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Everything posted by monchu

  1. You don't have to hide it. In your Google Console Panel just add the domain name URL with wild card or only certain url addresses for that API.
  2. Hi, to upgrade or downgrade what I always do is to rename the existing wire folder then copy a new wire folder. In general thats the only thing you need to do for pw upgrade. Once you're happy with the upgrade then you can remove the old wire folder. You only have to replace .htaccess and index.php if you upgrade from pw 2.xx to 3.xx
  3. I also found the same problem for adding FieldtypeOptions through API. Below are the codes that I'm using which is work well for other field types. From the json export the FieldtypeOptions array value is in this line "export_options": {"default": "1=on|On\n2=off|Off\n3=indexon|Index On\n4=indexoff|Index Off"} public function extraFields() { $fields = array( 'invoice_stat' => array('id'=>'112', 'type'=>'FieldtypeOptions', 'flags'=>'0', 'name'=>'invoice_stat', 'label'=>'Status', 'description'=>'', 'derefAsPage'=>'1', 'collapsed'=>'0', 'columnWidth'=>'', 'parent_id'=>'', 'template_id'=>'', 'findPagesSelector'=>'', 'labelFieldName'=>'.', 'inputfieldClass'=>'InputfieldSelect', 'usePageEdit'=>'0', 'labelFieldFormat'=>'{pg_alias}', 'tags'=>'', 'allowUnpub'=>'', 'showIf'=>'', 'required'=>'', 'requiredIf'=>'', 'findPagesCode'=>'', 'defaultValue'=>'1=on|On\n2=off|Off\n3=indexon|Index On\n4=indexoff|Index Off', 'addable'=>''), ); foreach ($fields as $field) { $f = new Field(); $f->type = $this->modules->get($field['type']); //$f->id = $field['id']; $f->name = $field['name']; $f->label = $field['label']; if (isset($field['inputfieldClass'])) $f->inputfieldClass = $field['inputfieldClass']; if (isset($field['inputfield'])) $f->inputfield = $field['inputfield']; if (isset($field['export_options'])) $f->export_options = $field['export_options']; if (isset($field['flags'])) $f->flags = $field['flags']; if (isset($field['description'])) $f->description = $field['description']; if (isset($field['notes'])) $f->notes = $field['notes']; if (isset($field['derefAsPage'])) $f->derefAsPage = $field['derefAsPage']; if (isset($field['collapsed'])) $f->collapsed = $field['collapsed']; if (isset($field['parent_id'])) $f->parent_id = $field['parent_id']; if (isset($field['labelFieldName'])) $f->labelFieldName = $field['labelFieldName']; if (isset($field['tags'])) $f->tags = $field['tags']; if (isset($field['allowUnpub'])) $f->allowUnpub = $field['allowUnpub']; if (isset($field['showIf'])) $f->showIf = $field['showIf']; if (isset($field['columnWidth'])) $f->columnWidth = $field['columnWidth']; if (isset($field['required'])) $f->required = $field['required']; if (isset($field['requiredIf'])) $f->requiredIf = $field['requiredIf']; if (isset($field['template_id'])) $f->template_id = $field['template_id']; if (isset($field['findPagesSelector'])) $f->findPagesSelector = $field['findPagesSelector']; if (isset($field['findPagesCode'])) $f->findPagesCode = $field['findPagesCode']; if (isset($field['labelFieldFormat'])) $f->labelFieldFormat = $field['labelFieldFormat']; if (isset($field['defaultValue'])) $f->defaultValue = $field['defaultValue']; if (isset($field['addable'])) $f->addable = $field['addable']; $f->save(); } }
  4. if you have a backup you can get the error file from this folder /site/assets/logs/errors.txt
  5. Hi pmarki, can I use this module for pw 3.xx version?
  6. As a sample, if you open _main.php under the processwire installation => site-default folder, you can add google adsense scripts before </head> tag or at the end of that file before the closing body tag - </body>
  7. On the admin Module menu there are no Sites/Core/Configure/Refresh menu. To upgrade, I always rename first the existing wire folder then upload manually the new wire folder. While upgraded from 3.0.17 to 3.0.30 there are no errors at all.
  8. Hi All, I have upgraded from 3.0.30 to the latest one 3.0.32 then found error in the admin page. The module link is not working. Error: Class 'ProcessWire\ProcessModule' not found (line 493 of /usr/share/nginx/html/pw3/wire/core/Modules.php) I tried to remove /site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site, it doesn't work. Is it a compiler issue or something wrong with my templates name spaces? I tested in apache server, it is working. I'm not sure yet but it might be the problem in .htaccess changes? Thanks
  9. Hi Robin, you are right. I created a new lister as 'Lister' than the errors gone. Thanks for the help.
  10. I open the response tab which is: /pmc-cms/page/lister/?session_bookmark=template_jrn-messages_pages&modal=inline&minimal=1# Then check to the network console, I got one error the page not found ../wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeReno/styles/blue.css.map However that file does not exist under that folder
  11. Hi All, While editing a template (any template) then if I click the Usage section, there is an error notification Unrecognized path and the process returned no content. If someone can help give me a clue how to fix this error. I'm not sure what is the cause of this error. Thanks
  12. Thanks AndZyk ... this is what I'm looking for my frontend
  13. monchu

    DigitalOcean VPS

    Thanks all for the feedback. I'm using their singapore location and the ftp speed from melbourne is faster compare to my web hosting server in US. @Sergio, for the laravel service is it once-off fee for setup the server or I have to pay them on monthly fee bases?
  14. monchu

    DigitalOcean VPS

    Hi, I'm testing digitalocean vps for pw development and plan to use it for live production. So far the server perfomance is good and their pricing is reasonable as well. I would like to know any feedback for their services from members here who are experienced using this server? Thanks
  15. Hi all, While editing a page as an admin and save it, sometimes it is not allowed with a warning "you don't have permission to view this page" page. Does anyone have similar problems? The field is a multiplier type. My temp solution is to delete that row then type in a new row
  16. Hi All, From API form I'm sending messages to a tradespersons group offering them a job via email. Each tradesperson has its own user name and password. Once a tradesperson receive the email, I would like them to be able to click a link with form url to fill for job acceptance and fill other fields as well. Is it possible to use $session->forceLogin($user) method for this purpose? Or is there any method that I can use in my message body? Not all tradesperson familiar to login and fill in password, so if just click the link from email and straightforward filling a form will be much easier for them Thank you
  17. I had similar problem with error page is not valid. In my case, the caused was the selected parent. I delete the field and create a new one, then just select Template of selectable page or custom php, without select the parent part.
  18. Please ignore my questions above, just a miss typo problem
  19. This is weird, I changed the button id then the error result again while do the search {"errors":["Field 'submit310' is not allowed in queries","No valid fields to query"]} ...
  20. Hi All, If I activate the debug mode then the web service search failed. The error is "field submit1 is not allowed ... If I turn off debug mode, then it back to normal again. Is it something wrong in my part or an error since I upgraded the core to 2.6? Thank you ...
  21. Thanks Adrian, I'll contact Ryan then. The link doesn't work, I was not too sure he might sent me email about the access.
  22. Hi Ryan, I'm installing a pw last version and ProcessWireBootstrap3, new installation. I have a Form Builder purchased and added this module then got this error: Recoverable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to FormBuilderMain::__construct() must be an instance of mysqli, instance of DatabaseMysqli given, called in /home/mpa3058/public_html/site/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilder.module on line 67 and defined (line 127 of /home/mpa3058/public_html/site/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilderMain.php) Browse to the installation note I found that I need to have a new version Form Builder. Please advice, how do I get the newer version and should I purchase it again and get a new license? Regards, Monchu
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