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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2020 in all areas

  1. Hi all, Apologies for the very loud silence! I hope to elaborate more on this a bit later. However, rather than keep people guessing, I'll write something short. I have been working my fingers to the bone to release a beta by spring 2020. I suppose it hasn't gone unnoticed that I rarely post in the forums at large these days. This is because I am dedicating nearly all my time to Padloper. The plan was to start early beta testing in mid-April 2020. This was largely on track. Like many of us, maybe most of us in the forums, we have all been affected in one way or another by the current situation in the world. This has thrown a monkey wrench in the works. I have had to readjust how I work, albeit my productivity taking a hit. I wish I could properly 'guesstimate' how much delay this is going to cause but it will just be futile. On the other hand, I appreciate that you have been waiting for a relatively long time for this release. I want to reassure you that I am not just kicking the can down the road. Maybe I should have been showing you more screenshots of progress but currently, that would just eat further into my limited time. Thanks for reading, and hopefully, your patience. Cheers.
    10 points
  2. As far as I know you don't have to use IIS, you can install apache, like XAMPP. But I can confirm PW will work on IIS as I'm on the same infrastructure as you are. I have a bit updated version of web.config here on my local test environment, but even web.config from 2016 should work. But you will need IIS rewrite module for sure. Let me know if I can assist further (like remote access via RDP or TW or anything).
    5 points
  3. Sorry for the double post, but could you guys please add your support to my explanation of this PR on github? https://github.com/processwire/processwire/pull/169#issuecomment-604474639 Especially @Gadgetto @Robin S @adrian @wbmnfktr @horst @teppo @kongondo Thank you!
    2 points
  4. --- Module Directory: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/privacy-wire/ Github: https://github.com/blaueQuelle/privacywire/ Packagist:https://packagist.org/packages/blauequelle/privacywire Module Class Name: PrivacyWire Changelog: https://github.com/blaueQuelle/privacywire/blob/master/Changelog.md --- This module is (yet another) way for implementing a cookie management solution. Of course there are several other possibilities: - https://processwire.com/talk/topic/22920-klaro-cookie-consent-manager/ - https://github.com/webmanufaktur/CookieManagementBanner - https://github.com/johannesdachsel/cookiemonster - https://www.oiljs.org/ - ... and so on ... In this module you can configure which kind of cookie categories you want to manage: You can also enable the support for respecting the Do-Not-Track (DNT) header to don't annoy users, who already decided for all their browsing experience. Currently there are four possible cookie groups: - Necessary (always enabled) - Functional - Statistics - Marketing - External Media All groups can be renamed, so feel free to use other cookie group names. I just haven't found a way to implement a "repeater like" field as configurable module field ... When you want to load specific scripts ( like Google Analytics, Google Maps, ...) only after the user's content to this specific category of cookies, just use the following script syntax: <script type="text/plain" data-type="text/javascript" data-category="statistics" data-src="/path/to/your/statistic/script.js"></script> <script type="text/plain" data-type="text/javascript" data-category="marketing" data-src="/path/to/your/mareketing/script.js"></script> <script type="text/plain" data-type="text/javascript" data-category="external_media" data-src="/path/to/your/external-media/script.js"></script> <script type="text/plain" data-type="text/javascript" data-category="marketing">console.log("Inline scripts are also working!");</script> The data-attributes (data-type and data-category) are required to get recognized by PrivacyWire. the data-attributes are giving hints, how the script shall be loaded, if the data-category is within the cookie consents of the user. These scripts are loaded asynchronously after the user made the decision. If you want to give the users the possibility to change their consent, you can use the following Textformatter: [[privacywire-choose-cookies]] It's planned to add also other Textformatters to opt-out of specific cookie groups or delete the whole consent cookie. You can also add a custom link to output the banner again with a link / button with following class: <a href="#" class="privacywire-show-options">Show Cookie Options</a> <button class="privacywire-show-options">Show Cookie Options</button> I would love to hear your feedback ? CHANGELOG You can find the always up-to-date changelog file here.
    1 point
  5. Apologies for the delayed reply. Was working on a deadline when I raised this issue and completely forgot to leave an update. It suddenly began to work and I'm not quite sure why but I suspect that it was a caching thing, or maybe as you suggested regarding only updating new entries. It's filtered through all the links using this now that were previously not updating so I'm happy either way ? Thanks for all your help here @adrian.
    1 point
  6. I can see why it's awkward for your use case, but the getMarkup() and getText() methods are working as per their documentation as I understand it. The argument can be one of two things: "field name" or "markup string with field {name} tags in it". The method has to distinguish between those two possibilities and it does that by looking for the presence of "{" and "}" - if those characters are not found it treats the string as a field name. Basically you're requesting a new feature which is a third possible argument to these methods, namely a string that isn't a field name and doesn't have {name} tags in it. I'm sure Ryan would consider that if you raise it in the requests repo, but given how many existing requests there are you'll probably want to come up with a workaround in the meantime. You could do this... echo $page->getMarkup($modules->get('MyModule')->MyTextFormatSetting) ?: $modules->get('MyModule')->MyTextFormatSetting; echo $page->getText($modules->get('MyModule')->MyTextFormatSetting) ?: $modules->get('MyModule')->MyTextFormatSetting; ...or in the case of getMarkup() the method is hookable so you could do this... $wire->addHookAfter("Page::getMarkup", function(HookEvent $event) { $key = $event->arguments(0); if(!$event->return) $event->return = $key; });
    1 point
  7. Hello, Welcome to the forum! 404 for the admin can be caused by various issues. You can start by reading https://processwire.com/docs/start/install/troubleshooting and you can also use google to target this forum, something like: https://www.google.hu/search?q=404+admin+site%3Aprocesswire.com%2Ftalk There are just too many possible causes but if you skim through the similar topics, then you will find pointers on how to proceed, debug and what to look for.
    1 point
  8. We had the need, that the URL of some pages should only be some kind of ID. I know that there are Modules like https://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-redirect-ids/, but since we have a kind of ProCache based Static Page Generator this modules doesn't work for us. So we created this module, which hides the name filed on pages with specific templates and which replaces the $page->name with the $page->id. https://github.com/blue-tomato/PageUseIdAsName
    1 point
  9. Sorry all, I haven't yet found time to act on this. I need time to investigate it properly.
    1 point
  10. See the two posts above yours ?. Currently, this is not possible if using the render() method but I have added it to my todo list.
    1 point
  11. Thanks for your feedback! I'll look into bug about the privacy URL in different languages later today. For embedding videos I'll also write an example and update the main post later with this.
    1 point
  12. It could be frustrating and weird, as almost anything on the world... As I said, Apache can be installed if one is familiar with it
    1 point
  13. Better late than never... I've just created a fix for the annoying inputfield bug ? https://github.com/processwire/processwire/pull/169
    1 point
  14. Hey there, hope you are all well! I would like to introduce Nova from Panic.inc, a new IDE and code editor for web developers. The application is developed natively for macOS and is the successor of Coda 2 (if you know it). I'm sitting here in my home office (because of Corona) and yesterday I got the invitation for the beta. Now I have been testing Nova for about 1 day. The application is incredibly fast! I haven't used anything comparable so far (including VSCode). The user interface is very clean and skinnable. Here is a small excerpt of the already integrated features (which of course can be extended by plugins): - Project management - Integrated Remote Publishing - Integrated Git Handling (Push, Pull, Commit, etc...) - Integrated Code Completion (PHP, JavaScript, ...) - Full featured integrated remote file browser for all thinkable protocols - Integrated web preview - Integrated console (local and remote) - Tasks (this seems to be huge! I'm telling you more when I figured out what this can do) - etc... This will definitely be my IDE for the next years! Nova is currently in closed beta. No new tester are accepted. But should be in open beta in the next few weeks! Have a nice week and stay healthy! Greetings, Martin
    1 point
  15. Hello everyone, i managed to implement your module and integrade GTM with it like in the examples you've posted from your websites. Thank you for that! Two things i would like to ask: It seems like that the Imprint and Privacy Policy URLs are ignoring the different languages. It doesn't matter if i use the full https-url or just /de/impressum/ | /en/imprint/ etc., it will always link me to the default language. Am i doing something wrong or is this a minor bug? Could you give an example how to handle external media like embedded YouTube-Videos or GoogleMaps? Unfortunately my skills and knowledge are not good enough to manage it on my own. Thanks in advance and stay safe.
    1 point
  16. Hi @kongondo just very curious as a padloper customer. Would it be possible for you to communicate a tiny bit more about what is happening maybe when to expect the fruit of all your hard work just so we know when to budget our sending you money for the upgrade to the next version thanks!
    1 point
  17. I need to build two online stores in the near future. @kongondo, I was wondering if you could share any updates on the progress. Or is it still too early for any kind of announcement? ?
    1 point
  18. Update - Version 0.0.6 Minor CSS-Debugging (hiding the choose button when no cookie group is selected) Added ProCache support for the script tag, when ProCache is installed
    1 point
  19. Hi there, I'm with @Neeraz - it would be great to have the possibility to also add a class to the link element (for what reason ever). Maybe @kongondo it is not a big deal for you to add that functionality to the module? That would be great ?. Have a nice Friday ?
    1 point
  20. Right now only the default values can be overwritten via language translation files. But good hint - I'll add multi-language support for the config fields as well.
    1 point
  21. i know this but i have no permission to modify customer css file so had to do this, i suggest you to add the same option in future update so it will be more flexible ?
    1 point
  22. for the most part, the hidden field option i think is best, but does take some logic and page saving; If you do want to have them be virtual, then you can do a hook wire()->addHookProperty('Page(template=product)::rating', function($event) { $product = $event->object; $event->return = $product->points / $product->votes; }); but you will be limited to in-memory selection, since the property is not in the database
    1 point
  23. I think it is still the case that you have to explicitly activate all languages when working with the api. More info and code in this thread. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4383-how-to-set-language-active-via-api/ Like apeisa's last question suggests, it might make more sense if all langs would be enabled by default. Dunno if anything has been done about it, via a Github request or the like.
    1 point
  24. Just hitted this myself. Should all languages be active from API by default? That would be in line with how it functions in admin.
    1 point
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