles' to restrict user's view access. So in wire('pages')->find('template=your_template, toggles=your_user_roles'), you can restrict the user's access. At the moment I'm developing the process for thousands of property addresses and contractors, the queries are quite fast. It always relies on how you design the process itself. In term of security, at least until today pw doesn't have any security issue. As long as you're sure to manage your front-end script carefully I think pw core is really good in the security part.
  21. I'm using pw for a web app as well. I'm not PHP expert just a self-taught programmer learn from copy and paste What I did wrong for the first dev with pw I was not using pencil and paper to design the process first ... So just for sharing to your question: Page in PW is not just a content; I use PW front-end as a database form to process certain action. Each process will refer to the user's role Create the template to accommodate that process and setup user's access right for each template. No need to create a file template if it's not a content template. Finally, configure the access right on the field level. But be careful here, to write down in detail in your documentation, or just use hook for that purpose.
  22. I'm not sure LostKobrakai, in my case, once I deleted that line then I'm able to add a field. the error gone.
  23. If you're using site-regular during pw installation, you have to remove this $config->dbEngine = 'InnoDB'; from config.php
  24. You can just add a 'None' option as a selection for user to tick nothing and manipulate it in your code
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